Daughters of the Inquisition

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Daughters of the Inquisition Page 62

by Christina Crawford

Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) 418

  Mary, Gospel of 179–182

  masks 14, 43, 44–52

  massacre of Cathars 287

  Matilda 230

  Matthew 165–166, 170, 180

  Maximilla 188

  Maximillian I 407, 408–409

  meanders 48–49

  Mecca 204

  Mechthild of Mageburg 235, 235–237

  Medb 220

  Megalesia festival of Cybele 86–87

  Melammed, Renee Levine

  Heretics or Daughters of Israel? 327, 328

  on conversos 334, 335, 336, 337

  Melanippe 62

  Melgenes 88

  Mellart, James 48–49, 51

  Mellessae 90

  Mellisae 124

  mendicant orders 290, 309

  menstruation 46, 49, 70, 73, 90, 122, 156, 183

  Merchthild of Hockenbora 235

  Metallurgy 42, 46

  Metrodora 123

  midwives 125, 125–128, 151, 201, 245–248, 335, 336, 337

  Mielikki 213, 214

  Minera 322

  Minervina 195

  Minoan Crete 46, 149, 155, 215

  clothing 25, 46

  colors 49–51

  female body representation 51

  Frescos 50

  Great Snake Goddess 51

  hair styles 50

  hats 46

  labryinth 49

  marriage Laws 43, 44–52

  Minos as Lord of Death 50

  on goddess worship 92

  palace at Knossos 55, 59

  ritual costumes 63

  Woolley, Sir Leonard (on Minoan culture) 47

  Miriam see Mary (Mother of Jesus)

  misogyny 131

  Mithra 141, 142, 187, 193

  parallels to Jesus story 161–164

  Molley, John The Rise of the Dutch Republic 367

  monotheism 12, 15, 16

  Monphysitisim 202

  Mont Signeur massacre of Cathars 287

  Montanists 188

  Montanus Santae Inquistiones Hispaniae Artes 366–367

  Moon Goddess 70–75

  Moon Tree, double axes 75

  Morgan 219

  Morgan (le Fay) 220

  Morisca women 351–353

  Morrigan (Celtic Goddess) 219, 220

  Moschion 123

  Moses 146, 148, 154, 157–158

  Mozel, Dr. Volpert 410

  Mt. Sinai 154

  Munich Handbook 379

  mushrooms 37–28, 35, 66, 72, 116, 119, 216, 387

  Muzjem Mumi 213

  Mycenaean tomb construction 92

  mystery festivals 1345

  Mysteries experience of 36, 37, 146

  Greek and Roman 92–94

  inner/outer 166, 176, 183, 189

  mystics, medieval females 234–239

  myths of the Goddess 146


  Nag Hammadi Library 174, 182, 354, 371

  Nammu 78

  necromancy 378–381, 385, 386, 387

  Nemi 88


  agriculture 12

  animals 17, 27

  architecture 25

  burial mounds 12

  burial practices 40–41

  clothing 13

  crops 35

  grave sites 28

  in Ireland 38–39

  lifestyle 63

  portrayals of female bodies 59

  social structures 55

  tattoosing 57

  tombs 21

  Year God 21–22

  Nepthus 81

  Nero 183

  Nerthus 214, 216

  Nicean Creed 195

  Nightingale, Florence 440

  Ninmah 78

  Norse Goddesses 214–215

  Norseman 210–211

  Norton, Mary Beth In the Devil’s Snare 421, 422

  Numenius 187


  Occitania 211, 258, 259, 260–261, 262, 263, 264, 268,

  282–283, 302, 318

  Odin 211

  oinopia 119

  Oiropata 66

  Olga (Viking Queen) 17

  opium see Poppies

  oracles see also Delphi 116

  Ordeal, The 302

  Order of Lazarus 225

  Orestes 198

  Origenia 128

  original sin 240

  Osiris 82, 142, 215

  Ostara 213

  Otto I 223

  Ovid 143


  as leading to male montheism 62

  individual 17, 22, 101

  of horses 29–30


  Pachlerin, Barbara 404

  Pagels, Elaine The Gnostic Gospels 188

  Palatine Apollo library 199

  Palatine School 222

  paleolithic 19, 28

  Panacea 119, 120, 121

  Pandora 129

  Pankhurst, Emmilene 438

  Pansette (Arnaud de Tilh) 359–361

  Pappenheimer family (execution of) 408–409

  Patarenes 289

  Paul, the apostle 123, 141, 165, 166, 171, 184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 193

  on marriage 184, 255, 256

  Pax Romana 197

  Pearson, Mary L. (unpublished) 333

  penis 12, 15, 82, 98

  Penthesileia, murder of 24, 62

  People’s Crusades 224

  Perfects 273–275, 283, 287

  Persephomne 119

  Pertonilla 230

  Peter (the eunuch) 193

  Peter of Bruys 272

  Peter Waldo 272, 273

  Peter, the apostle 190

  phallic Gods 17, 24

  Philip II 333, 343, 418

  Philip IV 384

  Philip, Gospel of 371

  Philippe IV 297–298

  Phoenicians 141

  Phrygians 212

  physicians (women) 243, 245–248

  Phythia 150

  Pichlerin Emerenziana 410

  Picts 68

  plague see Black Death

  Plantagenet, Henry (Henry II) 269

  plants 15, 74–75

  Plato 131

  Pliny, the Elder 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 183

  Plotinus of Lycopolis 187

  Plutarch 119, 187, 219

  Polydamma 118

  Polytheism 77

  pomegranates 155, 159, 160

  Poor Men of Lyons 289, 290

  Pope John XXII 380

  Pope Alexander III 199, 280, 281

  Pope Alexander IV 315, 385

  Pope Benedict XI 297

  Pope Benedict XV 324

  Pope Boniface VIII 297

  Pope Clement V 292, 297

  Pope Damascus 192

  Pope Eugenius III 268

  Pope Gregory IX 289, 291, 295

  Pope Gregory the great 199

  Pope Gregory VII 261

  Pope Honorius 198, 276

  Pope Innocent III 276, 280, 284

  Pope Innocent IV 295, 305

  Pope Innocent VIII 390

  Pope Johanna 207

  Pope Pelagius 223

  Pope Sixtus IV 328, 332, 338

  Pope Urban II 224

  poppies (opium) 15, 17, 66, 72, 75, 95, 119, 201, 387

  Porphyry 187

  pottery 19, 26, 33, 50, 62, 64

  Premonstratensain Order 232

  Preston, Ann 442

  pricking 400–401

  primrose 119

  Priscillian 195

  Priscu 188

  Prose Edda 212

  prostitution 248–251

  psychotropic drugs 37, 40, 63, 66, 216

  Ptolemic marriage 142

  Punic wars 142

  Pythia 120

  Pythias 121

  python 121


  Qumran 148


  rape 241–242

  Rauni 213, 214

  Raunikk 213

  regeneration 33, 74, 94

eproductive rights 114, 115

  Rhea 13

  Rheingold, Joseph M.D. Phd. The Fear of Being a Woman 443

  Rhiannon 221

  Robert the Borgue 295

  Robinson, James M. 174

  Rodriquez, Beatriz 335–337

  Rowan Ash Tree 213

  Royidis, Emmanual Papissa Johanna 207

  Rudenko, Sergie 37

  Ruggiero, Guido Binding Passion 381

  runes 208–209, 210, 211, 212, 258, 373, 377


  sack of Rome 197

  sacred script 100, 208

  Sagshag, Queen 78

  Saladin 225

  Salem witch trials 421–424

  Salka, Margit 415

  Salome (Gnostic woman) 188

  Samaria 160

  Sananyu 61

  Sand, George 441

  Sanger, Margaret 446

  Sappho 121, 133–134

  Sarah 152

  Sargon of Akkad 72

  Sargonion 72

  Sauromatians 63, 65, 66

  Scathach 215, 219

  Schwagelen, Anna Maria 410–411

  Scott, Reginald Discovery of Witchcraft (1665) 419

  Scythians 63, 66, 97, 145

  Seals 15, 23, 49

  Second Crusade 224, 225, 268, 302

  Seneca 123

  serpent 74, 150, 151

  sex, forbidden 102, 110–111

  Shakir, Skulamith The Fourth Estate: A History of Women in

  Middle Ages 240, 243, 388–389

  shamanism 29, 71, 116, 215, 217, 219, 294

  Shannon, Father Albert C. The Medieval Inquisition 287–288, 294

  shape shifting 219, 374

  Shepherd King 79

  Shubad, Queen 117, 118

  sixth sense (women’s intuition) 51

  Skadi 215

  Smith, Robert Religion of the Semites 76–77

  snake coils as used in early writing 39

  Snake Goddess 59, 61, 64

  snakes See also serpents 67, 116, 120–121

  snow leopards 67

  Society of Paupers 274

  Socrates 93, 130–131

  Socrates Scholatius 198

  soma 74–75

  Song of Roland 222

  Song of Solomon 159–160

  Sophia 39, 188, 202

  Sophocles 93

  Antigone 135

  Electra 135

  Women of Trachis 135

  Soranus Gynecology 124, 125, 126, 127

  Springer, James 390–391

  St. Bernard 255, 302

  St. Gertrude 235

  St. Louis 225

  St. Francis of Assisi 232

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 438, 439

  statistics (inquisitions) 291, 293–294

  Stone, Lucy 438

  Stone, Merlin 157, 213, 214, 218, 219

  Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood 77, 211, 212

  When God was a Woman 146

  Strabo Geography 40, 122, 216, 218

  string Skirt 18–19

  suda 197, 198

  sudr 211

  Suetonius 17

  Sufis 353

  Sumer 93, 117–118

  Summers, Montague 391

  sutee 17

  Sybils 52, 116, 235

  syphilis 296


  Table of Solomon 379

  Taborites 274

  Tacitus 68–69, 209, 214, 216

  Tammuz 83, 215

  tattoo (s) 19, 25, 68

  Templar See Knights Templar

  temple service 62

  temples 57, 62

  Teresa of Avila 235, 238–239, 341–242, 353

  Tertullian 188

  Tetrabiblion (Aetius) 128, 129

  The Death of the Soul 378

  Theodora 201–203, 260

  Theodorus 198

  Theon 197

  Theophrastes 122

  Theopompus 15

  thirteen 105

  Thoribiago 212, 217

  Thunder Perfect Mind 174–179, 354

  Tiamat 70

  Tiberius 183

  Timoth, the apostle 185

  Titus 183

  Tomyris 65

  tortures 314–316, 350–351

  trade guilds (women’s) 239–240, 244–245

  Trajan 183

  transvestite 94, 96

  Tree of Life 18

  triangles 62–63

  Tristan and Isolde 257

  Trobairitz 263

  Trotula 246–247

  troubadours, female 257–261, 262, 263, 264, 269

  Bieiris de Romans 266

  Castelloza 265

  Countess of Dia 264

  Domna H. 266

  Tibor 264

  trousers 42, 48

  Troy 130, 212

  Twain, Mark Joan of Arc 320


  Uc de StCirc 261

  uprisings 303, 310

  Urania 97

  Urth 214


  Valentinians (Gnostics) 188

  Valentinus 187, 188

  Valesians 192

  Valhalla 211

  Valkeries 50

  Valkyries 215

  Vandals 199

  Vanir 213

  vases, owl-faced 61

  vegetarianism 55, 56, 217

  Venus 125

  Vesta 91

  Vestal Virgins 71, 91–92

  Vikings 56, 208, 210, 216

  Virbus 88

  Visigoths 197

  Vitllius 183

  Voltaire 143


  The Sibyl’s Vision 211

  Wise Women Prophesy 212, 213

  von Schultheis, Heinrich 296

  vulva 7, 39, 40, 48, 92, 155, 159, 212


  Wabanaki indians 422

  Waldenses 294, 300, 308, 313

  Walker, Barbara G. on first crusade 224

  Walker, Barbara G. Women’s Encyclopedia 77, 255

  Walking the Labyrinth, Artress, Dr. Lauren 61

  wearing of crosses by penitents 312–313

  weather as a factor for change 61

  weaving (see also clothing) 63, 133

  white in Minoan culture 35–37

  White Mare as legend in Medieval times 35, 36

  Wickliffs 307

  Wicks, Jared 364

  Wilson, R. McL. 179

  witch 387, 388

  witch trials

  English 417–424

  French 415–417

  Germanic territories 407–413

  Hungarian 413–415

  New England 417–424

  new world 427–430

  Scottish 424–427

  statistics 396

  witchcraft 301

  witches chair 406

  Woolley, Sir Leonard on the Minoan culture 37

  Wollstonecraft, Mary 436–439, 441

  Frankenstein 438

  Vindication of the Rights of Women 437, 438

  Women’s Encyclopedia 168, 169, 170


  in goddess societies 37

  invention of 35, 36

  M – meaning of in early writing 38–39

  meanders 209

  runes as 48

  sacred script 55, 56–58

  seals 57, 58

  snake coils 117

  Sumer 57

  Sumerian 57

  V - meaning of in early writing 35

  Wukinetz, Maria 394


  Yahweh 144, 145–147

  yarrow 216

  Year God 58

  yellow 61, 74

  Yggdrsil 222


  Zakrzewska, Maria (doctor) 442


  Christina Crawford is the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of the memoirs Mommie Dearest and Survivor, as well as the women’s history book Daughters of the Inquisition. Crawford graduated magna cum laude from the University of California, Los Angeles, after spending nearly fourteen years as an actress i
n television, theater, and film. She received her master’s degree in communication management from the Annenberg School at the University of Southern California.

  Since then, Crawford has worked in corporate public relations, was a partner in a winery, owned and operated a country inn, and spent eight years booking concert entertainment for a North Idaho casino. One of the first people appointed to the Los Angeles County Commission for Children’s Services, she also served one term as county commissioner in Idaho. Her regional TV show Northwest Entertainment has won three Telly Awards for excellence.

  Crawford has been a lifelong advocate of issues for social justice, from the early days of child abuse prevention and family violence intervention to issues of the rights of women across the world. She lives in Idaho, where she continues to write and pursue creative projects.

  Follow Christina on her Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/ChristinaCrawfordAuthor.

  Mommie Dearest, 1978 original cover (Tom Bert).

  Survivor, front cover 1988 (Tom Bert).

  No Safe Place, back cover 1994 (Bonnie Colodzin).

  Sedona, Arizona, vortex, 1989 (Kiki Borlenghi).

  Sedona, Arizona, 1989 (Kiki Borlenghi).

  Daughters of the Inquisition, 2004 (Jim Swoboda, ILF Media).

  Entertainment Northwest TV, 2007 (Robert Breckenridge RTN 24 TV Spokane, Washington).

  With my brother Chris, pre-Viet Nam, 1967.

  All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.

  Copyright © 2003 by Christina Crawford

  Cover design by Amanda Shaffer

  ISBN: 978-1-5040-4905-4

  This edition published in 2017 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.

  180 Maiden Lane

  New York, NY 10038


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