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I am Iron Man

Page 42

by Colin Cook

  groaned, Shepard got the idea. So he smiled saying, kindly. "If it helps Tali you don't have to really even talk to him. I just don't want you on the ship all the time. While the

  rest of the crew goes partying tonight, without some relaxation."

  "Shepard. I appreciate this offer but I'm just not that kind of girl." She shrugged. It still was a chance to go, and she'd be helping him on the mission for Aria. A sigh she

  crossed her arms, "Okay, I'll do it." She smirked, before saying in jest. "Oh, but you soooo owe me."

  Shepard smiled to this. Ruffling her hood, he admits. "I've been keeping tabs. From where we stand? You still owe me."

  "Hmph!" She watched him leave. Then sighed as she lowered her arms. Yes, she did. She'd owe him anything if he asked. She already owed him her heart… too bad he

  never asked for that. "Stupid bosh'tet."

  The crew exited. Shepard, first. Tali to his left just behind him. To the right, Legion. Legion was not aware the reasons this matter needed him. However, it did not matter

  to him really. All he was doing was following orders. With Tali seeming to show a little distance. Running with Shepard, they follow to the club Afterlife. Loud music came

  upon the speakers and passing inside, they were greeted with many lights. Shepard walked slowly around the circular bar and said, "Okay, you know what to do Tali."

  Tali lowered her head. Shaking it a little like she was just starting to regret this. Legion watched with some processing at how Shepard was moving farther from them. He

  made a step, but she raised a hand. Looking to the Quarian he heard her explain, "Legion? Do you remember how you wanted data on the Krogan?"

  "Obviously it has not been met with consensus. We await time for more data."

  "Right." She sighed, rubbing her shoulder. Something was upsetting her. Then, he found out what. "Shepard wants me to spend some time here in this club while he meets

  Aria. So, why don't we use this time to share data?"

  Legion was silent, something in his banks began to spark. Soon, he comments a observation. "By most organic cultures this meeting outside of mission parameters with

  music, poison alcohols for the nervous systems and otherwise colorful scenery would be considered a date."

  "Not even close." She told him. Arms crossed, she looked dismissively to the side. "This, is just what Shepard wants. For us to get along. Nothing less than that, and

  definitely nothing more than that."

  "Affirmative." Legion, tilts his head to her. "Where will we begin data transfer?"

  "I haven't a clue." She mumbled a little. This place was so crowded. She needed a booth, to herself. Away from the eyes of those here. She saw one finally and motioned

  him along. "This way."

  The booth helped her hide a little. It was darker, and quieter this far from the music. Here she looked at Legion who stood there looking at her. Tali got the idea and sighed

  into her own hand. "Keelah, why me?" She turned back up and then motioned to the booth. "Sit down Legion."

  "We do not require rest."

  "Please…" He did, as she asked. She took that as a good sign. Tali slowly scratched her neck thinking how to start. Probably, she should just put it out there. "Okay,

  Legion?" He turned to her with full attention. "What data do you want to go over first?"

  "Why Tali'zorah is here with Legion?"

  "That I told you was because of Shepard."

  "Understood." Legion's flaps slowly curve upward. "Are we a slave unit to Tali'zorah?"

  "W-what?" She was stunned. Hands on the table she steadied herself. "No! Why would you think that?"

  "You made a request of us for the Krogan. However, you have shown no interest in participating in data transfer or any continued time with us. We have met consensus,

  that Tali'zorah feels were are a Geth slave unit, or would wish us better this way. To be more like the Geth the Creators constructed. However, we are not."

  She was so angry. Angry, that he'd even think that. About her! She's trying to make the best of this. It wasn't her fault she hated the…. Tali lowered her head. There, was

  the problem. She hated him solely because he was Geth. A moment and she closed her eyes slinking her shoulders. A sigh reverberates from her small frame as she asks,

  "Can you forgive me Legion?"

  "We do not know what we are to forgive?"

  "For acting like that." She slowly pulled her hands into her chest, leaning on her elbows now. She shook her head. "It's just so hard to accept a Geth has helped me. Why

  did you even do it?"

  "…." Legion's flaps slowly bend. He spoke, after a few seconds. "We have not met consensus. We are still gathering data."

  "You helped me without making a consensus?"

  "The more we interact with organics. The more we act on their reasoning. We assumed you were in trouble and needed our aid. However, we are not aware if there were

  any other reasons in the programs within this platform."

  Letting that sink in. Tali had to ask. "Do they always have ulterior motives?" She looked interested. "I mean, how does that work? How can you have programs that

  sometimes correspond so differently?"

  "Many programs serve numerous functions. In order to handle the new role with Organics. We have had to re-establish a number of former functions for new tasks.

  Understanding our role with Tali'zorah is a function this platform is nearly always in constant deliberation, consensus is never met fully. We have not enough data to form a

  proper consensus on how our roles together should progress."

  Tali swallowed a lump in her throat. Blinking at the table. Trying to understand what was so special? Was it she's a Quarian? That made the most sense. He did play a

  pivotal role as the one and only Geth outside the Geth space.

  "Tali? May we perform an inquiry?"

  "Of course. It might make things easi-"

  "Do you plan to have a relationship with Shepard-Commander?"

  "…." She slammed her head on the table. "Keelah…"

  "We only ask since we know your feelings toward the Commander. We wish to help in any way we can."

  "You do?" She looked up, baffled. "Why?"

  "There is…"

  "No data, or not enough… I got it." She smiled, sitting up again. "Legion don't worry about me and Shepard. Some day he'll come around. I just know he will." Looking

  down she fumbled with her hands. Obviously, she only believed this so much. Deep down, she was not sure.

  "If not. We require data on the Krogan. He made the statement that by defeating him, we earned the right to mating or courtship. Would this not have been the best time

  for you to contact Shepard-Commander?"

  "Honestly?" She smiled lightly. Thinking how that would have worked. "Shepard would have diffused this whole thing with his words. Most likely got him to understand

  what happened." Looking down, she shrugged. "After all. He kept you and me trying to cause an interstellar war. He convinced you to not send information of the Flotilla,

  while making me come to giving you just some information for this as well. He's pretty… well, skilled with these kinds of situations."

  "Agreed." Legion had an extreme amount of data centered on Shepard. In many ways, no one was more encouraging for the possible co-existence of organic and

  synthetic than Shepard. He seemed to agree all things, no matter how misguided deserve a chance to prove themselves." Legion looked at her hands a moment seeing

  they stilled. Somehow this talk was giving her a little more nerve again. "We hope Shepard-Commander will use these skills to help us in the future."

  "You mean the Geth?"


  "Mmm…" Tali shrugged. "Maybe, and when he does. Perhaps he can help my people as well? It's all in the air."

  Legion looked up. This, made Tali turn up as well. Suddenly,
she blinked, and began to laugh. "No, I don't mean… it's just, undecided."


  Legion looked at her for a while. Tali, smiling in her helmet. Having not realized how much she was enjoying this. Talking to someone. It was strange because now when

  she thought about it, she was thinking why? It was easier because Legion did not have his own absolute preceptions. He did not have feelings about…

  "Legion?" The Geth blinked his camera. "Do you have any kind of feelings?"

  "We do not feel."

  "Right, but… your programs. You've been mimicking people. Have any of them begun to mimic emotions?"

  "Emotions are a reaction to stimulus via the nervous system and chemical imbalances in the body. These include hormonal rises. We do not have a circulatory system let

  alone one that would accommodate emotional reaction."

  "…." She lowered her head. It was sort of just a question she wanted to ask. Her train of thought got her on that. Strange really. "Well, I was going to ask. Something.


  "Tali'zorah, we would approve any request so long it is not fighting a Krogan, we still do not have sufficient data from the previous encounter."

  "If I didn't know any better?" She smiled crossing her arms over her chest. Leaning back off the table, and into her chair. "I'd almost think that was a very, very poor

  attempt at a joke, Legion."

  "We do not need to alleviate the mood with humor. Or so, we do not see the need at this time."

  "Huh…" she looked to her hip. It was then, she smiled. "Knock-Knock."

  Legion's brow flaps quirk up on one half of his head. She giggled, to this his eye slowly opened a little, like he was greatly overtaken with confusion. "Legion, you have to

  ask, "Whose there?"

  "We know who is making this noise. It is you."

  "Right, but I am trying to tell a joke. A Knock-knock joke…. It's a human thing. Kasumi told me this one."

  "We… do, not have enough dat-."


  "…. Who is committing the sound of this variant?"


  "Fruit should not be able to make any sound. Less it has been hurled at the door. That would imply oranges, as there were two definable knocks o-."

  "Ask Orange Who!" She clacked her fingers on her helmet, "Keelah… even Grunt wouldn't be this hard to tell a joke to."

  "Orange Who?"

  "Orange you glad, I didn't say Banana?"

  Tali made herself a little laugh, her hand balled at her mouth portion. Legion, was starring at her for a good while. Then he finally, began to do something most unexpected.

  "We wish to tell a joke."

  "Oh? Okay. Go ahead!" She leaned in, waiting for his joke.

  "How many Krogan does it take to install a lighting fixture on a Class A war ship?" To this, Tali was already shrugging her shoulders. "None, because by legislation of the

  Krogan Rebellion. Krogan can not pilot any warship above the denomination of a Class F Warship."

  There was a light pause for the poor Quarian. She tried not to be too… rude, to his joke. It was… it was funny-ish. The Geth's brows jerked and twitched perhaps coming

  to realize she did not find it comical. However, Tali could get the idea he knew. To just be polite, she faked a light chuckle. To that, she heard the Geth suddenly chirp in a

  manner they spoke as Geth. She could almost see it as laughter. So she giggled a little harder. Needless to say he was slightly louder. As it is recognized, laughter can be

  infectious and Quarians were always getting infections. This was no different. Every time she made a small snicker or chuckle the Geth mimicked with his own language.

  Soon she was laughing of her own free will. The Geth, did not seem to mimic her either but still continued to laugh. Though where the comedy lies was beyond either


  Suddenly Legion stood from the table, and put his back out between Tali and the main floor. Something smashed into his back before she even realized it. Tali heard

  screaming soon after, and then as Legion stood back she saw a young Quarian wobbling on his heels. She stood up, asking, "What in the name of the Flotilla we-."

  "D-don't you go speaking of the flotilla. You traitor!" The Quarian male swallowed something in his suit. Tali saw in his hand a small glass, much like the one tossed already.

  Yet it had a long straw and worse yet the Quarian began to snap out angrily, "You're a geth-loving peace talker aren't you? Eh? The Flotilla is weak. Just like Jacohbe said.

  It's good, we never returned to them. They are all so weak… everyone one of them."

  Legion looked to Tali. Shrugging his shoulders. She knew what was wrong. Walking forward she warns, "You've drank a far larger amount of beverages here than you

  should. Quarian physiology does not have the complete ability to syphon out so many toxins. Perhaps, you should sit down before you get yourself hurt?"

  "Me?" She saw him toss his head to the left, "Zaiel!" Then the right, "Mortk, Bahrish and Torlei. Come here!" The sight of four more Quarians made Tali nervous. Like him,

  they were wearing similar suits. They however were all young… were they on pilgrimage together? Or… "You want to rephrase that, geth lover? Because I'd warn you." He

  stepped toward her, pointing out a finger. Slowly, circling it around Tali's visor with the balance of a elderly Krogan on stilts. "All two and a half of you. That you, don't want

  any part of us. You couldn't even think of taking Jacohbe. He's the biggest, bestest most awesome-st Quarian commander ever. He'd show you… you and your Geth.

  You, little brat."

  Tali tried to keep her calm. About to speak again. The Quarian suddenly threw his drink in her face. Needless to say, she didn't take kindly to this. She wiped her visor as he

  was laughing, his friends too got a chuckle. However, before she can act. There was that sound. The chirping sound that Legion made. She removed what she could

  before she saw the Geth grabbing this young Quarian. Suddenly, his friends began to grab their weapons. Tali swiftly snatched her shotgun preparing for the fight when

  something happened.

  Legion dropped him, and stepped back. "We do not need to fight with creators. However, if you continue to force negative acts on Tali'zorah? We will be forced t-."

  "Tali?" She turned up to see another Quarian. However, this one sounded different. He sounded… very different. She was gawking in truth at the size of this Quarian.

  Standing a good double her height. Chest, wide as three of her. The Quarian was a behemoth. She never, EVER saw a Quarian this big. This broad. His steps were

  thunderous, they were wide in stride. His arms, shifting from the shoulders almost forcing those near him to move from his path. Krogan did not show this level of

  intimidation. His red suit, visor and worse a long red coat, all matched in color. Even atop his helmet was a large red Beret. The Quarian walked forward stopping short of


  "Y-you know me?" She had to look up at him. Strangely still it did not help the level of unease she felt. The Quarian gave a nod. "How?"

  "Your father worked with my Captain for some time. They were friends before he failed his pilgrimage." The large Quarian chuckled, darkly. It sounded so frightfully

  different from her, and any other Quarian she heard. "Why, your father called much respect." Looking to Legion. He turned to Tali, asking, "Is this your Geth?"

  "No, this platform is not property. We are Legion. We are our own."

  "I see." The large Quarian lowered his head, whispering, "That is remarkable…" Turning up, he shrugged those huge shoulders. "No problem. I don't see any issue here.

  Mind you, my men will be punished for causing this incident."

  "Sir!" The one, stood holding his neck. "He, it. It is a geth! She was laughing with it!"

  "Laughing, with a Geth?" The large Quari
an turned to Tali. "Is that possible?"

  "He told me a joke and…"

  "A Geth telling a joke?" The large Quarian shook his head. "That…. Is amazing. I would never imagine that, such a thing were possible. My word. Fascinating."

  She got an uneasy feeling from this man. All the worse as he looked at Legion and herself. Soon, she asked, "What do you want from us?"

  "Not a thing." Said the large Quarian. Then he offered his hand. "My name is Commander Jacohbe. A pleasure to meet you, Tali'zorah!"

  "I wish I could say the same." She did not take his hand. He laughed before putting his hand behind his back. Shaking his head to her. "Your men were willing to shoot me

  and my team mate. That is no-."

  "You were fraternizing with the enemy Tali. Personally, I'd wonder what your father would say to something like this? Last I recall he died because of the Geth." She was

  disgusted now. Here he was, trying to justify her father's death like that? They knew nothing of what he was doing. Wrong it was… she still… "Hmm, I wonder. Does it ever

  bother you? Knowing he'll never see the homeworld? That he's never to be buried in our native soil? Or worse that his daughter is flirting with the same machines that in

  turn tried to exterminate our entire species?"

  Legion interjects, "We did not wage war on the Creators. We only sought to survive."

  Jacohbe turned at him and shook his head. "You can say it how you wish. It will not change what you are."

  "That is what you may believe. This platform has seen change of many species over many years. Evolution of the Geth can be superficial but does occur."

  "Oh?" Jacohbe laughed lightly. Then he shook his head. "Arguing with a synthetic. My, what a day." He waved his people on. The group left. Even so, Legion watched with a

  slight twist in his blinds. Tali even clenched her fists. His words about her father…. Those were truly the coldest words anyone ever spoke. It angered her more than


  Legion turned to Tali. Sensing the level of anger. His flaps gently curve upward. "Tali'zorah." She looked to him. "It would take all the Geth to finish installation of any such


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