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Red Hill

Page 24

by Jamie McGuire

  I felt my way over to the cabinets and reached under the sink, grabbing two flashlights. I turned on one, and handed the other to Miranda.

  "I'll get candles," she said. "Come with me, Elleny."

  Ashley sat at the table with Zoe, holding her hand. I smiled at them. "This is no different than any other night. We always sleep with the lights out."

  "But if we needed to turn them on, we could," Zoe said, shaken.

  Ashley hugged Zoe to her side. "Don't worry. I'm right here with you."

  "I'm here with you, too," Zoe said, patting Ashley's hand.


  "IN HERE!" I SAID TO Joey and Bryce, holding open the door. Cooper had led us to the house they'd stayed in before. It was already boarded up, and, according to the boys, was only a few houses away from another house full of guns and ammo.

  Bryce and Joey had attracted the attention of a large group of teds to divert them away from the house, and then backtracked. Once they were inside, I tried to flip on the light. Nothing.

  "Power's out?" Joey asked. He slipped off his pack and pulled out a small flashlight. "There's candles under the sink, but I don't have any matches."

  "I do," I said, unzipping my pack.

  We all sat on the floor in a circle, sipping our water and breathing hard. By the time we'd reached Shallot, we only had an hour to work with before we would need to head back. Shallot was so overrun, we all lost track of time, and then it was too late to even think about going home. We cleared until nearly dark, and even then we still had more than half to eliminate.

  Joey didn't rest long before he stood up again. "I'm going to go check the windows and doors. Make sure all of our boards are holding up, and see if we still have a second exit."

  Bryce rolled his eyes, and when Joey was out of sight, he grumbled under his breath. "G.I. Joe to the rescue."

  "Hey," I said, taking a sip of water. "He saved our asses more than once today. Be nice."

  Bryce rested his arms across the tops of his knees, unhappy.

  "Uh . . . guys . . . ?" Joey said, walking into the room with his hands up. With only the candles to light the room, I could only make out Joey and the end of the rifle that was against his head.

  Cooper, Bryce, and I all stood up quickly, pulling our guns. Joey stood in front of the man holding him hostage.

  "Didn't your mothers teach you not to walk into someone's house without knocking?"

  "I'm sorry," I said. "We'll leave."

  "How did you get here?" he asked. "A car?"

  "No, we walked," I said. "We're sorry. Just please let us leave." I lowered my weapon. "See? We don't want anyone to get hurt."

  "Too late for that," the man said. Joey closed his eyes tight, but nothing happened. I grabbed my flashlight, and shined it in the man's eyes. He recoiled from the light. His hair was shaggy, his nails and fingers black with dirt, and his camouflage overalls and coat were stained with blood. He towered over Joey, and I wondered if we had a chance if we all charged him at once.

  "Skeeter?" Bryce said.

  The man struggled against the beam of my flashlight to see who called his name. "Who's that?"

  "It's me, Bryce! Coop's here, too! I can't believe you made it!"

  I lifted the flashlight so the light bounced off the ceiling and cast a dim glow over the entire room. Skeeter pulled his gun away from Joey and shook Bryce's and then Cooper's hands.

  "Holy hell, boys!" Skeeter said, pulling his hat off his head.

  "What are you doing here?" Cooper said, a wide grin on his face.

  I was completely confused. Bryce and Cooper seemed to know this man, but Joey didn't.

  "Skeeter McGee, nice to meet ya," he said, shaking Joey's hand. "Sorry 'bout that. I've had some run-ins with some assholes. You know how it is."

  Joey shook his hand, bewildered.

  "I knew the girls' old man's place was out this way. I thought I'd try to catch up to y'all, but I got stuck here. This place is crawlin' with creepers!"

  "Creepers," Cooper said with a chuckle. "I like that."

  "No," I said. "It's ted. Zoe wouldn't like it if we changed it."

  Skeeter's face fell, and turned white. "What'd you say?"

  I glanced around the room. No one else seemed to know why his mood had suddenly changed, either, and I worried the boys didn't know him as well as they thought. Whether the boys knew this man or not, we needed to protect everyone we left at home. "We just made a group decision on what to call those things. It's pretty silly, actually . . ."

  "No, ma'am. You just said Zoe. Like little Zoe, 'bout yay high. Light brown hair?" he asked, karate chopping his chin to show the length.

  "How do you know Zoe?" I said, instantly suspicious.

  Skeeter ran over to me. "She's my niece. You've seen her? Where is she? Is she with her dad?"

  "Your niece?" I said, wondering why Nathan had never said anything about a brother.

  "Aubrey is my sister. Nathan's wife. Have you seen them?"

  Nathan's wife. The words stung.

  "Yes, we've seen them," Bryce said. "They're at Red Hill Ranch. They're safe."

  Skeeter laughed once, and then stumbled backward, falling onto the couch. "Oh, thank God," he said, flattening the palm of his hand against the side of his face. After a moment, he covered his face in his hands, bent at the waist, and then the big, burly man began to cry.

  We all traded glances, unsure of what to do. The one thing I was sure of was that as of that moment, there were ten of us.

  "Skeeter?" I said. I touched his shoulder. "Skeeter. We're heading out tomorrow after we clear. You're welcome to come with us."


  "Yes. My daughters are meeting me at Red Hill, and we're making sure they don't run into trouble."

  He nodded. "Then I'll help you."


  THE NEXT DAY WAS HOTTER than the day before. Two hours after sunrise, and it was already muggy. The hairs falling down from my bun were sticking to the back of my neck, and the waves of heat were dancing just above the asphalt. I didn't think it was possible, but the rising temperature made the pungent smell baked into our clothes waft into the air and blend to form a potpourri of rotten food and bad breath. I could barely stand to smell myself, so I tried to keep my distance from everyone else.

  In Shallot, we each took down five teds apiece, and then began our trek back to the ranch. Skeeter told the story of how he made it through a herd of zombies until he got to his wife, who had turned, so that he could put her down so she didn't hurt anyone. The more Skeeter talked, the more I liked him, and I wondered if Aubrey was anything like her brother. It didn't feel so senseless now, telling Nathan that it was over between us. Now that Skeeter was moving in, it would have been weird, anyway. Suddenly the thought of being around Nathan without any prospect of fixing what I'd done was very depressing. The closer we got to the ranch, the sicker I felt.

  "I can't believe you know Nate. That's just bizarre," Cooper said.

  "It's funny y'all ran into him. You just missed him at the church," Skeeter said.

  "He was at the church?" Bryce said, amused.

  "Yep. He was. He left with Zoe the first chance he got because he knew it was only a matter of time before they got in."

  "What church?" I asked, stopping in the middle of the road.

  Skeeter grinned. "First Baptist Church of Fairview."

  "Holy shit," I said, realizing that the people I saw running out of that church could have been Nathan and Zoe.

  Skeeter nodded. "Holy shit, indeed."

  We alternated jogging and walking. Cooper was anxious to get home to Ashley, concerned she would be sick with worry. When we reached the top of the hill, I glanced back, hoping my babies would be doing the same thing soon.

  Ashley burst through the front door and ran down the drive, jumping into Cooper's arms. She began to cry immediately. Elleny jumped off the porch and hugged me, trying her best to keep her eyes dry. Nathan, Miranda, and Zoe were standing on the por
ch, confused at the sight of the gruff-looking fellow bringing up the rear.

  "Skeeter?" Nathan said. By his words alone it was obvious he couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he had the most disgusted look on his face.

  "Uncle Skeeter!" Zoe yelled, running down the steps into his arms. The second he hugged her back, she wrinkled her nose. "You stink!"

  Skeeter laughed. "I know! Yucky, huh?"

  Nathan walked down the steps, and wrapped both of his arms around his brother-in-law. "I can't . . . I don't believe it."

  The men hugged for a bit, and then we all hugged each other. When Nathan got to me, he held me tight, and then planted his lips on mine. After less than a second of shock, I let myself melt into him. His fingers dug into my back, and I pulled him close.

  "I'm so sorry," I said against his lips.

  He shook his head, keeping his eyes closed. "Don't. Don't say a word. Just let me hold you."

  I buried my face into his neck, feeling safer than I had in weeks. Nathan loved me more than he should after what I'd said. Hopefully it wasn't too much to ask that God give me just one more miracle.

  Bryce climbed the few steps to Miranda, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  "Good God almighty," Skeeter said, his voice grave. "Y'all shoulda warned me."

  "About what?" Bryce said.

  "Two redheads in the house." He sighed. "I had better chances in Shallot."

  Miranda narrowed her eyes at him, and I laughed. "You're probably right."

  "I'm so glad you're back," Nathan said, hugging me again. He kissed my cheek before pulling me into the house by the hand. He left me long enough to show Skeeter the facilities, and get him some clean clothes, and then he returned. "I have some bad news. The electric is off. I've tried to flip the breaker, but it's . . . it's gone."

  I nodded. "We knew it was temporary, right?"

  Nathan nodded. "So, you met my brother-in-law? He's something else, isn't he?"

  "Yes. Is this going to be . . . awkward for you?"

  "No. Skeeter knows she left. He knew it was over a long time ago. Are you okay?"

  "Yeah," I said, hugging him to me. I pressed my cheek against his shoulder, glad that he didn't take anything I'd said before seriously. "What I said before . . . I . . ."

  Nathan shook his head. "No . . . forget about it. It's okay."

  "No, it's not okay. That was a horrible thing to say, and I'm sorry. I wasn't good at this before the end of the world, and apparently I haven't gotten any better."

  "Good at what?"

  "Loving someone."

  He raised an eyebrow, smiled, and then took me into his arms, planting a tender kiss on my lips. "I never asked for perfection."

  I breathed out a small laugh.

  "But I got it, anyway."

  I touched each side of Nathan's face and pulled him toward me, kissing his lips. Only one thing could make my life better, and I ached for my girls to reach me so we could all be together. "It's not perfect. Not quite yet."

  "But it will be," Nathan said, never missing a chance to reassure me.

  "Uncle Skeeter, you should come meet Butch," Zoe said.

  Skeeter had just emerged from the bathroom, his skin shiny and his hair wet. His face still looked a little dirty, but it was just the tan line around his eyes from his sunglasses.

  "Who's Butch?" Skeeter said, fastening the last button of his clean shirt. He tugged at the fabric where it fit a big snug. The shirt looked expensive, white with horizontal pinstripes. It didn't look at all like something he would normally wear.

  Zoe tugged on his hand, and he went along with her as if she were too strong to resist. "He's a cow!"

  "You mean a bull?" Skeeter said, looking over at Nathan and feigning concern.

  I laughed. "He seems like a good guy."

  "He is." Nathan smiled, watching the two.

  "Not at all like you've described Aubrey."

  "He's nothing like her. But she wasn't that way at first, either."

  Skeeter pretended to be too scared of Butch, and made a scene trying to break free of Zoe's grip.

  "He's good with kids. Did he have any of his own?"

  "Not yet," Nathan said, suddenly sad. "His wife was pregnant when this all went down." He looked at me. "Her name was Jill. She was the sweetest thing."

  "I'm sorry," I said, kicking myself for bringing up the subject.

  Nathan kissed my cheek. "We've all lost someone," he said. "It's just the way things are, now."

  Cooper and Ashley came outside, hugged and kissed like they did every time he started his patrol. "See if you can't talk Nate into grilling chicken tonight." He winked at Nathan before slinging a rifle over his shoulder.

  I patted Nathan's arm. "You are the best cook we've got."

  "I love you!" Ashley called.

  "I love you more!" Cooper called back, holding out both of his arms wide, and then jogging off to the east.

  "Vomit," I said, teasing Ashley.

  She stuck out her tongue. "Don't be jelly!"

  "Jelly?" Nathan asked.

  "Jealous," I said. "You'll learn all this when Zoe gets older.

  He nodded, mouthing Ah.

  Skeeter jogged up to us, breathing hard from playing with Zoe. "He's not all that scary. I think we should just cook him."

  "That's not funny!" Ashley said, even though she was grinning. She turned to go inside. "He's a pet!"

  Nathan elbowed his brother-in-law. "You talk awfully big when he's in a pen. Maybe we should let him out and see who wins?"

  Skeeter sniffed. "I'd win."

  We all laughed, and then Nathan held up his finger, leaning his ear over like he was listening for something. Then I heard it, too. Yelling. We all looked around, and then Nathan pointed, seeing Cooper sprinting at full speed, pointing and screaming. At first I couldn't make out what he was saying, and then Nathan froze.

  His breath caught. "Oh my God. Zoe."

  Nathan took off first, and then Skeeter and I followed behind. We ran south, the same direction as Cooper, even though the barn was obscuring our view. To my horror, I saw Zoe, her arms stretched out wide, turning in slow circles in the field, with a man limping toward her less than ten feet away.

  Cooper yelled again. "Zoe! Behind you! Run!"

  Zoe stopped turning, but her back was to the creature behind her.

  "Zoe!" Nathan yelled as he ran. "Listen to me! Run to me, baby! Run to daddy as fast as you can!"

  Zoe looked at her dad quizzically, and then turned around, seeing the infected approaching. She didn't move. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, like a dream. No matter how fast I ran, I couldn't get to her fast enough. My heart felt like it was about to explode, between the fear and me pushing my legs as fast as they could go.

  I could hear the low groan, the sound they made when they were excited. The only thing they got excited about was satisfying their constant hunger. He reached out for her, but Zoe didn't move.

  "Run, Zoe!" Nathan screamed, his voice breaking. I knew he was crying. I was, too.

  Just as the creature bent down to grab at Zoe, Cooper used his entire body to tackle him to the ground. Zoe went with them.

  Nathan screamed again, waving his arms, still a good twenty feet away. When we finally came upon them, Zoe was on her back, staring up at the sky, and Cooper was pummeling the infected's skull with the butt of his rifle.

  Nathan stood Zoe up and checked her over. "Were you bitten?" he said, inspecting her arms and legs, and then lifting up her shirt to look at her back. He grabbed her jaw and turned her head from one side to the other, looking at her neck.

  Zoe began bawling then, and Nathan took her into his arms. Skeeter and I slowed to a stop, just in time to see the mess Cooper had left. He met my eyes, and that was when I saw the bright-red blood on his shoulder.

  Cooper looked at his wound, and then fell to the ground. I kneeled beside him to inspect the mangled mess of torn skin and muscle. A large gouge had been bitten from the front
part of the shoulder, all the way to the bone.

  Skeeter yanked his shirt over his head and wadded it up, handing it to me. I pressed down, hard, but I knew just like everyone else that it was just for show. Cooper winced from the pressure, and then his eyes met mine.

  "Cooper?" Ashley called, still distant. Her voice had an edge of fear. She knew something was wrong.

  Cooper looked at me. "Don't let her see."

  I nodded, looking up to Skeeter. "Keep her away."

  "Tell her I love her," Cooper said, his lip quivering.

  My sight blurred as tears filled them. "She knows, Coop. You showed her every second of every day."

  He smiled and nodded as Ashley yelled at Skeeter, cussing him for holding her back. "He'll be okay!" she yelled just out of sight. "Scarlet! He'll be okay! Don't hurt him!"

  "She's going to hate me," I said.

  Cooper leaned forward, touching his forehead to my face, hugging me the only way he could. "I don't want to risk turning and attacking any of you. Do it now."

  Nathan lifted Zoe into his arms, and then wiped his eyes. "Thank you, Cooper. You saved my little girl."

  Cooper nodded. "Keep Ashley safe, okay? Return the favor."

  "With my life," Nathan said. "I owe you."

  "Don't hurt him!" Ashley wailed. "Please!"

  I leaned down to kiss his cheek, and then stood up, aimed my rifle at his temple, and pulled the trigger.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  WE GATHERED UNDER THE TREE at sunset, next to the place my father and Leah were buried. This time, around a new mound of dirt. Ashley had made the cross herself, tying it together at the intersection of wood with twine, working wild flowers into the binding. She worked on it for hours, carving decoration and Stanley Leonard Cooper II into the wood. The only time she spoke to anyone was to tell them she would not allow a funeral until his cross was finished.

  We never had time to bury Jill, and Scarlet had buried my dad before we got here, so it was our first funeral. I just couldn't believe it was for Cooper. He was the strongest and the kindest of us, it didn't seem right that he was gone.

  Skeeter, Nathan, and Bryce were filthy from digging, and then carrying Cooper's body in from the field. I'd been inside consoling my nearly inconsolable sister. Once she finished the cross and the boys began digging Cooper's grave, it all hit her at once, and she'd been hysterical for the better part of the day.

  Now that I'd coaxed her outside, she was silent. We all were. Finally, Nathan cleared his throat.


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