Abroad: Book One (The Hellum and Neal Series in LGBTQIA+ Literature 2)

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Abroad: Book One (The Hellum and Neal Series in LGBTQIA+ Literature 2) Page 15

by Liz Jacobs

  This was a bit of an unknown, and she didn’t know what to feel. The sense of unease was there, sure, but so was Ruby, and Ruby was taking control yet again. Izzy had always enjoyed that with guys. She was pliable after coming, fizzy with endorphins, so when Ruby grabbed her hand and led her off the dance floor, weaving in between moving bodies and wafts of body smells, Izzy let her. She then let herself be steered towards a dark corner of the club, pushed against the wall, and kissed.

  Kissed so, so fucking hard.

  Izzy loved it. Loved the slow way in which Ruby kissed, like all she wanted in the world was to keep kissing Izzy. Loved how tough she looked, propped up with both hands on the wall on either side of Izzy’s face. Loved the feel of her tongue, tentative and barely there at first, then growing heavier, lovely and expert. Izzy found herself grabbing the edge of Ruby’s worn checked shirt and pulling her closer. Then she wrapped one of her thighs around Ruby’s hips. She was lanky, yeah, but she had hips. Izzy could feel them, pressed up against her thigh, the side of her knee. She definitely didn’t hate it. It wasn’t jarring, felt more like a revelation. Ruby’s breasts brushing her own as they kissed felt good, too.

  Everything was feeling good. More than good. Izzy sweated against the wall as she rethought everything she’d ever known about her sexuality.

  Got off with a girl on the dance floor: new discovery.

  Continued to kiss said girl off the dance floor post–getting off: another new discovery.

  Wanted to rip said girl’s clothes off and sink her fingers into her: utterly new development.

  Whoa. That had been a thought and a half, but after a dissonant moment in her mind, Izzy felt settled into it. The truth of it. She did. She did want to do that. She bit Ruby’s lip, brought them closer together, and, as nonchalantly as she could manage, ran her hand over Ruby’s breasts. Deliberately touched another woman’s breasts in a sexual manner. Ruby breathed out and made a small, needy noise. Izzy’s cunt throbbed, an echo of previous dealings.


  Add yet another new discovery: the feel of a girl’s nipple hardening against her palm was, apparently, divine.

  She had more of an understanding, now, of boys’ ridiculous obsession with her breasts. Not that she didn’t enjoy a fondle or two or three, but some of them really had gone at them something ferocious as soon as she’d got her kit off.

  Ruby broke off with an unexpected kiss to Izzy’s cheek. They rested there like that, Ruby’s thin, muscled arms still bracketing Izzy in, their cheeks against each other’s, bosoms literally heaving. This was unreal. Izzy was so turned on she could have come again with a single touch.

  “God, you’re lovely,” Ruby murmured in Izzy’s ear. Izzy’s eyes shut of their own accord. Her head thumped against the wall.

  “Fuck,” was about all she could manage.

  Ruby leaned down and kissed the crook of Izzy’s neck. Izzy shivered, tilted her head to give her better access. Everything between them pulsed.

  “Do you wanna go back to mine?”

  This was her choice, then. End this madness now or see how far down the sexuality rabbit hole she actually went.

  Well, that was an easy one.

  “Where do you live, and are you a serial killer?”

  Ruby laughed. Away from the throng of people, her voice was easier to pick out. Her laugh was throaty, deep. “Three streets down, and no. I’m a serial puller, though.”

  Izzy pushed her back and gave her a look. Like. Seriously?

  Ruby cracked up. “Too much? God, you’re adorable. I promise not to kill you, not literally. Can’t say we’ll avoid la petite mort.”

  “Fuck, you’re ridiculous.”

  Another laugh. “There’s a reason it’s feminine, though,” Ruby breathed.

  Izzy shivered again; cleared her throat. “Lead on, then.”


  The outside was cold, which had the unfortunate side effect of sobering Izzy right up. Which made her wonder if she should be fucking off home instead of heading into Ruby’s Den of Pulling to make another notch on her Lesbian Sex Bedpost or whatever.

  Ruby must have sensed this, because she twisted them around until they were almost toppling off the kerb and kissed Izzy senseless. Then she slid one hand in between them, right over where Izzy’s dress clung to her hips and thighs and—

  All right, all right, she was not about to change her mind. She attempted to communicate this to Ruby with her mouth and hands, but then they were just outright snogging on the asphalt and giggly voices were calling out, “Oy, get a bloody room, you two, honestly!”

  That was when she remembered she had come here with a friend and had promptly lost her in the shuffle.

  “Fuck, hang on.”

  She pushed Ruby gently away and then shook her head at Ruby’s questioning gaze. Out here in the street light, she saw that Ruby’s skin was quite a bit darker than hers, and her eyes were a light golden brown. She was gorgeous. “Got to tell my mate I’m leaving or she’ll worry. You know, girl code.”

  “I live on Randall Row, and my full name is Ruby Lee Weston. You know. Just in case.” She leered. Somehow, it did not look stupid on her.

  Izzy laughed as she fished out her phone from her bra and wiped as much of the sweat from it as she could before attempting to text. Then she shoved it back against her left boob, patted the right one for her keys and money—all accounted for—and said, “All right. Take me to your lair.”

  Ruby grabbed her hand.


  “My flatmates aren’t home,” Ruby told her as she grabbed her keys from her pockets. Her trousers had a billion of them—she must have shopped in the men’s section. They looked good on her. Izzy could never have pulled that off in a million years. “So you can be loud.” Ruby threw her a look over her shoulder, and Izzy shivered. Actually bloody shivered, because she was about to shag a girl and probably be completely fucking destroyed by her. Ruby had that look about her. I have satisfied countless women, and you are about to be added to my list of victories. Unlike with some of the guys she’d shagged, Izzy didn’t feel dirty at being on the receiving end of such a look. Maybe not dirty, but lessened, somehow. With Ruby, it felt the opposite.

  They fell through the door. The flat was dark, and Izzy just heard the dull clanging of keys hitting the floor before Ruby was grabbing her by the back of her hips and leading her into further darkness. She felt something brush against her calf and yelped.

  “Oh, sorry, that’s my cat. He’s probably pissed off we woke him up.”

  Her voice really was husky. Izzy got lost in her head imagining what Ruby would sound like when coming.

  Ruby changed trajectories and led her through a doorway. She switched on a lamp, and Izzy fought the desperate desire to run into the bathroom and check to see what she actually looked like, since it was probably terrifying. She only ever used waterproof eyeliner and mascara to go out dancing—a girl had to be smart about these things—but that didn’t mean they always survived the night. She cast a quick glance over at Ruby to see what she really looked like.

  She wasn’t wearing makeup, for one. She had pink cheeks and was dusky all over. Her hair was messy, but it was meant to be messy. Her black cargo trousers sat low enough on her hips that when she turned towards Izzy and ripped her shirt off right over her head, Izzy saw two inches of underwear. And yeah, that had been a sports bra. Her tattoos weren’t just on her arm. She had a vine snaking around her torso, a thick line with leaves and tendrils and things. It was beautiful, and it moved every time Ruby took a breath.

  Izzy stood there, rooted to the floor, as Ruby strode over to her in two seconds and said, “C’mere, gorgeous.”

  Izzy hated how self-conscious she felt all of a sudden and decided, fuck that. Ruby had called her gorgeous, and anyway, Izzy knew she looked good. Apart from whatever was happening on her face, she had never had any complaints. And if she had, the complainers had quickly been booted out the door, because she had no time for that

  Her heart fluttered as Ruby kissed her, and her stomach churned. It was just—it was real. And so physical. Kissing a girl, a girl with her shirt off no less, if she’d ever imagined such a thing, she couldn’t have imagined actually going through with it.

  Also, she had no idea what she was doing. It was one thing to picture it happening in media res, it was another to have to work at getting there.

  But Ruby, it seemed, was a pro. She pushed Izzy back a few steps until she hit the bed and then gently pushed her down. Izzy wound up sat with her legs apart and Ruby in between them. The smell of sex grew sharp, and Izzy forced herself not to squirm. When she looked at Ruby, Ruby’s eyes were ten shades darker. Holding her gaze, Ruby dropped down to her knees.

  Izzy leaned in and kissed her, because that part had been going well enough, and she had no idea what to do next.

  They snogged for about five seconds, then Ruby pulled away. She ran her hands up Izzy’s legs. Izzy was wearing tights and boots, but she went utterly still as Ruby’s wandering hands found her thighs and sneaked underneath the hem of her dress.

  “Can we get you out of these?” Ruby’s voice was low, God, so low.

  Izzy swallowed and nodded. She felt the texture of Ruby’s duvet under hands, didn’t know if she should be helping or what. Ruby gave her a crooked smile, then deliberately lifted Izzy’s right leg. She unzipped her boot. “If only it was warmer,” Ruby said like it was no big deal, “I’d be able to just hike up your dress.”

  Izzy breathed in sharply, barely felt it when Ruby slid her boots off. Her feet throbbed. A good sort of throb. She flexed her toes.

  “But these are in the way,” Ruby murmured. She ran her hands up the sides of Izzy’s legs. “I think you’d best do this part.”

  Oh God. Izzy hadn’t been planning on pulling, but she had wanted to look good, so she’d worn her tightest pair of tights, and getting out of them was a nightmare at any point, much less when you were attempting to be sexy about it.

  “You should probably turn around,” she said. “It’s not a pretty sight.”

  “Yeah it is.” Ruby watched her. The whole time.

  Izzy bore it. At first, as her hands went up underneath her dress and she had to roll the whole business down over her belly, she couldn’t make herself look at Ruby. All she could focus her energies on was getting the damn tights off past her arse and hips. What was Ruby seeing?

  God, probably everything.

  Izzy rolled the tights down, and then it got easier midthigh and she was about to roll them all the way off when Ruby grabbed her wrist and said, “Wait. Leave them like that.”

  What the ever-loving fuck?

  “I’m not being funny, I promise, it’s just super hot.”

  Unconvinced, Izzy went still, until Ruby cracked up and pulled her back in. Izzy’s arse hit the bed. Thank God she’d worn cute knickers and had actually cleaned up her bikini line, she thought crazily. Her legs—still connected by the fucking tights, no less—were dangling from Ruby’s bed. Ruby, having moved in between her legs, was licking up her thigh.

  Izzy groaned.

  Her dress was sweltering, she wanted it off, but she was not in control of this situation. She was, in fact, very much unable to do anything but watch as Ruby held herself up on her arms. It was hot, and her shoulder muscles shifted in the light. A trail of heat was making its way to the top of Izzy’s inner thigh.

  Fuuuuuuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. She’d thought: maybe fingers. Even a dildo? She hadn’t been expecting this.

  “Fuck, you smell good.”

  God, that low voice. Izzy hid her face in her hands. The heat between them was unbearable. She was so wet.

  “Lift up,” Ruby commanded, and Izzy, with zero input from her brain, did. “Love the frills,” Ruby murmured. She slid Izzy’s panties right off her hips. Izzy couldn’t watch. She felt exposed. Not in a bad way. Just in that way where she was going to explode from the intensity of it all.

  Ruby slipped her powder-blue knickers down until they hit her tights. Twice trapped, now. Izzy longed to raise her knees so she could at least feel like she was about to get fucked. This was such an awkward, strange position to be in, but when she finally found the courage to look, Ruby was staring at her like she’d never seen anything better in her whole life.

  “Fuck, you’re so fucking beautiful.” She rucked the hem of Izzy’s dress up, and now her whole belly was on display, too. Her bra was digging in everywhere and she wanted it off, desperately, wanted everything off. “Gorgeous fucking ginger.” Ruby whispered.

  Izzy actually whimpered. “I can’t. The tights, please.”

  Ruby was quick about it. She grabbed the tights and panties in a single handful and tugged until Izzy’s heel was stuck, then tugged harder, and Izzy was free. Legs akimbo, sweating onto Ruby’s duvet, throbbing, with a beautiful woman in between her legs, ready to blow her mind.

  Izzy grinned. She grabbed Ruby’s hips with both legs and pulled her in until they were face to face. This courage was new, and she was fairly certain it wasn’t courage as much as it was lust flowing like lava through her veins, but whatever it was, it was working. Ruby kissed her, open-mouthed, tongue first. Izzy moaned into it while mad thoughts like Maybe I’m a full-on lesbian now and Wonder who will wind up on top swirled in her brain.

  “Gonna eat you out so good,” Ruby murmured, and all thought broke off. She leaned down, and Izzy could only watch as Ruby licked her way into her cleavage. Her eyelashes were dark and full, leaving pretty shadows on her flushed cheeks. She looked so intent, so into it. Izzy brought her hands up and ran her fingers through Ruby’s messy hair, hoping that was something she was into. Like a cat, she leaned into the touch.

  All right. That was good.

  Spurred on, Izzy slipped her hands farther down until she was pushing Ruby in the right trajectory by her shoulders. She felt Ruby laugh against her skin. Her dress wasn’t exactly modest, but still, she wanted it completely off. Wanted everything. Wanted to keep her bra on so Ruby could admire her cleavage, wanted it off so Ruby could play with her tits. She felt powerful now, powerful and so fucking sexy. She basked in this place of utter goodness.

  “Help me get my dress off if you’re going to be a tease about it.”

  Ruby broke off, and when their gazes met, her eyes looked completely blown. God, that was so hot. Together, they managed to wiggle Izzy out of her dress, and it barely hit the floor before Ruby was attempting to rid her of her bra, too.

  Izzy grabbed her hands and pushed them away. They’d be here forever if she didn’t just do this part herself, or at least that had always been the case with boys. Of course, Ruby probably had quite a bit of expertise in this department, but Izzy made her watch as she unhooked the clasp herself. As she tugged the straps off her shoulders, her tits spilt immediately to the sides, as they always did, the buggers.

  Ruby said, “Oh, fucking hell, those are glorious.” Izzy gathered them up for her, her face aflame, and Ruby bit the undersides, one by one, then licked a trail all the way up. Izzy was so busy with how good that felt that she hadn’t registered Ruby’s shifting positions, not until she felt two fingers slip against her cunt and find the seam, and then gasped just as Ruby slipped both fingers inside her. “God, you are so fucking wet,” Ruby murmured. Izzy wanted to clasp her knees together and keep Ruby’s fingers inside her, but Ruby was in between them. She humped her hand, shuddering. Good God, she was going to come again, just like that.

  She turned her face away from Ruby’s, too far gone, and moaned. Ruby slid down. Her hand slipped out, and Izzy gasped, desperate, going mad missing Ruby’s fingers. She was sort of fluttery and also completely on fire and she bit her hand—she hadn’t even realised she’d shoved it against her mouth—as Ruby spread her legs more and licked her.

  Fuck fuck fuck, fuck. Izzy cried out, bore down. She wanted—she wanted. She wanted to trap Ruby’s face with her thighs, she wanted to hump her face, she wanted to come so, so badly. R
uby made a noise and it reverberated through Izzy, a shudder down to her bones. She grabbed the duvet with both hands and groaned. “God. God.”

  Ruby was relentless, finding Izzy’s clit effortlessly. God, she knew what she was doing. Most of the time if Izzy came from oral, it was because she’d been so worked up before that it was sort of inevitable. She could tell that Ruby could get her there at any time. If Ruby were to suddenly turn up in Script Writing, crawl under a desk in front of everyone, and go down on Izzy, she’d have her coming within moments. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

  She actually cried out when Ruby slipped three fingers inside her and pressed up. Izzy got embarrassingly loud and everything swelled, was slick and felt so good. She came the next moment, so hard she nearly whited out, and Ruby God bless her didn’t stop. Izzy’s orgasm rolled through her as she shuddered around Ruby’s fingers and rocked against her tongue, her skin sparking like a live wire, until she was hoarse from crying.

  Ruby gave her one last lick after the last of the spasms subsided and slipped her fingers out. Her chin and mouth when she lifted up were wet, and her expression was smug as fuck. Izzy looked at her for a second, then fell back against the duvet and laughed. Her head was spinning. She throbbed, sore in the best way.

  “Good, yeah?” Ruby was definitely smug. Izzy pawed until she found her bra strap and made a weak attempt at pulling her up. She had only the smallest of hesitations the moment before they kissed. Most guys she’d been with had, like, wiped their mouths after oral, but it was as if Ruby didn’t care. She seemed to revel in it, and it turned out Izzy liked it. Loved it, in fact. Her own taste on Ruby’s tongue. She hummed. Kissing after coming was always a sloppy affair for her. She was still not in total control.

  Then Ruby pulled away, sat up, and slipped her bra off over her head. Izzy stared at her hard, dark nipples, the way they made her small boobs perky and sensual. Unapologetically sexy. Truthfully, Izzy had always admired boobs—she had just always thought it had been mere aesthetics. A friend of hers back in school had once referred to them as useless flesh bags, and Izzy had thought, What an odd way to refer to something so beautiful.


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