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Page 7

by Alyna Lachlan

  "You have not answered to the charge, female.” Tyron would not give her any slack. He planned to win the argument like a warrior on the battlefield.

  "For you to suggest that you found a Calling mate from the lower class Breeders is absurd. You are in heat, so you believe this off-worlder is satisfying your needs. We have never found a Calling mate from a lowly breeder or on a female not of our planet. There is no way she is your Calling mate. I'll not have our warriors departing Eliscean Prime in search of mates, leaving our world unprotected."

  Tyron turned his back on her to face the council. “Members, you all know me. How many of you would have me guard your backs in war? I have proven myself repeatedly. Do you think me a male given to fantasies? No! Shayna is an off-worlder but she is my Calling mate. She cools the flames. What if others of you had a chance to find your mates? Can we not find a safe way to search for these females? To close the door on such an opportunity, one being given to us from the Prime Being, might well see you turning, sealing your souls for all time in the body of a dragon. How would that see to Elisceans protection? Would that not also bring the end of our race more quickly?

  "I'm doing nothing to put our world at risk. I can handle one female. That the queen feels one small off-worlder can upset our balance is why the males are leaders here. Even the queen's power is answerable to us"

  A murmur passed over the crowded room, heads nodding in agreement. The fire in the queen's eyes told him he was making head way.

  She stood up, slapping her palms down on the table in front of her. “I will not have the daughter of a murderer attached to a council member."

  At her words, a silence fell like a thick blanket. Heat burned behind Tyron's eyes. “If you have hurt Shayna in anyway because of your jealous rage, I will see that your reign comes to an end."

  "You threaten me!"

  "What does she speak of, Tyron?” One of the older High Regents asked.

  Without taking his gaze from the queen, he answered. “Your queen took an off-world breeder for herself. Maybe even now we could have a taint to our blood line."

  This brought many shouts, some of the council members stood in outrage.

  "She had the man brought to Eliscean Prime and bought him in a secret sale. She seems to do as she pleases without council.

  "I never mated with him so our line is not mixed."

  "It was only because he refused you. When you took him from earth did you know he had a wife and young daughter or did that matter to you?"

  More shouts filled the room.

  "In your lust and against our laws, you broke apart a family. It is any wonder he refused you."

  "This is not about me and my actions,” the queen stormed. “You will desist with this line of questioning.

  "Isn't it? This is why you want so badly to give my Calling mate to the dragons. She is the daughter of the breeder that spurned your bed. Kenneth Baldwin was her father and you knew it."

  The queen screamed in a fit of anger. All turned in stunned silence to stare at their red-faced monarch. At that moment, all saw her fit of temper, a mind unhinged.

  "I will not have that bastards name said in my presence.” She inhaled deeply before speaking again. “That female you bed is daughter to a murderer. I sent him to the dragon pit because he succeeded in destroying two of our seven growing stations, cutting our food supply by a third. He tried to starve us all."

  "He was trying to find a way to return to his family. This is why we have strict laws against taking any male or female with connections to their planets. You broke that law. My Calling mate has nothing to do with this. Return Shayna to me, now!” Tyron raised his voice, growing tired of dancing around what he wanted.

  "I will not. An imbalanced mind runs in her family and my decision stands. She is not Eliscean. She can't be a Calling mate."

  The elder council member spoke up again. “What the queen did is wrong in the eyes of the law and will be dealt with, but she has reason to worry. How far are you willing to go to prove this off-worlder is your true Calling mate?"

  "If I must, I will take the KarronMar."

  "No!” Taylee had entered after Tyron and had found his seat. He stood to voice his objections. “If anyone is unbalanced it is the queen. We have all seen her lack of control and emotional rage.

  "Tyron is gifted. We cannot afford to lose him because one of our females is sexually repressed, even if she is the queen. He has many honors and is highly respected. He would not lie. I have seen Tyron and his Calling mate together. They are tied, bound in soul. To take one would kill the other."

  The oldest chairman spoke again. “The issue is not Tyron's honor but the changes that will come if others hear that a Calling mate was found in an off-worlder. This will have great repercussions to our society. What if a Calling mate was found, yet she belonged to another or had a family. These off-worlders will bring about new laws and standards. Change will come and even war between our warriors. There will be those who will go against laws we hold dear. For this reason alone, we must take a vote. Is one female and Tyron worth a whole nations way of life?"

  "I bow to your wisdom.” Tyron broke in, “But this is not just me and my Calling mate's lives that your vote may end. Consider all the males who will turn, losing their souls in the future, because you have refused them a mate. Isn't life and change better than no life and an end to Eliscean?” Anger boiled in Tyron's chest. Change was never easy, but it would come if not with him and Shayna than with others. The talk of his death would bring questions and demand answers. Time would see change, but too late for him and his love.

  "Your words are noted. There must be a test. The gods will show the way we will go. Council, vote your minds and I will tally them. We vote on, one, Shayna is given back to Tyron."

  "No!” The queen shouted.

  "Two, Shayna is feed to the dragon's. Three, let Tyron show the bounding and fight KarronMar. Tyron may Dauring be with you."

  Tyron met Taylee's gaze from where he stood. A worried frown pinched Taylee's brow. No doubt, his brother was thinking the same thing. The situation didn't look good.

  Glancing over the voting members, Tyron demanded, “To calm the beast within, I would know if Shayna is unhurt and well cared for.” His gaze landed on the queen.

  "You will have no qualms with my care of her, High Regent.” Anger still radiated from the queen's gaze as she sat back in her chair. A satisfied twist to her lips made Tyron believe just the opposite was true. He closed his eyes and reached out to Shayna with his mind. He pictured her, calling out, looking for a connection then she was just there. He was seeing things through her eyes

  Shayna was somewhere dark and dank. Her thoughts filled with the cold and fear. She was chained to a rock ledge. Only one torch lit the area and with every flicker, she feared it would go out, leaving her in the darkness alone. Tyron had seen her fear of dark closed places in the lift they rode down to the market. A male guard stood in an arched doorway of natural rock, watching her with lust burning in his gaze. Shayna was being held deep in the underground caverns with no comfort.

  A loud roar echoed through the council chamber, drawing everyone's gaze to Tyron.

  "You will remove my Calling mate's chains and bring her up from the deep caverns. You will give her quarters befitting a mate of a High Regent, or I will tear you limb from limb and if there is one bruise or scratch on her person, yours will be tenfold worse. And you better hope the guard you set to watch her holds his lust or I will wrap him up as a gift for the dragons."

  The queen lifted her nose. “Touching me will see your life forfeit. I rule here."

  Tyron started for her, when he was taken from behind. A piercing pain hit the side of his neck as he struggled to throw off the guard on each arm. He tore one arm free and hit the guard in the nose. Then the strength seemed to melt from him. His legs folded. Tyron fell to his knees, realizing with building rage that he'd been drugged. “By Dauring, I'll destroy you all...” He fell forward
as his world went black.

  Taylee knew of the queen's treachery so at Tyron's first threat Taylee stood to make his way toward her.

  As the queen turned to leave, Taylee grabbed her, placing a blade to her throat. While the guards had been trying to take Tyron, Taylee saw the dart hit and knew Tyron needed someone to step in for him.

  When her guards started toward them, he warned, “Stay back. Lay down all weapons and drug darts.” Once they did as asked, Taylee continued. “High Regent Carmon and Ryssen, bind guard's wrists and see that all other of the queen's guard are subdued. It would seem, council members, that this female thinks herself above the council and has been doing as she pleases. She has performed many crimes against our laws and against the council members."

  "Unhand me!"

  "Taylee is correct,” the elder agreed his gaze steady on Taylee. “Is your vote to free Shayna?"


  "I make note of this. Now, see that the queen is locked in her residence. She is stripped of all rights as of this moment. We will set a council meeting to discuss her crimes after we deal with Tyron's issue. See to moving his mate to better quarters until sentence is carried out. Is this favorable?” The majority of the heads nodded in agreement. “Will someone see that Tyron is taken back to his residence until the drug has warn off."


  Taylee and Ryssen had checked many empty passages when there came a soft voice in song, floating on the stale air in the caverns below.

  Ryssen waved his hand down the passageway. “What is this? It's not screaming or a warrior's cry? It is gentle like a touch."

  "A female spirit song I believe. Shayna is directing us to her. She is a warrior at heart. She lulls the guard to sleep yet calls to us at the same time without letting the enemy know."

  "Are all earth females so brave and cunning?"

  "I don't know."

  "I would be interested to find out."

  Taylee nodded in agreement.

  Both males pulled lasers from their belts as they closed in. The guard was sitting on the floor by the door when Taylee and Ryssen stepped out of the passage carrying torches. Ryssen kicked the guard's feet out from under him as he tried to stand.

  "Sit where you are and put these cuffs over your wrists.” Ryssen threw the irons into his lap.

  "I'm the queen's guard. You have no right to subdue me."

  "The queen is under residence lock with all powers stripped, and all her guards are in lock up until her sentence is decided.” Taylee added. “Shayna is going with us by council's orders."

  "Then you'll need these.” The guard threw Taylee the keys to her cuffs. “That female draws a males lust. I would barter for a piece of her."

  Taylee reached out, catching the keys in mid-air before swinging his fist into the guards nose.

  "You could have said, no."

  "You are lucky I didn't break it,” Taylee said as he walked into the small cell.

  Shayna glance up when he entered and her worried expression changed to a smile. “Taylee, I thought you were dead. Its good to see you aren't.” Her gentle voice broke over him like warm water, causing a shiver of pleasure. By Dauring, he was no better then the guard.

  "Its good to see you are well."

  "When the guard dragged me from your home, I saw you lying on the floor as if you were dead."

  His lips twisted in anger. “They are cowards to shot me with drug darts.” He took her hand and inserted the keys of the iron cuffs. One clicked and fell off. As he worked on the other, Ryssen stepped up.

  "Shayna, this is High Regent Ryssen."

  She smiled and he nodded. “Where is Tyron? I can no longer feel his presence in my thoughts."

  The other cuff fell off and both Taylee and Ryssen glanced at each other before turning back to her. She was rubbing her redden wrists. “You can feel him? How?” Taylee asked.

  "He is always touching my thoughts and answers my questions before I ask them, but now there is a dark void. Has something happened to him?” She started to reach out to Taylee then quickly dropped her hands. “Has he been hurt? Tell me."

  "The queen's guard hit him with a drug dart so the drug has taken his senses for a time. He will waken from it soon. But at this time we are to move you to better quarters where you may rest until tonight."

  She slid off the cold slab. “I will follow you Taylee. If Tyron puts trust in you then so will I. Thank you for your help."

  He bowed slightly. Her green gaze held a warmth that tightened his gut and stirred his loins. He quickly turned away, leading the way out as Ryssen took up the rear.

  * * * *

  Shayna sat in a window seat, glancing over the stark landscape. One palm tree surrounded by thick bushes covered an area about ten-feet square, the greenery reminded her of home, earth.

  The two suns stood low overhead, a constant reminder that she had only hours left to live. Her mind went again to Tyron. How long would the drug last? She missed him terrible. His strength and arrogance had made her feel safe and protected as well as able to face anything, but now she was alone, facing death on a strange planet.

  She needed Tyron. She loved him.

  That thought startled her and she placed her palm over her heart. Yes, she loved, Tyron. The feeling felt right, but it ran deeper than love, he was a part of her soul.

  The rattle of the lock on her door gave warning before it swung open. Her heart leapt in her throat when two black cloaked giants walked in, their heads covered by hoods.

  "We are the death men. Your time has come."

  "No!” She stood up. “I must see high Regent Tyron. He is my mate."

  The two men moved foreword, forcing her into a corner, then caught her arms and dragged her from the room.


  Night had fallen and panic ripped at her heart. Shayna kicked and jerked, trying to free herself from two thick-muscled black-cloaked guards, as they dragged her onto the grounds. At the center was a large circler arena, the dragon pit. Already two men and one woman hung between pillars, tall smooth, black, marble posts with dragon's head on the tops. Fire blew from their black open jaws, pouring light over the area.

  "Where is Tyron? I want to see him. Turn me loose."

  "Maybe he doesn't want to see you.” One of them laughed.

  They fastened metal cuffs around each of her wrists with chains attached, pulling her arms up and apart, to hang her between the marble posts. Her wide-eyed gaze frantically scanned the ocean of faces sitting behind thick glass walls in a building before them. All there waited to be entertained by her death. Yet, the only face she searched for, and desperate to find, was not seen.

  Where was he? Had he abandoned her? Had he learned about her father's actions here and now wanted nothing to do with her? Tears sprung to her eyes. The pain of impending loss swarmed up to fill her throat.

  The loud pounding of her heart roared in her head as the wind buffeted the white gown of sacrifice that clung to her frame. Large fire pits and torches in the clay and sand were set ablaze as the sky darkened. Her gaze searched the heavens not knowing which way the dragon would come.

  The terror grew as the minutes dragged by. The other manacled woman rocked back and forth on the chains, keening in a loud wail. Suddenly, a loud drum sounded with rhythm beats. It echoed around the metal walls of the arena and out into the night sky. They called the dragon.

  "Tyron,” Shayna whispered, closing her eyes and reaching out to him. Where was he? “Please, don't leave me alone."

  "Hold on. I'm coming, Kara." The words fell like warm satin across her chilly thoughts.

  "I hear your words in my mind."

  "A gift you have always had, my love, but feared to acknowledged."

  Tyron stepped out of the dark, a beckon of hope, and her heart leapt with joy. Firelight danced off the shiny black breastplate he wore. An onyx leather duster brushed against his calves with every long stride. He carried a long sword and shield but his gaze was what held her. He never lo
oked right or left, only at her with intense, glowing eyes that bound her soul. His pace was long, determined, and commanding. As he reached her, his large hand went behind her neck, pulling her forward for his kiss. His lips hungry, seeking, hers answering with all her need and love. She loved him. There was no reason to deny it. The emotion was strong, exciting, and comforting.

  When he lifted his mouth from her, she read the uncertainty in his gaze, before he concealed it. A sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach came as the truth of her nightmare became clear. She had foreseen her own death.

  "This is to be my fate?” Shayna asked.

  "Our fate, if I can't stop the dragon."

  "No, Tyron. What have you done?” The chains rattled, as she tried to reach for him but the iron rings were too short.

  "This is not what I had wished for us, my love, but it is what we are given. I will stand between you and the beast. If I can slay it, I will win our freedom. If I can not..."

  She was shaken to her very soul. He was standing between her and death. Her knees grew weak and tears pooled to roll down her cheeks. “Tyron, you would give your life for me?"

  He ran a finger along her jaw. “There is no life without you, Shayna. From the moment, we made love our souls were linked. This night I fight for both of us. Pray to whatever god you worship that I have the strength to see the battle won."

  Tyron wanted to live his life with her, to stare into her beautiful emerald eyes, to feel her hands and mouth on him every hour of every day. Would he get that chance?

  "Love me, Shayna” The words hung in his soul, his mind, unspoken.. Tonight he feared they would be separated for eternity, yet in the last few days they had loved for a lifetime.

  "Tyron ... I love—"

  A piercing screech from above brought all gazes to the night sky. Tyron stepped away from her so he would have room to swing his sword. He planted his feet and closed his eyes, reaching out with his senses. They would be his eyes in the night sky.


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