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Perry and Her Princes (Kingdom of Veronia Book 1)

Page 20

by Serena Akeroyd

  Before he could grab her, she steadied herself, grabbed at the condom he handed her and covered his cock with the sheath. Then, using the momentum to better position herself, she let her pussy slide over his shaft. Quickly moving his thumb away, he felt her cunt grasp the tip of his shaft, and strangle it in a choke hold.

  They both gasped, and the gasp brushed over the other’s mouths as they finally came together.

  Him claiming her, her absorbing his claim—Perry-style.

  A low groan escaped him as she carefully lowered herself onto him, and he loved how she whimpered with each claimed inch. Loved how she mewled and groaned and moaned as she took all of him.

  He alternated between staring into her hazy eyes and looking down between them. The muscles and sinews either side of her pussy were taut with a tension that came from her position. A position that had her pussy spread apart.

  Her lips were forced apart by his thickness too and the bud of her clit peeped out. He reached up and dragged his thumb over her lips. There were juices on the digit and she let her tongue drag over it, sucking it into her mouth until he wanted to groan at the way she worked him over.

  Jesus, when he got his cock into her mouth, he’d be a happy bunny.

  As she sank down all the way, impaled on him fully, he reached between them, and with his thumb, began to tease her clit once more.

  Gentle flickers at first, then harder rubbing as she began to ride him. Her knees clutched his hips and she used the mattress to ground them both as she moved quickly. Barely letting him out of her pussy, keeping him deep inside, but maintaining a friction that about blew his goddamn mind.

  With each frig of her clit, she let out more small whimpers until they were an endless moan that serenaded his ears.

  He felt her pussy clutching at him, knew she was close, and he didn’t want to climax without her so he quickened his pace.

  When her head flung backward, the sinews in her marked throat tense with the strain, he moved his hands and grabbed her hips.

  Before she knew what he was about, he dragged her down over his shaft, filling her overfull in a way she couldn’t have managed without his brute strength.

  The cry that escaped her lips was magic in its intensity, and he knew he’d never forget that moment. Knew he wouldn’t be able to.

  That sound alone would forever be imprinted on his mind.

  And as the long, seemingly endless cry of wonder filled his ears, the clutching of her internal muscles dragged release from him… All George knew at that moment was that he had just had the best sex of his fucking life.

  “What made you come here?”

  Perry squinted at George. She slapped a hand over her face. “It’s too early for this.”

  “Too early for what?” he asked wryly. “We haven’t even slept yet.”

  She gaped up at him. “We haven’t?”

  “No. Just napped,” he told her, laughing as he peered at them both then at the windows which were bare to the night—he hadn’t closed the shades yet.

  After she’d climaxed, he’d dragged them both into a more comfortable position and together, they’d napped.

  He’d awoken first, and had sensed her wakefulness too.

  “Whatever, it’s still too early to dissect this,” she grumbled.

  He laughed, reached down to kiss the crown of her head. “You’re a pain in the ass, do you know that?”

  She shot a look at him. “Your pain in the ass?” she joked, playing on his words.

  “Yeah.” He smirked. “That sounds pretty cool to me.”

  Her bottom lip was scored by her teeth as she processed that, but the cocky smile that appeared soon after told him she liked his train of thought.

  Not that she told him that, of course. She simply murmured, “I need chocolate.”

  “Cigarettes are more customary in the post-coital glow.”

  She pulled a face. “I’d prefer chocolate. But will accept ice cream.”

  “Want me to get you some?”

  Her eyes widened. “You have some here?”

  “I have a fridge just off the dressing room.”

  “You have a fridge?” Her mouth dropped open, then she scrambled off the bed. “Show me!”

  Chuckling as she hopped down, still half dressed in the mostly-open peignoir that was now stained on the back thanks to the wet spot the silk had been unfortunate enough to catch, he had to hide a smile at her simple earthiness.

  She wasn’t ashamed of the recently-fucked look, and he loved that about her. It was raw and real, and that was what he needed from her.

  She grounded him. Always had, and now, she always would.

  After what they’d just experienced together… there was no way he was ever letting her go.

  His bedroom was bigger than hers. There were several areas within it. The bed stood on the back wall, and it was far less grand than hers, which was antique—his was more for living rather than peering at in astonishment.

  Then, there was a small seating area over by the windows that overlooked the gardens on the back half of the building and the Ansian mountain range.

  Besides that, there was a TV and a sofa with two armchairs.

  Opposite the bed, there were two doors. One led to his connecting bath, the other to his dressing room and the small kitchen he had there.

  He strode after her, and with his hand on her shoulder, guided her to the kitchenette. She whistled when she entered the marble-countered room with its copper finishing.

  “This is your idea of a kitchenette, huh?”

  “Get used to it,” he advised, reaching around her to open the fridge. “This is your life now.”

  She gulped, suddenly nervous. “Don’t say that.”

  “Don’t say what?” he asked, cocking a brow at her.

  “That.” She blew out a breath. “I’m already nervous.”

  “You are?” It was his turn to whistle. “Why?”

  “Because this is so much more than I ever thought it would be.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why would you say that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” she retorted with a huff. “Look, whatever I expected from this working vacation, it wasn’t to hook up with the youngest generation of the DeSauvier clan!”

  It was his turn to snort. “True. I’ll let you have that one.”

  “You’re so generous.”

  His lips twitched as he passed her a water bottle he’d opened for her. She took a deep sip, then admitted, “I’m in over my head here, George. You have to see that.”

  “I don’t. I think you were made to make this crazy world of ours saner.”

  “Now I know you’re reaching,” she chided. “When have I ever been considered sane?”

  “You’re my sanity,” he informed her softly, reaching over to pinch her chin between thumb and pointer finger. “I mean that. You are.”

  She bit her lip, and he used his hold on her to stretch his thumb and tug the mistreated morsel away from her teeth. “Stop it. You’re perfect, Perry. You always have been. I’ve been the one wasting time. I should have spoken to you years ago about this but I was scared.”

  Her chin jerked up in the air. “Why did you? Why now?”

  A small smile curved his lips at her mutinous expression. “You want the truth?”

  “No, George. I want you to lie to me.” She rolled her eyes.

  He sighed. “You’re such a brat sometimes.” He reached for the water bottle he’d handed her moments ago, then took a sip for himself. “I saw your Kindle, and suddenly, there was hope.”

  The simple statement had her cheeks blossoming with heat, then she blew out a breath. “I knew it. I knew that was why.”

  “You did? Then why ask?”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t mean it that way. I was talking to Edward before your dad came in and dropped his bombshell on us… I told him that I’d started reading this stuff and it was definitely interesting. I-I just can’t believe…”

>   “It was like a sign,” he assured her.

  She turned away from him and hopped up onto the marble counter. As she did, she grimaced. “Ew.”

  “Wet spot?” he asked commiseratively.

  “Yeah.” She pulled a face. “I really didn’t plan this well.”

  “What made you come here tonight, Perry? Why tonight?”

  “I had to figure out if things were right between us. If we could make this work.”

  He smirked. “I was right, wasn’t I? We’re perfect for each other.”

  She blew out a breath, and just as her silence started to worry him, a wide grin creased her lips. “Yeah. You’re right. That was…”

  “Mind blowing?” he teased, placing his hands on her knees.

  She grimaced but her fingers came to play with the ones he’d settled on her lap. “Yeah. It was. Don’t rub it in.”

  “As if I’d dare,” he managed with all the affront he could muster.

  “Ha. Ha.” She stuck out her tongue at him. “Xavier complicates things though.”

  George’s brows rose. He’d expected her to say his brother complicated things; not his cousin.

  “He does? Why?”

  Perry ran a hand over her face. “I think he’d…” Her brow puckered. “I think he’d actually want to join this weird little harem we’d have going on.”

  His nostrils flared at the word she’d used. Harem? Is that how she considered what they’d be to one another.

  Unsure if he approved or disapproved, he murmured, “And when did you have this conversation?”

  “About an hour before I came and jumped your bones.”

  The timing of that was key, and for the life of him, he wasn’t sure why she’d chosen to make her move at that exact moment.

  Almost like she could read his confusion and wanted to ease it, she murmured, “I needed to see how our connection was in bed, George.”

  “If it was shit, you’d have gone with him?” Just the notion had him bristling.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. If I’m honest, I never expected this to be like this, and yet, at the same time, I’ve loved you and had a crush on you for so long, that even in the back of my mind, I couldn’t see it being anything other than spectacular. But…”

  He cocked a brow. There was always a but.

  “I like him, George. He gets me, and I get him.” She fidgeted on the cold counter, and he smiled at the sight of her. He could see the curves of her breasts peeping through the space where her robe parted, and her hair was all over the damn place.

  Sexy, and rumpled, with her heavy, sloe-like eyes that made his body harden just by being around her.

  “Focus, George,” she said, and her tone was amused, so he grinned at her.


  “I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to see you like this,” he admitted softly. “It’s a treat.”

  She sighed, reached forward and placed her hand on his jaw. Her gentle touch got to him in ways he could barely stand… she had so much power over him. Such an ability to fuck with his head. Worse, his heart.

  “Do you know how much I’ve dreamed about being in this situation with you?” She grinned too, but hers was rueful. “So many times, it was getting boring. And painful,” she admitted after taking a long, deep breath. “I never thought it would happen. Thought I’d been relegated to the friend zone.”

  “Never,” he said, stepping into her space, not stopping until he was between her legs, their bodies touching, the breath they inhaled coming from the other’s mouth.

  She pressed her forehead to his. “I’ve wanted this for so long, George. It’s not a dream, is it?”

  “No. It’s reality. And we’re going to make this work. We’ve been dicking around for too long.”

  “We have,” she admitted shakily, and she looped her arms around his waist. “I love you, George. You have to know that.”

  “I love you, too,” he whispered back, needing her to know she wasn’t alone with these crazy feelings.

  If anything, they were standing side to side as they faced the chaos ahead of them. Chaos he’d forged by bringing his brother into the situation. And something that was only going to be exacerbated if she brought Xavier into the equation too.

  The thought had him closing his eyes. “I wish I was normal.”

  “You’re wonderful,” she told him softly, gently anointing his lips with a kiss.

  “You know what I mean.”

  A sigh escaped her. “I do. But…” She shrugged. “Maybe your normal and my normal are closer than we ever thought.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I’ve just said that I want Xavier, George. Maybe you’ve opened a door for me and I’ve just had to get used to the idea of being able to walk through it. Last month, back home, I would never have even imagined that we could be here. In the kitchen off your bedroom, where we’d just made love. And yet, here we are.” She sighed. “Nothing was ever going to be the same after we finally did this.”

  “No. But it’s a thousand times more complicated because of what I need.”

  She shook her head. “No. It’s a thousand times more complicated because of who you are. Because of who your brother is. That’s something you can’t hide from, George. Your stature in this world was something I knew from the beginning and unfortunately for you, it’s as intrinsic to you as anything else.

  “You were raised knowing you had power and wealth that few could even imagine. You were raised knowing that you were in danger because of that, and that if anything happened to your brother, you could rule one of the few sovereign states in the world. That changes a man, and it’s as basic to your nature now as your sexuality.” She shrugged. “That Edward is the Crown Prince is what fucks this up. But…” Perry blew out a breath. “Again, I’ve been confused. So confused. Unable to understand why you’d want to share me, and why you’d want to share me with your brother which seems kind of icky to me.” When he made to argue, she held up a hand to stall him. “But, it’s just what you need. I understand there’s nothing sexual between the two of you.”

  He grimaced. “God, no.”

  She grimaced back. “Yeah. It’s about me.” She scraped her teeth over her bottom lip, and when she next spoke, her voice was decidedly breathy. “How can I not find that so damn enticing it makes me want to crawl all over you?”

  Surprise held his tongue for a second, then he murmured, “Feel free.”

  She laughed a little. “Behave. You know what I mean.”

  “I do. And it is. All about you, I mean.” He shrugged. “This… tonight… it was mind blowing. I want that for you every time we’re together. I want to break your self-control. Drag you to limits you never even knew existed. I can’t do that alone.”

  Huskily, she whispered, “You don’t have to convince me. Not anymore. I want this, George. I really do.”

  He could tell from her words that she meant it, but he could also hear her confusion.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you for wanting that, Perry,” he told her calmly, brushing his lips over the corner of her mouth. “You want everything we have to give you. And if that involves Xavier too, then why not?”

  He wasn’t sure what Edward would have to say on that matter. Wasn’t sure how he’d feel. But this wasn’t about Edward. It wasn’t even about George or Xavier.

  It was about Perry.

  If the three of them wanted her, all that mattered was what she wanted. What she needed.

  Once he’d opened the door to her being shared, he’d realized that the situation with Xavier would complicate things. Perry wasn’t the sort to fuck around or have one-night stands, which meant she’d felt a connection with his cousin. He was just grateful that had happened with Xavier, who knew the score when it came to court.

  “What about Xavier?” she asked softly.

  “If you need him, then we’ll understand.”

  She bit her lip. “How does this work, George? How do we mak
e it work?”

  “Do you want it to?” he asked seriously.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. Things changed the minute I slept with Xavier and you told me the truth, but really, we could have come back from that. We could have stepped back, and returned to being friends. It would have been awkward, I guess, but manageable. Tonight’s what changed things. And I knew that when I came here. I knew that and did it anyway because I needed you. I needed to know this connection between us was as powerful as what I’ve always known in the back of my mind.” She closed her eyes and shook her head; the move rolled her forehead against his. “It was a thousand times stronger. I need this to work, George. I need you, and, I need them.” She gulped. “Not just Xavier. Edward too. There’s something about him. It calls to me. He needs me, George. I don’t know how I know that, but I do.”

  He smiled; his Perry always had been empathetic. He reached forward and pressed his nose to hers. Rubbing gently, he whispered, “You feel the call like I do.”

  That had her frowning—he could feel the pucker of her brow against his own. “What do you mean?”

  “Edward is…” He pursed his lips, tried to figure out a way to make sense of the duty he’d always felt toward his older brother. “Veronia is kind of old-fashioned.”

  She snorted. “Not that old-fashioned where the heir and the spare aren’t getting it on with the same chick.”

  He couldn’t bite back his grin at her waspish retort. “Edward hasn’t ‘gotten it on’ with you yet.”

  “Semantics,” she jibed.

  He grinned, but it died a little as he explained, “Most other monarchies in Europe are basically just figureheads. My father isn’t. He’s actively engaged in the politics that shape this country. No law goes down without his approval. Veronia is still surprisingly feudal when it comes to certain things. I’ve always known that’s Edward’s future, too. He won’t change the way the nation’s ruled. He can’t.”

  “That’s why the prime minister doesn’t like the DeSauviers, isn’t it?”

  The side of his mouth quirked up in a grin. “Yeah. That’s why. If anyone’s the puppet, it’s Luc Montfort. He has as much say as my father will allow him to have, and considering the man’s liberal, that hurts his ego.”


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