Book Read Free

Sweet and Sexy

Page 11

by Jeff Adams

  The pie and check arrived and we both put credit cards down to split the bill.

  “I suspect we’re not going out at all,” I said, eyeing both Marcus and the boxed pie.

  “Probably not,” he said. “That okay?”

  I gave him a look that said he was crazy for even asking. As soon as we signed our checks, we stood slowly. I liked that he did exactly what I did, pretending to brush away crumbs with the napkin to make adjustments for modesty’s sake. Outside, the air was oppressive. Hopefully the coming rain would put an end to the nasty heat.

  * * * *

  We got to his place in record time. It started to rain as we pulled into a parking space, the sky lighting up as the thunder cracked in the distance. My heart beat faster, more because of fear than lust. We bolted for the breezeway leading up to his apartment. Just as we reached cover, the sky opened up and the wind started whipping around us.

  “We timed that pretty good,” he said.

  “Totally.” I heard the anxiety in my voice and hated it.

  “Come on, let’s get upstairs. This’ll be over in no time.”

  I liked that he wasn’t condescending about my feelings. I knew my fear of storms wasn’t rational, especially since I’d never actually been in a bad one. Nevertheless, I was glad to be with him, rather than on my own, in the library or my apartment. A loud rumble of thunder cut through the sound of the rain, punctuating my thought.

  Once we were inside his apartment, I placed the pie in the fridge. There was no way I’d be able to play out erotic pie fantasies right now. Returning to the living room I found Marcus on the balcony, which was about the last place I thought was safe. The TV was on with the weather guy going on about the storm and where to take cover for a tornado. The radar screen behind him seemed to show more storms now, stretching from the Tennessee border, cutting through the western part of the state and back out into eastern Mississippi. Several counties, including ours were under severe thunderstorm warnings. I had the urge to go into the super small hallway, kneel down, and cover my head, just like they taught you in grade school.

  Marcus was holding the metal railing, looking towards the north. As I crossed the threshold onto the balcony, lightning shot an angry web of energy across the sky. Thunder crashed all around in response. I swallowed my desire to flee and came up behind him to wrap him in a hug.

  “Why are you out here?” I asked.

  “I like the rain.” He pulled at my arm and I let him adjust my position so I was next to him. “Even the storms are pretty cool. I love how the lightning is cutting through the sky.”

  Another flash of lightning caused the lights in the apartment to flicker a couple times before going out. Thunder filled the darkness, taunting me. I shuddered, wishing I was braver.

  Marcus turned and wrapped me in a hug. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t judge. He simply held me. It made me feel a little less afraid.

  “Come on, I’ve got a lantern.” He led me back inside to the hall closet and pulled out a camping lantern. He switched it on, bathing the room in a blueish light. “There. That’s better.”

  “Sorry I’m being such a wuss.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, kissing my lips, a kiss I was all too happy to return because I needed the distraction.

  Simultaneously our phones screeched in a sound I didn’t even know the phone could make. Sirens went off outside, too.

  “Oh, no.” I said. I looked at my phone and found an emergency alert for a tornado warning.

  “Just because the sirens go off doesn’t mean a tornado is coming to this exact spot. It could just be a funnel somewhere. But let’s grab a couple chairs off the balcony and sit in the bathroom to wait this out, just in case.” He was already heading to the balcony before I could say anything. Two folding chairs in tow, he closed the sliding glass door behind him and passed me to get into the bathroom. “You coming?”

  “Sorry. You’re just so focused right now. It’s hard not to watch.”

  “I’ve been through plenty of these.” He closed the bathroom door, unfolded one chair for me, next to the door and the other one he unfolded and put over the toilet.

  “You’ve sat in here before like this,” I said. I would’ve never thought to bring in chairs like this.

  “Yeah. One other time. Had a couple friends over for a movie night and we figured out how to be comfortable during a storm. You can also put a chair in the bathtub so that three people can sit.” A loud crack of thunder reverberated through the room and I jumped as if I was watching a horror movie. “Let’s see if we can find out what’s going on.” He messed around with his phone for a moment. “Looks like the worst of this, including the tornado, is to the north. So we wait this out for a half hour or so and it’ll be over.”

  I wished I had his confidence. I felt safe with him, like the storm was going to have to go through him to get me.

  He dropped out of his chair and onto his knees. “Let’s see if I can take your mind off what’s going on outside.”

  My mind was occupied on the storm, but my dick knew what was getting ready to happen and it was getting hard before Marcus even put his hand on my zipper. He squeezed the bulge under the fabric and the sensation made me moan. Storm or not, my libido was taking over.

  “Will you do this anytime a thunderstorm kicks up?” I asked, watching him in the low light of the lantern.

  “It’d be my pleasure to distract you anytime.”

  He lowered the zipper, reached inside, navigated past the fly of my underwear, and gently brought my cock out. He lightly gripped it and began stroking, getting it harder. I was fixated watching him. It was as if he’d never seen anything as interesting as my erection. His deft touch made the noise of rain and thunder fade into the background.

  Marcus brought his lips to the head and ran his tongue over it as he began to suck. My mind flashed back to him teasing me with the pie and that only fueled the horniness. I ran my hand through his hair as he went completely down on my cock. I didn’t usually get sucked, or even jerk off, with this many clothes on. It was an interesting sensation to have my balls still in my boxers, where they could not get in on the action. Marcus seemed to know exactly what he was doing, making sure to hit as many sensitive spots as possible.

  He had me quaking in the chair, as I lifted my ass up to get further down his throat, all the while he remained in control. He had me ready to come almost instantly, but he wouldn’t let me go over the edge. At one point I started trying to thrust at my own speed and he stopped and just gave me a look. I relaxed my hips, gently nudged his head back down, and resolved to let him go about his business.

  I grabbed tightly at the chair arms, his tongue driving me insane. I had to be leaking cum, but he wouldn’t let me fully blow the load. It was maddening. And it was amazing. I wanted him to teach me how to do this. I was sure I could learn with practice. I got to the point where all I could do was shudder, moan, and hold on to the chair.

  Suddenly he changed the way he was sucking on me. My balls shifted position in my boxers and I went over the edge. He looked up at me and winked, which was devilish. He knew exactly what he was doing. I couldn’t contain the moans. I suspected I was louder than I was at the lake. Hopefully the thunder and rain drowned out my noise, although I don’t think we’d care if the neighbors heard.

  I nodded my head as I started to cum. I don’t know if he saw it or not because my eyes closed as the orgasm overtook me. Marcus didn’t let up as I shot down his throat. When the pleasure subsided, he gently stopped sucking and used his tongue to clean up every last bit of cum from my cock.

  “Holy fuck,” I said as he placed my softening cock back in my boxers and zipped me up, “the building could’ve been blown away and I think I’d have missed it. That was incredible.”

  He gave me a shy smile. It was surprising that he went so modest since he’d just blown me and my mind. “Glad you liked it.”

  I leaned forward in the chair and kissed him w
hile he was still kneeling on the floor. It was a deep kiss and I could taste myself in his mouth, which made me want to melt into him. His phone rang out from the vanity and interrupted our kiss. He glanced at the screen and grabbed it.

  “Sorry,” he said as he swiped to answer the call. “Hi, Mrs. Langston. This is unexpected.” I heard a muffled voice on the other end of the phone as Marcus’ expression became serious. “I’ll come up right now. If you or Mr. Langston need anything, you call me, okay?” He paused again. “Yes, ma’am, I will.” He slipped the phone into his back pocket. “A tornado hit up by the farm. The Langston place, which borders some of our land got hit. They just got out of the cellar and are trying to figure things out. At least their house is okay.” He stood up and looked around. “I need to go up and check on the house and the horses. I’m sorry.”

  I reached out and squeezed his arm. “It’s okay. I’ll come with you.”

  He grabbed the chair he’d been sitting in and I took mine and folded it as we went back into the living room.

  “You don’t have to do that. It could be messy or…”

  “You might need the help. Besides, I want to help. Let me run down the hill and change into some work clothes. I’ll be back in a couple minutes.”

  He looked at me as a smile played faintly across his lips, like he couldn’t believe what I was saying.

  “Wow. I have to bolt after blowing you, and you’re still willing to come with me to help out in what could be a bad situation. You’re an amazing man, E. I don’t know many people who’d do that after going out for only a couple weeks.”

  I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss before I pulled my phone and activated its flashlight app. “I wouldn’t do it for just anyone.” I winked at him before I headed for the door. “I’ll be back quick.”

  The weather had cooled considerably, so I threw on an old pair of jeans and T-shirt, clothes I was willing to get dirty if things were messy. I checked the battery on my phone and headed out the door.

  Marcus didn’t say much as we drove, focusing instead on the dark road. The street lamps were out and nobody had power. At least the rain had tapered off, making the drive a little easier. I reached down and squeezed Marcus’ leg, hoping to reassure him.

  The power outage extended all the way to his parents’ house. As we pulled up the long driveway, the headlights didn’t reveal any damage, and the house looked okay. But we could hear the horses in the barn making quite a racket.

  “Everything looks okay,” he said as we got out of the truck. “Let’s see what’s up with Alice and Trixie. Hopefully they’re just riled because of the storm.”

  Marcus carried the lantern we’d used earlier, lighting our way to the barn. I added more with the flashlight I’d grabbed from the truck. The ground was soaked and muddy with only the occasional tree branch, and none of those were very big.

  “Fuck me,” he said as he walked in the barn. My mouth dropped open as I saw what he did. A washing machine had crashed through the roof and into one of the stalls opposite the horses. Alice and Trixie didn’t seem hurt, but were obviously none too pleased with what had happened. The barn seemed relatively secure despite the big hole. But holy fuck there was a washing machine in the barn. “I guess it was thrown by the tornado.”

  He sighed as I went over to the horses, moving slowly as not to startle them further. I walked up to Trixie and ran my hand across her nose. She seemed to calm down instantly, which helped Alice, too.

  “So what do we need to do?” I asked.

  “Not sure there’s much we can do in the dark. I’m not sure if we’ve got the materials so I can patch that, even for the short term. Hopefully it’ll be fine till morning. I’ll check the structure to make sure it doesn’t look like it’ll fall in.” He threw me his keys. “Can you go to the house and give it a look, make sure there’re no surprises there?”

  “You got it.” I gave the horses one last scritch and took off on my mission.

  The next few hours were a whirlwind. The only damage we found at Marcus’ place was the barn. But the Langstons had significant damage to their barn and needed help with their animals. I went with Marcus and relocated some horses and sheep to Marcus’ barn and a neighbor’s barn that was spared damage. I liked working with him as a team like this. We got all the animals situated, wrapping up around two in the morning.

  Somewhere in the midst of all of it, the power came back on and Alice and Trixie seemed relieved that we could put the handheld lights away. As we walked out of the barn, Marcus took my hand.

  “You were awesome tonight. I can’t thank you enough for the help. I know it was not what we were expecting to do.”

  I brought his hand up and kissed his knuckles. “Like I said, I wouldn’t do this kind of thing for just anyone. But for someone I’m falling for, I’ll do whatever I can.”

  He smiled and kissed my hand in the same way I’d just done to his.

  “We should get you home,” Marcus said as we went to the truck.

  “What about you?”

  “I’m going to come back out here, get our contractor on the phone first thing in the morning to see when he can get that hole fixed. Plus with the new boarders, I’ve got more mouths to feed.”

  “Why don’t I stay here with you? I can help out in the morning, and we can both go back when it’s squared away. I don’t have to be on campus until eleven.”

  He looked down at me, his handsome face lit by the moon and stars that were starting to come out from behind the clouds. It hadn’t felt this nice out in a long time. The cool breeze was such a relief, and everything smelled clean and fresh..

  “A sleep over, in my room. I would say it could be some porny dream come true if I weren’t so wiped out.”

  We changed course from the truck to the house. It had been a weird and kinda scary night, but a really awesome one, too. Going through it with Marcus made me want to stay with him for a good long time. Sure we were good in bed, but just as good out of it, maybe even better.

  “We’ll save the porn for another night,” I said. “Besides, after what you did earlier, I’m not sure I’ve got the stamina for more.”

  Weariness crept in as I slowly climbed the stairs to the front door. After going in, we went straight to his room. It looked stuck in time from six or seven years earlier. There were posters of hot actors on the wall, some old CDs on a shelf, and a couple Dungeons and Dragons books sitting on the desk. I’d have to ask about that later. Along the back wall was a double bed, barely big enough for both of us. I suspected it was going to be nice being that close to him.

  “I’m gonna grab a quick shower to get the dirt off before we crash. You wanna shower with me, or go second?”

  I stripped off my T-shirt. “Let’s go together. We’ll be able to go to bed faster.”

  “You gonna be okay this close to me all night? This is not a big bed.” He shucked his dirty clothes.

  “It’s gonna be great, I think.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.

  As I dropped my jeans and boxers he stepped up close. He kissed me deep and it was obvious how tired we were since our cocks didn’t budge.

  “Remember how you said you were falling earlier?” he asked, continuing to hold me tight.

  “Yeah.” I snuggled my head against his shoulder.

  “I think I’ve fallen, too, so I’m going to say it. I love you, E. I’ve never met anyone like you and I’m glad we’re together.”

  “I love you, too.”

  After the shower, I curled myself into Marcus and he conked out fast. As I dozed off, I actually was thankful for the heat wave. While it was a nasty few weeks, without it I might not have met Marcus. While we started out just getting off in the steamy night, we ended up with something more. Something that felt like it was going to be good and hot for a very long time.


  * * * *


  It’s been fun writing about Tuscaloosa, a place I lived for about fifteen y
ears—from fifth grade until I was a couple years out of college. While I never had experiences like the ones Ethan and Marcus have, I do make use of places, and the weather, that I know well.

  As always, I must thank my husband, Will, for his excellent support and great collaboration on my stories. He’s always a good sounding board for my ideas. Elvis Murks is a great friend and invaluable beta reader/editor (you should check out his writing as well under E.W. Murks). Thanks to J.M. Snyder, as well. I’m glad she put the Heat Wave series together because it gave me the chance to create this story.

  Make the Right Choice

  Chapter 1: Leo

  As I ran backwards across my parents’ front yard, waiting for the football to fly toward me, I had serious déjà vu. It’d been years since we were all out here like this.

  My big brother Eric looked for the right moment to release the ball, before his husband, Sean, broke through the defense provided by Alex, one of my best friends.

  An inch or so of snow had fallen and the ground was a little slick, but none of us cared. There was nothing better than running around outside with snowflakes swirling all around us. None of us had brought our hockey gear, so we threw around a football instead. We may have been in our late twenties or older, but the kids in us needed to go out and play.

  I zigged and zagged, trying to confuse Ben, my younger brother, and Simon, my other best friend, who were trying to cover me. Finally, Eric released the ball. It soared through the air as I raced to catch it, Ben and Simon in hot pursuit. Alex took off across the lawn to provide me with some extra support.

  “Watch it, Leo,” Alex called out to me. “You know they’re sneaky.”

  I knew. That’s why I’d been constantly on the move, leaving me in perfect position to catch the ball and keep Ben blocked from it. Meanwhile, the husbands cancelled each other out—Alex took Simon out of the play and Sean neutralized Eric. Which left only Ben. I was bigger than him, but he was more agile.


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