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The Telepathic Clans Omnibus

Page 24

by B R Kingsolver

  “Siobhan, three men are stalking her,” Samantha showed her the men. “Do you know any of them?”

  “No, but they don’t feel very friendly.”

  A few minutes later, they turned from a conversation with a couple to whom Siobhan had introduced her and found the blonde standing in front of them. She was very young, even younger than Samantha, her golden blonde hair in a French twist and her hourglass figure well displayed in a strapless red cocktail dress. Barely five feet tall, Samantha thought she was easily the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, with big blue eyes and the face of an angel. Her face was twisted in confusion and anxiety.

  “Who are you? You’re like me, I can tell. You’re not like the rest of them.”

  Samantha’s heart almost broke seeing the loneliness and yearning in the woman’s eyes.

  “Please, I’ve been alone so long. Can you help me?”

  Siobhan didn’t hesitate, taking the girl’s arm and heading for the door. “Let’s go somewhere quiet where we can talk, shall we? I think the bar will be relatively quiet with all this going on in here. Samantha, keep a sharp scan out for hunters.”

  She led the two younger women into the hotel lounge, sent Samantha to the bar for drinks, and led the blonde to a quiet circular booth in a dark corner. When Samantha joined them, she sent a spear thread, How are our stalkers doing? Are they following us?

  No, they missed us leaving, and they’re a bit confused as to where we went. I kind of blurred us.

  Good thinking.

  “My name is Siobhan O’Conner, and this is Samantha Nelson. And you are?”

  “Irina Moore,” the blonde girl answered. “I know there are other telepaths in there, but they’re different from us. You’re telepaths, but something else, something more, like me.”

  “Like your mother,” Samantha said. The girl’s face showed flustered surprise. “Your shields are leaking like crazy.”

  Her face took on a look of concentration and her shields tightened, but still weren’t completely closed.

  “Damn,” Siobhan cursed, “I wish we had an O’Neill, or at least a O’Byrne.”

  “Brenna can help with that,” Samantha offered. She extended her shields to the blonde girl.

  Siobhan nodded. “Much better. Yes, we’re somewhat different than other telepaths. We have a Gift and Talents that are the result of a gene complex that’s sex-linked. It’s rather rare. But if your mother has the same Gift, I’m not sure why you seem so confused to find us.”

  “My mother is the only telepath I’ve ever had contact with. I mean, I know there are others, but I was taught to avoid them. My parents told me there are people hunting her and our safety depends on our secrecy. But when I felt you, and knew you were the same as me, I hoped maybe you could explain things she couldn’t, or wouldn’t.”

  Everything the girl said rang true in the sense that she believed it.

  “What are you doing in New York? How did you get an invitation to this party?” Something didn’t add up, and Siobhan was trying to figure out what it was.

  “I’m here applying for a job at the UN. I had an interview today, and I have another one tomorrow. A man I met there gave me the invitation, saying that he couldn’t go.”

  And walked into a bunch of succubi hunters. Siobhan, I think we’re all in trouble here.

  Agreed. I think they’ve figured out that we’re not in the ballroom any longer. Come.

  Siobhan took Irina by the arm, and walked to the bar. “There’s a man who’s harassing my friend, and I think he’s in the lobby waiting for us. Is there a way back to the ballroom without going through the lobby?”

  The bartender took them behind the bar to the ballroom through the kitchen entrance. Once there, Siobhan gave him a kiss that curled his toes and a twenty dollar tip. She took her young charges back into the large room, sending spears to several people she knew in the crowd. Moving toward the bar, they met with four men who formed a protective phalanx around them.

  “Tom, Edgar, Fernando, John, these are my friends Irina and Samantha. It seems we have some stalkers who think these young ladies should leave with them. Since the young ladies don’t agree, we would appreciate a little show of force until my security can get here.”

  To Samantha she sent, Tom and Fernando are with Clans who are O’Donnell allies, John is Clan, and Edgar is an old friend and sometime business partner in real estate investments.

  She pulled out her cell phone and punched a speed-dial number. “We need an escort out of here,” she said to the person who answered.

  They made pleasant conversation while the men who had been stalking Irina circled. About twenty minutes later, Siobhan received a spear thread and began urging the girls toward the exit, the four men surrounding them. When they reached the lobby, six Protectors closed in about them and escorted them out of the hotel. Three vans awaited them and the succubi were helped into the middle one.

  “Can you please tell me what the hell is going on?” Irina asked. “Why should I trust you over them? You say they were going to kidnap me, but as far as I can see, you just did.”

  “The difference is that we’ll let you go,” Siobhan told her. “Just tell us where you want us to take you.”

  Irina calmed down and told them to take her to her hotel.

  Samantha turned to her, “Does the man who gave you the invitation to the party know where you’re staying?”

  “Yes. The UN is paying for my hotel,” Irina said.

  Samantha turned to Siobhan, “No. We can’t take her there. If these are the same people who kidnapped Cindy, she won’t be safe.”

  “Who are these people that you’re so afraid of?” Irina asked.

  “We aren’t exactly sure, but my sister was kidnapped in Washington, raped, beaten, tortured and almost killed. We know they tried to kidnap two other women, one of whom they thought was Siobhan. They’re targeting women like us, like you. You said we’re like you, well that’s true, and for some reason these people hate us. You can’t give them another shot at you.”

  “This is crazy. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I want out. Now.”

  Siobhan evidently sent a thought to the driver, because he pulled over in the next block. Irina scrambled out the door and stood on the sidewalk, shivering without a coat.

  “No. We can’t leave her.” Samantha wailed. Before anyone could stop her, she jumped out of the van and stood in front of Irina. “You don’t know who to believe? Look in my mind, see that what I’m telling you is true.” She dropped her shields.

  The small woman looked up at her, felt her shields drop, and entered her mind. Her eyes popped wide, “My God,” she breathed. “I’m a succubus?” She searched Samantha’s face. Then she saw the memory in Samantha’s mind of Cindy, bruised and battered, her arms and legs in casts. “Oh, my dear God, they want to do that to me?”

  Come with us. We’ll protect you, and you can go wherever you want to go after we have you safe.

  Eyes wide and face pale, Irina nodded. Samantha helped her back in the van, and they continued on to the Clan’s New York headquarters compound. The succubi were shown to a parlor and shortly two people came to see them. They introduced themselves as Caroline O’Connell, Senior Vice President and overall head of the Clan’s New York operations and Jayson O’Rourke, O’Donnell Group’s Director of Operations.

  Caroline asked for Irina’s key so she could get her luggage and bring it back to the compound. In the morning, Irina could decide what she wanted to do. Irina, still shaken by what she’d seen in Samantha’s mind, agreed.

  Jayson sat down and asked Irina, “What kind of job are you interviewing for at the UN?”

  “A job as an interpreter. I just graduated with my degree in foreign languages and I’ve been through all the preliminary screening. I came here for final interviews.”

  “Interpreter or translator?”

  “Both, but primarily as an interpreter, I’m certified for simultaneous interpretation in
five languages, English, Russian, Dutch, German and Arabic.”

  “You’re certified for interpretation for all of them to English?”

  With a lift of her chin and obvious pride, Irina said, “I’m certified for simultaneous interpretation and translation between all of them.”

  “My God,” he breathed. “How many languages do you speak?”

  She smiled, “I’m fluent in eight languages, certified in five. But I didn’t grow up speaking the others, I learned them at school. My mother speaks Russian, Arabic and English, my father speaks Russian, English, Dutch and German. The three I’m still working on are French, Italian and Spanish. I’m planning on taking the certification tests for them next year.”

  He studied her, then spoke to her in French. She answered, and he replied in Spanish. Again she replied in that language, and he asked her another question in German, to which she replied in that language.

  “Are you set on working for the UN, or would you consider other offers?”

  “I’ve always dreamed of working for the UN. I want to travel and see the world. What kind of job would you have for me?”

  “Interpreter and translator. O’Donnell Group is a privately-owned forty billion dollar corporation with operations in twenty-six countries. We have major offices in the U.S., Ireland, England, Hong Kong, Australia and South Africa. I could use someone who’s fluent in multiple languages for contract and other translations, interpretation in business negotiations and other matters. You’d be working here in New York and Washington primarily, with travel to Europe, the Far East, Middle East, and South Africa as needed.

  “Something to consider is all of our employees are telepaths. We don’t employ any non-telepaths. You’d be among your own, with no need to hide what you are, with people who would accept your talents.” He glanced at the other two women. “I’ll leave you to talk to Siobhan and Samantha. Think about it, you don’t have to give me an answer now, the offer will stay open.”

  He excused himself and left as two women brought in tea and a tray of food. Irina sat quietly, obviously lost in thought. Siobhan poured tea for all of them. “Can you explain what a succubus is?” Irina asked quietly.

  Siobhan explained the Kashani Gift, as well as the other Gifts associated with it.

  The door opened and Rebecca walked in. She strode over to Irina and looked at the blonde girl. “Stand up.” Obediently, Irina stood up, the top of her head only reaching Rebecca’s chin. “God, you’re beautiful. A mini-succubus, who’d have thought.” Irina glared at her. With a shrug, Rebecca walked around her. “Damn, being around all you succubi could give a girl an inferiority complex.”

  Siobhan started to say something, but a look from Samantha silenced her.

  Rebecca extended a hand, “I’m Rebecca. Brenna has assigned me to protect you. I’m a Protector, that’s a job description. From now on, it’s my job to protect you. Whether you decide to take Jayson’s offer or not, I’ll be there with a team of five men to make sure you’re safe. I hope you decide to take his offer, but if not, expect I’ll be around. It’s a dangerous world out there, especially for a succubus. We’re going to protect you, whether you think you need it or not.”

  Irina simply stared at her.

  When Irina didn’t react, Rebecca shrugged. “Well, nice to meet you.”

  “You’re going to protect me whether I want you to or not? Whether I decide to join you or not?”

  “Yes, that’s what I’m going to do. We think the slaughter of innocents is a bad thing,” She went out the door and shut it.

  Irina turned to the other succubi, “Who’s Brenna?”

  Siobhan answered, “The Clan head’s granddaughter, she’s also a succubus, and she’s evidently decided you’re worth keeping alive.” She looked at Samantha, studying her face as if trying to find something there.

  “Let me try and explain what’s going on,” Samantha said, and for the next hour, with Siobhan’s help, explained the Clan and telepathic society, about the telepathic Gifts and especially about the role of a succubus in that society.

  The door to the room banged open and Caroline walked in with two small suitcases, anger plain on her face. “Goddamned clusterfuck.” she exploded. “You’re lucky you didn’t go back to your hotel.”

  “What happened?” Siobhan asked.

  “We were ambushed by a dozen men. Bloody idiots started a firefight right in the Goddamned hotel. One of my men was shot, and I had to burn out five of them. We broke the shields of one. They were expecting to find her, and hopefully you two as well. We had to fight our way out of there.”

  “Damage control?” Siobhan asked.

  “Hell, no. No chance to contain it at all. We got our wounded out and didn’t lose anyone, but that’s the only good thing. I couldn’t believe it. A bloody battle right in front of dozens of innocents. I don’t know what their side did with the bodies, we didn’t stick around to find out. It’s going to be all over the news and West Virginia is going to be in an uproar. We need to get all of you out of here.”

  She sat down next to Irina. “Honey, you don’t dare show up at the UN today, they’ll be waiting for you. We need to get you out of New York to somewhere safer. Please, don’t argue with me. I know this is all a shock, but you need to trust us.”

  Jayson walked into the room. “Irina, we have some people inside the UN. We can send a message that you have been taken ill and have your application put on hold. I guarantee we can ensure you get another interview, another chance at the job you want, when things are safe.” He gave her a soft smile. “It may not be fair, but telepaths have certain advantages, and we use them to get what we want sometimes. We can help you if you let us.”

  “Thank you,” Irina said in a quiet voice. “I’ll trust you.” She looked at the others, “I don’t want to die. I’ll do as you think best.”

  Several hours later, the succubi, Rebecca, and a team of Protectors boarded a private jet at La Guardia and flew to Reagan National in DC. There, a small fleet of vans and limos awaited them. Samantha was taken to a van separate from the others, but before she left them she pulled Irina aside.

  I can’t explain, but we may not see each other again. I have something important I have to do. Brenna will take care of you. Trust Rebecca with your life. She enfolded the smaller woman in an embrace, bent down and kissed her on the forehead, then turned and walked to her van surrounded by a team of Protectors.

  Mouth hanging open, Irina watched her go. An arm fell around her shoulders and she looked up to find Rebecca also watching Samantha walk away. “She has a way of making people love her, doesn’t she? It’s because she has so much love to give, and she gives it so freely,” Rebecca said. “She’s the most incredible person I’ve ever met.”

  “She’s going to do something dangerous, isn’t she? I saw it in her mind.”

  “Incredibly dangerous, incredibly brave, incredibly stupid, yes.”


  Samantha was taken to a door on the outside of the terminal, facing the area where the jets sat waiting for passengers. She entered and was escorted through back hallways to the baggage claim area. She saw Carly, who had flown as Samantha from New York, come down the ramp from the gate area and walk past her out the door of the terminal. Her protection had evaporated, though she could feel them close by. She waited for her luggage, and when it arrived she collected it and went out of the terminal, walking to the cab she had been told to take. Without a word, the driver took her to a hotel near the hospital where Cindy was being cared for. She checked in, stowed her luggage in the room, and took the cab to the hospital. The game had begun.


  Chapter 1-19

  Men enjoy being thought of as hunters, but are generally too lazy to hunt. Women, on the other hand, love to hunt, but would rather nobody knew it. - Mignon McLaughlin

  Samantha walked into Cindy’s hospital room, finding her awake and doing better than when Brenna had last seen her. Cindy was amazed at the transformatio
n, and Samantha was appalled at the injuries her sister had endured.

  “So they still haven’t found the people who did this to you?” Samantha asked some time later.

  “No, but they’re still looking.”

  “I think I’ll do a little looking myself. I think they may be going about things the wrong way.”

  “Samantha, be careful. I’m lucky I survived. I think they thought I was already dead, and that’s why they dumped me. I know they didn’t expect me to survive.”

  The next day, Samantha went to the Hart Building where the Majority Leader had his offices. Another member of the Clan who worked in the Senate had procured her a visitor’s pass, and she easily passed into the office suite where Cindy worked. She spoke with the receptionist, and then to a couple of Cindy’s other colleagues. There wasn’t a single clue that would help her in her search.

  Then she spoke with the woman Cindy had said was her best friend in the office. Julie Harris was in her mid-forties, divorced with a daughter in college. A brunette of average height, she still showed signs of the beauty of her youth. She and Cindy went out to lunch together a couple of times a week, and dinner occasionally. She expressed her dismay at the injuries Cindy had suffered in the car wreck, and when told she was now allowed limited visitors, said she would be visiting soon.

  Glancing back as she was leaving, Samantha saw her pick up the phone. Kallen, Julie Harris is the link. The bitch sold her out for ten thousand dollars, and she just picked up the phone to sell me out, too. She’s supposed to be Cindy’s closest friend at work, but she’s insanely jealous of her. Gless approached her and offered her ten grand for information on Cindy, her schedule, her preferred haunts. She knows Cindy wasn’t in a car wreck, and she doesn’t care.

  Sounds like a lovely lady. What does she look like? Samantha sent him an image of Harris. I think the young lady will have her own accident this evening, an unfortunate run-in with a truck.

  Kallen, you are such a nasty bastard.

  I don’t hear any note of disapproval.

  Like I said, the bitch just called Gless to tell him about me. I can’t find any sympathy for someone who would do that.


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