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Runes of Black Magic: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (A Demon's Fall series Book 3)

Page 6

by G. Bailey

  “I will come just for you. You don’t have to give me a reason other than you want me there, Connor,” I say, and he smiles sadly at me.

  “I hate going to see her. It makes me feel powerless. It makes me hate my own people for keeping my mother there,” he explains as I stand up and slide my flat shoes on.

  “When I’m queen, she will be free,” I tell him. Unless I can get her before, that is. Maybe it is time I used my breaking and entering skills for good for once.

  “Then I would owe you forever,” he says, holding out a hand when I get near. I know he means it as well, but I wouldn’t see it as doing anything but the right thing. The Protectors just need to learn some morals, I think...or hope. I doubt they are all naturally bad people, and with a little persuasion, I’m sure I can make the good ones help me change things for the better. To do what is right.

  “Connor, you would never owe me anything,” I say, and he shakes his head before we step outside the apartment. Connor opens a portal straight away and pulls me through it to the other side. We come into a solid grey room with no windows and only one metal door.

  “Is this the only way in?” I ask, trying to act innocent when really I need to figure out how to get in and out of his place with a prisoner.

  “Yes, and it’s the only exit. The prison is underground, and this is the only room you can portal from,” he explains to me. Well, that just made it a little more difficult. But not impossible. Connor walks ahead through the door, and on the other side is a reception. A woman sits behind a glass window, looking through a magazine. There are two doors on either side of the desk. Interesting. We walk up to the window, and I place my hand on the glass, knocking it to pretend I’m getting her attention, but actually I’m testing how thick the glass is. It feels pretty thin, and I doubt it’s bulletproof. From the lack of security in this room, they aren’t expecting a break in or out, that’s for sure.

  “Welcome to the Protectors’ prison. Please name the prisoner you wish to see,” the woman says, not once looking up from her magazine.

  “My mother, Duna,” Connor says. The woman presses a button, and there is a buzzing noise. From her lack of giving a shit, this might be easier than predicted.

  “You have one hour,” the woman says, actually yawning as she speaks. Connor doesn’t say a word, he just walks around the desk and to the door on the right. The door opens easily and reveals a long corridor with glass walls on each side. In front of the glass is a blue light for security, I presume. Hmmm. I will need to find a way to get past that.

  We walk past five empty prison rooms before Connor stops in front of the one where the glass and blue light are gone, and there is a woman lying on a bed. The woman has short gold-blonde hair, a thin frame, and she must be only about five foot. She sits up, her gold eyes locking with Connor before a big smile stretches across her lips. Connor walks straight over to her, and they embrace, Duna crying a little which makes me feel like looking away.

  “Mum, how are you?” Connor says as Duna lets him go and looks over at me.

  “Never mind me. How are you? And who is this beautiful woman who looks so familiar?” she asks.

  “Come in, Blue,” Connor gently coaxes me.

  “Blue?” Duna asks, likely thinking what a strange name to have.

  “Oh, it’s a nickname because of my hair. Everyone else calls me Evie,” I say, holding out a hand which she knocks away and pulls me into a tight hug. I freeze for a second before wrapping my arms around her back. I try not to be awkward, but I’m pretty sure I fail at it. Surprise hugs aren’t my thing.

  “Evie isn’t a hugger, mum,” Connor chuckles when he sees my panicked expression over his mum’s shoulder. Duna lets me go and tilts her head to the side.

  “You look so familiar, yet I can’t place you,” she says, staring at my face. “Who are your parents? Maybe I know them?”

  “Evie is Eella’s youngest daughter. A secret child she had before she was killed,” Connor explains, and Duna’s mouth parts in shock.

  “Queen Eella?” she whispers, and I freeze once more as she places her hand on my cheek. I see where Connor gets his touchy feely attitude from. Not that I mind it at all with Connor. His mother, I will have to get used to, though she seems like a nice woman despite how she has been treated. “Ah, I see her in you. You are the image of Eella.”

  “Did you know her well?” I ask, the deeply hidden part of me still wanting to hear anything I can about my mother. I don’t know if it is possible to miss a mother you can’t remember and only spent a little time with. But I miss her. It feels like missing a shadow.

  “Yes…and I knew of her secret love for a forbidden angel as well,” she whispers. “I never knew there was a child born before…” she drifts off and sighs. Duna goes to sit on the bed next to Connor, placing her hand on his shoulder in a loving way.

  “Evie is going for the throne against Erica. Her first test is later today,” Connor explains to his mother as I lean against the cold stone wall.

  “Are Emily and Esther not competing as well? I bet they were so happy to find a long lost sister,” she asks. I don’t think of the sisters I helped bury before I knew they were family, because it is hard to think of them. I spent my whole life looking for my family and running from death. Yet I met my first blood relative in death. How odd life works out sometimes.

  “Erica killed them. Then she tried to kill me,” I inform Duna bluntly, and Connor’s eyes widen as I look at him. Maybe I should have been more sensitive…ah, too late now.

  “Oh my god. Those poor girls. I always thought Erica was too much like her waste of space father that your mother was forced into marrying. Emily and Esther were the ones that had more of their mother in them,” she says in horror, tears pouring down her cheeks. “I haven’t seen you in a while, and I have clearly missed a lot. Why don’t you explain everything, son?”

  As Connor starts explaining everything that has happened, I search around the room. There is another door in here, but I bet it just leads to a bathroom. I know I will have to enter through the one door, but then I need to figure out a way to block the ward on this place that stops anyone portalling in and out. When an idea suddenly comes to me, I smile internally. I have the best—and kind of crazy life-threatening—idea. Plus, I will need some help and a distraction. This is going to be fun. There is suddenly a loud buzzing noise just as Connor finishes catching his mum up to where we are now, and she looks shocked by his story.

  “You should go. The doors will lock again in two minutes. I’m glad you are okay after such a trip to Hell, and everything that has happened after. You and Evie look after each other, son,” Duna says, kissing Connor’s forehead and moving to stand with Connor.

  “I will come back next week for my hour,” Connor says and hugs Duna tightly. “I will be here every week until Evie gets her throne and we can set you free.”

  “You only get an hour a week?” I ask Connor as he lets go of his mother, and she smiles tightly at me as Connor walks to my side, linking his hand with mine which Duna notices.

  “Yes. That is the rules of my life sentence, and I have accepted I will never be free. Now go,” Duna gently says, and Connor pulls me out of the room. A few moments later, a glass wall slides down, and a beeping noise turns on a blue light. I watch Duna for a few seconds longer, lifting a hand to wave goodbye to her before Connor walks us away. One way or another, Duna is being freed next week. And I’m going to have some fun doing it.


  “Hey, I thought we should…” Connor pauses mid-sentence as he walks into the room, stopping to run his eyes leisurely over my outfit. He clears his throat, his eyes widening as I chuckle. I have a new fighting outfit which I love, and so does Connor apparently. It is all soft black leather, which is easy to move in and covers all my skin from my neck downwards. It fits perfectly, and I was shocked when Keeper Grey brought me the outfit this morning, and again when he suggested my purple sword, my bow and the new daggers in the wa
rdrobe were the best things to wear. There are silver and gold lines throughout the outfit, and several holders for my daggers and throwing stars, as well as places to clip guns in. Leaving the gun ones empty as I hate fighting with those useless pieces of metal, I have clipped the rest of me up and placed a black quiver full of arrows on my back which hides my purple sword underneath it. Topia came back today to do my hair. She has made a plait, twirling it into a bun high on my head which is surprisingly secure. My crown is in place, and I have to admit I look badass. But like rich and shiny badass rather than my usual thrown together outfit.

  “What were you going to say, Connor?” I ask him, and he shakes his head before shutting the door behind him. He walks further in the room, his eyes fixed firmly on mine with an unhidden need for me. I wish he would act on it.

  “Damn, Blue…you look amazing,” he says, still staring, and I chuckle as I walk over to him, placing my hand on his chest. Connor leans down and kisses me at the same time I reach for him. The kiss is slow, seductive and ever so sweet. My heart pounds in my chest as he breaks away, his eyes staying locked on mine until I have to talk and ruin the tension-filled moment between us.

  “It’s just new clothes and a pretty hair style,” I say.

  “I didn’t kiss you because of how you look. I just miss kissing you, Blue,” he tells me, and I chuckle a little.

  “Charming as usual, Connor,” I muse, placing my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating under my palm, which somehow soothes me.

  “We need to find some time to talk. Alone,” Connor grumbles, his gold eyes staring down at me.

  “I know, and we will,” I reply, brushing my lips against his once more, and he groans, stepping back in frustration that there is no way we can talk right now and take this any further. “What did you come in here for anyway? Is everything okay?”

  “Sorry, yes. I was just talking to Keeper Grey, and he suggests you marking Star as a familiar before we leave for the test. She can come with you that way. Familiars are never to be forced to leave their owner’s side according to the rules of the tests,” Connor explains to me. I look over at Star as she lies on my bed, and how I’ve gone from not wanting her around at the start to not imagining my life without her in it. Star has slowly become my best friend who I trust as much as my guys. “You should mark her as yours. I think it’s the right move.”

  “How do I do that?” I ask Connor.

  “Well, it is kind of how you use the mating rune, just a little differently, of course,” he says, his eyes drifting to my arm where the rune is. I didn’t even know there was a mating rune. Being clueless about everything to do with my own people really sucks at times.

  “Mating rune?” I question, crossing my arms.

  “The black one?” Connor says, seeing my confusion and sighing. “You don’t know what the black rune does, do you?”

  “Nope. I assumed it was something bad, so I left it,” I admit, feeling a little confused as I pull my sleeve up to reveal the black rune on my arm. It is shaped like a skull, but made of swirls that almost make it the prettiest one.

  “It’s a rune you use to mark your mate. The mark is said to be a skull to remind us that mating exceeds death. That even in death, you will be joined forever to your mate. You both hold the runes on your arms together and state the ancient words. Then your rune will change a little by making a circle appear around it,” he explains to me, as he takes my arm in his hand and rubs a finger over my rune, making me shiver. Connor looks down at me, pausing with a small smile on his lips. “Maybe one day you will mate with me.”

  “Connor…” I whisper his name, seeing how serious he is. The thought that he wants to mate with me, bond with me forever, is surprisingly hot.

  “I’m just saying what I am thinking. When you win the throne, you will have to choose a knight, and I know you well enough to understand you won’t want to be bonded to a keeper’s choice. If you mated with one of us, they can be your knight as well.”

  “Just one?”

  “That is your choice. There is no limit on mating and having knights. Knights can be just friends, though most knights end up as kings or queens,” he explains to me.

  “We definitely need to find some time alone, Connor,” I say, and he chuckles.

  “Yeah, we do.”

  “Right…well back to the familiar marking. How does that work for Star and me?” I question, needing to avoid this tension building between us, as I need to be focused for the test. These Protectors are a big distraction for me, and usually I like it, but not before a fight.

  “Place your hand on her forehead. Right in the middle,” he directs me, understanding that we both need to focus without me having to say a word. I walk over to Star, who lies on Trex’s bed, watching us with an expression that suggests she understands what we are saying. Star tilts her head to the side when I get closer, and I reach my hand out, placing it on the middle of her giant forehead above her eyes. My fingers sink into her fur, and she purrs loudly.

  “Will it hurt her?” I question, knowing there is no way I will do this if it does.

  “No, of course not. Mating doesn’t hurt, so I wouldn’t think that this would,” Connor says. “Anyway, Star was born to be your familiar. It’s about time you both embrace your bond.”

  “What do I do then?” I ask.

  “Call your black rune in your mind and say, ‘I accept my new familiar. I protect my familiar as they protect me. Bless this creature and link us,’ then let the power do the rest,” he explains to me. “Usually it is said in runes, but Keeper Grey assures that any language is fine as long as you activate the black rune.” I nod once at Connor, and he steps back, crossing his arms.

  “Star, I’m going to mark you as my familiar. It means we will be linked, though I know we have always been from our similar pasts and how you very quickly became my giant side kick. Hali has been the only family linked to me in such a long time that I stopped letting anyone get close to me, even going as far as to fight people getting close to me, in case I lost them. That is changing now. I don’t deserve to be alone because I was forced to fight for myself and I lost too much. I always felt like my soul was lost because I was forced to kill from a young age, but recently, some people are showing me that isn’t true. I want family, and you are family to me, Star. So if you want to be my familiar as much as I want you to, we will do this,” I tell her, and she purrs, pushing her head into my hand further to show me she loves me too, and I’m sure she wants this bond as much as I do. I glance at Connor, who grins widely as he knows he is one of those people who are making me see I can be better than I was. That I can have friends, family and even mates one day.

  “I hope I’m part of this newly formed family of yours, Blue,” he jokes.

  “Where else would you be?” I say, winking at his slightly shocked face before focusing back on Star. I place my other hand over my black rune, imagining it in my mind as I close my eyes. I call on the black rune, gasping as a rush of energy spreads down my arm to my palm, which starts to lightly burn hot, but it doesn’t hurt.

  “I accept my new familiar. I protect my familiar as they protect me. Bless this creature and link us,” I whisper the words Connor said, and I open my eyes to see a bright blue light blast from my hand on Star’s head, and I feel my black rune mark burning on my arm which causes a slight sting. The whole of my arm feels painful for a moment until the light fades and the power along with it. I lower my hand, seeing my four runes etched into Star’s fur on her forehead in a dark blue colour, and they lightly glow against her white fur. I instantly look at my arm, seeing my black mark has swirls coming out of it, with a tiger etched into the middle of the swirls at the side of the mark. I smile back at Star, feeling a new sense coming over me. It’s like I know what direction she is in without looking, and I can feel that she is fine, although a little hungry. That’s my giant familiar tiger.

  “Welcome to the family, Star,” I whisper to her, leaning down and kissing her fo
rehead before straightening up. “We have a test to get to. Are you ready to fight with me?” Star stretches as she sits up, and I feel a wave of protectiveness from her. I will take that as a yes.

  “Are you ready for this, Evie?” Connor asks, holding the handle to the bedroom door, looking worried. “It doesn’t matter what happens today, I will be waiting for you. Just don’t let her hurt you.”

  “I always have been ready for this. It’s time to win what I know belongs to me—the throne.”


  I walk into the throne room with Trex and Azi at my side, their arms brushing against mine in a comforting way. Nix is walking in front of me, and Star is walking behind with Connor at her side. It’s odd to have us all together, naturally fitting into a strange little unit we have going on. I’ve never had people at my back like this. For only a moment, it makes me feel safe, which is something I can’t remember feeling for a very long time. Azi looks down at me, his red eyes glowing slightly, and I know he is struggling to keep his demon under control. Since I said I was his, Azi explained that his demon is more protective than ever, pushing to make sure that I am safe. The idea of me fighting my sister alone today wasn’t helping Azi keep his demon under control, so I suggested Azi come with me, wait for me nearby.

  Keeper Grey is going to be mad when he sees I brought Azi with me, but I am not pretending I am someone I am not and that Azi isn’t a big part of my life when he is. Azi will be part of my life, and the people need to learn to accept demons are not everything they fear. As suspected, there are several gasps as we walk down the gold tiled aisle in the middle of all the people sitting on benches to where a row of keepers is stood, and Erica is standing to the left. Erica has a white outfit on, most of it leather and fucking see through at that. Geez, I didn’t want to see that much of my dear sis today. When I look at my guys, thankfully all of them are looking at me or keeping an eye on their surroundings. I think I’d have to stab them with something if they looked at my sleazy sister.


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