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Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1)

Page 6

by Ward,Alice

  We followed her inside to find a long table filled with guests who obviously arrived on time. The room was dimly lit, and we were ushered quickly to four open seats. As soon as we sat down servers wearing white tux shirts and black pants entered the room, five at a time and in three groups. They moved quickly to each guest, placing a blindfold over their eyes.

  “What the hell have you gotten us into, Ace?” I asked as a cute blonde covered my eyes with the black cloth.

  “Blind dining,” he said with a laugh.

  A woman’s voice sounded in the room. She told us the blindfolds must remain over our eyes at all times. We would each have a server to help us with our silverware and even help feed us if needed. I imagined this is what life in a nursing home would be like, unable to see, having help with your utensils, and probably dribbling food on your chin. When we were wrapped with large bibs, I was thankful no one else could see me like this.

  “There will be eight courses,” she announced. “Each a unique experience that I hope you all will love.”

  Whitney sounded excited about the experience, but Holly was obviously bummed that the two hours she spent getting ready and pushing her boobs to her chin was going to be wasted in the dark.

  The first course arrived, and the blonde woman who had blindfolded me whispered in my ear as she handed me my fork. “I’ll guide you.” Her voice was soft and sweet, and her hand delicate as she led me to the plate and then to my mouth. Lemon seabass landed on my tongue, and I was delighted it hadn’t been something gross. I wasn’t a picky eater, but there were a few things on my don’t eat list, like mushrooms, dill pickles, and radishes.

  By the sixth course, I had lightened up, realizing everything offered up was tasty and enjoyable. I felt a hand on my leg and then on my crotch. The hard denim of my jeans pushed against my cock creating enough friction to bring it alive. I leaned towards Whitney and whispered, “You already looking for dessert?” She giggled, and her hand rubbed my arm.

  I froze.

  My fork was in my left hand, and I knew Whitney’s was most likely in her right, so when her left hand stroked my arm, alarm set in. Someone was rubbing my cock, but it wasn’t my girlfriend.

  I squirmed in my seat as I tried to remember who I’d been seated beside. A woman, that much I knew for sure, but I hadn’t had the time to really notice any details about her appearance. My zipper was tugged, and two fingers slid into the opening. I reached down, pushed the hand away and quickly re-zipped my pants before the last course arrived.

  When the blindfolds were removed, I immediately looked to my left to put a face to the hand. It was a cute little brunette with big green eyes and a mischievous smile. My entire head felt hot as we made eye contact. I quickly moved my gaze to Whitney, grasped her hand, and leaned over to kiss her cheek. “Did you enjoy that?” I asked, maybe a little too quickly because she gave me an are you okay look.

  “Yes, it was incredible,” she replied, still eying me.

  Ace was wiping a piece of food from Holly’s face with his napkin; her hand was on his leg. They appeared to have become very close during what I thought a very impersonal dinner. Maybe she’d made it more intimate like the little brunette sitting next to me tried to do.

  “Okay, now for some fun,” Ace announced, scooting his chair away from the table. He pulled Holly’s chair out for her and took her hand as she stood. I followed suit, not to be shown up by the biggest player in New York and helped Whitney from her seat.

  Ace had a personal driver waiting in a black limo outside the restaurant. “Wow, you travel in style,” I noted as I motioned for Whitney and then Holly to climb inside. I slid in next to Whitney, and Ace took the spot by Holly. His hand immediately found its way to her leg, high above her knee and dangerously close to pushing under the hem of her dress. Whitney leaned her head on my shoulder and kissed me softly on the neck. I loved the way the simplest touch from her could send tingles through my entire body. I hated that those same tingles were felt by the brunette under the table at dinner and wondered if I should confess to what happened.

  No, not a good idea, Calvin, leave it be. I only felt that way because I thought it was Whitney, that’s all.

  We pulled up in front of a nightclub that had a line six blocks long. “This place looks packed,” I said as I stared out the window.

  “Always room for the Beasts,” Ace said, that shit eating grin in place.

  The driver opened the door and escorted Whitney and Holly from their seats. Ace slid out of his seat, and by the time I had my feet on the concrete, he was already at the front of the line talking to the doorman. His smile let us know we were in, and when he turned around, a few people in the front of the line called out his name, but he ignored them.

  Then someone called out another name. Mine.

  “Calvin Malone, you rock!”

  I was in shock. We were a new team. We hadn’t even played a game yet, but news about the new team pitcher traveled fast, I assumed. It was impossible to tell who yelled out the compliment, so I simply smiled and waved in the direction of the crowd before following Ace and the ladies into the club.

  Not only were we inside without a wait, we were escorted to a VIP section near the dance floor. “I’ve heard some great things about you,” the tall red-headed waitress whispered in my ear as she motioned us to our booth.

  “Thanks,” I said, feeling a little flushed with embarrassment. I wasn’t used to the type of attention Ace had grown accustomed to, at least not yet. He was already signing autographs for fans as they swarmed our table, mostly women in short dresses and large fake breasts pushed high on their chests. A couple of them trickled over to me.

  “You’re a new pitcher, right?” a cute little blonde asked.

  “Yes, I am,” I agreed and then signed my name on the napkin she handed me.

  “I don’t have anything for you to write on,” a dark-eyed brunette said playfully, “except me.” She pushed her chest towards my hand. Whitney had a grip on my leg, and I knew she wasn’t pleased with the girls, but they were fans, we were a new team, and Rhett had told us to mingle and keep people happy. I pressed my marker against her flawless flesh and scribble my autograph quickly before handing her back the pen. She batted her eyes, bit her bottom lip and winked before walking away.

  “Wow,” Whitney gasped. “It’s like I don’t even exist to these women.” I knew she wanted to use another word, maybe whores or sluts, but she was too nice for that.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” I whispered in her ear.

  “It’s okay, I know you have to do your duty,” she hissed. “It would just be nice to spend some time with my man without other women butting in.” I knew she was still sore about last night, so I slid my hand high on her thigh and squeezed, claiming her as mine. My lips pressed against her neck and my teeth grazed her skin as she giggled. I always knew how to calm her down.

  “I need to go to the ladies’ room,” Holly announced and stared directly at Whitney, giving her some secret female look. She nodded and pushed for me to let her out of the booth. Women traveling in pairs to the bathroom seemed unnecessary to me, but by now, I was over needing an explanation. I kissed Whitney softly on the cheek and patted her ass playfully as she walked away.

  Ace slid over to me. “That Holly chick is one hot kitty.” His voice was thick and sticky, clinging to my ears whether I wanted it to or not. “Sure that’ll be an easy home run.”

  “Ace, I told you not to fuck with her,” I warned.

  “Oh, I have no intention of fucking with her.” He snorted. “She was a wild cat at dinner,” he whispered loudly. “Her hands were everywhere, and her legs open, inviting mine to play.” None of this I wanted to hear, none of it.

  I decided to change the subject from Holly to the little brunette that got grabby under the table. He let out a yelp and gripped me tightly around the neck, pulling me to him. “That’s the kind of shit you’re missing out on, kid, as long as Whitney is around,” he said.

I knew there was no way to convince Ace that having Whitney around was better than exploring new pussy every night. I loved the stability of our relationship, and meaningless sex really didn’t appeal to me. Not that I knew much about meaningless sex. I’d been with Whitney for forever.

  A tall brunette with bright blue eyes, large breasts, and a wide puckered mouth arrived at our table with a tray of drinks. Two fruity concoctions complete with cutesy umbrellas for the girls, two bottles of beers and four shots of Patrón for us.

  “I don’t know if doing shots is a good idea,” I said. “Whitney wasn’t too happy with me last time.”

  “Well, then I suggest you do ‘em quickly,” he said as he pushed two of the glasses in my direction. “I see them coming now.”

  I lifted the first glass and clinked it against Ace’s. “To the best season ever!” he shouted and, we both guzzled down the liquor. He quickly picked up the second glass and motioned for me to do the same.

  I saw Whitney in the crowd, getting closer to our table, and knew if I was going to do it, it was now or never. I lifted my glass, and we clinked again. This time, he yelled out, “To never having an empty bed at night, and always an empty one in the morning!”

  I guzzled down the liquor, even though his toast was not one I agreed with. Waking up with Whitney by my side each morning was something I looked forward to.

  Women flocked the table, squeezing into the booth as the girls arrived back. Whitney looked like she might explode if I didn’t act quickly. I slid out of the booth and gripped her by the waist. My lips pressed against hers, tense at first, but then they relaxed and parted so my tongue could explore her mouth.

  “You taste like tequila,” she commented as I pulled loose from the kiss.

  “You wanna get out of here?” I asked. Her eyes lit up and that beautiful smile I’d been missing returned.

  She bit her bottom lip. “What about Holly?”

  I blew out a breath. See, this is why you shouldn’t have called her, is what I wanted to say. Instead, I said, “We’ll stay for one drink, then she can decide what she wants to do.”

  Ace had a brunette on his lap. Her breasts were almost falling out of her small top, and her short skirt was so revealing I could almost guarantee her pussy was shaved. Holly was trying to hide the fact that she was pissed as she stood there, waiting for the girls still sitting in our booth to leave. Whitney leaned over the table and whispered something to a blonde. She spoke to her friend next to her, and the women scurried out with their tails tucked between their legs like little wounded puppies.

  I had no idea Whitney had a tough side. I liked it… a lot!

  I watched as Ace continued to flirt with several of the women surrounding him, and his fingers came dangerously close to the shaved pussy of the one on his lap. Holly leaned in and whispered something in his ear. He smiled, stared at her for a moment before gently pushing the little brunette to her feet, then said something to disassemble the herd of women that were in our private section. Okay, so Holly obviously had some game too, good for her!

  Whitney sipped on her drink while my hand played with her leg under the table. Her skin was so soft, so inviting that all I wanted to do was take her home and sink into it. “Are you ready?” I asked, my hand gliding farther up her thigh. She leaned towards Holly, whispered something in her ear that I couldn’t hear and then turned back towards me.

  “She isn’t ready to go.”

  I lifted a shoulder. “She’s a big girl. She can stay.”

  “I’ll take good care of her,” Ace said, leaning over to interject into our conversation. Holly squeezed his arm and nibbled on his neck. The irritation in Whitney’s eyes bordered on toxic.

  “One more drink,” she offered, and I nearly groaned out loud.

  Ace held his hand in the air and snapped his fingers at the waitress. She nodded and scurried to the bar where she loaded her tray with another round of drinks.

  “I don’t want a shot,” Whitney spouted as the waitress placed the four glasses down onto the table. She placed another fruity drink in front of the ladies, then set two beers in front of me and Ace. The asshole smirked at me, leaving me to explain that the four shots were ours, not the girls. Great!

  Ace slid two shots in my direction. I pushed them back. “No way man, I’ve had enough,” I said, mostly because of the look I was receiving from Whitney.

  “I’ll take one.” Holly smiled, and I slid one of mine towards her. She looked at Whitney, giving her a glance as if they were speaking telepathically. It was evident by her head shake and pursed lips she wasn’t interested in the shot.

  “Don’t be a little bitch,” Ace teased.

  I didn’t make eye contact with Whit. Instead, I just gripped the shot glass in my hand and held it towards Holly’s and Ace’s for the toast.

  “To great friendships, may they last forever,” Ace said loudly, and we slung the liquor down our throats.

  He quickly grabbed the fourth one and sucked it down. I noticed his attention being diverted from Holly and towards the cute little brunette that had been on his lap earlier. “I’ll be right back, have to hit the head,” he stated and quickly moved towards the men’s room where the little brunette followed.

  Whitney tried to reason with Holly while Ace was gone. “You need to just come home with us; you can see him again,” she insisted. “If you go home with him tonight, you’re nothing more than a one-night stand.”

  Her words were useless. Holly was adamant about her plans to spend the night with Ace. “I’ll be fine.”

  “What if he leaves you and takes off with one of those whores he was fawning all over earlier?” Whitney argued.

  She made a good point, because I was almost certain the little brunette was getting a ride on the Ace Newman train right about now, probably pushed up against a dirty stall wall, moaning as some random guy took a shit, forced to listen beside them.

  “He won’t leave me, trust me,” Holly said with confidence.

  Twenty-five minutes later, Ace finally came back. His face was flushed, and sweat beaded up on his forehead. It was obvious what he had just done, but just in case it wasn’t, he leaned into me as the girls chatted.

  “I tore that little piece up,” he boasted. “She got personally introduced to the beast.” His eyes lingered towards the little brunette, who blew a kiss in his direction.

  “Thanks for dinner, and for a great night, but we are heading out.” Whitney jabbed me in the ribs, interrupting his little boasting session. “Are you sure you aren’t coming with us?” she asked Holly in a stern motherly voice.

  “I’ll be fine, I promise,” she beamed.

  I hated leaving her with him now. Especially knowing he’d just banged some random chick in the men’s room. I could have told Whitney so she could keep her from making a big mistake, but man code wouldn’t allow it. Besides, Holly was a big girl. This wasn’t her first rodeo and she absolutely knew the pile of shit she was about to step in to. And she really, really looked like she wanted to step in to it.

  “If you need us, call,” I said and scooted out of the booth.

  Ace stood and pulled me into an awkward man hug. He whispered in my ear, “Next time, don’t bring along the boss, and we’ll have some real fun.”




  Whitney whined about Holly all the way home, totally ignoring my advances. My mouth was on her neck, nibbling at her skin, my hand sliding farther and farther up her thigh as she groaned, “He’s going to break her heart.”

  “Maybe, but she’s a big girl,” I said, continuing to work my fingers towards her silk panties. Her legs clenched together, her body stiffened, and it became apparent that fucking around in the back of the cab wasn’t on the menu.

  “Look, Ace is a player, but you never know, maybe he’ll like Holly,” I stated as convincingly as possible.

  “You really think so?” Her big green eyes looked so beautiful I could just dive right in
to them.

  “Yes, it’s always a possibility,” I lied.

  The cab pulled up in front of our apartment, and after quickly handing him enough cash to cover the fare and a tip, I slid out of the backseat and held out my hand for Whitney. Her perfume was driving me wild, and all I could think about was stripping her out of that dress and making love to her. My hands gripped her waist as I guided her inside. Up each step, my eyes lingered on her ass cheeks, so perfectly round and tight. I wanted to lean forward and take a bite. By the third flight, I couldn’t resist any longer, so I leaned forward and bit down gently, causing her to squeal.

  She picked up her pace, her heels clicking on the bare steps as she raced to get away from my teeth. She giggled when I caught her at the door, my body pressing into her hard so she could feel my erection while I worked the key into the lock. Once the door was open, she ran again, laughing as she headed towards the bedroom. I took my time, knowing she was finally in the mood and wanting to tease her a bit before catching her.

  “You know you can’t hide from me,” I called down the hallway. Giggles echoed through the apartment in return.

  I opened the fridge and took out a beer, twisted the cap and then sipped the cold liquid while I let her squirm a bit longer. Arms wrapped around me and quickly moved south to the hardened rock in my pants. Her fingers worked my button and then my zipper as I finished my drink. Before I took my last sip, my cock was in her hand, and she was stroking it gently as she let out another one of her involuntary soft sighs.

  Her lips were still perfectly painted, full and sensual as they puckered towards mine for a kiss. My tongue wasted no time coaxing apart those pink lips and finding its way inside her sweet mouth. She tasted like the strawberry drinks she had ordered and smelled of vanilla.

  This is what I call dessert.

  Her lips pulled away from mine, and her body lowered until her mouth met the tip of my cock. She squeezed my balls gently in her palm, rolling them as she licked up my length.

  Sweet Jesus, I could come in her mouth right now!


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