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Sweet and Sexy

Page 8

by Jeff Adams

  “Excuse me,” a deep voice said between songs. I looked up to see a guy wearing only denim shorts towering over me. He gestured with the red cup in his hand. “Is this patch of grass taken?”

  “It’s all yours,” I said, patting the ground.

  “Cool.” He sat down, legs stretched out in front of him. He was tall, and even though we were sitting I still had to tilt my head up to meet his eyes. Although I certainly didn’t mind looking at his chest. In the soft light of candles and lanterns around us I could see that he was nicely built. “I’m Marcus Wilcox.”

  “Ethan Holden. Nice to meet you.”

  I clanked my beer can against his cup and we drank. Wally began to play another song and we listened. I didn’t recognize the melody, but it was very intricate and Wally seemed to play it with ease, showing how good he really was. The group right around him, as well as others nearby, clapped enthusiastically when he was done.

  Wally put down the guitar and said he was going to take a short break. Karen handed him a beer, which he turned down for a bottle of water instead. The group around us started to break up, but Marcus and I kept our seats.

  “He’s good,” Marcus said.

  “Yeah. It’s cool how you get to meet your neighbors at times like this. I hadn’t even seen him before.”

  “It’s a pretty big complex.”

  “True. I’m bad though. I get caught up in work too much. Other than my neighbor,” I pointed at Karen, “I don’t recognize any of these people.”

  He took a drink from his cup while he looked at me. “I’ve seen you,” he said as he lowered the cup. “A couple times.” He leaned in closer for a whisper “You’ve seen me, too, sort of.”

  My eyes got wide and he winked at me.

  “It’s you?” I said, in disbelief, as my eyes darted between him and his balcony.

  He nodded his head.

  “I wondered if I might see you.”

  “I saw you go into your apartment. That’s how I figured out who you were.”

  I looked at him. He was cute and he wasn’t dwelling on what we’d done or being creepy about it. Suddenly the sound of air conditioners popped on along with some lights signaling the return of electricity. A chorus of approving voices sounded as Marcus and I just looked at each other.

  “Why do you sleep outside?” he asked, acting as if the power hadn’t come back. People around us started to drift back to their apartments, while others seemed content to enjoy the party a bit longer.

  “With the fans blowing on me, it’s actually cooler than I can afford to keep the apartment.”

  Marcus nodded. “I’m dreading the bill I’m going to get. When I get home I crank it down to sixty-eight until it catches up, then back to seventy-two.” He stood up and offered me a hand up. “Come with me?”

  There was no way I was saying no. His deep voice captivated me and with Shadow Man no longer a stranger, I wasn’t letting him out of my sight.

  “I really thought you were asleep that first night,” he said quietly as we walked up the hill. Clearly he didn’t want our conversation to be picked up by anyone else. “I saw you there, reclined in the chair. I couldn’t make out much, but there you were and I started stroking, imagining a hot guy sitting there. Then you started jerking, too, and that made it hotter.”

  “Why’d you seem startled when I went to the railing? You already knew I’d seen you,” I said as we began to climb the stairs to his place.

  “I don’t know,” he said as he unlocked his door. “Caught me by surprise.”

  “I’m glad you stayed. You’ve got a hot silhouette.” I smiled at him.

  “So do you.” He let me enter the apartment first, the A/C already working to cool the place down. It felt good. “So what gets you home so late?”

  “I stay on campus as much as possible. Since I’m working on my thesis, it’s easy to just stay in the library until they close.” I took the last drink of my beer and he took the bottle from me and set it and his cup on a side table.

  His apartment, not surprisingly, was laid out just like mine and furnished just about as spartanly. A futon and chair sat in front of a mammoth TV, which was perched on a table that looked far too small to hold it. The walls were just as bare as mine, too. As I looked around, I couldn’t believe I was in this guy’s apartment. With all six-foot-whatever of him and his broad chest. I knew my cock wanted to come out and play, and it was just a matter of time before Marcus’ noticed it.

  “I’m working on mine this summer, too, headed towards an MBA. You?” He stood in front of me as we talked.

  “Journalism, specifically around ethics in the electronic age.”

  “Maybe you can help get some ethics back into the profession.” He ran his hand down my arm as he talked, which almost made my brain short circuit.

  “Hopefully.” I ran my hand over his smooth chest, making sure to brush my fingers across a nipple. He quaked in response.

  He grabbed the hem of my T-shirt and lifted. I offered no resistance, raising my arms so he could slip it off. He dropped it on the couch before pulling me towards him and crushing his lips against mine. It only took a moment for our tongues to get acquainted as we explored each other’s mouths. He was a great kisser.

  Our warm bodies pressed so tightly together, they created a new heat all their own. While I was fine initiating a jerk off session with a stranger, usually I was shy actually making out with a new guy. I didn’t feel that with Marcus. Maybe it was because we’d had a few days on the balcony, or maybe it was the nonchalant way I came up to his apartment, talking briefly before we got into it. Whatever it was, all I thought about was how good the kissing was and how good it would be to get the shorts off. Moving against him, I knew he had a bulge in his shorts that rivaled mine.

  Marcus lived up to his outline. He wasn’t ripped, but he had definition. The broad shoulders were incredible to watch move. His muscled arms, meanwhile, felt great wrapped around me.

  I broke the kiss and took a step back from his embrace, even though I instantly missed it. I unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts and pulled them down, taking note that he was going commando. His cock, which looked to be in the six inch range, featured a massive mushroom head that was about twice the size of the shaft. That was gonna be fun to play with. His shorts dropped to his ankles. I followed suit with mine. Our cocks almost touched.

  He grinned as he took hold of his cock and started stroking slowly. I smiled back, mirroring his moves, just like I had on the balcony.

  “It’s a lot better being able to see everything,” he said as he stopped stroking himself and moved his hand onto my cock.

  “I should’ve come over a few days ago.” I moaned as I spoke. His fingers danced over my head and shaft. I grabbed for his cock and ran my thumb over the big head, which yielded a moan as well as some precum. He shuddered as I rubbed the slick over his shaft and his cock pulsated in response.

  We couldn’t take our eyes off each other as we stroked. It was like being in a trance, just allowing the waves of pleasure to radiate out from my cock as he constantly changed up the rhythm and pressure of his touch. As good as this was, I wanted more of him so I slipped out of his grip and dropped to my knees. He took a sharp intake of breath as I ran my tongue over his erect dick. I lapped up his delicious precum as my tongue swirled around the head, and I got a taste of his sweat, too.

  I had to stifle the laughter as my mind wandered back to the conversation about sweaty balls I’d had with Troy. I swallowed Marcus’ cock all the way to ensure that I couldn’t make a sound other than moaning. His knees weakened and he grabbed my head to steady himself. Looking up I saw a lopsided smile and a face filled with bliss. I was in bliss, too. It’d been a while since I sucked a cock, and I’d missed it.

  My tongue thoroughly explored the ridges along his shaft and paid special attention to the huge and perfectly shaped head. I hoped I would get the chance to have that in some other places, too. I sucked on him eagerly, as if I needed
it for my very life. His moaning increased and he gently pushed my head away from his cock.

  “Not yet,” he said. “Not until I’ve had some of you.”

  He pulled me up and guided me to sit on the couch. We both stepped out of our shorts as we traveled the few steps.

  He immediately went to his knees, but instead of going for my cock he darted his tongue over my low hanging balls. Very slowly, or at least it seemed slow, he worked his way up to my shaft and finally to my leaking head. Unlike me, he took his time pushing his mouth down on my cock. He moved slowly, deliberately as his tongue performed a magic dance across my shaft.

  I was shuddering and moaning and he soon had me right on the edge of blowing a huge load. I gripped the arm of the couch with one hand and a cushion with the other. My body was more electrified than I could ever remember it being. Was it because he was that good, or because it’d been so long? Ultimately it didn’t matter.

  It was my turn to stop him. As much as I didn’t want to, I pulled his mouth off my cock. The glint in his eye was ridiculously sexy.

  “Close, huh?” he asked.

  “Yeah. From just about the time you went down on me. You’re fuckin’ good at that.”

  “Glad you like it.” He stood up and offered me a hand. “Let’s get more comfortable.” He led me to the bedroom. Again, very similar to mine. He laid down on the bed and pulled me down on top of him. As we started to kiss, his cock found the sensitive spot behind my balls. I felt the huge head pulse as it inched toward my crack.

  I moaned between kisses, my body squirming as his cock expertly slid between my balls and hole. With all the attention my ass was getting, I was about to blow. I tried to hold back, wanting to ride this wave as long as I could.

  “You’re incredible,” Marcus said between kisses.

  I devoured his words into my mouth, not pausing to acknowledge it. As his cock continued to bump against my crack, I took that moment to ram back on it and force it between my cheeks. He bucked under me as I quivered on top of him. It seemed that was just the thing we both needed. I wanted him in me, but I also wasn’t going to stop this to deal with the whole condom thing. That was okay because this was great.

  “E, this is it. No goin’ back.”

  I loved that he called me E. It was so cute, my heart kinda melted. Stars flashed in my eyes as he tightened his grip on my cock, which I think was harder than it had ever been. I was gonna go over the edge with him.

  “Me, too. Make me shoot.”

  The moans and shudders reached epic proportions. We ended up shooting at nearly the same time, my cum shot out across his chest. Marcus blew in my crack and on my lower back. I could tell he’d made quite a mess back there.

  “Holy fuck,” I said, once I was able to speak. “That was outstanding.” I leaned down to kiss Marcus as his cock slipped from between my legs.

  “I’m glad I watched for you tonight.” I was going to roll off him, but didn’t want to get his bed wet. He seemed to see the hesitation. “Let’s move this to the shower.”

  I gently rolled off him towards the edge of the bed and managed a fairly graceful dismount. It was my turn to offer him the hand up and we both headed to the bathroom. I stepped aside to let him get in and set the shower the way he wanted it.

  We took turns getting cleaned up under the spray and once that was done we stood under the water kissing. While our cocks grew to half-mast, we focused on kisses instead.

  “Can we go on a proper date sometime?” Marcus asked.

  “I’d like that.”

  He turned off the water and we stepped out. He pulled his towel off the rack next to the shower and handed me a fresh one off the shelf behind the toilet.

  “I’ve got to go out to my family’s farm about a half hour from here on Saturday. Come with me? They’re out of town, and I need to take care of a couple things. There’s a great swimming hole there. Perfect for skinny dipping to beat this stupid weather. We can bring a picnic, too.”

  Any work I’d planned to do Saturday could wait. “Sounds great.”

  “It will be.” We padded into the living room and I picked up my shorts and had one leg in them when he spoke. “Why don’t you stay the night? It’s certainly cooler in here than sleeping outside.”

  “I’ve got an eight o’clock to teach, I’m not sure you want up that early.”

  “I’m meeting my advisor at nine, so it’s no problem.”

  My brain processed this as quickly as it could. I hadn’t shared a bed with anyone in four years. I’d almost forgotten what that was like. And technically Marcus was in the hookup column rather than the boyfriend column.

  Fuck it. Why not?

  “I’d like that.” I let the shorts fall back on the floor before I kissed him long and deep.

  “Come on,” he said, with a playful laugh. I happily followed.

  * * * *

  The ride out to Marcus’ family farm in Samantha was wonderful, as was the Friday night we’d spent together. While I was teaching Friday morning, he texted me, encouraging me to come to his place around nine so we could relax and order a pizza. It’d been a while since I’d taken a night to do something besides working on my thesis. We watched Forbidden Planet while we ate, which earned him big points for liking old school sci-fi. We also traded another round of spectacular blow jobs before going to sleep.

  Marcus drove a pickup truck, and it seemed so appropriate to be going to a farm in a truck. It’d clearly seen better days, with plenty of dents and scratches. But the cassette player inside spoke to its age more than anything else. I was glad he had an adapter that he could play his iPod through it, and we used that on the way up to the farm.

  “So you grew up out here?” I asked as we entered the rural part of the county, an area I’d never visited before. It was more rural than anything you could see on the Interstate between Birmingham and Tuscaloosa.

  “I did. My dad worked this farm for years. It was a wedding present from his folks. He’d grown up working their farm and they got him started with his own. He made a good living off of it. My mom taught school, and helped out on the farm in the summer. I was free labor until high school when they insisted that extracurriculars were important, but even then I still helped out when I had time because I enjoyed it. They both retired when I graduated college and sold a lot of the property to neighbors. They’ve still got a lot of land, a lot of it woodsy, plus a nice house. They keep a couple horses, too, which is why we’re going out. When they’re traveling, I take care of the horses.”

  “Horses? Really?”

  “Yeah.” He raised an eyebrow my direction.

  “That’s cool. Can I feed them?”

  “Sure.” He looked my way again and chuckled. “You’ve never been around a horse have you?”

  I shook my head. “No. Closest I’ve been to a farm is when my family took me out to one of those self-pick apple orchards. I’m sure there were horses around Seattle somewhere, but I never saw them.”

  “I don’t think it was properly revealed just how much of a city boy you are in our first thirty-six hours together,” he said, not taking his eyes off the curvy road.

  “What were you expecting?” I asked. “Seattle’s a pretty major metropolitan area.”

  “But there’s some amazing countryside around there, right? Trees, outdoors, lakes all that?”

  “Yeah, and we went camping and stuff. I loved sleeping under the stars, but mostly I was happiest reading, or playing video games, or whatever.”

  “Well, let’s see what the city boy thinks of this,” Marcus said as he pulled into what might be the longest driveway ever. Except it wasn’t paved, at least not like I usually thought of driveways. It was gravel that looked like it’d been driven over about a million times since it’d been put down. “We’re here.”

  There was plenty of pride in his voice and with good reason. The place was beautiful. The trees along the drive were gorgeous and when the house came into view I was impressed. I’d im
agined something slightly rundown, but this was a beautiful, but modest, home. My first thought was that I wanted to spend a quiet evening on the front porch with Marcus.

  “This is amazing,” I said as he parked the truck in front of the garage. My eyes darted around to take it all in. There were trees everywhere, beautiful flower beds in front of the house, and a barn that looked about a hundred years old but still in good shape. There was an amazing tree house in a large tree on the west side of the house and in the distance I saw part of a lake, which was mostly hidden by forest. The lawn around the house was well trimmed, and there was a lot of it. “If I lived here I might not ever leave.”

  Marcus gave me a big smile and raised his eyebrows a couple times.

  “I’m glad you like it.” I shrugged and he laughed. “I do come out here a lot. We usually have dinner together on the weekend. I do a fair bit of my work up there when it’s not so hot.” He pointed to the treehouse. “When we got wi-fi, I made sure the treehouse was in range of the router.”

  “Oh, man, that sounds nice. I’ve spread out my stuff on the balcony before, but up there it must be cool.”

  “Yeah. It’s nice. Lots of good times up there. Sleepovers, think time, good place to hide porn from the parents.”

  “And make out with boys?” I said as we walked over to the barn.

  “That’s never happened.”

  I shot him a disbelieving look. “Really?”

  “Nope. It always felt too close to the house to do that. It was one thing to just jerk off where I could easily control my own noise, but with someone else you never know if they are going to get too loud.”

  He slid open the barn and a horse snorted.

  “Hang on, Alice,” he said. “That’s Alice, she always wants immediate attention.”

  The smell of hay mixed with manure hit my nose. Marcus saw me wrinkle my nose and smiled. “You’ll get used to it,” he said.

  Inside there were six stalls, but there were only two horses. They both looked towards the door and one was making all kinds of noise. That had to be Alice. The barn was very tidy with an area for supplies as well as saddles and other things I’d seen only in westerns before.


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