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Endeavor (The Mythrar War Book 1)

Page 17

by Douglas Wayne

  "Everyone in position. This is the exact kind of thing the academy trained you for. Remember your training and we will get through this. You have the skill and talent to do what is required. All that is left for you to do is act."

  The bridge stood quiet for a long moment until his assistant XO broke the silence. "What is your command?"

  Chapter Fifty

  Atroxxin Sector

  Auxiliary Bridge, NECS Providence

  Jason barely had time to duck behind the safety of the door before the incoming barrage slammed into the wall. Bits of plaster and plastic along with the stray laser, whizzed by his head and into the hall. This round of fire so intense all anyone could do was take cover or risk taking a stray beam to the chest.

  Bremerton held his blaster against his chest, waiting for a break in the fire to return the favor. They still held the advantage, even if Landry had some sort of shielding device. They'd just have to kill all the Klyptons on the bridge to ram that advantage straight up his...

  "Contacts are moving closer to the door," Jacobs said, viewing the action on the bridge by a small portable mirror. "We need to fall back."

  "Fall back to where?" Walker said, irate. "We lose the bridge we lose the ship. Don't take it personally, but we are right on the doorstep of success, I'll be damned if I'm backing down now."

  A huge chunk of the wall just above Jason's head exploded, sending chunks of debris down the hall. One of the larger pieces of plastic lodged in the chest of a marine hiding just behind Jason, penetrating the gap in the armor just under the arm. The man dropped his blaster to the ground and placed his hand on the gushing wound attempting to stem the flow of blood pulsating from it.

  Jason jumped to his feet and placed his back against the hallway wall as his defensive position was no longer safe. He wasn't sure what the Klyptons had done to their weapons, but they seemed to increase in effectiveness since their little talk.

  "Jacobs is right," Jason said, ripping the sleeve off his shirt. He wrapped it around the marines arm tightly, hoping it would be enough to stop the bleeding or at least slow it down. He'd taken first aid during his first year in the academy, but he never expected to use it. "We can't stay here any longer. Move back into the rooms. Four marines a side. I want two marines at each of the doors, firing as much shit down the hall as your guns will allow. When, not if, your weapons overheat you are to swap out with one of the other men. I want this doorway bathed in laser fire, am I clear?"

  The marines barked their acknowledgment in unison and sprung into action.

  Jason held his spot against the wall while Walker did the same on the opposite side, the marine shook his head and gave him a smirk. Walker didn't look mad that he'd taken the initiative on the men. In fact, he seemed impressed. Had he made the call the marine wasn't willing to make, or was he impressed with his apparent lack of safety protocols in the face of possible death? In any case, he made a mental note to ask the sergeant if they got out of this alive.

  The marines fell back in groups of two, each pair firing their weapons down the hallway as they did. As a new set of marines made it to their rooms, they added their firepower down the hallway to cover the next pair's retreat. The plan worked as only two marines were wounded during the exchange, both from friendly fire and not the devastating alien weaponry.

  It went on like this for a few minutes, until Jason and Walker were the last two left.

  "You ready for this?" Walker mouthed over the sound of laser fire as it was damn near impossible to hear a thing with the massive amount of weaponry being shot their way. Most of the laser fire flew through the doorway though the occasional stray beam lanced into the wall in front of them.

  Jason forced himself to swallow before giving a reluctant nod.

  Walker held his hand up, all five fingers held upright. Slowly, closed one finger followed by another while simultaneously mouthing the number.




  As he said one, the two men took off towards the first set of rooms with as much speed as they could. Unlike the others, they didn't bother firing back at the bridge, figuring the marines had it covered. Jason was mere feet from the door when he felt a burning pain in the back of his leg. The heat caused his muscles to contract before they snapped, sending him sprawling to the floor, his weapon skittering just out of reach.

  A marine firing from a nearby room saw him drop and lunged to grab his hand. But as his body cleared the threshold of the door, his bulky body was thrown down the hallway as a two-foot long cylinder impacted his chest.

  Jason watched as the young marine struggled to remove the thing off of him, fumbling trying to grab anything he could to gain some purchase. That was when Jason noticed the flashing numbers towards the top. It was in a script he couldn't read, but he knew what it said all the same. The damned thing was a countdown timer, which meant the thing was more than likely a bomb.

  "Get in the rooms! Take cover!" Jason shouted the words as loud as he could, but barely made out the racket over the sound of the firefight. The closest marines heard him and ducked back in their rooms. All but one who locked his gaze with the commander. Jason shook his head, trying to get the marine to get back to safety, but he knew it was a lost cause. This man was a marine and by god, they don't leave a fallen comrade behind.

  It was his last mistake as the bomb blew the moment he stepped out into the hall, sending shrapnel flying in every direction. Blood splattered everything as the two marines were ripped apart from the explosion, each dead before their minds registered what happened. Jason covered his head as bits of flesh and bone rained out around him, covering him from head to toe. The marine who had tried to help him shielded him from the worst of the shrapnel, though a few pieces made it through his unwitting shield to become embedded in his shoulder.

  As the smoke cleared, he saw the full extent of the damage. Where there was once a solid floor was now a large sinking hole at least one section in each direction. He no longer noticed the marines covering the doors and figured the worst since they were no longer firing at the bridge.

  Was he the only one left? Spared thanks to the unwitting sacrifice of a marine? No, the others had to be alive. At least some of them did, right? There was no way one single blast killed that many men.

  A hand on his leg broke him out of his thoughts. He turned to see an extremely large Klypton gripping his leg and dragging him down the hall.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Atroxxin Sector

  Bridge, NECS Endeavor

  "Sir, incoming transmission from the alien vessel."

  Wellard sat back in his chair, wondering what he could say or to to give Bremerton a few more minutes to work his magic on the Providence. Or at the very least give Nelson a few more minutes to get his ship back in order. He still hadn't given up on the kid, even though his prospects of success grew slimmer by the second. In any case, if the kid didn't deliver soon they were in big trouble.

  Reluctantly he stood up and waved his arm. "Put it on screen."

  Once again, he was treated to the image of the alien. He still didn't have a name to put to their race, but figured "ugly bastards" would work in a pinch.

  "Captain Wellard of the NECS Endeavor, I assume you have considered our offer? Or are you prepared to self detonate your ship as you implied you would?"

  "I have decided, against my better judgment, not to self-destruct my ship. My people and I rather prefer breathing than the thought of non-existence." The bridge crew was staring at him, their eyes begging to know if he was serious or not. He wished he could let him know, but for now he had to keep his cool.

  "Your new response is acceptable. You are to prepare your ship to receive two shuttles in your main fighter bay. There is to be no attempt at stopping our envoy from doing what they are there to do, otherwise there will be grave consequences. I assure you, Captain, this is something you want to take seriously."

  "What, exactly, is this envoy going to be do
ing on my ship, if I may ask?"

  "They are going to prepare your vessel for more of our kind. Your life support systems are inadequate for the task of sustaining Klypton life, thus it is vital for those changes to be made before we can move forward."

  "Is it safe to assume the life support will still be acceptable for human life as well?"

  "It is, Captain. We have one hundred seventeen humans aboard this vessel now. Close to the same on the other two. You will not be as pleasant as you are currently, but rest assured you will survive."

  "I'm not sure I can allow that. These people are not used to working in extreme environments. If one of them so much as passes out, it could mean the end of the ship."

  "Hardly, Captain Wellard. Your people will be pleasant enough. Humanity is an amazing race, capable of surviving through variations of atmosphere that would kill many other races, including that of your Earth."

  So they'd been to Earth, he mused. That meant his suspicions were true. They, at least, were allied with the Mythrar. He figured it had to be the case, how else could the ancient race hope to take over great swaths of the galaxy on their own. They didn't have enough ships, or bodies, to make such a grand assault possible. They only won on Earth because of the element of surprise combined with their vastly superior firepower. They hit Earth so hard and fast it sent humanity reeling.

  "Still, I must insist we provide you with an area suitable for you while leaving the majority of the ship as it is. I am bound to fleet regulations that clearly state..."

  "Your fleet regulations mean nothing to me, and your attempt to stall is annoying at best. You will make arrangements for my shuttle immediately and allow them full access to your ship, or we will end you here and now. Am I clear, Captain Wellard of the NECS Endeavor?"

  Wellard took in a deep breath, careful not to allow his chest to rise too far to give it away. "Fine. I'll meet with your crews personally in the lower bay. Wellard, out."

  As he cut the transmission, his attention turned to that of the bridge crew who were staring at him like he was completely insane. He allowed himself a curt grin as he stood up to address them.

  "Before you ask, I have no intention on giving the ship or any of you to those bastards. I'm simply trying to buy the Achilles and Commander Bremerton a little more time before we engage in yet another battle. Commander Wilson, you have the bridge. Please try not to pull the trigger too early."

  "Of course, Captain."

  Wellard strode towards the doorway, but stopped before walking through. "Remember your training and we will get through this."

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Atroxxin Sector

  Bridge, NECS Achilles

  "What the hell is he doing?" Captain Nelson fumed at the viewscreen as he watched the two shuttles speeding towards the Endeavor.

  "Should I target the shuttles, Captain? We can destroy them long before they reach the ship."

  "No," he said, reluctantly. He wanted to trust Vincent, but this was making it difficult. Out of the ships left in the sector, the Endeavor was in the best shape. If Vincent is giving in why the hell hadn't he informed me? "But keep it on a hair trigger. If any of those ships does anything remotely suspicious, I want you to fire."


  "Permission to be blunt," Nelson's XO, Stephen Lewis said.

  Travis turned to face the commander and nodded. "Speak."

  "I don't like the smell of this. Captain Wellard must be leading us into a trap. Why else would his ship survive the first encounter relatively unscathed?"

  Travis had to admit, his XO had a point. Why had the Endeavor made it through the first battle with little more than some losses to his fighter corps? Why now, was he allowing the enemy shuttles board his ship? And why, by god, did Wellard talk him into staying in the sector while they faced heavy odds?

  The only thing keeping him here, even now, was his loyalty to his old friend. He hoped it was a bunch of coincidences that stacked together to make the situation look much worse than it actually was.

  "I'm with you, Commander, but I made Captain Wellard a promise. A man is nothing if he cannot keep his word." He noticed the look of disappointment in his XO, thus amended his words. "For now, we will hold our position. We have plenty of distance between us and the Endeavor. I promise, if things sour we will fall back to the gate and jump out of here."

  His XO nodded, reluctantly.

  Before Travis could say another word, he was interrupted by his communications officer, Stacey Moore. "Captain, incoming transmission from the enemy contacts. They are demanding we let two shuttles dock in our lower fighter bay."

  Lewis gave Travis his best 'I-told-you-so' face, before the captain turned away. "I'll be damned if I let those bastards dock on my ship. Put it on screen."

  The image on the screen shifted to a view of the ugliest creature he'd ever seen in his life. Quietly, he wondered if he was staring at one of the Mythrar or if this was something else. The history books were vague about their appearance, often attributing contradicting descriptions in the same book.

  Even worse was the information they had from fleet intelligence. If the history books contradicted themselves in every book, fleet intelligence did it on every page. Unfortunately, every ship that contacted one of the Mythrar vessels was destroyed before transmitting the recording back to fleet command, not that such a transmission would've done any good since most of Earth's ships were destroyed in the battle.

  "I'll be damned if you think you are going to dock with my ship. I'm not sure what lies you told Captain Wellard, but we will not fall for your bullshit. If your shuttles get anywhere close to the Achilles, I will blow them out of the sky before turning my attention towards you. Do I make myself clear?" The words came out harsh, but by god did he mean it. Board my ship? What the hell am I supposed to do, roll over and die? Not today.

  The creature stood there a moment before lifting a device to its throat. Moving the slit of its elongated mouth, it uttered a throaty language though it quickly was translated by the small device.

  "Captain Travis Nelson of the NECS Achilles, you are ordered to power down your weapon systems and prepare to be boarded. Any attempt to destroy my shuttles will result in us destroying your ship without hesitation. Just because you hide behind the NECS Endeavor doesn't mean we don't have ways to deal with you. In fact, you will find we have you in our crosshairs as I speak."

  "Bullshit," Nelson spat. "Is this the rhetoric you told Wellard? Did you get him to stand down with your petty threats?"

  "Threats? No. I merely offered him and his crew a chance to survive. A chance to serve our glorious masters like was intended many cycles ago. Those who join willingly will be given a position of power. Those that refuse..."

  "I get your drift," Nelson interrupted. "The problem we face is that the people in my ship are part of a democracy. I cannot simply make the decision of whether or not we serve without their support. As you can imagine, any number of my people would just as soon put a bullet in my head than for me to sell them out."

  "Then perhaps a demonstration is in order," the alien said, without hesitation. "Tell me, Captain Travis Nelson of the NECS Achilles, can your ship still take a hit?"

  Travis refused to acknowledge his unspoken answer. Not only could they not afford to take a hit, any damage from this point could potentially be devastating to say the least. One solid hit through one of the sections of hull that had already been compromised could easily damage the drive or capacitors, two things that didn't appreciate being damaged in the slightest. They had the tendency if creating large explosions if they did.

  "Very well," Travis relented. "I should warn you that our lower bay is a near-vacuum. You may want to dock in our middle bay instead."

  That caused Commander Lewis to shoot him a stern look. Travis shook his head slightly, hoping it was enough to get the man to stay quiet. If not... well, he could hardly blame the man. He'd likely want to kill anyone who suggested the same as well. But he had
a plan, and it had nothing to do with allowing whatever these damned things were on his ship. At least, not for long.

  "Your counter proposal is acceptable. Our shuttles shall dock with your ship in five of your minutes. Any attempt to shoot down the shuttles will result in the destruction of both the NECS Achilles and NECS Endeavor."

  The screen cut to black before Travis could say another word, a fact that suited him just fine. He had nothing left to say to those bastards, at least nothing he wanted to say over the open transmission.

  "Commander Lewis, you have the bridge. I'm going to head down to the lower bay to welcome our guests. Please inform Sergeant Henderson that I require the assistance of all his men at the middle shuttle bay in two minutes."

  As Travis left the bridge, he noticed the grin forming on his XO's face. It wasn't much, but if they were going to die he at least wanted his crew to know he was still firmly on their side and that he wasn't about to give up the Achilles without a fight.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Atroxxin Sector

  Ready Room, NECS Endeavor

  "Valarie, I need you to get your fighters to their birds in a hurry. Have them ready to depart on my mark."

  "I guess that means you don't intend on surrendering?" she said, hopeful. Valarie was in the middle of briefing her squadron commanders on what to expect, not that she had any idea herself. It was more an excuse for the group to clear their heads. Talk about the last two skirmishes, sure, but overall to get it off their minds.

  "Not in this lifetime. If they want the Endeavor, the only thing I'm willing to give them is a few hundred tons of scrap. I'd like to talk more, but I have appearances to uphold. Wellard, out."


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