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Gluttony (Seven Deadlies MC Book 3)

Page 1

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Authors Note:


  Seven Deadlies MC

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Authors Note:


  Gluttony (Seven Deadlies MC)

  ©2017, Kaitlyn Ewald.

  Published in United States of America.

  First electronic publication: June, 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Content Copyright

  Disclaimer: The following ebook is a work of FICTION. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for third party websites or their content.

  Chapter 1


  Scarlett Hunter adjusted the strap on her backless dress, trying her best to ease the hemline against her pale thigh.

  “Scar, if you keep tuggin' on it, it’ll get all wrinkly! Leave it be, you look like sex on a stick.”

  “Thanks Em, but I just don’t want to look like a floozy.”

  “Of course you do, that’s why we’re goin’ out, remember?,” Emily said as she rolled her eyes.

  Scarlett could only smile at her best friend as she applied her bright pink lipstick. Her brown hair was curled around her shoulders, the perfectly bleached tips resting against her sides.

  “You look like every bit the prom queen you are,” Emily said wryly.

  “I wanted to try something edgy!,” Scarlett defended.

  “Getting your tips bleached does not count as ‘edgy,’ Scarlett.”

  Even though she knew Emily was probably right, she felt the sting of those words deep in her gut.

  “I know. Scott told me the same thing, remember?”


  My ex-fiancé.

  “Don’t think about that ass wipe, girl! He doesn't deserve a second more of your time,” Emily said angrily.

  Scarlett knew she was right about that too, but she didn't voice it. Emily knew her better than anyone, she didn't need to tell her how deeply he’d hurt her.

  “Can you tell me why we’re going to a biker bar, Emily?”

  “You need to broaden your horizons and your sexual experience. This is the perfect place to do that.”

  Her reassuring words did nothing to calm Scarlet’s nerves, but she grabbed her clutch and stuffed her designer lipstick into it anyways.

  “I’m ready,” Scarlett said.

  Emily grabbed her own purse before she turned to face her.

  Emily was the epitome of rocker-chic. An off the shoulder black top showed off her tattooed shoulders, and her blue hair falling down her back in beach waves. Her black jeans were strategically torn to catch a man’s eye, and she damn well knew it.

  Scarlett’s dress was floral and flared at the waist, giving her a baby doll appearance. Her pink heels matched her lipstick and the expensive jewelry hanging off of her wrists. Emily and she were as different as night and day, ebony and ivory, but they were inseparable.

  “I look juvenile,” Scarlett complained.

  “You look like a southern belle, and that’s exactly what you are! Come on, don’t be such a Debbie downer.”

  Scarlett tugged on the skirt of her dress and sighed.

  “Should I change?”

  Emily frowned before she took Scarlett’s hand into hers and slowly shook her head.

  “Listen to me, honey- Scott was an ass hole. You’re perfect just the way you are. Don't you want to find a man who appreciates you exactly the way you are instead of trying to change everything you love about yourself?”

  Emily made such a valid point that Scarlett grinned.

  “You’re too sweet to me,” Scarlett said.

  Emily scoffed before she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pressing their heads together.

  “Nah, I just don't want to see you hurting! You’re my best friend. You deserve a prince who will worship the ground your five-hundred dollar heels walk on!”

  Scarlett laughed before she wiggled her toes.

  “I got these on sale for three hundred thank you very much!,” She said with a wink.

  They both heard a honk come from outside their apartment and smiled in anticipation.

  “Time to get this party started! Let’s do this,” Emily said cheerfully.

  Scarlett made sure to lock the door behind her as they headed towards the parking lot.

  “Are you sure this bar is safe? What if the bikers are dangerous?,” She worried.

  “Stopppp! Just relax and have a good time tonight, okay? You just moved here to be with me, you’re single, and you got those ridiculously high heels you’re wearing for only three hundred dollars! This is the beginning of your fresh start,” Emily consoled.

  Scarlett took a deep breath and got into the back of the cab beside Emily.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn't be such a worry wart.”

  “Okay, rule number one? Don’t say things like ‘worry wart’, you’ll scare away all the bikers. And rule number two, have fun! There’s no one around to keep you from having a good time anymore. Be yourself, Scar.”

  Scarlett smiled and told herself she’d do just that.

  She’s right.

  I can do whatever the hell I want, now.

  Scott isn't here to guilt me into behaving like a perfect lady…

  The taxi ride wasn't a very long one, but Scarlett hadn't been up in the mountains yet. She knew that Emily frequented one of the bars tucked back in the Smokies but she herself hadn't been brave enough to venture there…until now.

  “This is gonna be great! Ugh, there are always hot men loitering around this place, it’s like a buffet of biker boys,” Emily said.

  Scarlett wasn't exactly sure how appetizing that sounded, but she supposed ther
e was no reason she shouldn't enjoy the scenery.

  As the taxi cab rounded the last bend and pulled into a seedy parking lot filled with a myriad of bikes, Scarlett changed her mind.

  “Dear God, I’m going home. This was a crazy idea! Em, I can’t do this-”

  Emily put a hand on her thigh as she paid the cab driver.

  “Get out of the taxi, or I’ll walk inside and entice some biker into coming out here and making you get out.”

  Scarlett had no doubt in her mind that Emily would do just that, so with a glare mean enough to part the red sea, she stepped out of the taxi and straightened her dress.

  “Scarlett, you look like a movie star. Okay? Please, please, relax. For me? I need this just as much as you do,” Emily admitted.

  Scarlett instantly felt guilty for making the night all about herself.

  “I’m sorry, really. You're right. I’ll give it my best to have a good time tonight,” She said.

  Emily smiled and tucked her arm beneath Scarlett’s as she walked them both towards the door. Unlike most uptown places Scarlett was used to, there was no bouncer- no one bothered to I.D. her either. Instead, Emily ushered them towards a secluded table near the back of the bar, right next to the jukebox.

  “See? Isn’t the atmosphere great? Plus, there are like thirty bikers in here tonight to choose from.”

  Emily’s excitement didn't exactly warm Scarlett’s insides, but she smiled none the same.

  “Will you get me a drink?”

  “Fine, but you're drinking tequila tonight and you're not going to argue with me about it.”

  Would have been hard to do seeing as how Emily scrambled off before Scarlett could get a word out, so she stopped to take a look around the bar while she waited for Emily to return. The place did have a nice atmosphere- it was a little rustic for her tastes, but it was nice. It was built like a log cabin, and there were plenty of pictures of different biker gangs adorning the wooden walls. It had deer antler chandeliers casting a glowing hue over the whole room, and the tables were relatively new.

  The bartender was a fierce looking redhead who almost seemed like she couldn't be bothered, and that made Scarlett feel better about the fact that she wasn't the one making the orders.

  As far as the bikers went, Emily was correct- they were all over.

  Men and women of all types and sizes were wrapped around the small wooden tables, their faces filled with joy as they laughed and smoked.

  Many of the women, including two gorgeous women who were sitting directly across the room from her and Emily, were wearing sleek leather jackets that had their club’s logo on the back.

  Loud laughter broke apart the music playing around the room, and Scarlett’s eyes were once again drawn to the table housing the two beautiful women. One blonde and one brunette, they were sitting on their men's laps. Scarlett smiled at the sight, knowing full well she was a die hard romantic and that she would never grow out of that.

  Seeing people so in love had her feeling weepy and emotional, and just as she was getting ready to accept a drink from Emily, her gaze landed on a giant of a man who was staring directly at her.

  She lost her breath at the intensity on his face- why was he watching her like that?

  Was her lipstick smeared or something?

  She couldn't make out the color of his eyes, but his tanned skin was covered in tattoos and his head was shaved, revealing an intriguing line of scars.

  “Scarlett? Earth to Scarlett!”

  Emily’s voice had her jumping as she rushed to take the shot glass out of her hands.

  “Who are you staring at?”

  Scarlett rushed to lie.

  “The two women across the bar, they're gorgeous.”

  Emily looked at the women across the way and then back at Scarlett.

  “Are you honestly worried? You literally almost made it as a Victoria’s Secret model,” Emily said.

  Scarlett rolled her eyes.

  “I did not.”

  “They told you that you were perfect for the job.”

  “They told me I was a few inches too short, but that I had a perfect face for their brand,” Scarlett told her.

  As she downed her shot she discreetly let her gaze wander back to the handsome stranger who’d been watching her. He wasn't looking at her anymore, so she took a second to admire him- straight nose, perfectly arched brows that were dark as sin; his mouth is what had her captivated. Scarlett hadn't seen a mouth on a man like that ever, and she’d done her fair share of couples modeling. His lips were pouty and lush and altogether too enticing; they were definitely contradictory to the leather cut and combat boots he had on, too.

  “Scarlett, you’re staring.”

  “I’m studying. He’s gorgeous,” She commented as she slid into her seat and crossed her legs.

  Emily grinned at her.

  “You gonna tell him that?”

  “No, why would I?”

  Emily shrugged.

  “Maybe because tall, dark, and mysterious is staring at you hard.”

  Scarlett had to fight the urge to look.

  “Come on, don’t be a prude. He’s hot as fuck and he’s obviously as interested in you, as you are him. Go talk to him!”

  “I would rather not,” Scarlett said.

  “Fine, be like that, I’m just trying to help you out.”

  “What about you? Do you see anyone around here that you like?”

  “Yeah, that red-haired devil sitting near your man. He’s eyeing me like a glass of water on a hot day, and lord knows he's making me just as wet.”

  Scarlett laughed, her head tipping back as she slapped the table top lightly.

  “Stop! Your sexual escapades always get the both of us in trouble!”

  “Only because you never have any, Scar. It’s time to loosen up. You’re not marrying that dick wad anymore, have a good time. Enjoy yourself, live a little!”

  All things Scarlett had taken into consideration as she'd readied herself for their evening out. Emily was right and she had her best interests at heart, but Scarlett wasn't like Emily. Emily was so outgoing and fun, she could literally make any man kneel at her feet. Scarlett was more reserved, shy- she couldn't work a room like Emily could.

  “I’m trying,” She said.

  As Scarlett swallowed her second shot, she deiced that maybe a full on margarita would do the trick and asked Emily if she wanted one.

  “Yeah, grab me one, too.”

  Scarlett nodded as she slipped from her bar stool and headed towards the bar. She told herself she would not look behind her to see if the sexy biker was watching her. Instead, she focused on squeezing through the throngs of people so she could make her way to the bar safely.

  “Excuse me? May I have two margaritas, please?”

  The bartender smiled kindly at her and nodded, taking the money Scarlett held out to her.

  As she tried to hand Scarlett her change, she waved a hand.

  “Keep it as a tip!”

  The bartender, who was obviously much friendlier than she looked, smiled.


  Scarlett smiled and relaxed on her elbows against the bar as she waited for her to fill the couple of drink orders that were ahead of hers and Emily's.

  As her manicured hands made a slow rhythm against the bar top, she felt a presence behind her- and she just knew.

  She could feel the sexy stranger’s body heat against her back as she stiffened.

  She thought she could almost feel his breath on the back of her neck, but she had to be imagining it.

  “Haven’t seen you around here before,” She heard.

  Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm!

  Scarlett’s knees almost turned to mush at the sound of his deep voice.

  As she turned to face him she realized that he was taller than he looked- a lot taller.

  She had to tip her head back to see into his eyes, but she didn't mind.

  Their color wasn't what she'd expected
, either- they were grey.

  And, the look they had told her exactly what he’d love to do to her-and the feeling was mutual…

  Chapter 2

  He’s fucking gorgeous…

  Even though he looked like he didn't smile too often, she could see that Limit had two perfect dimples in his cheeks, and that had her almost sighing dreamily.

  “I just moved here.”

  “You likin’ it?,” He asked easily.

  Scarlett nodded.

  “It’s pretty. I’ve never been to a bar like this one,” She admitted with a blush.

  His grey eyes roamed over every inch of her before he responded.

  “I can tell.”

  She frowned, but only because she wasn't sure what to say to that.

  “What’s the name of your gang?”

  He grinned at that, his teeth white and straight.


  She motioned towards his cut.

  “You know, your biker…gang?”

  He laughed, a sound that resembled what she imagined aged barrel whiskey would sound like.

  “Club, we’re just a motorcycle club. Not a gang,” He assured her.

  She smiled, feeling like an idiot.

  “Sorry. Like I said, I’m new to all of this.”

  He nodded and took a step towards her, his muscular body almost pressed against hers. She tried to step backwards, but the bar stopped her movements. He reached around her, something that had her heart ready to beat right out of her chest, and surprised her when he handed her what appeared to be hers and Emily’s drinks.

  “Thank you,” She murmured.

  His grey eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled at her again.

  “No problem, beautiful.”



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