costumes 15, 46
dying of 39
horses as an influence 57
minoan 43
vulva representation 48
ritual headdresses 15, 42
string skirt 39
trousers, invention of 57
Clytaemestra 138
Cobbin, Rev. Ingram Foxes Book of Martyrs 367
Cobham, Thomas 250
colors in Minoan culture, 43, 45, 48–49
Commenus, Alexius I 224
Commodius 183
Conrad of Marburg 295
Constantine 194–195
convents, medieval 230–234
conversos 326, 328, 333–334, 338, 341, 342, 347, 348
Corinthians 184–185
Corn Child 94
Corn Mother 92
Council of Aries 195
Council of Latern 302, 304
Council of Narbonne 302, 307
Council of Nicea 195
Council of Reims 302
Council of Tours 280
Countess of Narbonne 263
courtly love 257–262, 268, 275, 278, 282
Cow Mother 9, 22
Cramer, Thomas 418
creation myths 147
Crete see Minoan Crete
Cromwell, Thomas 417–418
crowns 42, 66
crucifixion 114
crusades 223–226, 239, 243, 244, 261, 282
Albigensian Crusdade 281–284, 286, 299, 307
First crusade 224, 225, 258, 261
Second crusade 224, 225, 268, 302
People’s Crusade 224
Cybele 84–87, 92, 95, 96, 97, 141, 142, 149, 162, 182, 212, 218
Cyril 197–198
Damanus Suppliant Maidens 135
Damuzi 215
dance in ritual 41
Danu 219
datura 119
Davis, Natalie Zemon The Life of Martin Guerre 357, 358
Davis-Kimball, Jeannine
archeological excavations 63
Kurgan burial practices 64–65
scythian headdresses 67
Sythian tombs 63
Warrior Women 63
de la Cruz, Isabel 342
de Escalante, Rosa 428–429
de Mariana, Juan 332
de Monfort, Simon 284
de Payen, Hughes 275, 276, 277
de Poitiers, Alfonse 317–318
de Poitou, Guilhem
de Renart, Roman 270
de Robes, Beatriz 351–353
de Rols, Bertrande 357–361
de Rosset, Nicole 406
de Rotmago, Clarice female physician 247
de San Juan, Catarina 430
de Tilk, Amaud 359–361
de Torquemada, Tomas (inquisitor) 339, 348
de Zamora, Catlalina 348
dead sea scrolls 148
Deborah 90
deBouillon, Godfrey 224
DeElmham, Thomas 207
DeLancre, Pierre Necromaners 416
Delphi 130, 121, 130, 150
DeMeo, James PhD Saharasia 56, 143, 192
Demeter 50, 61, 92, 93, 119, 162
Deodierus 61
Deuteronomy 148, 158–159
devil’s mark 400
devil’s teat 406
Dhannon 285
Diana See also Artemis 71, 87, 88, 130, 162, 212, 377
Diocletian 183, 192, 194
Diodorus Siculus 68, 371
Discalced Carmelites 238
divorce 103, 143, 209
Dominicans 232, 284, 290, 295, 303, 306, 313, 338, 339, 346, 384
Domitan 183
Don jaymel 302
Donatists 196
Dorotheus 193
Double Axe 49, 49
Duby, George Women of the Twelfth Century 268–268, 270–271
Dupin, Amantine Lucffle-Aurore see George Sand
Ecclesiastes 130, 160
Edda 258
Eddas 212
Eichman, William The Religion of Catat Huyak 33
Eileithgia 119
Eleanor of Aquitaine 225, 268–271
Elephantis 122
Eleusis Demeter’s temple 93
Elizabeth I 307, 418, 419
Elizabeth of Shonau 230
Elohim 145, 146
En Hedu’anna 72–73
Enarres 97–98
Eno, Robert SS The Rise of the Papacy 190, 193
Ephesus 87, 88, 122, 130, 186, 191, 199
Epicine 98
Epione 119, 120
Epona 219, 322
Erech 78, 79
Eresh-kigal 84
Erik’s Saga 212
Essenes 164, 169, 174
Etruscans 52
Eugerasia 128
Eumenides 135, 138
eunuchs 84, 95, 153, 155, 183, 193
Jesus teachings 98–99
Roman laws on 95
Amdromache 137,
Bacchae 137
Electra 137
Hecuba 137
Helen 137
Hippolytus 137
Inphingenia in Taurus 137
Ion 137
Iphigenia in Aulis 137
Medea 137,
Phoenician Women137,
Trojan Women 137,
Eusebius, Bishop 195
Eve 89, 151, 152, 340
Exodus 146, 154–156, 342
Eymericus, Nicholas Directory for Inquisitors 379, 385
Ezekiel 160–161
Ezra 147
faggot (word origin) 319
Faludi, Susan Backlash 443–445
Falwell, Rev. Jerry 445
Fauta 195
female bodies
as represented in Minoan art 49
portrayals of in Neolithic 40–41
Female Pope 207
Ferdinand III 340, 348, 414
Ferrer, Vincente 327
figurines 14, 16, 40
at Catal Huyuk 32
inscribed 36
male figurines 17
misunderstanding of 20
Filmer, Sir Robert 420
First crusade 224, 225, 258, 261,’
flood myths 162–163
Fourth Latern Council 284–286
Fox, Matthew Intro to Book of Divine Works 227
Francisca de los Apostoles 342
Franciscans 232, 274, 289, 290, 295, 303–307, 341
Frederick II 303–305, 307
Frederick of Sicily 242
Freke, Timothy Jesus Mysteries 165–166, 188–189
French, Valerie 124, 125
Freya 211
Freyja 214
Frigga 212, 215
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva In the Wake of the Goddess 129, 130, 131, 171–172
Fuller, Margaret 438
Gaea 50
Galahad, Perceval Lohengrin 277
Galante, Erzsebet 415
Galen 128, 229, 245
Galli eunuch priest 94–99, 218
Gandy, Peter Jesus Mysteries 165–166, 188–189
Garland, Jean 292
Geiss, Magistrate 412–413
Genesis 148, 149–152
Genetyllis 119
Giant Women (Norse legend) 213, 215
Gilligan, Carol 389
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 438
Gimbutas, Marija 11, 12
on animal aspects of the Goddess 21–22
on burial practices in Neolithic period 27, 29
on Neolithic clothing 36, 37
on opium (poppy) use 33
on writing 208
The Civilization of the Goddess 12
The Goddess and God of Old Europe 12
The Language of the Goddess 12
Givens, James B. Inquisition and Medieval Society 291–293, 294, 297, 299–301, 308
Glob, P.V. Denmark 218
Gnostics 165, 166, 174, 179, 187, 189, 300, 370–371, 3
God of the Shining Sky 59, 60
as represented by animals 22–23
as represented by black 26
as represented by colors 26
as represented by red 26
as represented by white 26
Bird Goddess 15, 16, 21–22, 24
Cow Mother 9, 22
origins of 10
represented as pregnant 32
Snake Goddess 15, 23
Goddess of Eunuchs 94–99
Gollveig 213
Gorgonius 193
Gortyna 51
Goths 199
Graves, Robert 92
Great Mysteries 13
Greek healing practices 118–123
Greek marriage practices 255–256
Green Book 334
Grimke, Sarah 438
Gudrun 257
Guerre Martin 357–361
Guerre, Martin: the Life of Davis, Natalie Zenon 357
Guerre, Martin: the Wife of Lewis, Janet 357, 361
Gui, Bernard, Grand Inquisitor 293, 309, 312, 313, 318
Guilelma Maza of Castres 308
Gutenberg, Johannes 362
Guzman, Dominic 284
Gwddynod of Gloucester 219
Hacilar 212
Hadrian 183
Hagar 152
Hagia-Sophia 202
hair styles 42, 46
Hammurabi 104–110, 113
handfasting 256
harlot 156, 158, 161
haspicirem 273
Hathor (Cow Goddess) 80, 81, 145, 213, 372
hats 67
Hawkins, Jane 440
headdresses 42, 66, 67, 75
hearing practices 116–132
ancients 116–132
Greek 118–123
Roman 124–132
Sumer 117–118
law codes 112
Hecate 119
Hedwig of Silisia 230
Heitha 213
Helen of Troy 118–119
Heliogabatus 183
Hella 215
hellebore 119
Heloise 230
hemlock 246
henbane 215
Henry of LeMans 272
Henry VIII 417, 418
Hera 119, 213, 222
Hernandes, Fransica 342
Herodotus 65, 66, 371
on Amazonian women 61, 66
on Enarres 97–98
on female roles in Minoan culture 43, 45, 48–49
on labyrinths 51
on Mithra 162
on Sauromatian 65, 66
Herophilus 122
Herrade 230
Hesiod 129
Hestia 91
Hierophant 93
hieros gamos (sacred union) 93, 195, 255
Hildegard of Bingen 226–230, 229–230, 233, 235, 321, 353
Causae Et Cura 227
DeOperatione Dei 227
Liber Vitae Meritorium 227
on medicinal practices 229–230
Physica 227
Scivas 227
songs of 228–229
Hippocrates 119, 121, 245
Hippolyta 62
Hippolytus 88
Hittities 113, 144, 145
Holla 215
Holy Blood, Holy Grail 169, 277, 283
Holy Grail 277–278
holy lying 195
hymns 54
Odyssey 118
on the murder of Penthesileia 62
on the Mycanean age 92
homophilia 130–131, 187, 255
homosexuality 94, 131, 187, 234, 281, 299, 300, 319, 356
honey 90
honeyman 90, 159
honeymoon 90
Honoris the Necromancer Treasury of Necromancy 379
horae 90–91
horology 91
as representative of Demeter 61, 68
Cult of the Horse 27, 57
domestication of 28, 58
factor for change 28, 56–58
factor in development of clothing 19, 57
sacrifice of 39, 57, 58
slaying of Hippolytus 88
White Mare in mythology 51
Horus 81, 82
human sacrifice 142, 183, 216
Huns 199
Hunt, Harriett 441
Hussities 274
Hyde Amendment 445
Hygeia 119, 120, 121, 201
Hygenus 123
hyoscyamine 246
Appollonius 197, 198
The Astronomical Canon 197, 198
Hypogea 59, 64–65
Iduna 214
Ignatius of Antioch 191
Illuminists 341, 251
Ilmater 213, 214
imitation of Christ 193
Ines of Herrera del Dugue 342–343
incubation 59, 64, 119
infanticide 200, 201, 402, 406–407
inheritance laws 33, 103, 252
in medieval society 231
on encouraging prostitution 249
Innanna 73, 78–80, 83, 90, 95, 155, 159, 160, 216
ancients sources of laws 114
missing records 294–298
uprisings against 294–296
inspection of genitalia (papal) 207
Irenaeros of Lugdiumium 192
Irminsil 222
Isabella & Ferdinand 325–331, 338, 345
Isabella II 430
Isaiah 160
Ishtar 70, 71, 82–84, 95, 104, 105, 106, 109, 145, 149, 160, 169, 211, 216
Isis 71, 81–82, 119, 125, 142, 145, 162, 371, 372
Islam 152, 203–207, 224
Jacoba of Paris 247
Jacobi, Mary Putnam 442
James, brother of Jesus 187, 191
James of Aragon 290
James VI 419
Jerome (saint) 196, 255
Jesuits 346, 354, 355, 384, 403, 407, 430
jesus 82, 141
eunuchs, teaching on 98–99
Jesus Mysteries Freke & Gandy 165–166
Jezebel 186
Joan of Arc 320–324
Johanna the Convert 247
John Hopkins Medical School 442
John, the apostle 166, 170, 171, 180, 185, 186, 191
Jones, Margaret 440
Joseph 167
Joseph I 414
Juana 343–345
Juliana of Norwich (mystics) 235, 237
Juno 162
Justinian 201, 202, 260
Jutta 227
Kaaba at Mecca 70
Kabah 204
Kalevale 213
Kali 70
Kamen, Henry Charles 286, 325, 328, 332, 333, 339, 341, 343, 346, 356, 368
on missing records & statistics of inquisition 294–295, 297
on conversos 332, 332
on limpieza 339, 341
The Spanish Inquisition 325, 328
Khadija 204
Kieckhefer, Richard Magic in the Middle Ages 375, 376, 388
King, Bernard The Elements of the Runes 208–209, 210, 211
Knights Templar 225, 275–278, 286, 297–299, 300, 302,384,’
Koeller, David W. 203
Kopper, K.F. Hexen und Hexenprogresse 413
Kramer, Heinrich 390–391
burial practices 51, 59, 64–65
God of the Shining Sky 59, 60
nomadic migrations 58–59
practice of excarnation 49–51
religious practices 59
sutee 50
warrior women of 50–61, 215
Kybele See Cybele
labyrinth (s)
Artress, Dr. Lauren discussion of 49–51
Construction of 63
Herodotus’s mention of 4
in Minoan culture 28
origins of
Lady of the Lake 220
Lagash 78
Lais 122
Langin 404
Lato 88
Law codes 100, 101
adultery 242
Assyrians 112–115
Hammarabi 104–110
Hebrews 112
inheritance 99
Mesopotamia 102–103
Nesilium 110–112
widows under 244, 245
women as physicians 243
Lea, Henry Charles 280, 284, 291, 301, 302, 303, 308, 309, 311, 316, 317, 318, 319, 329, 403, 413, 417
History of Witchcraft 395, 404, 405
on Malleus Maleficarum 390
on Maximillian I 407, 409
on opposition to witch trials 395
on witch trials 411, 420
on missing records & statistics of inquisition
294, 295, 297
Lebor Gabola Erenn The Book of Conquests 42
leech chraft 210
Legal systems of the middle ages as giving rise to
inquisition 278–280
Leigh, Richard Holy Blood, Holy Grail 283
Lemnos 62
lepers, persecution of 299
leprosanitaria 225
lesbian 234, 242
Lesbos 62, 133
Leto 119
Letters of the Apostles 166
Leukippe (Crete White Mare Goddess) 15
Leviathan 70
Leviticus 148, 156, 157, 158, 424
Lewis, Janet The Wife of Martin Guerre 357, 361
Lillake see Lillith
Liffith 89–90
limpieza (purity of blood doctrine) 339, 340, 341
Lincoln, Henry Holy Blood, Holy Grail 283
literalist movement 166, 189
Lollards 274, 307
Louis VII 268
love magic 382–383
Luke, the apostle 165, 171, 180
Luther, Martin 361–365, 383
Charles V commenting on 364
Jared Wicks commenting on 364
marriage/death of 365
Treatise on Indulgences 363
Lutherans 343, 344, 395
MaaEma 213
Maan Emoinim 213, 214
Maccabee revolt 182
Machu 220
MacKenzie, Sir George 426–427
MacRae, George W. 174, 179
Maeve 219, 220
Magareta 128
magic in Middle Ages 375
Magna Dea 70
Magnus Maximus 195
Mala Laith, Grey Mare of Scotland 220
Malleus Maleficarum 389–395, 403, 404, 412, 414
Malta 11, 31, 33
Manat 204
mandrake 119, 246
Manechaeism 196
Mani 192
Manichean cult 192
Manu 162
Marcellina 188
Marcion 188
Marcionites 188
Marcus the magician 187, 188
Mare Goddess (Celtic) 219
Marguerite of Bourgogne 225
Marguerite of Ypre (female physician) 247
Maria Theresa 414
Mark 190, 191
Mark, the apostle 165, 166, 180
Markale, Jean The Great Goddess 166, 167, 168, 322
marriage laws 18, 93, 103, 254–256, 257
Martha 188
martyrs 193, 194
Mary & Philip of England 307
Mary (Mother of Jesus) 166–168
Mary Magdalene 167, 167–171, 173, 187, 188, 189, 261, 389
Daughters of the Inquisition Page 61