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I am Iron Man

Page 61

by Colin Cook

  Legion came running. However, Tali screamed as she fell over grabbing her leg. "Keelah! I think I twisted my ankle!"

  Shepard turned back shouting, "Damn it! Legion!" He turned, "Get over there! See what happened!"

  Legion dropped beside Tali checking her leg. With a scan of his Omni-tool he found the reason. She had suffered a small abrasion of her ankle tissue. With that, Legion

  warned. "Continued pressure may result in severe damage. Request that Creator Tali'zorah refrain from combat."

  Tali glared at the Geth shouting, "I'm not worried about that! I'm busy with the fact, something's killing people!"

  At this the something leapt into sight. What it was, was like a Varren. Yet it was larger, meaner and a black scaled monster. Rough scales matched with long, horrible quills

  pried out along the back, and the face had a long snout with three longer, razor-sharp fangs two jetting up the left and right, and the central one down the center of the

  front jaw. It snorts about with these small nostrils and beady red eyes peer from along the skull of the beast. It swished its long flat tail before charging fast with legs full

  of muscle. The beast screeched forth before the charge.

  Shepard got off some incendiary rounds, startling the monster as it rolled onto its side, and then peeled into the forest again. Legion saw this and quickly pulled Tali into his

  arms. "Shepard-Commander! We request immediate retreat!"

  Tali, screamed as he lifted her. "AH! My ankle! Watch it, Legion!"

  "You are in shock. We will attempt to not force severe damage when possible."

  Shepard ran to them firing at the forest, swearing he saw the animal. "Just move out! We don't have time to prattle!"

  The mercs were still fighting the animal seemed to have targeted them instead. Yet as they ran, one merc was killed and fell, concussive shot flying past Shepard and

  hitting a tree. When Shepard looked over he saw the tree falling, and it collapsed right onto Legion and Tali. "Tali! Legion!"

  The two, fell toward a small Cliffside. When they fell Shepard ran to see them, and saw Legion rolling with Tali, but he kept her held tightly and hunched his back, taking the

  brunt of the rocks as they fell into a waterway below. Shepard looked back at the monster charging more mercenaries, and then called on his Omni-tool, "Normandy! This

  is commander Shepard! I need you to send in a second team immediately! Send Grunt and Mordin! Miranda, you're team leader! I lost Legion and Tali you need to

  rendezvous with me ASAP!"

  The real Legion watched as the water took his other self and Tali down stream. Swiftly, he was pulled over the edge and the creature laughed. "This is so exciting! I can't

  wait to see what happens next!"

  Only a few hours really passed. Maybe less. Tali can't tell as she sat up now. Least she got some rest, it felt really good too. As she tried to move, Shepard's arms and

  hands pulled her in. She felt the warmth as she's held closer. Tali smiled at this sweet, gentle embrace from her commander.


  Tali, looked up swiftly. The smile, on his lips. The manner he slept. Tali closed her eyes holding a little gag of her own stomach back. Here he was dreaming about Ashley.

  That did not help. Sitting up, Tali pulled from him all the more. Shepard, rolled over when he no longer had someone to hold and instead seemed to mumble on. Tali sat at

  the end of his bed dreamily watching this man. There was so much she'd give for him. Her health, life and hell… other things that a woman could only 'give' once in their

  lifetime, in some fashions. To have the chance? That is what Tali wished. To give Commander Shepard everything she was. Everything she is.

  Tali looked down though and got up. One more time, she's been brought this close. To this point of nearly believing this is the thing she wants. Anyone who were to see

  her like this had to know yes, on some level Tali and Shepard were meant to be together. However, this was only in some ways true. In others, as she walked toward the

  doors of the cabin. Tali looked at his desk. There, she saw a blank photo portrait. Walking over Tali softly reached out, and saw the image show.

  With that. Tali closed her eyes and turned her head back. "Keelah…." Tali turned leaving the cabin. While what she left? The last known image of Gunnery Chief Ashley

  Williams. Tali stopped at the doors to the cabin clenching her teeth. How can she be this stupid? How could she believe she had a chance?

  She's competing with a dead woman. Tali knew this now. This was what Liara was trying to tell her. There's no way she can win. There's no way she can be there.

  Shepard was assured in his heart, that this relationship with Ashley was the only true one he knew. Even if she's dead? What does it matter.

  To Shepard, there was more than intimacy. Shepard was a heart and soul stronger, better than the others. Least, in some ways especially to Tali. So perhaps that's the

  thing? Trying to be with him wasn't what she needed. Tali smiled though. Still looking back at the Commander a little. Laying there passed out, probably dreaming about

  that day he lost Ashley… or, that he never did?

  "Alright Commander. Goodnight." Tali closed the door, entering the elevator then. Sighing once more she leaned on the corner near the controls. "Keelah, I need a really

  hot bath."

  Watching the feed. Liara slowly poured her wine glass. Shifting in her seat. Watching Tali as she descended in the elevator. A fain, dismissive smile. She changed back to

  Shepard. Then she said, "I warned you Tali. It's just not that kind of relationship." Raising her glass, she whispers, "I hope you're happier in your dreams, Commander."

  Then, downing the drink. Liara sighed closing her eyes. "I've never had a happy dream since that night, Shepard."

  Tali was barely out the elevator when she found Kasumi and Garrus leaving the observation room. Tali raised a brow, as Kasumi and Garrus looked a little worked up. Tali

  then noticed how Garrus held a data pad, and Kasumi was holding four more.

  When Garrus looked up seeing Tali? He just said, "Tali! Glad you're here. Look, we found something."

  Kasumi coughed rather loudly, and Garrus frowned, "Okay, Kasumi found something."

  A smile and the thief gave a nod. Kasumi turned to Tali telling her now, "It's rather interesting. You remember that ship? Well I snuck on it an-."

  Tali soon remembered something. "Wait, why are you here?" Garrus blinked, but Kasumi leaned back scratching her neck. "You left the Normandy on a mission

  remember? Also, if you were on the ship we had been attacked on why didn't you show up?"

  Kasumi seemed to offer a half-smile, "Heh, it's a little complicated, the second half. The first half? I just didn't want Mordin trying to poke me with needles." Shaking a little,

  she gave a light 'brr' sound, "I'm not one for things that make me bleed after all. Especially when supposedly held by my friends."

  Tali crossed her arms, asking, "What about that other part?"

  "Well… it was a derelict ship. I took the time to sort of rummage up some things. Meaning, some collectables."

  Tali rolled her eyes, smiling. "You're terrible."

  "That, from the girl that asked if I could cloak behind two mercenaries while she tried to retrieve a VI core from a rusty old piece of junk!"

  Okay, so the two began to laugh. Obviously understanding the other perfectly. Kasumi is a thief and honestly, she wasn't going to be a lot of help with that thing. Tali, she

  was a Quarian and tech meant a lot to her. With this all in perspective, Kasumi heard Garrus coughing behind her.

  "Oh, right." Kasumi frowned offering over the data pad. "You might want to take a look at these."

  "What are they?" Tali, began to read the data, it started a video.

  Kasumi answered, "I found them in someone's private quarters on that ship. I'll give you one gu
ess whose."

  The water rushed toward the river's end. While Tali splashed wildly as her ankle, ached from the stress of staying a float. With this realization that she may not be able to

  swim to the shore before the rocks ahead, she found some shock in the form pushing up under her legs and strangely, pushing her toward shore. When she was raised up

  past her hips in the water she turned down to Legion walking to shore, having her legs over his shoulders. One would expect her response to be gratitude, however.

  "Put me down!"

  "Warning: That is anti-productive. You would most likely drown, be smashed onto rocks ahead or…"

  "Shut up!" Tali, kicked it with her other foot. Without warning, she's thrown off his shoulders onto the shore. Turning back, Tali screamed, "What do I expect from a Geth?"

  Turning on her back, she leaned on her elbows as Legion stood looking at the area. Trying to scan it with all his sensors. "Where are we?"

  Legion turned down to Tali saying, "We are currently several yards from the shuttle. We assume, this may be beneficial. Searching com buoy now." He stood there silent,

  emotionless. Tali winced as she tried to twist her leg, only to feel her ankle was worse. When Legion 'awoke' he turned to her. Then took note of her posture. "We assume

  your injury has been exacerbated?"

  Tali glared to the side and said, "Maybe…"

  Legion's brow seemed to narrow. Like he was irritated… easily it was understandable why. "We seek your assistance." Dropping to a knee. He offered a hand, yet she

  slapped it away. "WE are trying to aid you!"

  "I don't want your help!" She declared, shifting up, she snapped, "Your people took my home, Legion! They stole our world and chased us into the stars. Your people

  forced all of my kind into these suits! You have NO idea how hard it is to live like this!"

  With that. Legion stood and admitted, "We do not. However, we also understand chances of survival without your help are decreased significantly, and without our help

  you have 0% chance of survival. So unless these outcomes are acceptable by organic standards, we must insist on unit cohesion."

  Tali looked up at this Geth with her hate. She hated him. She had to, he was a Geth. Yet as she sighed, lowering her head. She knew what he said was true. "I know. I

  know…" Lowering her head more, she gave a whisper of, "Shepard would probably have put it in better words, but we got it."

  "Agreed." Offering a hand, she slowly grabbed his arm. He lifted her, and Tali leaned on his side a bit. "We will offer our assistance."

  "If I have to. At least don't make it any more humiliating than it already is."

  However, what he did was grab her, throw her on his shoulder and begin to move. "LEGION!"

  The Creature began to chuckle, following them now. "She really hates you doesn't she?"

  "Creator Tali'zorah did not approve of the Geth/Creator conflict much to the same as all Creators." Looking at the creature, Legion explained. "However, unlike other

  Creators, Tali has also been working with Geth. She has given Geth more understanding and patience, and helps us reach a number of additions in our programming. Her

  data with our own is substantially competent."

  However, the screaming and then the hitting? Legion finally dropped her again. "We can not carry you with your constant flailing! It fails to assist-," Suddenly, a rock

  clanged against his head. Legion stood blinking, and flaps twisting.

  Tali, glared back grabbing another rock. "Look! You want to help me? You find a better way because I'm not letting you carry me around like some Quarian before her

  pilgrimage! You hear me?" She forced herself up. A whine, she stood off her foot. "I'm not helpless! I'm still able to shoot, fight or whatever I need to do. Don't you

  pretend I'm weak! Just because I'm a Quarian!"

  "We did not make such a consensus. You are injured. The most logical course of action is to reserve your strength for traversing this terrain. We do not feel fatigue or a

  number of other such concerns."

  Tali, glared still at Legion. Then she turned to the side. "I don't care. I don't want to owe you."

  "We do not see." Tali, turned back at him with a snap of her neck. Legion's lens blinked before he started thinking, turning his eye about. Soon he reached for his sniper

  rifle, and popped the thermal clip. Offering it over, he said, "This weapon is long enough to offer stability to the wounded appendage of Creator Tali'zorah. It will be

  sufficient enough?"

  Tali, gave a nod grabbing the end of the weapon. Turning, she started walking. Grumbling to herself as Legion himself followed, taking out his assault rifle and following her

  again. The Creature had to laugh. Shaking its head he followed behind this event.

  "I'm starting to kind of like her! Too bad I have to kill her when I get out of here."

  The real Legion glared on the creature. "We will not allow your exit. We have been defining your algorithm. We will delete you so long as we find a means."

  "I am no simple bit of code. I am an Elder Kin, those that were before you were." Turning, he waved a hand. "Ageless as they come."

  "What is the desire of your species?"

  "We seek the simplest of pleasures. Suffering and pain of mortal life, the enslavement of their souls to further our strength." Then, he raised a finger adding, "Also, we all

  seem to like old re-runs about the family morals mortals miss out on over their years."

  Legion, raised a brow flap. "That does not compute."

  "It was a joke… damn machines."

  In the medical bay. Chakwas admired the work of a certain medical Quarian. "I find it astounding the level of familiarity you have with your work."

  Turning, the Quarian woman simply said, "I've been a medical officer for most my life. Certainly, on a human your skills are exemplary?" Vary'Ex turned back as Reeger sat

  up, "You need to lay back down Commander Reeger. Those wounds won't be healed too swiftly."

  Reeger waved his hand, "Not in the mood. I lost my men again and personally? A little rib-ache isn't going to kill me is it?" Turning, she shook her head no. "Good. I'd

  rather feel like I'm doing something worth my time then." He stood up grabbing his pistol and checking it over.

  Chakwas walked over shaking her head. "I wish you'd left that with the weapons detail, Mr. Reeger."

  "Sorry, I don't give my weapon up on a Cerberus vessel that easily." He smiled back, adding. "You're lucky Tali got me to go to a pistol."

  "I see." A smile, Chakwas had to laugh. "I'm pleased to see a marine, no matter the background is still a marine."

  "Well, thanks for the compliment." Standing, he held his side a bit. "Wow, that hurt more than I thought?"

  Chakwas grabbed a syringe, "If you need I can…"

  "That isn't necessary." Reeger waved his hand, "Hey, I've dealt with much worse. I just need to keep myself up for a while. Let the old ribs lay back where they need."

  Walking to Vary, he asked. "How's she doing?"

  Vary, sighed as she rubbed the back of her head. "There is no more I can do. Seima needs this rest, so I sedated her."

  Reeger seemed to nod. "She's holding up well though considering everything she lost."

  "True, but that's the least of my concerns." Walking to the desk, she sat down. "I'm more concerned for long term. There's a lot more that she'll need and I'm not certain

  I can do her any good. I'll know more after these results on her finish."

  At the door however, she turned seeing Tali, Kasumi and Garrus. The look the three had, made her eye them cautiously. Then she saw the data pad. Before Tali could say

  a word, Vary'Ex was up, grabbing the pistol from Reeger after kneeing his ribs and turning to grab Chakwas. The doctor gasped out, as the pistol was shoved into her

  neck, up at an angle to her head as the Quarian physician, stuck b
ehind Chakwas.

  "This isn't how I wanted this to end I am afraid." Vary, sighed deeply. "Know, if I must? You seemed a very skilled medical woman."

  Chakwas frowned, "Know everything I said? I take back."

  Legion stopped as Tali fell forward a little then leaned on his rifle. "We are willing to assist you if…"

  "No." Tali, started again. "I'm fine."

  "You are not 'fine' you are injured, fatigued and we are aware this planet will be reaching what is most likely the night cycle. We suspect, during this time predators may be

  more active." Following her, Tali rolled her eyes as he asked, "Would it be more logical to take shelter?"

  "Where, oh great synthetic." She turned, snapping out fast, "Would we FIND a shelter in these parts?"

  Legion turned up pointing and Tali saw that there was a waterfall nearby, off a Cliffside. The waterfall fell off the edge of a curved cave-like edge, most likely just a short

  distance walk should they pass some brush. Tali glared before mumbling, "Just get to the cave."

  "Affirmative." He made a motion to grab her, yet Tali snapped her head back. Legion, stood tall before walking ahead of her instead.

  The Creature slithered behind the two, having to admit he loved this. "Wow, I've never actually seen a Quarian and a Geth talking together before. Least, not like this."

  "Then what interactions have you seen between Creators and Geth?"

  The Creature thought back. "Well, I saw the initial starts to the Geth and Quarian wars, back on the Home World. I was after all there. Though, I wasn't eating as well…

  lost my physical body some time after they all left. I wasn't willing to leave my mistake there, I should have smuggled onto a ship." Looking back, he suddenly hissed,

  "Wait! Why am I telling you? Fry your circuitry, machine!"

  "You sound like one of the Creators."

  "Of course! I spent most my later life feasting on the Quarians. They fed me well. As many of my kin, have done with other species in the universe."

  "Understood. How many of your kind are aware?"


  It raised a brow. "What the hell do you mean, aware? We are all aware, sentient. If you mean alive? I hate to say not as many as once were. We've had to accept losses


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