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Angel's Bend

Page 19

by Dale, Lindy

  She took a final turn in the mirror. Tomorrow, she would be eighteen. She didn’t feel eighteen. She didn’t know what she felt. All she knew was that, she was doing this of her own free will. She gazed once more at the girl in the reflection. As far as death outfits went, she supposed she looked fairly okay. Zac had told her to wear black, but she’d disregarded him, choosing her favourite denims and top. Just because she was giving the Devil her life didn’t mean she had to employ his taste in clothes. He could go jump. Around her neck the sigil was clearly on display. The white flannel bag was hidden in her pocket, out of sight. She didn’t know why she bothered, though. When the time came Zac would more than likely make her get rid of them.

  As she climbed out the window, Lacey cast one last look around her room. Her eyes came to a rest on the photo of Dad, Mum, Aunt Beth and her taken at Christmas a few years back. A tear welled in her eye and she dabbed it away, not wanting to spoil the carefully applied makeup. Hands trembling, she jumped down onto the lawn and pulled down the window, keeping the night out. Then she ran out through the open gate.

  It was only minutes until she was across the bridge leading to the farm. Trepidation oozing from every pore, she made her way along the darkened trail that would take her to the house. It was easier to find her way this time but it didn’t make her feet want to move any faster. They became heavier with every step. It was as if someone had filled them with concrete.

  By ten o’clock, the moon was high and Zac gathered the group to him, ready for the ceremony. Welcoming Lacey, he placed a chaste kiss upon her lips.

  “You look beautiful, Lacey. Lucifer will be pleased,” he remarked. An absent finger reached up to straighten a wayward curl near her face. Why hadn’t he chided her for not following the dress code? This was not the Zac she knew. This Zac was soft. The cocky confidence was gone, replaced by the persona of some wacky spiritual leader. It was as if he’d had a personality transplant. She looked up at him in confusion.

  “You’ll be fine,” he said, reaching into his pocket and opening his palm to reveal a small white tablet. “Take this, it will mellow you out.”

  Lacey paused momentarily before taking the offering from Zac’s hand. She didn’t know what it was and she was still feeling the effects the vodka she’d downed to calm her nerves before she left home. Drugs on top of that, could send her completely over the edge and with her senses dulled; she would be in real trouble. Then again, she was in real trouble already. She was about to die.

  “It’s fine, Lace, it’s just a Xanax,” Zac soothed.

  Lacey nodded reluctantly. She didn’t want to be mellowed out. She wanted to stay alert but she took the tab anyway and put it on her tongue, quickly flicking it down her throat.

  Zac handed her a shot, which she drank. His outstretched hand stroked the skin along her backbone. Through the thin fabric of her top, she felt the heat of his desire for her. Yet, his smile was serene, not passionate. “You’ve made the right decision. It will be over soon and then you’ll see your mother again.”

  “I don’t believe you, you know. You do nothing but lie.”

  “Then, maybe you’ll believe me.” A tall, auburn haired woman lifted a curtain in the doorway before her. She looked very much like an older, more mesmerizing version of Abbie. Her face, long and thin, was friendly yet somehow, sinister. Curved brown eyebrows framed large dark eyes. Chiselled cheekbones led to a lush mouth that widened in a knowing smile. She was devilishly beautiful and she knew it.

  “This is Linda, but I believe you’ve met,” Zac said.

  “Welcome, Lacey.” Linda took Lacey’s hand and moved to press her lips upon her cheek. Her third finger bore a ring exactly like the one Dad had given to Lacey. Mum’s ring. Lacey’s skin crawled but she wasn’t certain if in desire or revulsion. Oh God, surely she wasn’t having lustful thoughts about a woman? Not Abbie’s mother? Bile rose in her throat.

  “We’ve been waiting for you,” Linda said.

  Lacey pulled her hand away. “So I gather.”

  Linda led her into the house, turning at the door to a small chamber. “We will wait in here, until the time is right. You will need to get undressed, including your… jewellery.” She lifted her hand and waved long painted nails in the direction of the sigil.

  “What, naked?”

  Linda leered. “Some prefer to do it that way and I would have no objection but you may feel more comfortable in this.” She handed her a robe with long bell sleeves.

  “It’s see-through!” Lacey gasped.

  “All the better to see you with, my dear. We would not wish to miss a millimetre of your incredible beauty. Your mother is a beauty too. Her skin is the colour of cream and as smooth as the skin of the new born babe.”


  Snatching the robe from Linda’s hand, Lacey put it on the chair beside her and began to undress. It was bad enough she was going to die half naked. She didn’t need to hear what her mother looked like without clothes. And she wasn’t taking the sigil off, either, damn her.

  After Lacey was changed, Linda took her down a narrow corridor. Through the muted light on the other side of the curtain, Lacey could see the gathering assembly.

  Oh God. Oh God, she thought. Let me die now.

  Linda placed a firm hand upon her shoulder. The touch burnt her skin and she shivered.

  “You will stay here for a time. The ceremony is about to start. Zac will come to collect you and I will see you shortly after. I need to prepare myself.”

  Then she disappeared.

  Lacey looked around her in the dark. This couldn’t be possible. Abbie’s mother was the Devil? No. She’d looked so normal the times Lacey had been to her house. A ball of lucidity bounced in her brain, squashing the haze of the drugs Zac had given her.

  Of course, it all made sense now that she thought about it. All those years ago, Linda had tricked her mother into having a baby for the specific purposes of using that baby to fulfill a Demonic plan. Whether her mother had known or not, Lacey’s birth had been no accident. She had always been meant as a sacrifice. That was why Linda had kept Abbie closeted all these years. Linda hadn’t wanted her to be involved. Geez, she must have freaked when she found out Abbie was headed along the same dangerous path. Or did she even care? If Linda were a demon or even Satan himself wouldn’t she want a daughter that followed in her footsteps? Lacey didn’t know and it made her head hurt too much to keep on thinking about it. For now, Abbie was safe. She had Ty.

  On the other side of the curtain, Lacey heard a humming sound and she peered through a gap in the curtain. Zac and the gang had gathered in a small anteroom, located through a covered doorway off the living room. Decorated in the same sinister style as the living room, the room was illuminated by blue candles. A long table covered with a navy blue cloth stood, like an altar, at one end near a large fireplace. In it a huge fire had been built, and a branding iron lay amongst the coals.

  As they entered, each member of the group took a small pill from Zac’s hand, swallowing it with a shot of vodka. Walking to the altar, they lit a candle from the black ceremonial one that stood adjacent and took their positions at the points of a pentacle that was traced onto the floor. Through the crack between the curtain and the wall, Lacey could see the candles they had placed at their feet and hear the chant they sang in some strange language that was entirely new to her. Swathed in black robes, similar to the one she wore but with hoods to drape their faces, she didn’t recognise any of them. But she knew who they were - these were the people she had innocently called her friends a time back.

  As the chanting grew more frenzied, members of the circle began to sway, as if in a trance. Some held hands, others kissed. Candles spat through the darkness, someone screamed. It made Lacey’s head swim to watch, though it could have been the effect of the tablet Zac had given her. Under the gauzy robe, goosebumps spread up her arms and onto the cold skin of her chest and torso. Her knees wobbled, unsure if they could hold her weight anymor
e. Shit, oh shit. Why was she doing this?

  At the height of the chant, Zac turned to the archway to face her and lifted his arms high above his head. The others in the circle, quietened and mesmerized, waited for her to emerge.

  Zac’s voice rang out, around the tiny room. “We welcome tonight, our newest member Lacey, come to join this sacred group, ready to give her pledge to the Dark Lord, in return for an eternal life.”

  A curtain swung back and the twins took her hands, one on either side. Lacey stumbled into the room, her transparent red robe glowing in the candle flame, her nakedness clearly apparent beneath. A fat crystal tear fell from her cheek landing on the robe; its salty liquid spread across the fabric making it cling to her skin. Please God, let it be quick, she prayed. Just let me die now.

  Bringing Lacey forward to the altar and pushing her to kneel before it, the twins took a step back. Zac took up a silver dagger, richly carved, and held it in position above her chest. With a swift motion that caused gasps from his enthralled audience, he sliced the gown in two down the front, uncovering Lacey’s naked skin and the sigil dangling between her breasts. His eyes gleamed with menace at the sight of it but he did not touch.

  “Come, oh Lucifer,” Zac shouted. “Welcome Lacey to your fold. Bring this Child of the Pentacle to her final resting place among your followers.”

  The walls of the tiny room shuddered and a wind rushed through it. The candle flames licked and jumped. Lacey’s eyes scanned the assembly. Not one familiar face. Not even Ty. Not that that would have been possible now that he’d been exposed a slayer.

  “We call upon you, Oh Dark Lord, to come among us and welcome, this, your daughter.”

  Again the room shook, this time as an almighty roar resounded around its walls.

  Reaching over and taking a crimson candle from the altar, Zac tilted it sideways, spilling hot liquid wax down Lacey’s breast and causing her to flinch. Her eyes, glued shut with fear, flew open and she whimpered but did not cry out. Zac poured again and she tilted her head to the ceiling, raising her eyes aloft. She watched the knife lowering to trace the river of wax that flowed down her abdomen and between her thighs. The blade stung as it pierced the top of her skin but she did not cry out. It hurt, but it was as if the pain were welcome. In her mind, she could see images of all the people she loved. They were telling her not to worry, to let it go. She felt her head grow dizzy but she knelt rigid, refusing to fall. Only the tears gave any indication of her fear.

  “Come, oh Lucifer,” Zac bellowed, again. “Welcome Lacey to your fold.”

  The room filled with smoke. Clouds of billowing grey swirled through the air and around the feet of the assembly. An acrid smell of death permeated every corner. A tall celestial creature entered from another corridor and stood in front of the altar. Her presence permeated the walls, her evil settled over them like a blanket. The assembly fell to the ground as one, bowing before her, chanting the Dark Lord’s name . Lacey watched as she raised her arms to the flock acknowledging their loyalty.

  Linda. Linda.

  Their frenetic chant rang out around the room. Their glassy eyes were filled with the joy of seeing their leader.

  Linda was Lucifer. Lacey trembled. Even with the drugs she was petrified. Linda was huge, her body transformed into something unholy. Her satanic presence was narcotic, begging Lacey to sip from the cup, the pressure to bow to her so strong Lacey felt as if the muscles would burst from her skin if she did not obey.

  Linda walked to the altar and picked up a silver bowl and knife. She held them aloft, her lips moving in silent prayer. She turned to Lacey and waited. Zac came forth, and grabbing Lacey’s wrists pinioned them, holding them steady for Linda. On the other side, Lola slid an arm around her, keeping her still. What were they going to do to her? Oh shit. Was this the end?

  “Before the Almighty and Ineffable Lucifer and in the presence of all his demons and minions here, renounce your ties to God and Jesus, Lacey. Renounce your ties to His son, the Holy Spirit.”

  Linda slashed at her wrist. Zac held her firm allowing the blood to drip into the bowl. The stench that filled the room was unbearable, swirling like an acrid fog around them, sending the candle flames to jump and spit. Lacey felt her legs giving way underneath her and she struggled to stay erect. Tears ran down her ashen face. Her lip trembled of its own accord.

  Oh God, Cam, she thought. If you can hear me, I’ve changed my mind. Oh God. Please don’t let me die.

  She knew she’d done the stupidest of things. There was no way Cam could save her. She was here of her own free will.

  Please Cam, please. I take it back. I don’t want this. SAVE ME!

  On her chest, the heartbeat of the sigil came alive. A series of tiny electric shocks exploded inside her. Her brain filled with voices that cried ‘Don’t do it, Lacey. Don’t give in to the power of evil.’ Then an image of Cam came to her. He was surrounded by an aura of love, a rose coloured light shone out of his chest illuminating an image of her face.

  “I love you, Lacey. Fight,” he whispered. “Fight.”

  Lacey shook her head. Steaks of hair swept across her face, plastering themselves to her tears. She wriggled against Lola’s binding hands. What was going on around her was evil. She had no place being there. If Linda or Lucifer or whoever he-she was wanted her for a sacrifice he would damn well have to fight. She wasn’t giving in that easily.

  Linda slashed a second time.

  Zac screamed at her again, “Before the Almighty and Ineffable Lucifer and in the presence of all his demons and minions here, renounce your ties to God and Jesus, Lacey. Renounce your ties to His stinking son, the Holy Spirit.”


  A fist connected with her jaw.

  Lacey grew faint; the words were trapped on her tongue. Drops of her blood were filling the bowl. She didn’t want to renounce anything but her mind couldn’t function with Zac screaming like that.

  “Renounce him, NOW!”


  “Now! Now!” chanted the group.

  The room moved closer, the smell was getting stronger. Next to Zac, Lola was forcibly holding her upright, baring her semi-naked body to the assembled group, ready for branding. Kat’s eyes had turned blood red, her face set in a demonic smile as she waved incense from a brass container over the heads of the group. The chanting grew louder, the smell thicker. Lacey tried to block it out but it was smothering her, choking her. She wanted to vomit. She couldn’t breathe. She had to save herself but she couldn’t breathe. If she didn’t get out of here, she was going to die.

  Where are you, Cam? Where are you? Help me. I didn’t really do this of my own free will. I’ve changed my mind.

  “Cam,” she screamed. “Help! Save me!”

  From the fire in the grate, Linda took up a branding iron and began to chant as he came closer. Closer and closer.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  The blackened glass in the window shattered as Cam, charged with adrenalin, swooped into the room. Behind him was Ty, his heavenly sword held aloft, his hair a blaze of platinum and silver. Shards like daggers splintered the frenzy of the group. Screams filled the space as Cam’s bright white light cast a shadow of daylight on them. Some ran from Ty, who was wielding his sword like a slashing machine, others cowered in corners, pulling their hoods down to shield them from the explosion.

  Hovering on the ceiling, Cam surveyed the scene before him looking for Lacey in the mishmash of bodies below. Teenagers were scattering in all directions. He paused and concentrated, trying to pick out her energy amongst the crowd. Lacey had called him. The sigil had alerted him. Now all he had to do was find her before its power diminished. Then there would be no hope.


  Through her daze, Lacey felt the air lifting and thinning and she opened her mouth to cry out. No sound came. A hand, rough and hard clamped down over it as Lola pulled her to the ground near the altar, screening her body from Cam’s sight.


/>   All she had to do was to keep calling his name in her mind. He would find her. He wouldn’t let Linda take her to Hell.

  Cam! Cam!

  All around her, Lacey could hear the scuffling of feet as gang members fled, the swish of Cam’s dagger as he thrust it into people she had been at school with only last week. Slain, their devilish bodies disintegrated into dust around her. All those people she had believed to be human. Others, who were mere followers, he allowed to leave. He had no will to harm the weak. She heard Ty calling him to look after her while he went after Linda and felt the wild rush of wind from his flapping wings.

  With Linda shunted to safety through the corridor and Ty following at speed, Zac and Lola formed a circle around Lacey. Lola handed Zac the branding iron. “I’ll hold her fast, Zac, there’s still time before he gets to her.”

  Lacey squirmed as Zac pressed the iron into her skin. She screamed in agony. “No!”

  The smell of burning flesh filling his nostrils, Cam lunged forward, the silver dagger in his hand. He swiped wildly at Zac, who leapt on top of the altar, brandishing the branding iron like a sword and jumped to the other side. His mouth opened, revealing teeth that could slice Cam in two. Cam dipped to avoid him and swung his body to the offensive again.

  On the floor, Lola’s eyes widened and glowed, a haunting growl emanated from her lips. Her nails, like claws, dug into Lacey’s skin, piercing the fragile flesh, preventing her from moving. “Get him Zac. Kill him. I can hold the girl. It’s not too late.”

  Then everything stopped. The room went deathly quiet as Zac let the branding iron drop to his side. He leant on it as though it were a cane and turned to face Cam, his devilish mouth bent in amusement. “So, Chamuel, we meet again. You will never win, you know. Not this time.”

  Cam held his dagger poised, “Let her be, Zachael. Lacey is ours.”


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