Sniper: Book Six (Princes of Prophecy)

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Sniper: Book Six (Princes of Prophecy) Page 16

by L. Ann Marie

  Prez laughs looking at the hologram board. “This is a huge amount of area to be looking through. We need a way to secure all this.”

  Brantley looks up. “I talked to Jess. We can throw solar up on a few of the main buildings and get the tunnels wired. The lights go on by sensor and cameras can record in the lighted areas.”

  “That’s a lot of fuckin’ lights and cameras.” His hand goes through his hair. “How long will it take to get this done?”

  “I don’t know yet. I only have the outside of two towns right now. Smithy was going to explain how all this came about. My guess is the war. This many tunnels going so deep, but all on waterfronts—that’s the only thing that makes sense. Underground Railroad would never have been this elaborate. The waterfront to town centers are the widest and everything seems to spider out from them.”

  Jessie stands up looking at the maps, “That fits. Boston and New York used the tunnels moving soldiers.” The shit I learn. Jax and Driscoll come in and we look at the tunnels some more.

  Prez stands and paces. We all wait. “I’ll get Jason with Jess. He can get the cameras and lights up while Jess gets me solar and wiring where I need it. Before that’s done, we need a way to cover the tunnels around the PD sub stations. I want all of them covered. I get a copycat feel to using the tunnels. I want everything that has to do with this at Princes, nothing about this should be at PD or the stations.”

  “We have something going on in Security too. The locker room should have sent an alert. Our thumb gets our lockers open. How would someone have our thumb to get in all of them?” Jessie asks.

  Brantley looks at him. “Shut the power off. If it’s off, the chip is useless.”

  Prez nods. “So we’re still looking at Trainees. That feels right. I’ll get the electric panel secured and have more feeds put up. This is getting fuckin’ ridiculous, in our own fuckin’ building. Was any gear missing or stored this time?”

  “Not mine. I don’t trust anything down there,” I tell him and look at Jessie.

  “My gear is missing.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you say something? Everything?” Prez is pissed. Not a normal reaction for him.

  Jessie holds his hands up. “Just a gun, scope and suppressor. I had a knife in there too. I wouldn’t leave everything in a fuckin’ locker.” He gives Prez a look. His paper and job gear would be in his safe.

  He relaxes throwing Jessie chin. “Thank fuck! What was a gun doing here?” His hands are in his hair again and we all look away holding our smiles.

  “I’m on sniper training tomorrow. It’s a new scope.” He’s pissed, but holding it. The gun means something to him.

  Prez nods, “Order what you need. This fuckin’ pussy is killing me with the cost of gear and feeds in our own building. I’m giving him to Dakota so he feels every fuckin’ bit of it.”

  Jax laughs then stops quick looking down. Prez looks around. “Anything else I need here?”

  “We need to look at another locker room or a fuckin’ wall at the very least. I’m running out of clothes here.”

  He waves his hand disgusted. “I’ll get Uncle Danny here and get more fuckin’ clothes. This pussy is pissing me right the fuck off. Anything else?”

  No one has anything. We watch him walk out and laugh once the door is closed. “This must be like a fuckin’ gnat to him,” Driscoll says. “Any way we can get Dakota with Trainees?”

  Jessie shakes his head. “He already trains with them, if he could tell us, we’d know.”

  “Fuck. That’s what I’d thought you’d say. I don’t think this is the end. It’s just a gut feeling, but it’s there.” He stands and Jax follows him out throwing chin.

  Brantley is still typing away. “I’ll get this section done so tomorrow we’ll be able to get you out of there. I OC’d José to get training covered.”

  We thank him and leave him to his maps. In Ops, I check for Beth and see she’s home. I hope she had fun. “I’m out Brother.”

  “Me too. I need to order fuckin’ gear.”

  * * *

  I walk in and see bags all over the table. It looks like she had fun. I carry some into the bedroom and find her in the closet. “Hi! Thank you. The guards left them on the table for me.”

  I’m glad they followed the new procedure and two were here. I like that one stays outside while the other drops shit in the kitchen. “Looks like you had fun.”

  She’s got her sunshine smile on. “I did. I love all the old ladies. Tess and Mitch are cute and Amanda is so funny. The rest are so sugary! It was such a good day. Nancy is amazing with clothes. She had everything ordered for me and said I have to take it all. This is a lot of clothes...”

  I kiss her and stop what I know is coming next. “Since I don’t know clothes I gave her a list and she did it for me.”

  She’s surprised. “You gave her a list? What was on it?”

  I smile. “One word. Everything.”

  She laughs and hugs me, “Thank you. She didn’t miss anything from your list. This must have cost a fortune though.”

  Shit. Brantley said I need to have this talk with her. I pull her to the bed and sit her in the middle. “We need to do the money talk.” She nods. “The houses are owned by Princes. We are completely green so we have very little in bills. Since we all work that money goes to Joey to be invested. We’ve been working since we were kids and all walked away with a shit ton. I was adopted by a full blooded Indian and I’m considered half Indian because of it. That throws money at us too. I am an Officer in the Club so we get a cut of all the businesses the Club owns.” Her eyes are huge, but I don’t give her a chance to talk. “I have a card for the house shit that you can put half the bill money on. When we get married your medical, car and life insurance will be rolled with mine. Clothes, food or anything for the house isn’t going to touch the invested money and won’t hurt us. I don’t want you worrying over little shit like clothes or purses. Buy what you want. I hope I get what you need, but if I don’t—use the house card for that. Are we done with the money talk?”

  “You’re serious?” she croaks out.

  “Yeah Precious. Use the card for what you need. If you want anything just buy it. Joey will get you an ID and you put that number on receipts for anything you get around the towns. There’s a sign on all the business that show they accept the ID. If you’re not sure just ask. That’s paid by my allowance account and Joey will let me know if I need to add to it. Since I have everything I need I haven’t ever needed to add to it. She takes the extra out every year and invests it.”

  “You’re rich?” She’s pale and looks nervous.

  “Why the fuck do you look scared. We all have money, it isn’t something we talk about or worry over, it just is.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t need anything and I’ll spend from my pay. Why didn’t you tell me everyone is rich? Holy shit that’s crazy.”

  I don’t care how she spends her money. “What difference does it make? You’re no different than us. You have money saved and I didn’t ask you. We’ve just been doing it longer. Every one of the old ladies works and makes good money. Holly writes books, Jess makes shit for Mitch and the Club businesses, Lily runs the Center—and every fuckin’ cause in the world, Eliza and Sheila run HS. You all do the same thing we do.”

  She starts laughing. “They must think I’m crazy. I went on about the cost of the kryptonite panties.”

  “Kryptonite panties?” What the hell is that? I’m not sure I like the sound of this.

  She’s smiling and nodding. “The sexy superhero panties. Jess makes them and MC Jess markets them. They’re more environmentally friendly.”

  “The old ladies make panties? Why am I getting them from Victoria’s?” Fuck, no one told me.

  She’s laughing so I wait. “Sheila said Jax rips them both so she just wears Victoria’s.”

  “Jesus! I don’t need that in my fuckin’ head. I’ll find out about the superheroes and get them for you. I can’t
believe they didn’t tell me. I need to call Patches.” I get up reaching for my phone.

  “NO! It’s an old lady thing! The old ladies order them. If you do that they’ll kick me out. I want to be an old lady!” She’s got a pout on her lips and I want it on my dick. I get that picture and my dick swells. Jesus.

  The panties. I look at her eyes. “Okay, order your panties, use the house account since they’re for me. What superheroes do they have? I like Flash and Captain America. And Iron Man, the red one. Do they have Green Lantern?” I’m thinking that would be cool for in the tunnels. I shake my head. She isn’t going in the tunnels.

  She’s laughing again. Since she isn’t pouting I walk away and get her the other bags. While she’s putting clothes away, I run over to Brantley’s and drop my guns then get dinner going.

  It’s not her clam chowder, but it’s good and she’s happy. We talk about all the old ladies and I’m relieved she had a good time with them. It seems that each one gave her something today to make her smile. I laugh when she says Penny wants Amanda to do a tattoo like hers. They took pictures of my girl, but it’s Amanda and I know she won’t share.

  We walk the beach and I tell her about the kid that was hit today. Fuckin’ pussy got a teenager just learning how to drive. Dakota was just getting ready to leave and made it to the scene in minutes, but didn’t catch anything. He hovered forever trying for feeds that showed us our shooter. The kid will probably be scared shit to drive again.

  At home, I get her mouth on me while I watch her lips pouting against my dick as she’s sliding me out. I flip her to thank her, then end up fuckin’ her until she’s barely breathing. I clean her up and she goes from shallow breaths to sleeping. I tell her I’m at the patio and get a grunt.

  I want to tell Prez about Driscoll’s gut feeling. Jax is here already. “Gut feeling?” He throws me chin. “Did he show?”

  “No Brother, but I just got here.”

  I sit and we talk about the tunnels. When Prez comes in I get him a beer and Jax tells him about Driscoll.

  He’s watching the water. “I’ll get Darren to raise the kids and women to high. One fuckin’ trainee and my days are spent like we’re still at fuckin’ war.”

  “Dakota’s not talking,” Jessie says coming from behind us. “I’ll tell him about raising the threat level and tell you what he says.”

  He looks at me. “Jeremy’s been quiet lately. What’s Christian saying?”

  “I’ve never once asked him for anything. He’s not like Jeremy and I can’t put him in the position to see that shit.”

  He nods putting a tie in his hair. I know it will be out in a minute just like my dad. “Yeah. I’ll get to Jeremy. Christian is doing good and finally touching people. The kids love him and he’s not afraid of picking them up.” He looks at us. “Is it just me or is this pussy driving you crazy?”

  I look at Jessie, but he’s looking at Jax. “He is, but you have a lot more on your plate and this seems to be jumping to center stage every fuckin’ week.”

  I look at him. “It is every week.” I look at Jessie. “The church tower.”

  He hesitates. “That’s got to be eight hundred yards just to the building we were on today.”

  “Yeah. I can make it.”

  “Fuck! You’re talking at least eleven hundred yards if it’s closer to the PD.”

  “Yeah. I got this. I hit with the long barrel at fourteen. My new Saker at twelve, but only because I didn’t try for longer.”

  He looks at Prez. “Fuck me. He’s got the long shots from now on.”

  Prez laughs. “I don’t know if I should be concerned with you giving it up to Brantley and now Taylor.”

  He smiles. “He’s always out shot me in distance and Brantley’s good, but not even close.”

  “I’m out before I get a fuckin’ complex.” Jax walks out throwing chin.

  I stand ready to be home. “Set up next week early,” Prez says as I hit the door. I throw him chin and jog home.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  One week


  The patients are cranky today making me wonder if it’s a full moon. I’ve given more ice cream and Jello to grownups just trying for a nice word, but it isn’t working. “Beth, phone,” Emma calls me.

  I nod holding a finger up as I’m walking in to hand a guy a chocolate cup because the vanilla is a non-flavor. He rolls his eyes. “Two would be a hardship? They’re for fuckin’ babies.”

  I smile gritting my teeth. “With the vanilla you had two, but I’ll be sure to get a third in your hand before my shift is over.” I walk out and do the dog shake letting all his damn rude fly off. Emma laughs. I get to the desk and she says it sounds official. “Beth speaking.” I sit. My brother was in an accident. They need me there right away. Fuck. “I’ll get covered and be there as quick as I can.” With shaking hands, I call the supervising nurse. She tells me to go, she’s coming down.

  I breathe and pull it together. I can’t do more than I can do, so I’ll just do that. I nod with the new plan and look at Emma. “Taylor’s on a job today I’ll call him on the way. I’ll drive down and call you when I get there.” She gives me a hug and tells me to go and be safe.

  A Princes’ Police car is waiting at the curb when I come out the staff entrance. “I’m taking you to New York.” I sit in the back and he closes the door.

  Wow they know everything. Maybe they were called first. I get in and try to call Lily letting her know I’m not making the group, but my phone doesn’t work. “Can you get a message to Lily that I can’t make it to group? My phone isn’t working.”

  “Sure,” he talks saying just what I said and thanks them. He must have a radio in his ear.

  I try to talk to him, but he doesn’t say much. I lean against the door and sleep.

  * * *


  Rich comes up the bell tower stairs. “What’s up?”

  “I’m your relief.” He pulls his bag off his shoulder and looks through my scope. Why is he relieving me?

  “Nice set up. I got this.” He starts pulling his gear out.

  “Why are you here? I don’t need relief.”

  He looks at me like he’s deciding what to say. “Prez and Jessie are waiting downstairs. I’m your relief.”

  Fuck. “Is Christian okay?” I start breaking down my gun moving faster.

  “Yeah. Go Brother. I’ll get your gear. I was told to drop it with Brantley or Christian.”

  “Fuck.” I look at my gun then at Rich. Throwing him chin I grab my backpack and run down the stairs.

  At the front is an SUV. This is bad. When I walk out the back door opens. “We’re headed to the chopper,” Jessie says and walks around to the other side.

  “What’s happening? Are my mom and dad okay? Fuck, Jeremy?”

  Prez turns around and I see it’s bad. “They’re all fine. I got a call from Emma. Beth got a call that her brother was in an accident. She was headed to New York, but her car is still in the lot. Emma left about an hour after the call. I checked tracking and nothing shows for Beth. Brantley tried for her phone that has the alternate, but nothing is showing.”

  My head is in my hands. Why is her tracking off? Her car is in the lot. That would be tracked too. Her jewelry and phone are all she has for tracking. “A jammer. She doesn’t have a cuff. Where is her fuckin’ Security?”

  “Found by the door. Tasered. That means there were at least two. Feed shows a big guy walking out behind Security. He hit him on the back of the head then with a taser and kept walking.”

  Fuck! My head is in my hands again. “No one knows she has a brother.”

  “You told me about him when we were changing for trafficking. She’s excited he’s actually coming to the wedding,” Jessie says.

  I did tell him. Fuck. Right in the locker room. “The Trainee?”

  Prez looks at me and I wait. I want to shake it out of him, but it won’t do any good. “That’s my thought, but he has help. Brantley
got her brother’s license, he’s a big guy.”

  “Sonofabitch. Christian said he’s not good.” My head is in my hands. No tracking and a crazy PD trainee with her brother that’s no good. “I need my gear.”

  “Christian will have it at the chopper for you.”

  “Do we know what they’re driving and if she is even out of town?” I hope to fuck she isn’t in the tunnels.

  “Brantley got an old PD car leaving the lot, they followed, but the car was switched at a rest area in Connecticut. They were trying to follow the flow of traffic to catch the car coming out, but there are two exits in between. The second car drove around town and was left in a lot at the waterfront. He’s on a boat.”

  “Jesus.” We pull into the hangar and Christian is waiting with my bag from the safe.

  “I know I’m not Jeremy, but I want to go.” He’s looking at Prez. I take the bag and get on the chopper.

  “We have Dakota,” Prez tells him.

  Christian looks at me. “You’ll need me tonight. Jeremy told me to get on the chopper.”

  Uncle Danny yells from the front scaring the shit out of me. “Jeremy said he goes!” Because my fuckin’ life can’t get any worse right now I need this shit. She won’t be found tonight. Uncle Danny wouldn’t be here and sure as fuck Christian wouldn’t be needed. I look away and hope my Precious Beth is okay for the night.

  “Let’s go,” Jessie says getting in.

  Christian sits on the side of me and holds my arm. I close my eyes thinking of everything I’m going to do when I catch the motherfuckers and Christian lets me go. My head is playing scenarios.

  I open my eyes and look at Prez. “What do we have on the brother?”

  “His address, hangouts, a hotel he rented a room at two days ago. Favorite food places, job. Jax has a crew heading down to get us more. Brantley is working only this.”

  I look at Christian. “What’s bad about him?”

  “He’s into drugs and selling women. His job is a business he uses as a cover. Managing a flea bag hotel that he runs women in.”


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