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The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

Page 4

by Robbie Collins

  Ann'wn rose, “I will return in a moment only, my Queen. I have some questions for you upon my return, if I have your leave."

  The High Queen nodded, paying little attention to her. The Healer wondered where Ann'wn now headed, but was glad that she would no longer have to worry about sitting next to her, although she had wanted to.

  "Is this Master's daughter well-skilled, Highness?"

  San'lr'in’ had been staring into the fire, reflecting on the events of the turn. She looked up to her sister, “She is most well-skilled. Her Birth-Mother has taught her well. If she continues to practice, she will be as great as her teacher upon one turn."

  "Did I hear that you have attached her to Sele', as Sele's guardian?"

  "She will make a good practice partner for our Young One, Sister."

  "It would seem that I also need such a practice partner."

  "Perhaps Uthrn could begin to teach you the sword abilities of the Warriors of the Sword, as they also have great abilities. How do you fare with your powers?"

  "Sele’ helps, as do the Sorcerer Women. But it is frustrating. You make them look overly easy."

  The High Queen sat back, while Sle'nel’ leaned slightly against her. The High Queen looked at Sle'nel’ for a moment, and then nodded to her sister, “But I have used them since I was of Sele's cycles. You only now begin. And like anything, they require practice. Even I must now practice these new powers I have been given. And like any practice, you will tire at first, until you build up the strength needed to use them."

  San'lr'in’ moved her hands to in front of her as she whispered some long unused spell. Sam watched in amazement as The High Queen made a small light source, in the shape of a small ball. She moved her hands away from it, allowing the small ball of light to remain as it was, but now in midair. She made a slight motion with her hand, causing it to move midway between her and Sam.

  "Use your powers, Highest. Move the ball of light back to Me."

  Sam tried, and succeeded mildly at first, but then the small ball of light began to react to her moves.

  "It is alive."

  San'lr'in’ laughed a gentle laugh, “I should have given this to you far sooner. It is as if it is alive, but it is only sorcery. It will help you to quicken and strengthen your powers. It learns quickly to react against your every move, providing a most challenging of games. And its speed will also quicken as your own skills and speed grow. I have not practiced with this since I was a young girl."

  Sam tried a few more moments, but became frustrated, “What is it I must do with this?"

  San'lr'in’ rose, wondering if she could yet command this small spell. She gave it a command, then it reacted against her, as she then reacted against it. Reaction to reaction, The High Queen began to play against the small ball of light, making it go where she wanted it to, even as it reacted ever more quickly against her will. As she sent the small ball of light to the wall, it would react even more quickly, coming back at her with increasing speed, as she sent it off in another direction at even greater speeds. The game became so rapid and quick that the others around the fire could barely keep up with the movements. Finally, The High Queen caught it in her hand, laughing.

  "What fun this used to be. Use it well, Highest. It will increase your quickness and strength much more quickly than any partner. Here. Allow Me to give you this spell so that you may call it to you as desired."

  San'lr'in’ placed her hands upon her sister's head, transferring the spell to her.

  Sam was surprised, “You give me a spell? One of you own spells?"

  "Of course. I have no need for this, and as it helps you, it will help Me and The Realm. It can also be used on the outside, but is much stronger there, as it can bounce off much greater distances and become much faster."

  Ann'wn had returned and sat down next to The Healer, much to The Healer's surprise. After The High Queen returned to her seat, she asked, “A Master's funeral, my Queen?"

  She nodded, “It is vowed between all the Masters of this funeral. A most solemn and respectful of affairs. A message has been sent to all the Masters, as is vowed, and they might choose to attend. I know not. We will see in two morns’ moments. The distance may be overly far for some to arrive as soon as this. But Be'rn’ was truly a great Master and well deserves this funeral."

  "How good is the daughter, my Queen?"

  "She gave An'ther'on a bad moment, did she not?"

  An'ther'on nodded, “Given a few more cycles to practice, and she will be most excellent with a sword."

  "These tunnels, my Queen?"

  "At another moment, Force Leader. And I imagine that Caitha has the best story of this long prior moment."

  Uthrn rose, extending her hand to Sam, “Come, Highest. It has been an overly long turn."

  Sam took her hand, embarrassed, but grinning, “Good eve, all."

  An'ther'on also rose, “I will take my leave, my Queen, with your permission. I wish to check on our guards."

  The High Queen nodded to her. Sle'nel’ leaned further against her Queen, “I heard you speaking with Be'rn'. You said that The Realm takes much and gives little. Is there something we might give you, my Love, for all that you give to The Realm."

  The High Queen raised Sle'nel's face to hers, “It has given Me My reward in you.” She kissed her fully, but with some restraint, given that she was in Ann'wn and her Healer's presence, and given the sadness of her own heart

  The High Queen raised Sle'nel's hand close to her, “Has your hand healed well, My Desire?"

  Sle'nel’ looked over to The Healer, “Thanks to Shr'dler'in. Her potion worked well."

  San'lr'in’ placed her hand lightly on Sle'nel's head for a moment, then removed it as she sent Sle'nel’ her thoughts, Perhaps it be best if we leave them to themselves?

  Sle'nel’ rose, extending her hand to her Queen, “Come with me?"

  San'lr'in’ rose, making a small motion with her hand, rebuilding the fire, then left with her Elf. Ann'wn watched her as she left, always amazed at her Queen.

  "The Elf has been good for her."

  Ann'wn nodded, “You speak truth. It is so. She has long prior needed as such.” She looked at Shr'dler'in, wanting to touch her hair, “Have you ever had such a love as The High Queen and the Elf's?"

  Shr'dler'in laughed, “Me? Surely you jest, Force Leader. Even The High Queen accuses me of loving my potions more than anything else. And you?” Shr'dler'in wished that Ann'wn would touch her, or at least acknowledge that she wanted her.

  "Me? I was taught to love being a warrior. And The High Queen accuses me of listening overly to this teaching."

  They both laughed for a moment. Then the silence between them grew long as they both just watched the fire. After many, many moments, Ann'wn drew her courage to her, placing her hand on Shr'dler'in's. She was surprised at how excited she became as their hands touched. Neither moved for many long moments, then Shr'dler'in placed her fingers through Ann'wn's.

  Ann'wn sighed in contentment, her heart pounding in her chest, “Do you think two can know each other for many cycles, only to discover they have deep feelings for each other after all these moments?” She thought she could sit here with her like this for many turns.

  Shr'dler'in was having difficulty breathing steadily, overly anxious in the moment. She barely spoke aloud as she answered, “I know not, Force Leader. It seems odd, especially in that I know your scars better than you do."

  Ann'wn laughed quietly at this, “Your hands are soft, Healer.” She caressed them, wanting to touch more of her so as to feel more of her welcoming softness.

  Shr'dler'in also laughed, “Another potion of mine. I dabble now and then in the aesthetic arts, especially given that all those about me have many scars. That, plus those who I tend as Healer would appreciate not rough and dry hands, especially our High Queen."

  Ann'wn opened up Shr'dler'in's hand, touching and tracing the lines on it, “Your hands are also strong, Healer."

  "Not as str
ong as yours, Force Leader. Your hands are shockingly strong to me. As are you. It is like you can break someone in half should you desire, and yet you are also tender."

  Ann'wn grasped The Healer's hand once again, pleased that The Healer found her so compelling, “And I like the feeling of you. It felt good to awaken next to you."

  Shr'dler'in felt herself shiver at the memory, “As it did for me. Most truly."

  Ann'wn was slightly surprised, but well pleased, “It did?"

  Shr'dler'in nodded, recalling that she thought that they fit well together, “Yes. I wish it to not end, in truth."

  "You shiver. Are you cold?"


  "Do I make you nervous?"

  "No ... Well, perhaps ... some ... In this moment ... Yes."

  Ann'wn laughed, “Are you certain of that response?"

  Shr'dler'in blushed, then laughed for a moment. She breathed in deeply, then sighed, “I find myself with feelings I have not felt for long prior. I know not what to do with them, and they are not going away."

  Ann'wn looked at her, gazing at her hair and eyes. She moved her free hand to The Healer's hair, touching it softly, “You are beautiful, Healer. Why is it you have no lover with you?"

  "I have found no one worth the effort. And I am selfish. I like my potions more than I like most lovers."

  Ann'wn laughed again, “When you like not a lover, I hope you give them not some evil potion to be rid of them."

  Shr'dler'in nodded, grinning, “In truth, I did this once. I gave one of them a sleeping spell, as I could tolerate not their tediousness any further."

  Ann'wn looked shocked, teasing her, “No. You did this not."

  She laughed, “In truth, I did. I am most awful. They slept for one entire turn."

  They laughed together, enjoying the moment, feeling each other's hesitant touch. Shr'dler'in removed her hand from Ann'wn's and got up to add some wood to the fire. As she turned to sit, Ann'wn was standing, waiting for her. They stood and stared at each other for a long moment. Shr'dler'in finally moved to return to her seat, but Ann'wn pulled her gently yet firmly to her. Ann'wn stood taller than Shr'dler'in by almost a head's height, and was much larger in her muscles and strength, while Shr'dler'in was small in size, and well un-muscled, but, as Ann'wn had said, beautiful.

  Ann'wn moved her hands slowly down Shr'dler'in's arms, as was a practiced courting custom in the Valley and across much of The Realm. The feeling made Shr'dler'in shiver, her uncontrollable desire growing. She moved against Ann'wn, into her body, wanting to be held in the Force Leader's strong arms. Ann'wn embraced her, looking down into her eyes.

  Shr'dler'in spoke softly, “You are breathing heavily."

  Ann'wn smiled, knowing it to be a true statement, “A Healer's observation?"

  "And I can feel your heart beat strongly in your chest. It beats rapidly, as if excited."

  "It is."

  Ann'wn slowly lowered her head to Shr'dler'in, then closed her eyes and kissed her. Although she had kissed many others across her lifespan, when their lips met, Ann'wn's emotions burst with an intensity she had never prior felt. She had always been in control with all her lovers, but in this kiss with Shr'dler'in, she couldn't get enough; couldn't give enough. Giving in to the feeling, she moaned her pleasure as the kiss soared into its heated passion, making both feel as if their emotions were exploding.

  Shr'dler'in pulled away, “I must sit for a moment. I can breathe not, Force Leader. I feel faint."

  Instead of helping her to sit, Ann'wn pulled her firmly back to her, kissing her yet again, her intentions gaining in their momentum. Their embrace lasted many moments as they held each other tightly, kissing each other so fully that they lost all sense of awareness. After the kiss, Ann'wn embraced Shr'dler'in, encasing her in her arms. She rested her head lightly on Shr'dler'in's, breathing in her scents, listening to her soft sounds, wishing she could remain forever in the embrace. It felt so correct; so perfect.

  Shr'dler'in suddenly pulled away, “I am sorry Force Leader. But I cannot do this. You are able to play with my feelings overly. It frightens me. I cannot be one more in your long line of lovers. Please forgive me."

  She began to walk away, but Ann'wn grabbed her hand, “Hold! This is not so. Why do you say this? You cannot kiss me in such a fashion as this and then walk away. This was not just a kiss like any other, Shr'dler'in."

  Shr'dler'in looked at her, desiring her fully, but believing that Ann'wn just wanted another conquest, like all the other warriors, “You are a warrior. You care not about my feelings yet are able to manipulate them overly well."

  "Me? You just ripped my heart out of its cavity as if it were nothing at all. I am not as you say. I desire you, Shr'dler'in, this is highest truth, but not for just this moment.” She moved to Shr'dler'in and pulled her back to her again, strongly; urgently, “I want you, Shr'dler'in. This eve. Next eve. The eve after. I need you."

  "You know me not."

  "This is not truth. I know you well. And you know me well. We have known each other well for many cycles. I know your habits. I know what you prefer to eat. I know your humor. I know you as stubborn beyond reason. I know you as the most loyal of all. I know your capacity for love. And I want that love to love me."

  "Why? Why me? Why now? I am overly old for this. My life is planned out for me. This love will complicate it. And you will grow angry when I must tend to The High Queen and all my potions."

  Ann'wn pulled her even more tightly to her and kissed her again, urgently and full of need. As Ann'wn kissed her, a tear fell from her eye. Desperate, not knowing what to do, Ann'wn stood frozen, staring at her after their embrace. Shr'dler'in reached up and touched the tear, removing it.

  She looked at her, confused, “Why? Why do you do this? After all these cycles, who am I to you?"

  Ann'wn felt helpless, “I am not a scholar or a learned one such as you. I just know what I feel. I know not why, but I love you. It has hit me as lightning would. Without warning. Prior turn when you massaged my shoulders? I felt it then, and tried to let it go. But it keeps growing."

  "That is just lust. You desire me only."

  "No. Certainly this, as you are most desirable, but this is different. I know this is truth. As you say, I have had many lovers. But I have never, never prior felt such as this.” She looked desperate, “Shr'dler'in. I have never prior felt as such for another. My body weakens just at the sight of you. I need you."

  "What if I cannot please you in bed? I am not such as your lovers. I have devoted myself to the healing arts, not the loving ones."

  Ann'wn pulled her to her, kissing her again, but on this moment, instead of pushing the kiss urgently onto The Healer, she allowed Shr'dler'in to move more into it in her own fashion. As The Healer began to direct the kiss's movement, Ann'wn gave in to her, letting Shr'dler'in take the kiss solely where she desired. Both were surprised as Shr'dler'in became even more needing and desirous than Ann'wn's kisses had been.

  When Shr'dler'in halted the kiss, Ann'wn gasped, trying to breathe, “We will have to make a decision soon, Healer, as I cannot take much more of this. My need is beyond its urgency of you. I have never prior felt as such."

  "Where did you go when you left the fire this eve? You went to Mil'der'in, did you not?"

  "I did."

  Shr'dler'in had guessed the truth, so didn't need to know anything further. She now knew that Ann'wn had spoken to Mil'der'in about their own relationship, “Hold me for a moment."

  Ann'wn wrapped her strong arms around Shr'dler'in, giving her the moments she needed. Shr'dler'in laid her head against Ann'wn's chest, relaxing in her strength.

  "We fit together well, I think."

  Ann'wn was going to say ‘Perfect', but suddenly felt Shr'dler'in's hand move underneath her shirt, moving up to her breast. Ann'wn could barely breathe in the anticipation of it, when Shr'dler'in touched her, feeling her breast grow in its hardness. The Healer laughed softly, “You desire me."

ng again and moaning, Ann'wn replied, “I think it obvious, do you not?"

  Shr'dler'in then just rested her hand on Ann'wn's breast, enjoying the feeling of the desiring softness, but frustrating Ann'wn in the wait.

  "Why do you hesitate? Do I frighten you? I know that you also have had many lovers prior, so it is not that. I know you know me well, so it cannot be that."

  Shr'dler'in looked up at her while removing her hand from her breast, “There is an invisible line in all relationships, Force Leader, and we now stand at that line, ready to cross it. But it is always when I cross that line that the relationship fails. I am afraid to cross this line."

  Ann'wn moved her back slightly and placed her hands on Shr'dler'in's shoulders, “Healer. I have already crossed that line with you, but acknowledged it not to either of us. For many prior moments now, whenever you touched me or stood near me, it was a moment I both craved and feared. My heart pounds just at having you near me. I have wanted to touch and be with you for long prior now, but saw that you looked not at me. Now, here I stand, joyous in knowing that you desire me as I do you, but saddened in knowing you are afraid to act upon it. You trust me not. What can I do to gain your trust?"

  "That is the line, Ann'wn. Trust. Perhaps I trust not myself."

  "I am a warrior, Healer. I could die next turn. We must take what is given to us and enjoy it as we can while it is with us."

  The Healer laughed, “A philosophical warrior? You? Why Ann'wn, you do have parts to you that surprise me."

  Ann'wn kissed her again, fully, passionately, urgently. Then she softly pleaded, “Be with me. Give us a chance. Trust may be difficult, but we cannot know unless we try.” She pleaded, “Please let me be with you this eve."

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  Chapter II

  The Long-Prior Powers

  As Ann'wn and The Healer were near the fire trying to bring their relationship to understanding, The High Queen heard a voice while in deep sleep, So, High Queen. Do you think your powers stronger than mine these turns? We shall see. Your first test awaits you outside the west tunnel exit.


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