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Sniper: Book Six (Princes of Prophecy)

Page 22

by L. Ann Marie

  We go to the reservation in the truck with Delta sitting by the window. He’s a cool dog and I like that he’s watching over Taylor. I wonder what PTSD training consists of. I’m going to look it up.

  Nunánuk is waiting at the door and Delta goes right to her. She pets him then welcomes us in Mohegan. They all talk to her in Mohegan but she speaks fluent English. Taylor translates everything for me.

  We walk to the lake and sit. I love the beauty of the land and Taylor seems relaxed and happy to be here.

  * * *


  Before we leave I ask Nunánuk about Chevy. She gives me a sad smile. “The Elders like their children making a difference and teaching the younger generation about living away and keeping the culture and language alive. There are times when the purpose interferes with tradition. Elders showing disappointment affects the children and will stop the progress of spreading that culture and holding onto our ancient language. Go teach what you can, live doing good and making that difference with your belief and Indian culture recognizable in all you do my grandson. Yours is the generation that is bringing our people back to a place of honor and contentment with where we come from.”

  “I will Nunánuk.” She kisses us telling us to have a safe journey. I smile at that.

  I get my Precious in and open the door for Delta. He sits and I pet his head. He seems happy with our day too. I guess he’s not so bad.

  We stop to eat and the waitress comes over looking nervous. “We have a sign that states dogs aren’t allowed.” She’s looking at Beth as she says it, but gives me a quick nervous look.

  “He’s a service dog.”

  She relaxes. “He’s not wearing a service vest.”

  I call him to stand. “He is. It’s made special for us. It has his patch and certification number on it.”

  She walks away embarrassed and I see her stop at a table with older women. They get into a heated conversation and the waitress walks away.

  I’m watching the whole thing while Beth reads the menu. I’m not sure we’re staying so I don’t bother. A woman comes out and I know she’s a manager. She stops at our table smiling so I relax. “I’m sorry about the waitress not recognizing the dog’s vest. I want to thank you for your service and tell you we’ll comp your dinner for the inconvenience. It is our policy to treat all military and Vets with the respect they’ve earned.”

  Fuckin’ nice. “It’s a good policy and I’ll ask you to save the dinner for someone that needs it. We were asked and answered. It was no trouble.”

  She nods and goes to the table with the older women. They all get up and I’m getting ready to leave. She’s moving them because of Delta? A woman gets loud bitching about getting food with animal hair in it and Beth looks over. The manager tells her she should be happy to be leaving then.

  Beth laughs. “I love this place.”

  “Me too.” Our next run this way we should stop here.

  We eat and I leave a big enough tip in the folder for the table the waitress lost. Beth smiles as we walk out. “M&M,” she says, as I lift her into the truck. I kiss her lips and go around to open the door for Delta. She doesn’t explain and I don’t ask since she said I didn’t want to know.

  * * *

  “No! I have to get to her.” The gun. I have to find the gun. What the fuck? Fur. He’s alive. The fur.

  “Just a memory Taylor,” Dakota says.

  I need to get the girl. “Help me get her out Dakota.” I hold the fur.

  “She does not make it Taylor, but the women do. They are a help to their people.”

  “Yeah. They help. I saw the woman.”

  “Open your eyes Taylor. See where you are.”

  I open my eyes and see the lowlights. “They aren’t here. They made it away and help.” I lean back against the bed relieved. Delta lays across my lap. “They’re not here Delta. Just us.”

  “And me,” Beth says smiling down at us.

  “Yeah. You’re safe.” My body relaxes. She’s safe.

  Dakota takes his hand off my head. “Your dog is a help to you Brother. I am happy to see it and the Brothers will be relieved.” I look at him not understanding.

  “I think he means you’re relaxed and clearer than usual. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for you to stop shaking and talk to us,” Beth says.

  I look at my hands going through his fur. I didn’t realize I was petting him. “Yeah.” I look at Dakota. ‘Was this a bad one?’ I think.

  “Not at all Brother. You already recognized your dog during the memory. It was just the first since you had him and I was up. I wanted to see if that would connect for you and it did. It is reassuring to see.”

  I nod. I connected to him in the memory. This is good. I’m still foggy, but I know it’s good.

  “I will see you at work tomorrow. Have a goodnight Blackhawks.”

  “Thanks Dakota.” I watch him walk out. I sit thinking about my breath as I take it in and let it out.

  “Gotta tell you my tattooed biker man, I love the dog. I want to bake him a cake.”

  I laugh. Even foggy I know that’s funny. “He probably shouldn’t eat a cake. VP would get pissed if he’s three hundred pounds. He wouldn’t be able to do his job.”

  “It’s got to be a man thing. What is with you all and work?”

  I look at her. “You work. What’s wrong with work?”

  She laughs. “I was in the middle of a dream that you saved me from. People are rude and I had to deliver ice cream and clean dirty sheets on the whole floor. The ice cream melted and the sheets wouldn’t fit in the soiled linen bins. It was a disaster.”

  “Glad I saved you from it Precious.” I tell Delta to sit and try my legs at standing up. I feel pretty good. This is definitely easier than before. I pet Delta’s head thanking him in Mohegan. When I sit on the bed he lays on the side. I don’t tell him ‘bed’ since he knows more than me right now.

  “It’s easier tonight. I’m glad. I’m glad you saved me from the meanies too.”

  Since my head is fucked, I kiss her. I have no idea what to say.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Two days


  Since Beth doesn’t have to be up, I take Delta running. He keeps up with me and doesn’t veer off course as we pass Sheila and Jax on the beach. The more he’s with me, the more I like him. He doesn’t have his vest on, but he knows to stay. The other dogs play without their vest.

  Running the beach by the ‘rents, I see Uncle Steve and run up to the deck. He throws me chin and I give it back.

  “Even without the vest he stays with me. He doesn’t play like the other dogs.”

  “Still learnin’. He’s more than protection like the others. Needs to be focused on you. When he gets you, he’ll relax some. Always watch like Hawk and Max.”

  I think about them. Christian plays with Hawk but for the most part Hawk watches the other dogs play. “So I need to play with him so he gets that time?”

  “Yeah. Dog’s purpose isn’t to play. He knows it. Would always focus on you. Playin’ shows a different side of you, but keeps him active too.” I nod. “Sent toys. Use ‘em.”

  “I will. Thanks Uncle Steve.”

  “At Security. After class, we train.”

  I salute him and he smiles throwing chin. We run home and I get a Frisbee out of the chest on the deck. We play for a while then I tell him we have to go to work. He catches the Frisbee and runs up the stairs. Guess he likes work.

  I shower and kiss my Precious. She’s still out, making me smile. Since I kept her up last night I let her sleep leaving her a note and the coffee pot set for an hour. She’s getting lessons from Holly and the kids today and needs to be out by nine.

  I take the truck since I have Delta. We stop in the break room and I laugh when I see the chest on the side of the counter. It has his name on it with training bones and treats inside. Water and food bowls are on the floor against the wall. He goes right to them. It looks like someone measur
ed his food out. He gets two cups in the morning and two at our dinner time. I find his tin barrel in the closet and put the bag I brought for him in it. Since it’s almost full I guess he’s coming to work. He’s not riding on my bike like Prince, so I need to figure that one out.

  I get another coffee and eat a danish while he eats. When he’s done, I clean the food bowl and get to class.

  This rotation will be finished this week. Everything we do is review and watching times and scores. I have one for HS as long as Dakota signs off on him. I’ll find out at our meet tomorrow.

  In pop ups, I notice a trainee struggling and pull him to the side. He smells like the fuckin’ brewery. “You’re drinking before work?”

  “This ain’t work. Training is nothing. I don’t drink at work.”

  What the fuck? “You’re paid to be here, just like work. You don’t show and handle firearms when you’re drinking. Go sleep it off.”

  “Fuck that. I made time and passed.”

  “Drinking and shooting is an epic fuckin’ fail. You’re a fuckin’ cop.” I turn and he pulls my arm. I swing around holding my good arm high and catch him in the face. “Go sleep it off. Your reaction time is off. You didn’t make time, but you didn’t shoot an innocent.”

  He’s pissed so I wait for him to react. Turning my back on him again doesn’t seem smart. “I made time! I spent four fuckin’ weeks here. I’m not doing it again.”

  “No, you’re not. Go sleep it off and talk to Jax when you’re sober.” The thing about drinking is you have no fuckin’ clue when you’re making an ass out of yourself and you think everything you do is right. My moron pulls his gun and I shoot his foot with it.

  “Go to the hospital, then go sleep it off. Your reaction time is definitely off.” I pull my phone and call for Clean-up watching him roll around on the floor.

  Delta is sitting at my side and looks up at me. “I think so too. He’s a fuckin’ moron pulling this with two days left here.” He goes back to the door and watches the room.

  The other officers move with more intent and I dismiss them—liking that a few moved up the board. They’re in with Jason next so me and Delta walk back to the classrooms and wait for the next group. These officers are still working, but show for training to keep them fresh and bring them up to speed on policy or procedure training. Since Princes will be taking over completely and the asswipes will be gone, it’s a wasted time slot. They’ll be learning new procedures within a month.

  Darren comes in and I’m wondering where my class is. “I forgot to send it over. The maintenance classes are canceled until everything at PD is straight.”

  I nod, but wonder what the fuck I’m supposed to be doing. “That’s more than half my time.”

  “Driscoll needs help at PD. He already let people go. We have Aaron and Hyde over there with their teams. That leaves us you and Jessie here for HS on call. Jessie’s buried under apps trying to find good candidates. Brantley wants the maps finished. My dad and VP are here asking a million fuckin’ questions about shit I don’t care about. Connecticut wants a meet about more trucks. Bull is looking to add to Security since we picked up the new contract. The old ladies want a night out. Ricky needs help with something going on in KC. I don’t know what the fuck José is going on about and Prez is in Greece. If you could find something in there that you can fix or take off my plate, please Brother, do it.”

  I crack up. He doesn’t look like he’s ready to laugh. “I’ll go see what VP and Uncle Danny need and help Jessie with the apps. I told Brantley I’d go back down and I can take a Prospect with me. Since I have extra time to play with, I’ll let him know. That leaves you Connecticut, Ricky, old ladies and José.”

  “Thanks Taylor. I need a fuckin’ vacation.”

  I follow him up smiling it’s been two days. I don’t think he’d like me laughing right now. In Ops, I set my times to help Brantley then look for Uncle Danny and VP.

  At the locker room, I find them looking at the electric panel. “Did you need something down here?”

  Uncle Danny smiles. “You have this panel with a camera on it. Moving the wall, I can put the panel so it’s turned the other way on the HS side. With all the fuckin’ cameras here I need to know what you’re looking for.”

  That’s all? “The trainee that took Beth was in our lockers. My clothes were shredded and he messed with my gear. The second time we had the new locks on, he shut the power off to get in and stole our clothes and some gear from Jessie. Security never got an alert that anyone opened the lockers.”

  “Fuck. Anythin’ important taken?”

  I nod. “A piece and new scope he was using for sniper training. He didn’t keep anything else here. I didn’t trust the room since the first time, so everything of mine was in the safe room and my safe.”

  VP nods satisfied. “So I can move anything and don’t have to worry about the feeds?” Uncle Danny asks.

  I think about that. “I want to say no, but I think an alert would have been thrown if the feeds or electric went off. The building is monitored so a dark locker room should have been noticed. Brantley said the chips wouldn’t work and that was the end of it. To me it doesn’t feel right.”

  He nods and looks at VP. “Goin’ to Surveillance.” He walks away and I look at Uncle Danny.

  “It should have been noticed.”

  I nod, then answer his questions about walls and lockers. When I’m done, I go to Jessie’s office. “Heard you need help with apps.”

  “Thank fuck! Here.” He hands me the bottom of his stack and points me to the laptop. I get his sheets and start filling in the lines. Some of these look promising. When I’m done, we go for lunch. Delta follows and gets a drink then sits by me. “He’s good here?”

  “Yeah. He stays with me, but sits by the door most everywhere I go.”

  Uncle Danny and VP come in. “Kid in Surveillance needs to go. Was waitin’ for me to leave to get on the internet.”

  “What? He’s on now?” Jessie’s standing up pissed and ready to go to Surveillance.

  “Sit. Told Bull to shadow him.”

  Uncle Danny looks at me. “Good call. Our building throws an alert if the power goes off. I can talk to Jess or Jared about that if you tell me which one.” I look at Jessie.

  “Jared. The PD is set like that. The server room throws alerts if it’s too hot. He did that building and has alerts set for everything.”

  We talk about the buildings and getting rid of the PD asswipes. Uncle Danny laughs saying they need to do that too. Jessie tells them to have Brothers trained before they bounce anyone making me laugh.

  When we’re done, I take Delta for a walk around the building. He goes to the trees on the outside of the lot and I make a note to call for a Prospect to clean up the area once a week. I never had to be a Prospect and today that makes me happy.

  Uncle Steve is waiting for me when we get back. We train and he explains about Delta helping me through ‘bad times’.

  “He did something the other night. When I was on the floor I grabbed his fur, and held on. Dakota said it was good. He laid across my lap when I was back to me and they said I wasn’t shaking so bad and was answering them faster than before. I was petting him, but didn’t realize it.”

  “That’s his trainin’. Dakota said it was good. You got back faster, but we’ll work to get back ‘fore you’re on the floor.” I like the sound of that. “Not gonna work every time, but we work toward that. Yeah?”

  It’s not the happy ending I want, but I can work with that. “Yeah.”

  “He goes with you now. Later, with nothin’ happenin’ durin’ daytime, he works nights.” I nod. “No guns in the house ever. Not somethin’ you get a warnin’ from. Dakota and Jeremy aren’t always around.”

  “Brantley put a safe in for me. I drop them all the time now. Christian and Prez got me the last time. I was dressed to get Beth from work and wasn’t thinking. I won’t do it again. I drop going home and pickup leaving.”

��Fuck. Good you learned without shootin’ anyone.”

  I smile. “I was looking for the ChapStick. I don’t know what would have happened, but when Christian got there that’s what I was doing.”

  “It’s good. You still carry it?”

  I look away. “Yeah.”

  “That’s good too.” I look at him and he’s smiling. “Tellin’ me when you don’t want to is how you get through it. Not always comfortable, but it’s important. Good you’re not afraid to say.” I throw him chin. “Done for today. We work tomorrow. I’ll find you.”

  “Thanks Uncle Steve.”

  He surprises the hell out of me with a man hug. “Proud you ain’t layin’ down and whinin’.

  I smile. “I think the Brothers would kick my ass if I did.”

  He laughs.

  Walking into Ops Brantley’s smiling. “Prospect is waiting by your truck. You’re at town four.”

  I turn around and walk out with Delta following. At the truck I pop the doors. “Nice truck.”

  I throw him chin thinking it won’t kill me to drive it to work for a while. Delta jumps in and sits right on his lap to get to the window. I laugh. “That’s his spot.”

  “Figures.” He’s not happy. I laugh more.

  The Prospect isn’t thrilled with the tunnels, but we get through another section of this town. I drop the Prospect and Brantley checks me out.

  Dropping my guns, I take Delta for a walk by the trees.

  When we walk in the door I laugh. There are Post-its all over the place. Everything in the room has a Post-it with phonetic spelling and the Mohegan word under it. Beth comes running from the hall with her sunshine smile. “Kuwômôyush!”

  “Kuwômôyush Precious. Thank you for learning; the language is important to grandmother and the tribe.”

  “It’s such a pretty language. I like it. I’ll learn more, but the kids are great teachers.” I smile while she gives me the words around the room. She’s doing good and spelling it out has her saying them right.


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