Daughters of the Inquisition

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Daughters of the Inquisition Page 60

by Christina Crawford

  495.Barstow, pg 117

  496.Achterberg, pg 84

  497.Barstow, pg 130

  498.Barstow, pg 132

  499.see Note, 498

  500.Barstow, pg 132

  501.Barstow, pg 133

  502.see Note 501

  503.Barstow, pg 140

  504.Barstow, pg 141

  505.Barstow, pg 138

  506.Barstow, pg 135

  507.Barstow, pg 136

  508.Lea, Witchcraft, pg 1079

  509.Lea, pg 1080

  510.Lea, pg 1083

  511.see Note, 510

  512.see Note 510

  513.Lea, pg 1084

  514.Lea, pg 1089

  515.Lea, pg 1092

  516.Lea, pg 1116

  517.Lea, pg 1117

  518.Lea, pg 1118

  519.Lea, pg 1119

  520.Lea, pg 1118–19

  521.see Note 520

  522.Barstow, pg 141

  523.Lea, Witchcraft, pg 1161

  524.Barstow, pg 141

  525.Barstow, pg 142

  526.Barstow, pg 143

  527.see Note 526

  528.Lea, Witchcraft, pg 1126

  529.Barstow, pg 144

  530.see Note 529

  531.see Note 529

  532.Barstow, pg 145

  533.Lea, Witchcraft, pg 1127

  534.Lea, pg 1131

  535.Lea, pg 1133

  536.Lea, pg 1167

  537.Lea, pg 1170–71

  538.Lea, pg 1172

  539.Lea, pg 1179

  540.Lea, pg 1208

  541.Lea, pg 1230

  542.Lea, pg 1230–31

  543.Lea, pg 1231

  544.Lea, pg 1260

  545.Lea, pg 1252

  546.Lea, pg 1256

  547.Lea, pg 1269

  548.Budapest, pg 271

  549.Budapest, pg 273

  550.Budapest, pg 272

  551.Budapest, pg 274

  552.see Note 551

  553.Lea, Witchcraft, pg 1287

  554.Lea, pg 1294

  555.Lea, pg 1297

  556.Lea, pg 1300

  557.Lea, pg 1305

  558.Walker, pg 444

  559.see Note 558

  560.Lea, Witchcraft, pg 1306

  561.see Note 560

  562.Lea, pg 1307

  563.Lea, pg 1314

  564.Lea, pg 1323

  565.see Note 564

  566.New York Public Library Desk Reference pg 873

  567.Norton, Mary Beth: In the Devil’s Snare, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2002, pg 8

  568.Norton, pg 10

  569.Norton, pg 9

  570.Norton, pg 295

  571.see Note 570

  572.Norton, pg 298

  573.Norton, pg 300

  574.Budapest, pg 274

  575.Norton, pg 304

  576.Lea, Witchcraft, pg 1325

  577.Lea, pg 1349

  578.Lea, pg 1339

  579.Lea, pg 1337–8

  580.Lea, pg 1326

  581.Lea, pg 1327

  582.see Note 581

  583.Lea, pg 1388

  584.Lea, pg 1334

  585.Lea, pg 1329

  586.Lea, pg 1340

  587.Giles, pg 252

  588.see Note 587

  589.see Note 587

  590.Giles, pg 257

  591.Giles, pg 259

  592.Giles, pg 260

  593.see Note 592

  594.Giles, pg 268–69

  595.Giles, pg 272

  596.Giles, pg 271

  597.Giles, pg 295


  1.Solomen, Barbara, and Berggren, Paula, ed.: A Mary Wollstonecraft Reader, New York, New American Library, 1983, pg 2–3

  2.Solomen et al, pg 7

  3.Solomen et al, pg 10

  4.Solomen et al, pg 10–11

  5.Solomen et al, pg 17

  6.Solomen et al, pg 18

  7.Solomen et al, pg 278

  8.Solomen et al, pg 296

  9.Solomen et al, pg 341

  10.Betty and Ian Ballantine, ed.: The Native Americans, Atlanta, Turner Publishing, Inc., 1993 pg 161

  11.Ballantine, pg 98

  12.Achterberg, pg 116–17

  13.Achterberg, pg 181

  14.Maurois, Andre: Lelia, The Life of George Sand, New York, Harper & Bros., 1954, pg 132

  15.Broderick, Marian: Wild Irish Women, Dublin, O’Brien Press, Ltd., 2001, pg 100–106

  16.Achterberg, pg 155

  17.Achterberg, pg 156

  18.Achterberg, pg 157

  19.Rheingold, Joseph C., MD, PhD: The Fear of Being a Woman, New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964

  20.Faludi, Susan: Backlash, New York, Crown Publishers, 1991, pg xviii

  21.Faludi, pg xix

  22.see Note 21

  23.Faludi, pg xviii

  24.Faludi, pg 232

  25.Faludi, pg 235

  26.Faludi, pg 236

  27.Faludi, pg 238

  28.Faludi, pg 239

  29.Faludi, pg 236

  30.Faludi, pg, 413

  31.Faludi, pg 412

  32.Faludi, pg 414

  33.Miller, Alice: For Your Own Good, New York, Farrar Straus Giroux, 1983, pg 75


  Achterberg, Jeanne: Woman as Healer, Boston, Shambala, 1990.

  Armstrong, Karen: Islam, New York, Random House, 2000.

  Artress, Dr. Lauren: Walking the Sacred Path, New York, Riverhead Books, 1995

  Barber, Elizabeth Wayland: Women’s Work, New York, W.W. Norton and Company, 1994

  Baigent, Michael, Leigh, Richard, Lincoln Henry: Holy Blood, Holy Grail, New York, Dell, 1983

  Ballantine, Betty and Ian, ed.: The Native Americans, Atlanta, Turner Publishing, Inc., 1993

  Baring, Anne and Cashford, Jules: The Myth of the Great Goddess, Vermont Inner Traditions, 1999

  Barstow, Anne Llewellyn: Witchcraze, San Francisco, Harper Collins, 1994.

  Bogin, Meg: The Women Troubadours, New York, WW Norton and Company, 1980.

  Boucher, Francoise: 20,000 Years of Fashion, New York, Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

  Broderick, Marian: Wild Irish Women, Dublin, O’Brien Press, Ltd., 2001.

  Budapest, Zsuzsanna: The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries, Berkley, Wingbow Press, 1989.

  Cahill, Thomas: How the Irish Saved Civilization, New York, Nan A. Talese, Doubleday, 1995.

  Cunningham, Scott: Magical Herbalism, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 1991.

  Davis, Natalie Zemon: The Return of Martin Guerre, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1983.

  Davis, Natalie Zemon and Farge, Arlette, ed., A History of Women, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press

  DeMeo, James: Saharasia, Oregon, Orgon Biophysical Research Lab, 1998

  Duby, Georges: Women of the Twelfth Century, 3 volumes, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1997

  Eliade, Mircea: Shamanism, Princeton, Bollington Press, 1964

  Eno, Robert, B.S.S.: Rise of the Papacy, Delaware, Liturgical Press 1990

  Faludi, Susan: Backlash, New York, Crown Publishers, 1991

  Federal Textbook on Citizenship, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1978

  Flanders, Carol Lee, ed.: Women Mystics, San Francisco, Harper Collins, 1995

  Fox, Matthew, ed.: Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works, Santa Fe, Bear & Co., 1987

  Freke, Timothy & Gandy, Peter: The Jesus Mysteries, New York, Three Rivers Press, 1999

  Frymer-Kensky, Tikva: In the Wake of the Goddess, New York, Fawcett Columbine, 1999

  Giles, Mary, ed.: Women in the Inquisition, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press 1999

  Gilligan, Carol: The Birth of Pleasure, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2002

  Gimbutas, Marija: The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, Calif. University of California Press, 1982

  Gimbutas, Marija: The Language of the Goddess, San Francisco, Harper & Row, 1989

  Gimbutas, Marija: The Civilization of the Goddess, New York, H
arper & Row, 1991

  Givens, James, Inquisition and Medieval Society, Ithaca, London, Cornell University Press, 1997

  Grene, David and Lattimore, Richmond, ed.: The Complete Greek Tragedies, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1959.

  Haskins, Susan: Mary Magdalen, New York, Harcourt Brace, 1993

  Herm, Gerhard: The Celts, New York, St. Martins Press, 1975

  Kamen, Henry: The Spanish Inquisition, Great Britain, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1997

  Kieckefer, Richard: Magic in the Middle Ages, Cambridge, University of Cambridge Press, 2000

  Kimball, Jeannine Davis, Ph.D.: Warrior Women, New York, Warner Books, 2002

  King, Bernard: The Elements of the Runes, Dorset, Element Books, Limited, 1993

  Lea, Henry Charles: The Inquisition of the Middle Ages, New York, Barnes & Noble,1993

  Lea, Henry Charles, Howland, Arthur, C. ed.: Materials Toward A History of Witchcraft, 3 vol., New York, Thomas Yoseloff, (by arrangement with University of Pennsylvania Press), 1957

  Lewis, Janet: The Wife of Martin Guerre, Athens, Ohio, Swallow Press Books, University of Ohio, 1987

  Lynd, Helen Merrill: On Shame and the Search for Identity, New York, Science Editions 1961

  Mann, AT and Lyle Jane: Sacred Sexuality, Mass. Element Books, Ltd. 1995

  Markale, Jean: The Great Goddess, Vermont, Inner Traditions, 1999

  Maurois, Andre: Lelia, The Life of George Sand, New York, Harper & Bros. 1954

  Melammed, Renee Levine: Heretics or Daughters of Israel?, Oxford, New York Oxford University Press, 1999

  Meyer, Marvin & Smith, Richard, ed.: Ancient Christian Magic, San Francisco Harper 1994

  New York Public Library Desk Reference: New York, Stonesong Press, Prentice Hall, 1993

  Miller, Alice: For Your Own Good, New York, Farrar Straus Giroux, 1983

  Norton, Mary Beth: In the Devil’s Snare, New York Alfred A. Knopf 2002

  Ozment, Steven: The Age of Reform 1250–1550, New Haven, Yale University Press 1980

  Pagels, Elaine: The Gnostic Gospels, New York, Random House Vintage Books 1981

  Pavod, Anna: The Tulip, New York Bloomsbury Publishers 1999

  Rheingold, Joseph, C. M.D., Ph.D.: The Fear of Being a Woman, New York, Grune & Stratton, 1964

  Robinson, James, M. general editor: The Nag Hammadi Library, San Francisco, Harper & Row 1978

  Ruggiero, Guido: Binding Passions, New York Oxford, Oxford University Press 1993

  Shaher, Shulamith: The Fourth Estate, London, Routledge 1993

  Shannon, Albert: The Medieval Inquisition, Minnesota, The Liturgical Press 1991

  Sjoo, Monica & Barbara: The Great Cosmic Mother, San Francisco Harper & Row 1987

  Solomen, Barbara, and Berggren, Paula, ed: A Mary Wollstonecraft Reader, New York New American Library 1983

  Stone, Merlin: Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood, Boston, Beacon Press 1979

  Stone, Merlin: When God Was A Woman, New York, A Harvest/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Book 1978

  Summers, Montague, translator editor: Malleus Maleficarum, New York, Dover Publications Inc. 1971

  The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers, J.O. Urmson ed., New York, Hawthorn Books, Inc.

  Twain, Mark: Joan of Arc, San Francisco, Ignatius 1989

  Walker, Barbara, G: The Women’s Encyclopedia, New York, Harper Collins 1983

  Wicks, Jared, S.J.: Luther and His Spiritual Legacy, Delaware, Michael Glazier, Inc., 1983



  Abelard 230

  abortion 122, 129, 402

  Abravanal, Issac 332

  Achterberg, jeanne Dr. 117, 118, 121, 215, 217, 247, 248

  on black death 2001, 201, 296

  on crusades 225

  on Hildgard of Bingen 229–230

  pricking 400

  Women as Healers 190

  on women as physicians 246–248

  witchcraft deaths 396

  Acsclepius 119, 120, 121

  Acts of the Apostles 166

  Adam 89, 150, 151, 157, 162, 240

  Adititi 162

  Adonai 146

  Adonis 215

  Aesir 212, 213

  Aetius Tetrabilion 128, 129

  Agnodice 122–123

  Ahriman 162

  Aife 219

  Aikenhead, last execution of inquisition 307

  Aisha 204

  Akkadian 103, 113

  Alaric 197

  Albigensian Crusdade 281–284, 286, 299, 307

  Alexander the Great 142

  Alexander, William History of Women 217–218

  Al-Lat 204

  Alumbrados 341

  Al-Uz-Zah 204

  Amazons 61–63, 65, 66, 88, 120, 130, 137, 213

  accomplishments of 62

  Anltope 62

  body painting 66

  as enemies of the Greeks 62

  Hippolyta 62

  homeland of 62

  Lemnos 62

  Lesbos 62

  Malanippe 62

  mythology of the Mare 61

  origins of name 61, 63

  Penthesuleia 62

  Sauromations connections 63

  shrine to Artemis 87

  Scythians connections 63

  Taurus 62

  Ulm 63

  wearing of male clothing 62

  Ambrose of Milan 195

  Anstasius the Librarian (on a female pope) 207

  Anatolia 142, 212

  Angela of Goligno (mystic) 235

  Anthony, Susan B. 438, 439

  Antioches 128

  Antipope Benedic XIII 378

  Antonius of Antioch 194

  Apor, Ana 415

  Aquila, Fra Pierodi (inquisitor of Florence) 310

  Aquinas, Thomas 235, 318

  Archelleion, temple at 31

  architecture of Catal Huyuk 31–32, Neolithic 15–16, 133

  Aristides 82, 93

  Aristophanes 131

  Aristotle 121, 122, 130, 131, 245

  Armstrong, Karen Birth of Islam 203, 204, 205

  Artemis see also Diana 50, 87–89, 122, 137, 199, 212, 218

  Artemsia, Greek Queen 122

  Artress, Dr. Lauren Walking the Labyrinth 50

  Aryaman 162


  Agamemnon 135

  Eumenides 135, 136–138

  Libation Bearers 135

  Supplicants 135–136

  Ashipu 118

  Ashtoreth 160

  Aspasia 128, 129

  Assyrians, law codes 115, 141, 144, 145

  Astarte 70, 71, 169

  Asu 118

  Athena 119

  Attis 85, 86, 95, 96, 97, 142, 162, 182, 215

  Audhumla 213

  Augustus Caesar 97

  Augustine of Hippo (saint) 187, 196–197

  City of God 197, 375, 376

  on magic 375, 376

  on marriage 255

  on prostitution 249

  on original sin 234, 240

  Augustus Octavius 143

  Auset see Isis

  autos de fe 311, 312, 313, 317, 339, 340, 342, 343, 345, 368

  Auzit see Isis


  Babylonians 144

  Baccahae 142

  Baigent, Michael Holy Blood, Holy Grail 283

  Bantathi 219

  Barnard, Mary 134

  Barnstone, Willis 135

  Barry, Dr. James (female) 441

  Barstow, Anne Llywellyn 395,

  on pricking 401

  on witch hunts 406, 407, 408

  Basque 305, 345, 358

  Bau 78

  Becket, Thomas 269

  Bee Goddess 85, 124

  Beersheba 152

  bees 90

  Beguines 232, 224–5, 274, 318

  Belota the Jewess (female physician) 248

  Benedictines 232, 261

  Beni Shaybah 70

  Berghards 318

  Bernard, Abbott of Chairvaux 276
r />   bestiality 155, 162, 163, 234, 356

  Bird Goddess 15, 16, 21–22, 24

  birth practices Roman 124–132

  birthing chairs Roman 126

  Black Death 199–201, 245, 296–297, 320

  Blackwell, Elizabeth 441–442

  Boadica see Boudicca

  Bogin, Meg The Women Troubadours 258, 260, 261, 262–265

  Book of Sorrows excerpts from 386

  Boston Female Medical College 441

  Boudicca 68–69, 219

  Bridget 220

  Bridget of Swedes (mystics) 235

  Brother of Free Spirit 274

  Brownmiller, Susan 401

  Budapest, Zsuzanna Book of Sorrows (unpublished) 386, 417

  Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries 374, 414, 415

  Salem witch trials 423

  Burial practices

  at Catal Huyuk 32–33, 38

  burial mounds 25

  excarnation 33

  for men 19, 38

  in Neolithic herstory 35

  Kurgans 59, 64–65

  Neolithic 27


  Caesar, julius 143

  Cahill, Thomas How the Irish Saved Civilization 196–197

  Cailleach 70

  calendars 71, 72

  Caligula 183

  Calleach Bheur 220

  Callimachas 87

  Calvin 383, 405

  Canons, as basis for inquisition 285–286

  Carcassonne, Inquisition of 308

  Carpeoratians (Gnostics) 188

  Carpzov, Bernard Practica Nova Rerum Criminalium (1635) 403

  Carthage 141, 196, 198

  Cartimandua 219

  castration 94–99, 152–153, 163, 182, 183, 192, 218, 356

  Catal Huyak 11, 22, 30, 212

  architecture of 31–32

  cradle of civilization 31–34

  economy 32

  funeral practices 32–33, 38

  similarities to Hopi 31

  Cathars 272, 273–275, 281, 282–283, 284, 286, 287, 289, 290, 297, 300, 302, 303, 305, 313, 318, 360

  Catherine of Genoa 235

  Catherine of Saxony 404

  Catherine of Sienna 235, 238–238

  Catt, Carrie Chapman 438

  Celsus 128

  Celtic Goddesses 218–221

  Centaurs 15, 30

  ceramics 21

  Cerridwen 220

  chamomoile 216

  Charlemagne 222–223, 278, 281, 284, 288

  Charles III 416

  Charles the Great see Charlemagne

  Charles V 348

  letters to Juana (daughter) 343–345

  on Martin Luther 364

  Charles VII 324

  chattel, woman as 101

  Chaucer Canterbury Tales 257

  Chauderon, Michea 405–406

  Cherisphyron 88

  chervil 216

  Chrysotom, john 199

  circumcision 98, 142, 152–153, 182

  Cistercians 261

  Claudia Quinta 86

  Claudius 95, 182

  Cleis 133

  Cleopatra (physician) 123

  Clitoris, excision of 142


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