Big Sex Little Death
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Models Crying: Susie in front of graffiti at Van Ness Boulevard and 15th Street. San Francisco, CA, 1984. Photo by Honey Lee Cottrell.
Les Belles Dames Sans Merci: Susie and Caitlin Morgan in promotional still from their play “Knife Paper Scissors.” San Francisco, CA, 1983. Photo by Honey Lee Cottrell.
The Daddies: Susie, Scott Worley, and Tede Matthews in front of the Castro Theater during the gay film festival; San Francisco, CA, 1983. Photo by Greg Day.
Motherhood: Aretha and Susie. San Francisco, CA, 1991. Photo by Honey Lee Cottrell.
Rotation: Jon Bailiff and Susie. San Francisco Art Institute, CA, 1993. Photo by Jill Posener.
Aging Badly: “Editor in Chief.” On Our Backs shot a satirical pictorial for our fifth anniversary issue, “A Day in the Life of On Our Backs.” San Francisco, CA, 1989. Photo by Phyllis Christopher.
When I Came Back From My Honeymoon: Susie at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA. Photo by Honey Lee Cottrell.
Santa Cruz: Aretha Bright’s illustrated lunch bag for kindergarten, Santa Cruz, CA, 1995. Illustration by Jon Bailiff.
Acknowledgements: The Red Tide’s first issue, front and back cover, 1970.
Notes: On Our Backs photo shoot in Kathy Andrew’s workshop, a custom leather studio for women called Stormy Leather, San Francisco, CA, 1985. Photo by Honey Lee Cottrell.
Photo Credits: Susie and Honey Lee Cottrell at home in bathtub, San Francisco, CA, 1986. Photo by Mariette Pathy Allen.
Also By Susie Bright
Love & Lust: A Sex Journal
Bitten, editor
X: The Erotic Treasury, editor
The Best American Erotica, 1993 – 2008, editor
Three Kinds of Asking for It, editor
Three the Hard Way, editor
How to Write a Dirty Story
Full Exposure
The Sexual State of the Union
Herotica, Herotica 2, Herotica 3, editor