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Rookie Mistake: A Sports Romance Novel (The Beasts of Baseball Book 1)

Page 34

by Ward,Alice

  “No. I’m fine. Really. I just wanted to call to make sure you agreed with my assessment on the restraining order. I didn’t want to overreact.”

  “You’re not overreacting at all. I’m honestly just in shock right now. This is great for the case, but damn… what was the girl thinking? You didn’t offer her friendship or a soft place to land if she needed it, right?”

  I snorted and stood up, walking around the apartment to make sure all of the windows and doors were locked.

  “No. I would never do that. I’m not offering Zek a friendship other than what we already have from our past either.” I pulled the drapes down in front of the windows and walked to my bedroom on legs that refused to do more than shuffle along.

  “Are things okay between the two of you? I know you’ve just really decided to take all of this on, but if you—”

  “We’re good. Thank you for asking.” A yawn escaped me. “I’m sorry. I must be more tired than I thought. I’m going to head to bed. I’ll be in a little late in the morning. I have a dentist appointment.”

  “No problem. Let’s work on the restraining order the minute you get in, okay?” Lizzy sounded more like my mom than my boss.

  “Perfect. Thank you, Lizzy.”


  We hung up, and I carried the phone with me to the bathroom. I wasn’t used to having someone come at me the way Melissa had. It was something I needed to better prepare myself for, especially the more sought after I became. It would get a lot worse before it got better, if ever. My schooling and mentors had prepared me for all of the possibilities in terms of things that could occur in the court room, but outside of it? No. Not that I held them accountable for that, but having been in the presence of a few crazies over the last few years, I was starting to think they might want to add a class to the psych curriculum to better prepare us.

  I needed a warm hug. Someone to snuggle up to. Clark had his own family, and Zek was off limits. All of my friends had been Ben’s friends, and I’d shut almost everyone out after the divorce. It felt safer to make a clean break from everyone. The only person I had left to reach out to was my mom.

  I hadn’t spoken with her in far too long and seeing that I couldn’t seem to get my mind off Zek, it seemed the appropriate time to have someone talk some sense into me. She answered on the first ring.

  “Hi, baby. What’s going on?”

  “Does something have to be going on for a girl to call her mom?” I smiled and worked on getting my earrings off.

  “No, but you’re usually so busy that when you do call, something’s up.” My mother’s voice softened a little. Panic was always her first emotion.

  “That’s not good. I’m going to have to start calling more often. I just wanted to check in.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing. Your dad is doing well. He’s out in his wood shop trying out a new tool I got him for the fun of it.” She paused, but only for a second. “Tell me about your new firm. Are you liking it? Settling in okay?”

  “Yeah. I like it. I have a new client, and he’s promising to keep me on my toes.” I stopped just outside of my closet and leaned against it. I missed my parents. There was no reason not to call more often. My desire to prove myself a good, solid person had left me with far too many missed life events and loads of accolades instead. Funny how gaining the world meant nothing if there was no one around to share it with.

  “Oh yeah? Tell me all about it, but only if you can.” Her laugh was so warm. So Mom.

  “It’s Zek Kellington. We signed the papers last night. It’s official. I’m his attorney.”

  “Your brother’s best friend from school? The same Zek you used to talk about all the damn time because you just love, love, loved him?”

  I smiled and let out a soft laugh. “I’m almost frightened to say that I still might love, love, love him.”

  “Uh, oh. That doesn’t sound good.”

  “Right? I thought I could take his case and not have any of those old feelings come rising up, but now I’m realizing I was being unbelievably naive.”

  “You naive? Noooo…”

  “Mom. Really. Tell me what to do.”

  “You’re already signed up to take the case, right?”

  “Yes, but one of the members of our senior counsel gave me an out. Zek’s her brother-in-law, and she’s willing to step in if things don’t work between him and me. I just don’t want to mess this up.”

  “Because of your career or because you have feelings for him.”

  “I guess both.” I shrugged and let out a long sigh. “I need some advice. Lay it on me, please? You’re the only one who will talk straight to me.”

  “Well, you’ve already agreed to take the case, and my Alisa isn’t a quitter. If the boy wins your heart in the process, then good for him. He’s a success story like none we’ve seen. Your father talks about him almost more than he talks about Clark.”

  “Then you know that he’s facing rape charges.” I flinched, not wanting to bring it up, but knew my parents were pretty good on keeping up with current events.

  “Yes, but not everything you see is believable, Alisa. Figure out if he’s a man worth defending, and if he is, give him all you’ve got. If not, tell your brother and he’ll whoop him good for us all.”

  “Mom…” I let out a short laugh and shook my head. “Alright. I’m going to go all in, but when he breaks my heart, I’ll need you to hold me while I inhale ice cream. Okay?”

  “I did the first time, and I’ll do it again. I love you, we both do.”

  “Me too, Mom.” I hung up the phone and walked to the bathroom, resolved on not giving up.

  I started a hot bath and moved to my closet as I tugged my clothes off. I wanted so bad to call Zek and have him come stay with me, but it would only lead to us diving into a relationship that neither of us had the power to sustain right now.

  He had too much on his plate, and I really wasn’t sure if I could handle having to watch him leave again. I’d yet to ask him if he was guilty over the investment case, but it was an answer I wasn’t ready to receive. The internal judge deep inside of me said that he did it, but I couldn’t let myself damn him just yet. Whether he did or not, Lizzy was right — I would defend him. I was his lawyer and it wasn’t my job to judge, but to help look for evidence that supported a favorable outcome for him as my client.

  One of my high school yearbooks caught my attention as it sat idly on the bookshelf just inside my closet. I grabbed it, and then tugged through my dresser drawers for something comfy to wear to bed. It wasn’t the best of things to fall to sleep to, but I didn’t care.

  I flipped to the senior portraits and found Zek without much trouble. He was listed as the most likely to succeed. A chuckle left me as I brushed my fingers by the picture. He was impossibly handsome then, and things hadn’t changed much.

  “Why do I have to feel the way I do about you? It’s really not fair. All these years and the tables couldn’t be turned for me?” I sat the book down and pulled off my bra and panties before stepping into the tub, sinking down into the hot water.

  Something deep inside of me whispered the truth about our upcoming affair. I would fight like hell for him no matter what he did or didn’t do. That was compounded by the inherent need I had to be wanted by him. It was sick and childish, but to finally get closure where he was concerned was all I wanted.

  To hear him apologize for leaving me as if I didn’t matter was what I desired most. I had just been a girl and him nearly a man, but all those late nights snuggled into my bed together had stained me deep inside. I hadn’t shaken him over the last eighteen years, and he’d been out of sight. Now that he was right in front of me, I didn’t stand a chance.

  I slid my hands down my tummy and over my sex as my eyes closed. My hands quickly became his. He was everything I wanted in my bed. Too bad he was nothing that would ever fit properly in my now straight-laced life. At one time I had been deemed a rebel, but that part of me slowly
died over time.

  Him showing back up threatened to resurrect it. I needed his hands to grip my flesh, his mouth to cover my skin, his desire to consume me and leave me weak.

  “Resurrect it,” I whispered and sunk my fingers deep into myself, losing my thoughts to the vision of us taking our night so much farther than we had.




  The shock of seeing Jon on the cameras the night before still hadn’t worn off. He’d been my lawyer at the firm for as long as I could remember. More than that, I’d considered him a friend.

  But there it was, in black and white. He was involved in whatever Melissa was up to, I had no doubt. Now I just needed to see what Alisa and Lizzy thought about the new information I’d uncovered.

  After grabbing a coffee on my way into the city, I parked a few blocks from Dellup’s offices and took my time walking through the busy streets. People rushed by me with no concern for others around them, and I couldn’t help but think about how often that had been me. Life hadn’t been about money or fame, but success was equally dangerous. My desire to race to the top of the corporate ladder left me alone, weary, and quite broken.

  Why the thought of Alisa bringing me back to life continued to haunt my thoughts was beyond me, but it did. Her silky blonde hair and dark blue eyes stole my heart, even after all the years that had passed.

  Hell, they would have had I not known her at all. She was a gorgeous woman, and her ex-husband was an idiot to have let her go.

  I held the door open for a couple of women in suits as they buzzed past me, only to turn and glance over their shoulders. At first, I assumed they were looking at me, which was rather flattering, but the sound of feet hitting the pavement caused me to turn.

  A reporter took my attention. “Mr. Kellington. Our sources say that you’ll not be settling with Mills, Canterbury and Viking. Is that a true statement, and if so, why?”

  A young woman in a suit next to him pushed just in front of the guy. “Mr. Kellington, is it true that you actually did sleep with Miss Mills? She’s around twenty and you’re almost forty, right, sir?”

  Microphones danced in front of me like a pack of pissed off bees. I smiled, nodded and turned to walk into the large high rise. They followed me in and moved in front of me, peppering me with various questions, some really good and focused and others wildly speculative and racy.

  I politely moved through the crowd and thanked the three large security guards who moved up to push the press back. I’d been in business far too long to think I had a shot against even the greenest reporter behind me. They were mostly taught to twist the truth, and those who weren’t hadn’t figured out how to get paid to tell the truth just yet.

  Waiting for my legal team to guide and direct me as to what message we were sharing was my only option. I didn’t mind so much. I trusted Lizzy like I would my brother, and Alisa would always hold a special bond with me. I was beyond lucky to have them both on my side for the next few months. It was sure to be painful and a bit trying at times, but I rested in the fact that whatever was meant to happen would. The three of us would do our part to push the balance in my favor, but everything still rested on the opinion of a jury.

  We had more than enough to shut down the rape case, or so I believed we did. The insider trading was another situation entirely. I dreaded the day Alisa asked me whether or not I did it. I wasn’t sure I could lie to her, and yet I was almost positive I would have to if I wanted her to continue to fight for me.

  I let my wayward thoughts go as I rode the elevator up and avoided the odd stares from the three women riding with me. My face had been splashed all over the evening news for the last week, thanks to both scandals rocking our city. If there were wanted ads like the old days, my ass would be on all of them.

  The elevator opened and I got off, taking a sharp left and walking into Dellup. The woman at the desk looked up and gave me a tight smile.

  “Hi, Mr. Kellington. Who are you here to see this morning?” She brushed her dark hair back and studied me as if trying to discern some hidden secret I was holding.

  Hell, everyone is trying to figure that out about me, it would seem.

  “I’d like to see both Lizzy and Alisa Manning if possible.” I unbuttoned the navy jacket I wore over my starched white shirt and light blue tie. There was no reason not to keep my appearance as clean and professional as I could. It would seem that the press was waiting in the wings to make me look worse than I was, no matter what that might require.

  “I know Lizzy is in. Let me check on Ms. Manning. Just have a seat, and I’ll get you back to see one or both of them shortly.” She smiled and picked up her phone.

  “Thank you.” I turned as Alisa walked through the door and stopped short. Her outfit was almost a perfect replica of mine, but she wore hers intensely better. “Morning.”

  “Hi, Mr. Kellington. Are you here to see me, or…?”

  “You and Lizzy if possible. Your receptionist is calling back now.” I nodded toward the woman behind me, but couldn’t take my eyes off Alisa. Everything inside of me screamed for me to take the few steps between us and kiss her again like I had the night before. The image of her sitting on my lap, straddling me rolled over me, and I forced myself to remain expressionless. She was needy and lonely, and that alone made me want to offer her my heart, my time, my anything to make things better.

  She was too good of a woman to be anything other than completely happy and overly fulfilled with all that life had to offer. It was a little funny to see her all grown up though. Her rebellious days seemed to be long gone, but the slight glimpse I got the night before when she let her hair down was every bit the woman I expected her to be. Strong and powerful, sexy and hungry for control. My cock woke up and pressed against my slacks, forcing me to button my jacket again and turn to face the TV in the waiting room.

  “Oh, okay. I’ll check to see where Lizzy is, and we’ll be right with you.” She walked behind me, not touching me, but she didn’t have to. The look in her eyes said I hadn’t been the only one letting the night before linger in my thoughts. We were being idiots, and though I knew it, I realized she would have to come to that conclusion on her own, and in her own time. She wouldn’t let me or anyone else convince her otherwise.

  I watched the television as the news moved across the screen, but didn’t really see anything. I was too lost in my internal struggle where Alisa was concerned. I needed to get over it. I was in no shape to worry about anything other than my dilemma.

  “Zek. Come on back.” Lizzy’s voice called me from my thoughts. I turned, thanking the receptionist and followed my sister-in-law down the hall. “Have you talked with Alisa this morning?”

  “Just briefly, but nothing more than a greeting. Why? Did something come up?” I glanced over at Lizzy, a little concerned with what might be going on.

  Alisa and I were together from the early afternoon to the evening the day before. What time was there for anything to happen to me?

  A lot happened to me.

  The time in the office had led to quite a discovery for sure. I was almost giddy to share it, though a funk sat over my excitement. The people I was working to take down in order to save a small part of my own ass were old friends, Jon was once almost like family. I couldn’t allow myself to think about Celia.

  My phone buzzed as we stopped by a conference room with several people already inside. I checked it and gave Lizzy a tight smile. “I’ll be right in. I need to get this.”

  “Okay. No rush. We’ve blocked off the next hour to go over your case.” She reached out and squeezed my shoulder before disappearing into the room. My eyes locked on Alisa’s as the door closed. She had no clue how beautiful she was. I needed to tell her, but it wouldn’t be received well. I wasn’t sure that I cared.

  I pressed my phone to my ear and walked to the far end of the hall, stopping by the window and glancing out to look at the city. “This is Zek Kellington.”

p; “Hello, Mr. Kellington. I’m Jackson Burnes. I’m the new Securities and Exchange Commission Investigator they’ve assigned to your case. How are you today, sir?” The man sounded young and far more pleasant than some of the other investigators I’d dealt with in my past.

  “I’m well. I’m two seconds from walking into a meeting with my attorneys. Would it be alright to call you after I get done?”

  “That would be fine, but I wanted to invite you to Austin for an interview session tomorrow. We’re in the process of working on several cases, and I know it’s a bit of a trip for you, but we’ve cleared your travel if you’re free. The interview would be two hours just after lunch and then you could be on your way. We’re wrapping up our investigation on your case, but need a little bit of time with you.”

  “I can manage that, but I’ll need two tickets. My attorney will want to attend the interview with me, I’m sure.” I turned to see Alisa stick her head out of the conference room as if looking for me. “I need to go. E-mail me the information and I’ll be there. Otherwise, I’ll call you back.”

  “Be on the lookout for the e-mail, and we’ll see you tomorrow.” The guy hung up, and I dropped the phone into my pocket and turned to Alisa.

  “I’m coming. Sorry.” Taking a few quick steps, I moved behind her into the large room and took the only free chair at the table. “Forgive me. It was a call I had to take.”

  “No problem.” Lizzy pulled out a file and handed out documents to the three older guys at the table. “Let’s go over some new findings and then we’ll construct our thoughts for moving forward. This is in reference to Mr. Kellington’s sexual assault allegations case.”

  “Wait.” I held up my hand. “Last night, I went to my office and reviewed the footage from the date I first met Miss Mills to just after the allegations were stated. I was shocked to see Jon Mills in my office on the Saturday I was away at the cabin with her. He was having a rather friendly conversation with my secretary, and the look on his face said he was up to no good.”


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