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I am Iron Man

Page 52

by Colin Cook

  Shepard seemed convinced though about this being something else. He thought it over. Tried to think like Mordin… that hurt, so he tried to think like a scientist. That

  however made him think like a scientist like Mordin. There, he looked up as Mordin was ranting on about the Asari theory and how it could have effected Jacohbe and the

  red biotic power. "Mordin?" Shepard looked at him with concern. "You're upset with what he did aren't you? As a scientist?"

  Mordin's rant stopped. He stood still. Least, by the Salarian standard. Even his eyes blinked once or twice before he gave a slight, low grumbling sigh. "Yes."

  "Why didn't you say that at the beginning?"

  Shepard saw him smile. The Salarian looked so estrange as he smiled. Having the fact he was such a skilled fighter and possibly killer. It just seemed out of place. Yet it

  was also so real. You had to know Mordin to understand it. Never could seeing that smile would you mistaken him for anger or hiding things. Though, Shepard knew he

  could just as well be using that to hide.

  "Good friends can tell. Makes them closer still. Able to see when things are not what they seem."

  Returning the smile. Shepard leaned back admittedly pleased with Mordin. "I suppose so?"

  "Indeed." Mordin gave a nod, walking back to his table. "Well as you guessed. This matter does effect me, as a scientist."

  Yeah, he got that. Mordin soon looked at the device shrugging his shoulders. "Was not saying this is only me. I am certain, many are affected. However, seeing science

  used like this? Travesty." He looked up, asking, "Can you tell me how it can be so much a personal issue? Science, serves to better life. To improve life! Not to destroy,

  shatter or break down life. Helps culture thrive and evolve. Not stop it from free thought." Walking around the table, he strolled his fingers on the table. The nervous twitch

  a strange sight. "I study because Jacohbe is evil. Does not have remorse or care. Shows adamant interest in death of others, torment of other and in turn like of thought

  to participation to these acts."

  "That's why we're going to stop him, Mordin." Shepard smiled back to the doctor. A nod and he said, "If we stop him. We can make sure this never happens again."

  "Yes, I know." Mordin stood still. A frown of his came about. "If we do not. He can harm more Geth. Ruin young Quarian lives. This is not to be allowed any longer,


  Shepard seemed to agree. Then it hit him what the Illusive man said. "Mordin?" The doctor looked at him. "I was curious. Do you think I have a soft spot for the


  Mordin blinked to such a question being absolutely irrelevant to him. Though, mention of Quarians was part to the conversation. "Well, no?" It was his response. Yet as he

  thought, "You have aided a number of Quarian people. Yet Quarians are at a rather heavy loss. Geth attacks forced great negativity for the Quarian people. Pilgrimages

  are not safe to begin with, now sent into the universe as they are, much harder. It is your nature to help others Shepard. I do not see a reason to define, Quarian or not?"

  That actually made some sense now. Shepard thought so at least. Putting him on ease the Commander stood up tall and gave a nod of appreciation. "Yes, thank you

  Mordin. I appreciate our talk. You have anything planned?"

  "Just more study. Perhaps I will find a cause or reason to the red biotic flow, better chances curing aging for Salarians." A smile on his lip, Shepard gave a laugh and left.

  Yet Mordin stopped him at the door, "Shepard!" When Shepard turned, Mordin looked at him frankly. "If you mind my asking? Why such a question on Quarians? Was,


  The sad thing was even Shepard did not know. Not really. "I guess I was just starting to feel I've gotten off track." Then, he looked at his hands. "I've been working harder

  than I should. I need a break is all maybe? A good stress reliever."

  Mordin's right brow rose. There were a number of ways to do this. Yet he did not speak. Shepard left and now he looked at his results. Turning around at the screen

  rubbing his chin again. Mordin looked on with a serious frown.

  "Your secrets. What are they? Jacohbe?" He looked deeper into this mystery whispering, "What, are they?"

  Engineering was quiet today now it seemed. After Shepard left it grew eerily quiet. Kenneth constantly trying to get a rise from either Tali or Gabby, making a remark he

  was sure would gather some attention. Yet every time he tried they seemed to grow more and more quiet. The poor male engineer realized how badly it felt to be the

  only man around here. Tali was upset that much he can tell. Her constant blazing of her fingertips a good sign since she worked fast but not this fast, like her fingers were

  running her away from here. Having that on his mind Kenneth shook his head wondering if maybe he'd done something? That was likely, but not the case. He kept a keen

  track of most his comments and pranks.

  The issue was not him though, Tali was worn down now. Tali was a bit torn up even. She spent how long watching Shepard? Looking to him for answers, and praises. Then

  to have him come down here and actually start talking to her again and making her realize this isn't exactly her wish? To start making her second guess her decision? Did

  Shepard have any idea how hard it was to try and be this? It wasn't like she made the decision on a whim. No, not really. Tali knew damn well what she wanted. How she

  wanted her Commander. Yet she also knew that if she kept running after him she'd just fall on her face. There was a point a person needed to look at their relationship

  with someone not as 'I love you' but, 'Do we love each other?' and that made her realize, her think that this is it. That this was not love between two people.

  On a level unlike any other. Tali thought and believed he looked past the helmet. She believed he can see her face, see the person in engineering. Tali believed Shepard

  looked past her suit and this earned her honest respect. Tali however was now torn was it respect? Love? A desire to just be accepted by someone else? It made her lean

  on the console sighing into the helmet roughly. How many years has she dreamed of Shepard? There were times she believed she was even just a little flirtatious with

  him, and he approved. Though as time went on he wasn't receptive, he was just kind. Shepard had to be the biggest bosh'tet she ever knew to never truly recognize her

  for what she was, how she tried. That was true.

  Kenneth saw her leaning there now. He frowned, Tali was in a very sad place. Right, time to do something. Taking in a breath Gabby raised her brow to the duo. Then he

  said it, the one thing that would get Tali out of this slump.

  "So Gabby, you know what I was thinking?" Before she spoke he rushed out. "With all these gorgeous ladies around me. The Normandy, You and this Quarian lass. I was

  feeling I might be getting to be the biggest lucky bastard here. So I was debating asking the Commander for another chance at winning back my credits." Gabby smiled

  when he looked to her, and damn did she look good with that smile. The sweetest smile ever. Not the 'you're such a dog' smile. Looking back to Tali he asks, "Tali? What

  about if I invite the Commander down? We can have a fun game of cards!"

  Sadly it was not the best idea. Tali looked over eyes glaring on him. He winced, ooh… "Cards? With that bosh'tet? No." To turn from them she snapped, "I don't want to

  see the Commander. Not now, not ever!"

  With that heard. Kenneth felt the temperance. Gabby pat his shoulder as a sign it was okay. Kenneth took that to be encouragement. So with a slight scowl he moved

  from his console and bit back on the Quarian. "You know? I was trying to help. We all know about your feelings for the Commander. Hell, you know him the longest out of

  the whole crew. Except for Gar
rus and Chakwas. If anyone can have a chance at him, hell. That leaves you guys in full!" A wave of his hand he warns, "We're you're friend

  but if you really want to treat me like that? Fine! You're welcome!"

  Gabby rubbed her neck, "Kenneth…"

  "Aw, not now woman. I'm on a roll!"

  Strangely enough he was. Tali looked at him softer, a little nicer. A nod Tali said, "You're right."

  "I am?" The blink and sudden infliction. Kenneth didn't expect that. "Uh, right. I am." Though, as he turned left to right, asking in a light hush, "About what exactly?"

  Tali looked at her console walking to it and just leaning on it again. "About everything. About me knowing him the longest. About you being my friend." She looked over,

  "How you're a lucky bosh'tet because if anyone else yelled at me like that? I'd remind them I've go-."

  "A shotgun, I heard it." Laughter, was contagious. The three colleagues chuckle a bit. Then, Kenneth asks, "What's eating you up little lady? It's not good to see you like


  "I…" Tali lowered her head. Shaking it as she fought her natural shyness. The Quarian mentality of the lone being is hard. You can interact on the Flotilla for days, hours and

  such yet talking about your emotions was hard. To explain what it was like to want to do something knowing it can kill you. She looked at the humans, both. Kenneth

  showing concern in that funny, human face and Gabby looking on with a encouraging grin. Okay, why not?

  "I love Shepard." She stood, and saw them both act accordingly, just smile on the words. "Yet I don't think he loves me. I don't even know if he's interested? Last night

  while I was working. He said he thought of me as a sister."

  Kenneth's eyes bulge, "Ah, no. He didn't!"

  "HE did?" Gabby shook her head. "Oh dear that's not, he might just be a bit blind is all! Or just scared!"

  Tali held her hands. "I don't know. I don't really care. Least, I tried telling myself that." Turning from them, she walked to the railing, wringing her hands nervously. "Then, a

  while back. He came down here. He saw me, wanted to talk to me. The party at the VIP lounge I went there to try and convince Shepard, to make him see me for me.

  Yet an old friend convinced me this, whole thing is ruining my friendship with him. I don't want to loose that. I do not want to loose the best friend I ever had." Lowering

  her head, she whimpered and that, it just tore Kenneth's heart. He actually put a hand on her shoulder while she looked back. "I tried so hard to believe it was the right

  choice. Telling him I'll be his friend. Not saying I'll wait, and wait and always wait for him. Just to offer him my heart in the way he needs it. Yet now? He comes in here

  saying something around the lines of he thought of me as a friend until last night!"

  Yeah, Kenneth rubbed his neck. "I got it. Wow, damn do all women have this much trouble figuring out men?"

  "Only the stupid ones." Gabby smiled at the comment, and knew Tali meant… "Oh, no. I mean, not you Kenneth!"

  Kenneth raised his brow, "I didn't think you did. Still Commander Shepard isn't that stupid either."

  "OH he is!" Tali crossed her arms. "I've been waiting since my pilgrimage. Riding with him was the greatest thrill of my life. I spent it trying to offer him, anything. Now I'm

  here? While here I'm an adult, I've had him with me, I had to do so much and see his heart for what it is. He helped people that needed nothing. He offered the

  downtrodden of my kind aid. Most everyone else abandons the Quarians. Shepard is a good man and he will continue to be a good man. That, I know." However, she

  lowered her head. "He's just also a stupid good man."

  Gabby looked up from her thoughts. "Maybe there's more to it? You keep thinking it's just you know, you. What about the others?" She looked at Kenneth. "You know

  the others that are part of the old team? Garrus, Chakwas and Joker? You ever ask them what they think of you and the Commander?"

  Tali looked at them a little bit nervous. "Honestly, I try not to talk about this if I can. I get so nervous I just feel like my suit is crushing me when I talk about Shepard."

  Kenneth smiled saying, "Hey, your bucket isn't that bad. Least I don't think it is." A shove on his back he turned laughing to Gabby. "Right, still. Tali?" He looked at her dead

  pan serious. "If you have any feelings for him. You need to find out the truth. Doing that down here isn't going to help. Why not go talk to the old crew mates? Hell, they

  know him pretty well. We just follow the Commander so that's easy stock there."

  Seeming to get it. Tali smiled in her helmet. Then she leaned in hugging the engineer Kenny, then saying, "You're not a total 'asshole' after all." Letting go, she hugged

  Gabby, whispering, "The truth is? He is worth all this trouble you put yourself through."

  "I know." Gabby whispered back looking at Kenneth with a great bit of pride. Tali let go and made her way out. She was going to do something about this. Yet Gabby,

  walked to Kenneth saying. "Want to help me do a diagnostic on the carbon converters?"

  Kenneth blinked, "What do you mean? That means we have to go into the cargo hold to-." Her hand, gently grazed his chest making Kenneth wide-eyed and starry

  looking. The woman following out the door with a hard swivel of her hips. Obviously making him look. A big grin, he tugged his collar whispering. "Hell, I am such a dog."

  The Medical ward was on the third floor of the ship. Sometimes, those working here in space got sick. Or gained some sort of medical injury from work. Also, the fact it

  was a war vessel helped keep things busy with missions. Yet one of the crew visited from time to time thanks to his condition. Garrus was being checked over at the

  moment to make sure the scar tissue was properly cleaned, or covered. Even after this amount of time it was a delicate injury he had to have some time taken to make

  sure a number of infectious areas did not progress. Sitting on the table he sighed looking back to Chakwas, an older human female trailing with her data pad. Seems she

  was reading it rather intensely.

  "Is there something I should be aware of Doc?" Garrus smiled when he saw her look up with a smile her own. "Or am I just that interesting to read, but not look at?"

  "Darling, it's not that." Chakwas waved the pad dismissively. "It just looks like something might be wrong. Nothing serious, merely a small dirt patch or infectious area.

  The lack of your scaled hide has been problematic enough, it will take some time for the healing to offer enough protection from any number of infections."

  Garrus shook his head, "Okay, so I didn't want to hear that? Good. Glad you told me."

  "I'm very up front with such things Garrus." A nod, she pat his shoulder saying, "It isn't serious. Trust me. Merely, we need to be careful over some of these things. Also,

  might I be so bold as to say. If you weren't about so much taking heavy fire just for a week, you could heal much smoother."

  That made Garrus laugh. His arms crossed over as he kicked his legs around each other. "That might be all well and good in a data pad but really? You want me to just sit

  around getting lazy? I think a few scars won't hurt me Chakwas. You just do your medical thing, and I'll try to do my fighting thing."

  "Spoken like a true marine." Said Chakwas rolling her eyes. Yet a smile always prevailed. "Just try to not get any more shots to the face. It's barely holding together as it

  is Garrus."

  "Mmm, I'll mull that over." He grinned while she waved him off leaving. Probably heading to Mordin with her discoveries. He heard she and Mordin were talking a lot lately.

  The two scientific personnel. Interesting little information that seemed to play. Turning down Garrus stood up rubbing his lower back. "Right now I could use a nice, long

  nap. Minus this damn suit."

  His attention went to the AI core. Huh, Legion
was in there. The thought of last night played in Garrus' mind. Recalling how Tali left to talk to the synthetic. Not saying it

  meant anything. Yet he was curious. Legion was a Geth, Tali was a Quarian and by most standards war should have been between them on a constant level. However,

  that didn't stop him and Grunt getting along, though he didn't have much in the Krogan Rebellions. There was Shepard and Garrus, good friends. Turians and Humans were

  not known to be best of friends for the most part. He had no way of really defending the strange Geth or Tali from the unusually fast freindship they earned. The only

  reason he can assume was that Legion wanted to help his people make peace with the Quarians, and Tali was probably just dismissing what he was for the sake of the

  mission and Shepard. Lord knew she'd do anything for the Commander.

  Even so, Garrus took a few steps closer. The door opened, and he ducked behind the wall for cover. He heard nothing so he peaked inside. Legion was looking at EDI, or

  rather her program VI. Raising a brow he listened in, as they started to talk.

  EDI asked, "Your processing seems off today Legion."

  "Yes." Legion, moved a hand. A small icon moved on a projected board. Three spaces diagonally, passing over another icon of a strange unusual symbol. The more he

  moved, the more his color of pieces, red grew. Yet there were many more blue pieces easily those were belonging to EDI.

  "Is there a reason?"

  "Yes." Legion, watched as EDI moved, taking three more of his pieces. His eye twisting and clicking at this. "We have been in many forms of consensus. There has been a

  constant issue within minimal programming error."

  "What error?"

  Legion looked over the board. However, he did not inform EDI of the error. Instead, he made a move which took no pieces. After this, EDI moved taking three more.

  Legion's eye spun rapidly to this.

  Legion turned around from the board. He was beginning another such consensus. Then he turned saying, "WE are in error."

  "The Geth?"

  "No." Legion held his hands mimicking that of Tali. Wringing his fingers, and softly caressing his palms. "We are Geth. Yet we are Legion. This platform is in error for


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