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An Engagement in Seattle

Page 27

by Debbie Macomber

  “He already spent it, too, on gum and candy.”

  “I shared, didn’t I?”

  “Boys, why don’t you run along,” Daisy said.

  “What about the letter?”

  “Give it to Lesley and let her worry about it.” With that, her neighbor returned to the house.

  What Lesley had told the boys about not knowing Chase’s phone number was a half-truth. There was always the number on the billboard. If she hadn’t heard from him by that evening, she’d leave a message for him through the answering service, although she doubted it would ever reach him.

  After a polite knock, Sandra let herself into Chase’s makeshift office in the suite he’d rented. He’d interviewed ten more women that morning and was scheduled to meet another fifteen that afternoon and evening.

  He hadn’t talked to or seen Lesley in two days and the temptation to call her or even drive over to see her was gaining momentum. He was trying, really trying, to meet a woman he liked as much as Lesley. Thus far he hadn’t succeeded. Hadn’t come anywhere close to succeeding.

  “Does the name Lesley Campbell mean anything to you?” Sandra asked unexpectedly.

  Chase straightened as a chill shot through him. “Yes, why?”

  “She left a message with the answering service. Apparently she explained that she wasn’t responding to your billboard ad. She wanted it understood that the two of you know each other.”

  “She left a message?”

  “Yes.” Sandra handed him the pink slip. “I thought it might be a trick. Some of the applicants have tried various methods to get your attention.”

  Chase didn’t need to be reminded of that. Flowers arrived almost daily, along with elaborately wrapped presents. A few of the gifts had shocked him. He hadn’t accepted any of them. The floral bouquets he had delivered to a nearby nursing home and the gifts were dispensed with quickly. He left their disposal in Sandra’s capable hands.

  One woman, a day earlier, had shown up in full winter garb, carrying a long-barreled shotgun as though that would prove she was ready, willing and able to withstand the harsh winters of the Arctic. He wasn’t sure what the gun was meant to signify.

  Chase supposed she’d rented the outfit from a costume store. She resembled Daniel Boone more than she did a prospective wife. Chase had lost patience with her and sent her on her way.

  He glanced down at the message slip in his hand and tried to decide what to do. Returning Lesley’s call could just prolong the inevitable. He wondered if she’d spoken to Tony and what had come of their conversation. The minute he learned she had, it would be over for them. Possibly it was already over.

  Objectivity was beyond him at this point. As far as he was concerned, Tony was bad news. All the man represented for Lesley was heartache and grief. If she wasn’t smart enough to figure that out for herself, then he couldn’t help her.

  He waited until Sandra had left the room before he called Lesley. She answered on the second ring. The sound of her voice produced an empty, achy feeling that surprised him; he’d been unaware she had such power to hurt him. He had no one to blame but himself. If Lesley hurt him, it was because he’d allowed it.

  “It’s Chase.”

  “Chase…” she said breathlessly. “Thank you for returning my call. I wasn’t sure you’d get my message.”

  “How are you?” He’d never been a brilliant conversationalist, but he was generally more adept than this.

  “Fine. How about you?”


  “Yeah, me, too.”

  Silence. Chase didn’t know if he should break it by saying something or wait for her to do it. They hadn’t fought, hadn’t spoken so much as a cross word to each other. He couldn’t even say they’d disagreed, but there was a gap between them that had appeared after Tony’s first call and widened with the second one.

  “Eric and Kevin were asking about you,” Lesley said before the silence threatened to go on forever. “I didn’t know what to tell them.”

  “I see.”

  “They wrote you a letter and asked me to give it to you.”

  “That was thoughtful. They’re good kids,” he said carefully.

  The ball was in her court. If she wanted to see him, she was going to have to ask.

  “I could mail it.”

  His back straightened. “Fine.” He rattled off his address and was about to make an excuse to get off the phone when she spoke again.

  “I’d rather you came for it yourself.”

  Finally. Chase hoped she couldn’t hear his sigh of relief. “When?”

  “Whenever it’s convenient for you.” She sounded unsure of herself, as though she already regretted the invitation.

  “If you want, you could leave it on your porch and I could pick it up sometime.”

  “No.” Her objection came fast enough to lend him hope. “Tomorrow,” she suggested. “Or tonight, whichever you prefer.”

  “I’ll have to check my schedule.” He didn’t know why he felt it was necessary to continue this pretense but he felt obliged to do so.

  “I can wait.”

  He pressed the receiver to his chest and silently counted to ten, feeling like the biggest fool who’d ever roamed the earth.

  “This afternoon looks like it would be the best. Say an hour?”

  “That would be fine. I’ll look for you then.”

  Chase waited until he heard the click of the receiver before he tossed the phone in the air and deftly caught it with one hand behind his back. “Hot damn,” he shouted loudly enough to send Sandra running into the room.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Everything, my dear Sandra, is just fine.” He waltzed her across the room, planting a kiss on her cheek before hurrying out of the suite.

  For the second time, Lesley fluffed up the decorator pillows at the end of her sofa. Holding one to her stomach, she exhaled slowly, praying she was doing the right thing.

  The doorbell chimed and she must have leapt a good five inches off the ground. It was early, too early for Chase. She opened the door to find Daisy standing on the other side.

  “He’s coming?”

  “Yes, how’d you know?”

  Daisy laughed. “You wouldn’t dress up like that for me.”

  “It’s too much, isn’t it?” She’d carefully gone through her wardrobe, choosing beige silk pants, a cream-colored top and a soft coral blazer. Her silver earrings were crescent-shaped and the pendant dangling from her gold chain was a gold-edged magnifying glass.

  “You look fabulous, darling,” Daisy commented in a lazy drawl. “Just fab-u-lous.”

  “Am I being too obvious?”

  “Honey, compared to me, you’re extremely subtle. Just be yourself and you’ll do fine.” She walked around the coffee table and eyed the cheese-and-cracker tray.

  “What do you think?”

  Daisy shrugged. “It’s a nice touch.”

  “I’ve got wine cooling in the kitchen. I don’t look too eager, do I?”


  “You’re sure?” Lesley had never been less certain of anything. Her nerves were shattered, her composure crumbling and her self-confidence was at its lowest ebb.

  “There must be something in the air,” Daisy said, reaching for a cracker. She was about to dip it in the nut-rolled cheddar cheese ball when Lesley slapped her hand.

  “That’s for Chase.”

  “Okay, okay.” But Daisy ate the cracker anyway. “Didn’t you tell me your friend Lori is getting married?” she asked.


  Daisy relaxed on the sofa and crossed her legs, swinging one foot dangerously close to the cheese. “You’ll never guess who’s been calling.”


  “Charlie Glenn. He asked me out on a date. Charlie and me? He shocked me so bad I said yes without even thinking. It’s been so long since someone who wasn’t half bombed asked me out that I didn’t know what to say.”

  “I’ve th
ought for weeks that Charlie’s interested in you.”

  Daisy flapped her hand at Lesley. “Get outta here!”

  “I’m serious,” Lesley insisted.

  “Well, that’s why I think there must be something in the air. First you meet Chase, then Lori and Larry decide to tie the knot and then Charlie asks me out.”

  Lesley smiled. Since her divorce, Daisy had sworn off men. To the best of Lesley’s knowledge, her neighbor hadn’t dated since she’d separated from her ex.

  “Where’s Charlie taking you?”

  “Taking us. He included the boys. We’re going to Wild Waves. Eric and Kevin are ecstatic. Did you know Charlie’s been married before? I didn’t, and it came as a total shock to me. He never mentioned he had a kid, either. His son’s a couple of years older than Eric and he wants the five of us to get together.”

  “I think that’s wonderful.”

  “Yeah, I guess I do, too, but you know, I’m a little surprised. I’d never thought about Charlie in a romantic way, but I’m beginning to think I might be able to. I’m not rushing into anything, mind you, and neither is he. We’ve both been burned and neither of us is willing to walk through fire a second time.” Daisy grabbed a second cracker. “Here I am jabbering away as though Charlie asked me to marry him or something. It’s just a date. I have to keep telling myself that.”

  “I think Charlie’s great.”

  “He’s got a soft spot where his heart’s supposed to be.”

  Lesley recalled how the bartender had given her a drink on the house the night Tony broke their engagement. She’d walked the streets for hours and finally landed in the cocktail lounge where Daisy worked weekends as a waitress and Charlie tended bar. Because she hadn’t eaten and so rarely drank hard liquor, one stiff whiskey had Lesley feeling more than a little inebriated. Charlie had half carried her to Daisy’s car, she remembered. His touch was gentle and his words soothing, although for the life of her she couldn’t recall a word he’d said.

  “Let me know what happens,” Daisy said, uncrossing her legs and bounding off the sofa. She walked to the door and opened it, then turned around. “You’re sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “No!” she cried. She wasn’t sure of anything at the moment except the knot in her stomach.

  “I’ll do my best to keep the boys out of your hair but they’re anxious to see Chase again. He certainly made an impression on those two,” she said with a smile. She left, closing the door quietly behind her.

  Lesley didn’t blame them. Chase had treated them with compassion and kindness; not only that, he knew how to entertain them.

  The phone rang then, and Lesley glared at it. She let the answering machine take the calls most of the time now, since there was always a chance the caller could be Tony. She needed to invest in call display, she told herself. It had been pure luck that she’d picked up when Chase phoned. Her reaction had been instinctive, but she was pleased she’d answered because the caller had been Chase.

  The phone rang again and the machine automatically went on after the third ring. Whoever was calling didn’t listen to her message and disconnected.

  A moment later, she heard the doorbell. It had to be Chase. She inhaled a calming breath, squared her shoulders and crossed the room.

  With a smile firmly in place, she opened the door.

  “Hello, Lesley.”

  “Hello,” she said, stepping aside for Chase to enter. “Come in, please.”

  He hadn’t taken his eyes off her, which was both reassuring and disconcerting.

  “I’m glad you could come.”

  “Thank you for inviting me.”

  How stiff they were with each other, how awkward, like polite strangers. “Sit down,” she said, gesturing toward the sofa.

  Chase took a seat and looked appreciatively at the cheese and crackers.

  “Would you like a drink?” she asked. “I have a bottle of pinot grigio, if you’d care for that. There’s a pot of coffee, too, if you’d prefer something hot.”

  “Wine would be nice.”

  “I thought so, too,” she said eagerly, smiling. She moved into the kitchen, and Chase followed her.

  “Do you need any help opening the wine?”

  “No, I’m fine, thanks.” A smaller, daintier woman might have trouble removing a cork, but she was perfectly capable of handling it. He watched her expertly open the bottle and fill two wineglasses.

  “You mentioned the boys’ letter,” Chase said. Their thank-you note had been an excuse to contact him and they both knew it.

  “I’ll get it for you,” she said, leaving him briefly while she retrieved the note. “They really are grateful for the time you spent with them.”

  He read it over, grinning, and handed it to her to read. Eric had written the short but enthusiastic message, and Kevin had decorated the handmade card with different colored fish in odd shapes and sizes.

  “So,” Lesley said, leading the way back into the living room. “How’s it going?”

  “Okay.” He sat next to her on the sofa. “How about you?”


  Chase studied her. “Are you going to tell me what Tony wanted or are you going to make me guess?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered, sipping her wine. She hoped he didn’t detect the slight shake in her hand.

  “You don’t know if you’re going to tell me or if you’re going to make me guess?”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t know what he wanted. I didn’t return his call.”

  This seemed to surprise Chase. “Why didn’t you?”

  Lesley raised one shoulder in a shrug. “I couldn’t see that it would do either of us any good.”

  “You were afraid to, weren’t you?”

  “Yes,” she admitted in a husky murmur. “I was afraid.”

  “Is that why you contacted me?”

  “Yes.” He wanted his proverbial pound of flesh, she realized, and at the same moment knew she’d give it to him. “But I don’t love you, Chase.”

  “It’s a bit difficult to care for someone like me when your heart belongs to another man.” After a significant pause, he added, “A married man.”

  He made it sound so cold, so…ugly.

  “He wasn’t married when I fell in love with him,” she said, defending herself.

  “He is now.”

  “I don’t need you to remind me of that,” she cried, raising her voice for the first time.

  “Good,” he said brusquely.

  “How are the interviews going?” she asked, hoping to make light conversation and gain the information she needed.

  “All right.” He set the wineglass aside as if preparing to leave.

  “Would you be willing to look at another application?”

  “Probably not.” He stood and shoved his hands deep in his pants pockets. “I’ve got more than I can deal with now. Are you going to recommend a friend of yours?”

  “No.” Lesley closed her eyes and forced herself to continue. “I was hoping you’d consider marrying me.”


  “You?” Chase repeated slowly, unsure he’d heard her correctly. It seemed too good to be true, something he dared not believe.

  “Yes.” Lesley was standing now, too, her steady gaze nearly level with his own. She studied him as closely as he was studying her. “I’d be willing to marry you.”

  “Why?” Fool that he was, he had to ask, although he was confident he knew her answer. He wondered if she’d be honest enough to admit it.

  “I like you very much,” she said, obviously choosing her words with care. “And it’s clear that there’s a physical attraction between us. I don’t usually respond to a man the way I have to you.”

  He gave her no reassurances nor did he discourage her. She seemed nervous, understandably so. “Those are the only reasons?” he pressed.

  “No.” She was irritated with him now and he felt relieved. The more emotion she revealed the better. “I don’
t want to live in Seattle any longer.”

  She’d disappointed him. “If that’s all you want, isn’t marrying a man you don’t love a little drastic? All you need to do is apply for a teaching position elsewhere. I’m not up on these things, but I seem to remember hearing that teachers were in high demand in a number of states. Try Montana. That’s where your mother’s living, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t want to move to Montana. I’d rather be in Alaska with you.”

  “You still haven’t answered my question.”

  “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you? You’d like to see me humiliate myself, but I’m not going to. Now, do you want to marry me or not?”

  There’d never been a single doubt in Chase’s mind. He knew exactly what he wanted and he had from the beginning. He wanted Lesley. He’d always wanted Lesley, and that wasn’t going to change.

  “It’s Tony, isn’t it?” he said, as unemotionally as he could. Funny, he’d never met the man but he despised him for what he’d done to Lesley and for the way he was treating his wife. “You’re afraid he has the power to reduce you to something you find abhorrent. He wants you, doesn’t he? But he’s married and that means you’d be his mistress and you’re scared out of your wits that you’ll do it because you love him.”

  “Yes. Yes!” Angry tears glistened in her eyes and her hands were clenched into tight fists at her sides.

  “You think marrying me and moving to Alaska is the answer to all your problems.”

  “Yes,” she cried again. “I’ve never lied to you, Chase, not even when it would’ve been convenient. You know exactly what you’re getting with me.”

  “Yes, I do,” he answered softly.

  “Well?” she asked with an indignant tilt of her chin. “Are you going to marry me or not?”

  “Is this a take-it-or-leave-it proposition?”


  “All right,” he said, walking away from her. “We’ll be married Wednesday evening.”

  “Next week!” She sounded as if that was impossible. Unthinkable. “I can’t put together a wedding in that amount of time. My mother and Ken are traveling in their trailer this summer and—”


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