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The Telepathic Clans Omnibus

Page 28

by B R Kingsolver

Irina Moore was a twenty-one year-old succubus, a wilder, who had been rescued from a succubus hunting team in New York a few weeks earlier. Barely five feet tall, with blonde hair, a beautiful face and voluptuous body, she looked like a vision of a wanton angel. A prodigy, speaking eight languages, her sweet personality and innocent blue eyes beguiled everyone she met.

  Although her mother was a telepath and a succubus, her father was a normal human. They had been hiding all of her life, though Irina wasn’t sure exactly why. All she knew was that they feared being found by other telepaths.

  “No, I’m not going to allow you to buy me a new wardrobe. I’m not some rich girl’s remora. I have a job. I make enough money to pay for my own clothes.” Rebecca crossed her arms, leaned back in her chair and shook her head.

  “I feel the same way,” Irina said. “If you want to loan me some money until I can pay you back, that’s one thing, but as a gift? No.”

  Everyone’s eyes widened as the room grew noticeably cooler. Brenna sat back in her chair, her enthusiasm from moments before replaced with a stony expression.

  “Let me explain something to everyone. I don’t have a wardrobe, I have clothes. Mostly clothes that don’t fit and look like shit. I want to look nice for a change. There are only two women I know who are anywhere close to my own age. I’d like to go out occasionally, go clubbing. You know, go to nice places, not just a student bar. And I’m not going to go out looking like a million dollars with a couple of ragamuffins wearing clothes off the rack from Wal-Mart.

  “You, Miss Protector, cannot wear jeans to a nice restaurant, they won’t let you in, and I’ll be without security and you’ll get fired. And you,” she said, turning to Irina, “do you really think your boss wants you showing up for an important dinner meeting wearing an Ohio State sweat shirt?”

  Her friends both opened their mouths but Brenna cut them off, raising her voice, “I’m not finished!”

  She held out her hands in a placating gesture. “I’m not talking about outfitting you for the rest of your lives. I’ll pay for you to establish a basic wardrobe. One so that Seamus won’t be ashamed to have you sit at the table with him for the Solstice Festival. After that, you make enough to enhance and maintain it. I want to do this. But if you won’t let me, I’m going to pout, and sulk, and make everyone miserable, and believe me, I know how to do it.”

  Callie burst out laughing. “Damn, that’s the worst threat I’ve heard in a long time.”

  Brenna winked at her. “I’ll tell you what, I promise not to spend more than one week’s income on the three of us, okay?”

  Rebecca eyed her warily, “How much is that?”

  “None of your business. You’re my protector, not my financial advisor. Oh, come on, I’ve been unwell, don’t you want to make me feel better?”

  Both young women’s faces relaxed and they began to nod.

  “Oh, Brenna, that’s beyond the pale,” Callie exclaimed. “I knew you could be a manipulative bitch, but that’s going too far.”

  The other two women looked at her in confusion.

  “She’s using Influence on you. Succubus Influence.”

  “It’s in the interest of a good cause,” Brenna said softly, looking down at her lap, her cheeks coloring.

  “What?” Rebecca surged to her feet. “You’re using your womanly wiles on me? Jesus, Brenna, I, I feel so used.”

  They all broke out in laughter.

  In the end, she managed to convince them, and the trip was set for the week before Thanksgiving.


  Brenna’s shopping trip set off alarms throughout O’Donnell’s security organization, starting with Collin. Listening to Brenna and Rebecca plan set his teeth on edge. He immediately went to Seamus, Brenna’s grandfather and patriarch of the Clan, who blew sky high and sent for Callie.

  “What the bloody hell does that girl think she’s doing? Didn’t getting kidnapped and almost killed by that monster teach her anything?” Seamus stormed around his office. “I know she didn’t grow up in our world, but she needs to understand we have enemies.”

  Callie calmly let him blow off steam, watching him with a slight grin.

  “Do you plan to bundle her in bubble wrap and store her away until there’s no danger in the world?” Callie asked.

  He stopped and turned to her. An alert triggered in the back of his mind, but he wasn’t sure exactly to what he was being alerted. Callie was much too calm, much too amused. Cautiously, he moved to the front of his desk and sat on the corner, watching her warily.

  “You knew about this,” he accused.

  “Oh, yes, I’m the first one she mentioned it to. Despite what you might think, she doesn’t take off in a vacuum and do things just to upset you and Collin. If I thought it was a bad idea, I’d have put a stop to it immediately. Father, you’re being over-protective again. You have a charming, but unnecessary, tendency to do that with women.”

  “You think it’s a good idea?” Seamus’ eyes almost popped out of his head.

  “Yes, I do. She’s had a number of shocks over the past six months since we found her, and this will be cathartic.” She held up her hand, forestalling his protest. “Do I think going to New York when there are still succubi hunters prowling around is a great idea? No. Do I think we can use it to our advantage strategically? Yes. Besides, she understands she’ll be blanketed by security.”

  Seamus goggled at her, then whirled away and started pacing.

  “Father, if you wanted to go hunting people, people who don’t have an O’Donnell Gift on their side, what kind of team would you send?”

  He wheeled about and studied her with narrowed eyes.

  “Daughter, your devious mind is at work. Why do I feel as though I’m in London in 1966 again?”

  Callie laughed with unfettered glee. “Does that still bother you?”

  “The parallels are too striking to ignore.”

  Chuckling, Callie stood and walked to his sideboard. Pouring two drinks, she said, “Amazing you still remember that. And now that you mention it, it is somewhat similar.” She handed him his drink. “Shall we explore our options?”

  Shaking his head, he took a sip. “She’s not her mother. Maureen had been trained in her Gifts since birth.”

  “No, she’s more powerful than her mother, even as powerful as Maureen was. She’s not much younger than Maureen was in 1966. Combine her with Rebecca, use Irina as bait, throw Collin, Kallen and Jeremy into the mix, and we have a formidable team. I’ll be there along with Siobhan and Caroline. I really can’t imagine anyone being able to stand against us. Hopefully we can resolve this problem.”

  “Callie, my dear, you have an evil mind.” He took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s explore our options. Please remember I’m an old man. Try to spare my poor, weak heart.”

  Callie laughed.


  “What do you mean I’m being reassigned? I’m not going to be one of Brenna’s Protectors anymore?” Rebecca had been called to Collin’s office. Totally bewildered, she stared at him, trying to make sense of what he was telling her. It felt as though she’d been kicked in the stomach.

  “Rebecca, a member of the family has asked to have you reassigned, and after careful consideration Kallen and I have agreed.”

  “Does Brenna know about this?”

  “Brenna was the one who requested your reassignment.”

  Her face fell and she slumped in her chair.

  “I can’t pay you as much as she requested, but I can give you a fifty percent raise now, and if your performance warrants it, and Kallen agrees you’ve progressed far enough in your training, you’ll get the other fifty percent in six months.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Collin couldn’t keep a straight face any longer. “You’re being promoted to Team Leader over Brenna’s security detail with thirty Protectors assigned to you. She said a low-level Protector shouldn’t be telling her what to do all the time, and if you wanted to be i
n charge of everything, I should give you your wish and put you in charge. You’ll need to go through Small Tactics School and Operations Planning, so figure out what her schedule is going to be and fit them in.”

  “I’ve been through Small Tactics.”

  “Not the Team Leader course.”

  “And I report directly to her?”

  He nodded, smiling.

  “That manipulative bitch!” Rebecca stormed out of the office.


  Rebecca was ready to go back to waiting tables. She was sure she’d never worked so hard in her life. The logistics of two members of the family traveling were daunting. Kallen helped because Callie was going, and made sure Rebecca didn’t miss any details, but mostly he watched.

  Kallen O’Reilly was the most senior Protector and known as “Callie’s Shadow.” He and Callie grew up together and were lovers when they were young. He headed Callie’s protection team and was single-mindedly focused on her wellbeing. He took the lead in mentoring and training Rebecca when she first joined the Protectors.

  Brenna didn’t want to stay at the New York compound, so they made reservations at a small luxury hotel in Midtown owned by O’Donnell Group. All the employees were Clan, and Caroline had reserved the top two floors for them. It was a favorite of telepaths, especially those visiting from Europe. Rebecca had to go through the background profiles of everyone who already had reservations for the time of their stay. Any new reservation requests were forwarded to her before the reservations were confirmed.

  She also had to coordinate security with the New York office. They would supply additional manpower, boosting security at their hotel as well as at the hotel next door, which Siobhan told Brenna was a good succubus hunting ground.

  One bright spot was that Collin allowed Rebecca free rein in picking her team. They were all much older than she, experienced, and she’d worked with them before. She picked ten women, and Brenna insisted all thirty Protectors be given a thousand dollars each to go into DC and buy new clothes. Considering the amount Rebecca had spent on outfits for a two-day operation the previous summer, it wasn’t overly extravagant. She was surprised that Brenna was funding the entire expedition, but Callie had explained the arrangement that she’d made with the Clan.

  “So she’s really paying my salary? She wasn’t just kidding?”

  “She’s paying for all of her security, now and in the future. She and Seamus had an interesting discussion on the subject. It all comes out in the wash. She’s funneling all the rents that the Clan owes her into a fund to pay for her living expenses. It was the best compromise they could reach.”

  Callie was impressed at how creatively the young woman could curse.

  Rather than deal with the logistics of busing everyone to an airport and flying to New York, Rebecca rented two buses and requisitioned two vans. Kallen added a stretch limo in the city to chauffeur their charges around. The New York office would supply any additional vehicles that might be needed.

  After almost two weeks of preparations, she ushered the shoppers onto the bus. With several bottles of wine and a lavish picnic, they were on their way. After her first glass of wine, Rebecca fell asleep and didn’t wake up until they reached Philadelphia.


  It was a circus when they checked in. Kallen stood off to the side and laughed at Rebecca until she turned to him, frustrated half out of her mind, “Am I really in charge of this clusterfuck? I mean, really in charge?” He agreed she was, and she put him in charge of moving the luggage to their rooms. His smile died. “I am, or I’m not. Take the luggage, or take charge of this mess, your choice.” He looked at forty people milling around the small lobby trying to check in and took charge of the luggage.

  The four women had two connecting two-bedroom suites on the top floor. The rooms were sumptuously appointed in a style that would have made Seamus comfortable, with antique furniture, oil paintings on the walls and down comforters on the beds.

  Siobhan O’Conner was originally from a small village in northwest Ireland and her voice still carried a soft Irish lilt. Now fifty-five, she looked to be in her early thirties and was the Clan’s main intelligence operative in New York’s financial and political circles. She showed up about an hour after they checked in to take them to dinner. Assuming they would be tired from their trip, she hadn’t arranged any, as she called it, “entertainment” that evening.

  Rebecca had been especially frazzled when she got to the suite she shared with Brenna. She pulled a Protector named Robbie into her room and closed the door. Shortly after Siobhan arrived, she emerged freshly showered, smiling and relaxed. Robbie trailed after her, also freshly showered and smiling. Brenna looked at her questioningly and Rebecca said, “I needed a little stress relief.”

  Siobhan took them to a famous old steakhouse in Midtown, a place of dark wood with tobacco stained single-use clay pipes hung on the wall, signed by celebrities such as Winston Churchill. Looking at the prices on the menu, Rebecca was reminded again about the cost of this trip. In addition to their party, Kallen and three other Protectors sat at a table nearby, and Brenna insisted that takeout dinners be sent to the six Protectors waiting outside.

  Afterward they returned to their hotel and peered into the hotel bar. A quick scan showed a few occupants, but only Callie saw someone interesting. She greeted a man at the bar by name in French, and he invited her for a drink.

  “You kids run along,” Callie said. “I haven’t seen Francois in years.” The smile on her face told them she was staying.

  The rest of them went to the hotel next door, much larger and more contemporary in decoration. On a Monday evening, it was full of business travelers. Siobhan coached the younger succubi as to their Glam and gave them some pointers on the judicious use of Influence and their pheromones as they took a table near the center of the room.

  She raised an eyebrow and grinned as Rebecca projected Charisma, simulating the succubi’s Glamour. “Nice. Callie’s been teaching you?”

  “Callie and Cindy,” Rebecca said. “Cindy taught me techniques for simulating the succubus Talents.”

  Siobhan studied her, then said something that surprised the three young women. “You have the soul of a succubus. Are you a half?”

  “I don’t know. What’s a half?”

  “A carrier of the succubus gene.”


  Siobhan nodded but didn’t say anything else. Rebecca looked at Brenna who shrugged.

  Brenna knew from Rebecca that their Protectors hated having to deal with succubi on the hunt, but in a bar full of norms the available men were transparent. Tiny Irina scored almost immediately, using strong Influence to lure a tall, muscular man in his early forties and giving him a pheromone burst that glazed his eyes.

  Watching them leave, Siobhan said, “Need to teach that girl some subtlety. You don’t need to use that kind of blast in a place like this. Brenna, just dribble your pheromones, let a small amount leak out, but don’t blast the room unless you’re looking for group sex.”

  Brenna flushed, “I’ve never done anything like that. I, I don’t even know what I think about that.”

  Siobhan looked at Rebecca, “You’ve done some of that, haven’t you?” Rebecca colored, but nodded. Siobhan cocked her head, obviously studying her with more than her eyes. “That’s a very nice lust you’re projecting, and, hmmm, strong pheromones for a non-succubus. My, my, Cindy did teach you nicely. You could fool someone that’s never met one of us.”

  The waitress approached, telling them that various gentlemen had offered to buy them their next round of drinks. Soon they had company, and shortly thereafter all three retired upstairs. Rebecca’s choice was a very tall black man who told them he had been a basketball player in college.

  Brenna’s partner was an enthusiastic lover, but without much stamina. She drained him and went back down to the bar with a nice Glow but feeling unsatisfied. Irina was sitting at the bar alone. The bartender came over to take her order,
and in a chiding voice asked, “You ladies aren’t charging for it, are you? Because if you are, I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

  Gaily, Irina told him, “Oh, no, just on holiday and trying to have a good time.”

  Brenna entered his mind, and while steering his thoughts away from any suspicion of prostitution, told him, “We just graduated, and we’re having a last fling before we get married.” He laughed and gave them a conspiratorial wink.

  After he served their drinks and went off to tend to other customers, Brenna commented, “Not that there’s anything wrong with charging for it. I’ve been told most of the independent succubi make their livings as courtesans. It’s considered an honorable profession in telepathic society, just another way of using their Gifts. Siobhan takes escort gigs sometimes.” She looked around. “I’m sure that’s a bit more high class than trolling in a hotel bar.”

  She showed Irina how to dribble her pheromones. They chatted for a while, deciding on their next targets. Another very tall man approached Irina. After a short conversation and an extra puff, he invited her to his room.

  Like them big, do you? Brenna asked.

  It gives me a nice full feeling , although my real preference is a well put together guy around five six. I like kissing during sex.

  As they left, Brenna’s attention was drawn to the companion of the man Rebecca had taken upstairs. He was even taller and more muscular than his friend. Catching his eye, she smiled at him and exerted a bit of Influence. He came over to the bar and struck up a conversation. He was taller close up, at least six foot ten, and told her he was a rookie with the New York Knicks. He had played earlier that evening, then met his friend, a teammate from college. He had three days off until he played again.

  “You must be very good, to play professionally,” Brenna said.

  “Honey, I’m very good,” he said with a flirtatious laugh.

  “I don’t suppose you’d like to prove that, would you?” Brenna flirted back.

  She implanted a suggestion in his mind, and he called the bartender over, asking if the hotel had any vacancies. The bartender made a call, and told him that he could pick up his room key at the front desk.


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