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Runes of Black Magic: A Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (A Demon's Fall series Book 3)

Page 11

by G. Bailey


  “Hey, Keeper Grey. Good to see you,” I say, turning around and crossing my arms a little defensively. I can’t really hide the fact I’ve just stepped through a portal or the fact I am wearing my fighting outfit littered with daggers, so I don’t bother saying anything else.

  “Where have you been?” he asks, playing a game.

  “The demon underground with Azi. I wanted to see some old friends and make sure they are okay. I dressed up in case of trouble, but I knew Azi could get me out quickly if anything went wrong,” I say, completely bullshitting, and I know Keeper Grey knows I am. Though neither one of us are going to call the other one out.

  “Well, while you were gone, the prison was attacked, and demons came into the city. Connor’s mother is missing, and the guard doesn’t even remember what she had for breakfast today. It’s a strange coincidence, isn’t it?” Keeper Grey muses, arching an eyebrow at me.

  “Yes. Very, very strange,” I say, nodding and trying to hide the smile on my lips.

  “What Evie says is true. I was with her this whole time, and she was safe,” Azi comments, leaning against the wall. Keeper Grey runs his eyes over Azi’s muddy suit and shakes his head.

  “Do me a favour, Princess Evelina, and stay out of trouble for one last night. I will come in the morning to gather you for the final two tests. The first test will send you to the second once you complete it,” he tells me.

  “So, by the end of tomorrow, I will know if I am queen or not?” I ask, not expecting him to share that. The keepers and everyone have been extremely quiet about the final tests, and no one has any information to tell me about them. To learn the two final tests are together is a surprise.

  “Yes. Wear causal clothes, there is no need for weapons or fighting gear in these tests. Have a good day, Princess Evelina,” Keeper Grey says, bowing his head and walking past me as Azi opens the door, waiting for me before going inside. “Oh, and if anyone asks, you were having private training with me this morning.”

  “That would be a lie, Keeper Grey. I didn’t know you lied,” I comment, a little shocked that he would happily lie for me. I thought keepers were like priests. No sex. No lies, and spend their days worshipping a higher power.

  “I don’t like to lie, but in this case, I can’t say I believe you did anything worth being punished for. So, one little lie will not harm anyone, and I doubt the gods above will punish me for it. If they do, it is worth the punishment,” he states.

  “I’m glad I have someone like you on my side,” I reply.

  “Thank you for the compliment, princess. I only wish to do what is right and to make the world a better place for the generations that follow us.” With that comment, he bows once again before walking off down the corridor. I go back into our room with Azi, who pulls me into his arms and kisses me.

  “You should get changed and get back into bed. The less the guys know, the better, I think,” Azi mutters before kissing me again and letting go.

  “I know you’re right, but I hate lying in bed,” I reply, making him chuckle.

  “I will start cooking breakfast like you planned. Big bad demon turned into kitchen bacon-cooking slave,” Azi mutters the end part to himself, making me chuckle as I watch him walk to the kitchen. Even though I know it’s a little pointless now, I quickly get changed into my pyjamas in my bedroom, hiding my clothes in the wardrobe and just sliding back into bed as I hear the door slam open.

  “Leave me with her. I mean it,” I hear Connor warn just outside my room, sounding mad as hell. I sit up in bed as he comes into the room, shutting the door behind him. Connor is still for a long time staring at the floor before he looks up at me, and I feel speechless with the emotion in his gaze.

  “Did you free my mother this morning?” he asks me, and even though I know I should lie to him, I can’t.

  “Yes,” I reply simply.

  “Why?” he asks me, still stood like a statue at the door. His vest does little to cover up his chest and the way every time he breathes in and out, it strains against his muscles, which distracts me.

  “I knew my sister would kill her if she gets the crown because of how close we are. I couldn’t let that happen, and I knew, no matter what, that I had to make sure Duna was safe before tomorrow,” I try to explain myself to him.

  “You helped her for me?” he replies.

  “Yes, of course I did. I love you, and I know if anything happened to your mum, you wouldn’t recover from it,” I whisper, noticing that it’s the first time I’ve said it first to someone on purpose. Damn, I didn’t know how scary it is to say you love someone and not hear it returned straight away.

  “Blue,” he whispers, walking over to me and leaning down, kissing me hard. I don’t resist when he takes complete control of the brutal, demanding and amazing kiss. Connor pushes me back on the bed, covering my body with his and pressing every part of himself into me, never breaking the kiss once. I wriggle against him as he suddenly breaks away, looking down at me with his golden hair falling down into his face, and I have the urge to sweep it away, but I don’t. Not with the serious way he is looking at me.

  “Thank you for saving her. I never once expected you to do that for me or her, and you damn well should have told me what you planned. I was fucking worried about you both. When I heard my mum escaped, I realised straight away why you wanted to stay in bed, and then I panicked. I can’t stand the thought of anyone harming you, so please don’t put yourself in harm’s way for me again. I am meant to protect you, Blue,” he tells me. I place my hand on his cheek, shaking my head.

  “We protect each other. That’s what families are meant to do, and it is what Protectors do as well. We protect,” I reply, keeping my voice quiet, and he smiles at me.

  “I love you, Evie. You know that?” he asks, and I kiss him teasingly, before sucking his bottom lip into my mouth before letting go.

  “Oh, I know,” I say, totally lying because I didn’t know, and I couldn’t be more relieved to hear him say it. Connor grins at me before he kisses me once again, this time sliding a hand between us and into my shorts. I gasp into his mouth as he slides a finger inside me, his thumb rubbing against my clit at the same time.

  “The others are in the lounge, we can’t,” I whisper, moaning as Connor just speeds up with his hand.

  “I don’t care if they hear. They know what we are doing if they want to join in,” he says, and kisses me before I can even overthink what he just suggested. Connor pulls my shorts down after he pulls his hand away, and I push down his joggers. Connor pushes my legs apart before holding the back of my neck and kissing me as he thrusts deep inside of me. I moan at the full sensation as Connor lets out a sexy groan.

  “You are so damn tight and perfect. Fucking hell,” Connor whispers against my lips, and then he starts moving, making me lose any words that I was going to say as my pleasure builds. Connor’s left hand slides to my ass, tilting my hips up so that every thrust perfectly hits the right spot. Connor uses his other hand to pull my shirt up, revealing my bra-less breasts, and he rolls his tongue around one of my nipples as he slams into me.

  “Connor!” I moan as I tighten around him, finding my release. Connor releases my breast and goes to his knees, placing both his hands on my hips to raise them a little, and using them to thrust hard in and out of me. I gasp as he starts rubbing my clit again, and I look to the side, seeing Nix watching from the door, his arms crossed, and he looks like he is enjoying the show. The constant thrusting of Connor, the way Nix is looking at me, and Connor’s skilled hands have me spiralling over the edge of another orgasm within seconds. I moan loudly as I arch my back, and Connor thrusts one more time before coming himself, loudly groaning as he holds my hips tightly. Nix silently closes the door before Connor notices him there, and Connor collapses to my side and pulls the covers over us. I lay my head on Connor’s chest as we both calm down.

  “You’re so perfect and sexy. You know that?” he tells me.

�And you’re so charming,” I say, laughing a little as Connor chuckles with me before kissing my head.

  “Evie, where did you send her?” he asks after a long time of us both just lying with each other, enjoying the calmness.

  “Your father turned up. They are mated, so she used her rune, and he just found her,” I reply. “I assume he is going to keep her safe now, and she will come back to us when it is safe here.”

  “What was he like?” Connor asks quietly, reminding me that Connor has never heard much of his father or met him.

  “Tall, dark and very much in love with your mother still,” I answer as honestly as I can.

  “I’m glad mum is with him, and safe,” he says, holding me closely to him.

  “So, you’re not mad at me for breaking her out?” I ask.

  “I’m mad that you didn’t tell me, but I get why you didn’t. The keepers and guards came straight to find me once she escaped, to make sure it wasn’t me that took her,” he tells me. They did exactly what I thought they would do.

  “Tomorrow, things will change. One way or another,” I mutter, leaning up and kissing his soft neck.

  “Let’s hope it isn’t another. I believe you can do this, Evie. This is your fate,” he whispers, and I don’t reply. I hope it is my fate, or the world is going to get a whole lot darker with Erica on the throne.


  I finish eating my plate of bacon in bed before taking a long sip of the orange juice Trex brought me after I woke up. I take my time having a long shower and drying my hair, leaving it flowing down my shoulders in silky waves. I pull on my soft leather leggings and a grey vest top, deciding there is no point wearing anything else. I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment, wondering if things were different, would I have my mother at my side, helping me get ready? Everyone says I look like her, so I try to take some comfort that I have a part of her with me anyways. I miss Hali like crazy, but I know it won’t be long until I see her. I will either bring her back here and move her into a bigger building with a spare room or something, or we will be on the run together like before. Only with Azi and my Protectors with us, and a giant familiar tiger. We might need to find bigger places to hide than my little flat in Scotland, that’s for sure.

  “Evie, you ready?” Trex asks, after knocking on the door two times. I open the door and walk out, seeing all my guys ready and waiting for me.

  “I can do this. For my mother and for a better future,” I say, knowing that I need to tell myself that, and that I can trust every person in this room. Star gets up off the rug that Trex brought back from his apartment for her and comes over to me, nudging my hand with her head so I stroke her.

  “You can do this, Blue. We all know it, and when you walk out of that place today, you will be queen,” Connor says, clipping his sword onto his back as he speaks. All the guys are wearing enough weapons to kill an army, just in case this day ends badly. Azi has taken bags of supplies to a safe house, just in case as well.

  “We should go before I actually start to show how fucking nervous I am,” I say, making them all grin. Azi walks out first, followed by Trex and Nix. Connor waits for me to go out first with Star at my side. Trex makes a portal outside in the corridor for us and walks in it with Azi. I walk through next, coming out to the room just outside the throne room which is empty. I can hear the people inside the room though, talking quietly while they wait. I look up at the statue and the marks on the woman’s forehead. I wonder if I will get those runes etched on my face if I become queen. I don’t know if they give you extra powers or something, but they look pretty cool.

  “You can do this, remember that, love,” Nix says, placing his hand on my shoulder and leaning in, kissing me lightly before backing away. I glance around my guys, seeing nothing but belief in their eyes and knowing I can damn well do this. I keep my head high as I walk in front of them all, only Star at my side, and push the doors open.

  The crowd goes silent as I walk in the room, down the middle of the people, many of who bow their heads at me. At the top of the throne room is a similar set up as before, but this time Erica stands to the left of the throne. Keeper Grey is in the middle of a group of keepers and nods his head at me. I walk up to the throne, giving my sister a look of distaste in her red, low dipping dress, and move to stand on the other side of the throne. Star sits on my other side, and I feel a brush of love from her in my mind, and I smile.

  “Protectors, today is a very joyful day for our people, and we all welcome you here. As per our tradition, the final two tests will be taken today by the heirs to the throne. Erica Ravenwood and Evelina Ravenwood are the remaining heirs standing before you today,” Keeper Grey says, his voice echoing around the room as he moves to stand in front of the throne, facing us. “Please follow me through the portal. We will go to the room where only keepers and royals have ever been.” Keeper Grey waves a hand in the air and a portal appears. He walks through it first and other keepers come over, blocking my view of my guys off. Erica walks through the portal next, and I follow after her with Star sticking close to me.

  On the other side of the portal is a stone room with no doors, just grey stone floors and walls closing in on us. The room is pretty big, with a massive circle design on the ground. It looks like dozens of circles within circles, with runes etched inside the gaps. I step to the side as three keepers follow through the portal, and it closes behind them, the only light in the room coming from the tiny holes in the ceiling. Keeper Grey starts chanting something in runes and suddenly all the circles and gaps in the stone light up blue, glowing brightly.

  “Princesses, please lie down on the stone inside the circle. You will be taken to the test, and we will protect you both until you awake,” Keeper Grey informs us, and I glance at Erica, ignoring the smirk on her face that I just want to slap off. This game of playing nice with her ends today.

  “What about Star?” I ask.

  “Yes, have her lie down next to you, and she will follow you where you need to go,” Keeper Grey states.

  “Alright,” I say, keeping my eye on Erica as I sit down on the stone ground, as far away from her as possible as she lies down. Star follows me over, stretching out on the ground between Erica and me. I lie back, staring up at the runes glowing on the ceiling of the stone cave.

  “Let the ancient magic of both light and dark take you to the test. Close your eyes and fade away. The test will reveal the true queen.” Keeper Grey keeps repeating the same words as I close my eyes, and suddenly I can’t fight sleep as everything drifts away.


  I blink my eyes open, feeling cold snow underneath me soaking into my clothes, and seeing snow falling from the sky. I feel frozen in place until a snowflake lands on my lips, the tiny brush of coldness against my lips making me snap out of the shock I was in. I sit up, holding my arms around myself as a cold, snowy wind blows against me in the dark night. In the sky, there are dozens of stars and an eclipse moon hanging right in front of me. I stretch my fingers out, touching something metal on each side of me. I grab what feels like handles and pick up the two gold swords which reflect the moonlight. The gold swords have silver runes etched into the blade, the runes glowing brightly.

  “Where the hell am I?” I mutter, pulling myself up so I’m standing and looking around at my new surroundings. I’m stood on a snow covered hill, looking down at a town with little lights flashing from street lights and windows, I think. Though I’m too far away to actually know for sure that is what the light is. The town is surrounded by hills, by the looks of it, and I have never been to a place like this. This is an odd test, well, assuming this is still the test and Erica hasn’t murdered me in my sleep, that is. I search around for Star or Erica, not seeing either of them through the snow and knowing I will only find answers by walking into the town. The snow is super thick as I push through it, and it only gets deeper as I get to the bottom of the hill. I’m out of breath after a little while and exhausted. I feel the swords in my hands, ready in
case I need to fight with them. I doubt they were left in my hands for no reason.

  After what I think is half an hour of walking, I get to the edge of the village, looking up at the broken sign hanging off a pole. The sign only has runes on it, none of which I can read anyway. There is strangely no sound and no breeze once I step into the village. It’s like the snow storm stops and doesn’t fall on the village. I glance around at the buildings inside, seeing that they are made of wood, burnt in places and falling apart. The light I saw was actually parts of the buildings on fire, and the street lamps flicker every so often because they are broken. There is deadly silence as I look around, and I can’t hear anyone. I don’t even hear the fire burning. This place is all levels of weird and creepy. I walk further into the town and stop outside a house which has the door open, and there is someone sitting on the floor in the room.

  “Hey, I think I’m lost,” I say lamely to the person, who stands up and waves a hand for me to walk to him or her. I step inside the house and a fireplace lights, revealing the woman’s face in front of me. She is familiar, with long black hair and black marks of a queen of the Protectors on her face, though she isn’t my mother. I tilt my head to the side, and she smiles, holding out a hand.

  “Descendant of mine. Welcome to your test,” she says, and I slide my hand into hers after resting the sword on my leg, feeling a little burn from her touch before she lets go. I pick my other sword back up and stare at the woman. Her dress is a faded white gown, with little crystals all over the bodice of it. There is a gold pin shaped like an arrow pinned in her hair also.

  “Descendant?” I ask.

  “Yes. I made this test many, many years ago when I was queen. See, I had five children, and I did not know how to choose an heir to rule. My oldest was too spoilt. My middle children too lost, and my youngest was too much of a coward. A test was needed to choose which of them would be best suited for a king or queen in a fair way. The test chose correctly, and my child swore that their children would use the test to decide when the time comes. When I died, I locked my soul in the test to make sure only a true queen or king could win it for safe measure,” she tells me.


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