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I am Iron Man

Page 55

by Colin Cook

  sensation. One not of this world. He stopped and turned with his eyes blaring at the walls. He can sense them…. Breathing. It was not real? Was it? He narrowed his eyes.

  A few steps and he sensed the eyes of something watching him. He was alone. That, made him vulnerable. Or so it believed. He sensed this like that of many predators.

  Trying to find him the weakest. Thane stood still. Then he checked his Omni-tool to find the duct he needed to enter. Pulling off the vent he was about to enter. Then he

  heard water. His head turned up and to his right. Eyes widening at the water before him, a sea splashing softly on the sand. His eyes peer deep into the endless water as

  from it, rose a form. Standing, he shook a slight at the fingers. That form, those eyes looking at him. Ascending the waters. He knew them. He knew this woman, this


  Suddenly, he closed his eyes. "She breathes in a gasp of fresh air. She holds me, caresses my back. Tells me it's not something to be afraid of. That we're together. This

  was her desire, she smells sweet and of heavenly passion. Her heart beats against our chest. We hear her beg us to be with her. To make her life, her future mean


  He opened his eyes, the vision was gone…. He narrowed his eyes. "I won't be toyed with by whatever you are."

  Entering the duct. Thane, proves stronger than he seems. Even if alone. His mind is strong, it is formidable. The ship's walls stop breathing. They slowly return to normal.

  This one, was not yet ready.

  Shepard and Seima were up front. Garrus was following slowly all of a sudden. He shook his head, getting a strange headache all of a sudden. Garrus closed his eyes even

  stumbling a little. The floor or rather hull of the ship shifted, under his feet he swore. Looking down he saw it look like it was pushing and down slowly. It was not the case,

  was it? Looking back his eyes widen. "What the…?"

  What he saw was his old team. Yes, the team from Omega. He can't believe it. Even when he saw them? It was insane. Though it got worse as suddenly he saw them

  being gunned down. Garrus raised his sniper rifle screaming, "SIDONIS!"

  Shepard turned around, shouting, "What are yo-." The gunfire, made him push Seima back and roll himself. Taking cover with a bulkhead Shepard screamed, "Garrus!

  What the hell got into you?"

  Garrus dropped down, shouting, "Damn it Sidonis! I knew I should have killed you back on the Citadel! Shepard was wrong! Wrong!" Aiming again, he had a twitch in his

  eye. "Harkin? You're working with him! You bastard!"

  Shepard looked to Seima standing. He snapped, "Seima! Get down! Now!"

  It was fast but she dove down, and took a near shot to the neck. Cringing at the bulkhead she was near she begged, "Please don't let me die!"

  Shepard winced, she's not a fighter she's a medic… he peeked around seeing the next shot ping on the bulkhead. "Garrus! Stop firing! That's an order!"

  "What's the matter Garrus? You can't shoot straight?"

  "Shut it Sidonis! You think you can just rile me on?" He growled with his fangs a glisten, lip curved in rage. "I'm going to finish what I started!"

  Shepard winced, did he hear him at all? "Garrus! It's me, Shepard!"

  "You couldn't finish it last time. What makes you think you have a chance this time?"

  "RARGH!" Garrus fired, fired and fired. His eye a blaze in his helmet while shot rang after shot. Yet soon enough the thermal clip buzzed from overheating. He went to


  Shepard charged instantly over the bulkhead and ran as fast as he can. Suddenly, diving into Garrus and clicking his gravity boots back on. "GARRUS!"

  Garrus held the trigger looking at Sidonis, breathing hard. Anger in his chest tightly Garrus wanted to pull the trigger. However he didn't. He snarled, "Y-you… you wouldn't

  be here. Shepard told me to spare you, I know Shepard. He wouldn't have me do that unless he believed in you. You're not here for revenge!"

  The image died swiftly. Shocked and alarmed. Garrus dropped his rifle. "Shepard?"

  Shepard pushed his hand down on Garrus snarling, "What the hell was that Garrus?"

  "I-I don't know! I swear I saw my team and Sidonis… Harkin, they were slaughtering them." Shifting back, he pulled from under Shepard. "It was so real. I believed it.

  Then, then you made me spare him, but you never would have if you thought he'd come after me. Hell? How could he kill my team twice!" Sitting up, he held his helmet.

  This was confusing. "I'm sorry Shepard."

  Shepard could not figure out what happened. However, he knew Garrus. He knew he'd never do this, not him. "I understand Garrus. Whatever happened it's over now."

  "For how long?" Garrus looked at his commander worried. A little afraid. "What if I'm, having a nervous reaction to the meds?"

  "Meds? What meds?"

  Garrus looked up. "Chakwas gave me some before the mission. I assumed she tol-."

  "Damn it Garrus! No, she didn't!" Shepard stood up shaking his head. "That's something you need to tell me before the mission."

  "I-I'm sorry, really." Garrus stood with Shepard's help. Then he said, "What's weird is I don't think it was really the meds. It, it was like someone was in my head. Shifting

  my memories and then… pulling on them, making them become real." Lowering his head, he asked, "Does that make any sense?"

  Shepard looked down at the ship. Turning to Seima, she was watching from cover. Looking then to the hatch he said, "No but honestly a lot of this isn't making sense. We

  need to hurry, this cost us valuable time."

  They rushed along. Another one seemed to resist. These people… they were different than the others.

  Mordin and Tali moved slowly to their goal again after Mordin accidentally kicked some crate. Tali had to explain, Quarians try not to throw away anything. It can still have

  great use for them. That said, the Salarian found his toe arguing the use of such crates of rummaged junk.

  However the Salarian was only a trifle bit distracted as he swore he heard something when his foot winged the crate. The cry of a pained, suffering woman. Not just any

  woman. It was a…

  The sound echoed out again and as he turned, he saw the ruins of a destroyed landscape. His eyes widen to the sight of the dead world. Tuchanka, he knew, was this

  place. Tuchanka was the land of the Krogan. Even now he looked down hearing the cries of the pained woman, a Krogan mother in birthing, her form clothed in light, long

  black that surrounded her entire body, her legs pitched up as a man was hunched in, under her dress. The man he knew well as a former colleague and Maelon was his

  name. The Salarian smiled as he stood with a small form in his hands. "Ahh! Doctor, I just wished to congratulate you. I finally understand what you meant."

  "Maelon? What is the meaning of this?" Tali turned around as she heard Mordin. Confused, as he threw out a hand, "Unethical! Agreed! Testing was wrong, ill! Can not


  Maelon shook his head, "Doctor. I understand what you wanted. You wanted to stop the Krogan from growing too strong, it's okay. Here! Look what I've done for you,


  Mordin watched as before him was bared a Krogan infant but horrifically it was deformed, its legs and arms bent, twisted and head crookedly hanging. Mordin's disgust

  knew no limits. He turned onto Maelon whose eyes show pride. Mordin stepped back, grabbing at his gun. "Was not my intent! This was never our intent! STG never, ever

  approved of this!"

  Maelon chuckled to that, "Doctor. Don't you think this is what they really wanted? Weakening them, defending the galaxy. Now, we won't have to worry about their

  numbers and what ARE born? Well…" He tossed the infant aside, "Can't be too much a threat, right?"

  Mordin winced again. What was this? How could his student be this callous? Tali on t
he other hand felt his eyes peering at her. She shook her head trying to tell him to calm

  down. However, Mordin can not. Instead, he began thinking. Trying to reason this.

  "This is not what I wanted. Did not wish to force or coerce Krogan population. Can not fathom how our goals can be construed to this! This, is not right! Actions to form

  genophage as this? Impossi-," Mordin blinked, "How? How could you do this?"

  "It wa-." Maelon tried to talk, but Mordin stopped him.

  "Can not simply re-engineer. Could not simply, recreate. Was not designed to target genetics in such a manner. Did not alter, differ such traits as physicality was engineered

  to limit birthing rates. However, this sight implies was made to destroy genetic markers for birthing regularities. Was it means of radiation? No. Pollutants in air? No. Could

  be, possibly, formulated within genetic markers with viral infections?"

  "argh…" Maelon, held his head falling on his knees. "S-sto-stop that… your mind is…. It is so…."

  "My mind? Too what? Organized? Disorganized? Capable of analysis and decipher? Hmm?" Mordin smiled down, "Can not affect a mind that is constantly at change am I


  "you… know?"

  "I summarize this is not real, yes. You are an illussion, caused by unknown toxin or other form of hallucinogen. Could be a drug entered by pores, however, did not affect

  the Quarians such way. You are somehow broadcasting a frequency that can,-"

  "stop talking…"

  "Your attempt is a failure. YOU are a failure. Shepard, has given us all a great amount of strength, and you fail because you have no such strength to depend upon

  especially from others!"


  The world returned to normal. Standing there was Tali confused. Mordin frowned to her and then came closer. "We must hurry. There is a threat on this ship that is not

  combatable with common means."

  Tali saw him moving ahead of her. She reached out calling, "Mordin! Wait, what are you talking about?"

  Mordin went to respond but suddenly a bulkhead slammed down, separating the two. Mordin ran smashing his fists to the metal barrier. "Tali! Tali! Can you hear me?"

  Tali kicked this sheet of tin before shouting, "Yes! I hear you! What happened?"

  Mordin looked around saying, "I do not know! Tali! Meet me in the medical ward! Tali! Do not fall to false sights! You must keep your mind strong, remember who you

  are! Do not let it get to you!"

  She was confused. Tali lowered her head, nodding. "Okay, I'll meet you there. Stay safe Mordin!"

  "I will, remember my words! You must remember yourself!"

  Tali ran down the halls checking her Omni-tool, she can find another route easy enough. Mordin did the same. The Salarian was not, going to be part of the crew. Yet the

  Quarian girl… Quarians were all so weak, they were since they were bore.

  Tali ran into the next room her Omni-tool told her to go. Stopping though as light flushed over her. A bright, sunny day? Her hands pull from her visor and she noted the

  long, white gloves that had the middle finger missing, and followed up her suit's arm over them? It was strange… there was a blue gem nested at her elbow on each glove.

  Looking down there was a long, white gown that settled over her suit. The oddity over her head, hanging slightly around her a reef of flowers, not her kind but earth

  flowers… blue, violets or something? She can't tell she never learned of Earth flowers. Yet why we-.

  A mechanical voice, Legion, called to her. "I was wondering when you would arrive!"

  "What?" Tali turned to Legion? He was in a suit…. "What is going on?"

  "I am going to give you away at your wedding. To Commander Shepard, remember?"

  She didn't. Tali shook her head, wait? Wedding? The Quarians do not have… Earth Flowers? Earth customs? Her heart was a flutter. "W-what is happening?"

  Soon she was gripped by Legion. He walked her toward the aisle up the long, red carpet. "It is okay. I will be here right beside you."

  Tali looked down. This made no sense. What is going on? What the hell was… she's walked up the aisle toward a podium. Here, a man stood with his back to her, there

  was a preacher. Tali blinked as the preacher… looked strange. He looked like he had a long, blackened tendril flapping behind him but as she was blocked by Legion, leaning

  in asking if she's okay? She just pulled around him seeing the preacher, priest or whatever humans called them normal and hunched at the podium.

  Tali shook her head. Something was greatly wrong. She looked down seeing the long white dress and the cobblestone… cobblestones? She looked up now, and was at the

  end of a funeral procession. Her eyes wide, alarmed. There was a coffin closed at this time. Her heart beating fast, as she saw the bouquet in her arms was replaced with

  another, darker coloration of flowers. Her gloves, gown and head adorned with black. Tali stepped back, only to feel someone push her forward.

  "Move it." She turned, shocked at Legion. He narrowed his brow. "It is your fault after all…"

  Tali shook her head, "What are you…. Where am I? What's happening?"

  "Do you not remember?" Legion, glared on her. "The Mission? The Collectors? Shepard did everything he could to protect you. Yet, you let him die… you let him DIE on

  that mission! You never opened the door! You let him get gunned down!"

  Tali stumbled back, against the coffin. "No! No I! I never!" She turned seeing 'Shepard' on a tomb. Her heart almost literally choked in her throat, her voice cracking. "No!

  No I never! No! No!"

  "Yes! You did! I saw you!" Legion motioned to the crew, glaring at her. "WE saw you!"

  "No! No that. That's not true!" Tali shook, angrily. Her hands shaking. It can't be true. "I n-eh!" Her eyes wide and looking at Legion. She stood there shaking for a

  moment. Then, she asked, "We?"

  "Yes! We! The crew! We SAW you fail him! Like Haestrom, your entire crew was killed. You failed to control your crew on Freedom's Progress! I can't believe Shepard kept

  you on his team!"

  Tali stood however tall, stern. A glare of anger, and she snapped. "LEGION would never say 'I' he only says 'we' you bosh'tet! Hell! Shepard would NEVER die! He's too

  good for that. He even cheated death!" The figure of Legion stepped back. "Who the hell ARE you?"

  "W-what… we… I…" His back, ripped with blackened tendrils. Tali jumped back and Legion turned seeing them too. Turning back his eye turned black as the dark abyss of

  space itself. "No!"

  Suddenly, it all shattered out. Tali held her eyes. A moment, she opened to see something black, long, dragging into the dark corridors. Tali shivered as she pulled out her

  shotgun. Now she started running. This isn't good, she wondered was Shepard safe? Checking her Omni-tool she saw he was not too far… but, she had to meet Mordin


  This one can't be part of the crew. What is it that makes them so different? Even this Quarian. Something was wrong… where does this strength come from?

  Seima was falling over screaming. Seconds ago she called for some one. Shepard and Garrus acted fast. Putting her down, sedating her thanks to her medical supplies.

  That was a while back and with the edge gone Shepard stood back looking over her. Garrus walked after putting her on his shoulder. "Not the best way to handle this

  Commander. Now we're down our tech and I'm lugging her around. Though, admittedly? I like carrying a woman off her feet."

  "Seima isn't going to be able to resist whatever this is. I don't think? It was the only option we had." Shepard, turned making three steps, "We have to stick toge,-" Soon

  as the fourth step was made. A bulkhead slammed down locking him and Garrus apart. Turning he aimed his rifle before cursing and kicking it. "Garrus!"

  Garrus stood asking
, "You forget the important part about sticking together is actually sticking together Commander?"

  Shepard smiled before rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I got it. Garrus, get Seima awake see if she can't open this door."

  "On it Commander." Garrus went to work on that. However, Shepard looked around getting his bearings.

  As Shepard looked around he got a strange feeling. Something was off. Terribly. Then, all of a sudden a door across from him opened. Raising his rifle he was about to

  command a response, when the voice he knew too well called out, "Keelah! Shepard! It's me!"

  Shepard pulled up his rifle. A brow cocked, he asked, "Tali?" Tali stood hands up. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Mordin? Or at the medical wing?"

  "We were but then we got separated." Tali, shook her head. "I was…. Attacked, sort of." Then she rubbed her hands, slowly whispering, "It was not a pleasant


  Shepard frowned on this. "Still, you had your orders. Why did you abandon them?"

  "Why do you think?" Tali looked to Shepard. A slight sigh, she said, "I was worried about you Commander. I was worried maybe it would attack you next. I know what I

  did was wrong but, I had to…"

  Shepard glared back, crossing his arms. Now, he demanded, "Who or What the hell are you?"

  "…." Tali lowered her head, and giggled a little. "Wow, you didn't buy it for a second did you?" Looking back up she pulled her hands behind her back, and skipped around

  the center of the room. "My-my, so is that where they get it from? The Salarian had to out think me, the Quarian had to rely on my mistakes in her mind and even your

  Turian friend was a we bit too certain about you." Looking back she had a downcast glare. Never, did Tali look so displeased. "You? You just downright ignore my illussion.

  I'm impressed, no mortal ever did that before."

  "One last time. What are you?"

  "Oh we have had so many names?" Tali shrugged, turning and leaning on the wall. She wiggled her hips, and Shepard blinked. "He-he, sorry! I just wanted to know?"

  Turning, she slapped her rear, and the commander shied his eyes. To that, Tali turned pointing a finger whispering, "Awww…. That's adorable! You DO have something for


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