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Runaway Ride: Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

Page 22

by A. L. Summers

  Lila looked up at her reflection. Most girls joined a motorcycle club because it was the cool and rebellious thing to do, not to mention the chance to hook up with an outlaw, daredevil biker. Lila had joined the Red Angels MC because she'd been expected to join the family business. She'd even dyed her shoulder-length hair red years ago when she'd first started doing little errands for the club. Now it was just a sick joke and she'd become the "red angel" of the club who'd been daddy's loyal puppy since her early teens. So loyal she'd even modeled her appearance for the club. One more reason to change her hair color.

  A knock at the door came just as she was reaching for one of the hair dyes. She ignored it. It was probably some drunk who had couldn't remember his room number.

  Another knock came, louder and more insistent.

  "Fuck off!" Lila called out indignantly as she read the instructions for the hair dye.

  A third knock, this time more like a pounding. Lila cursed and dropped the dye bottle in the sink and stormed over to the door. In her irritation, she didn't think to take her gun with her. She unbolted the door and opened it.

  As soon as Lila had opened the door a crack, the person on the other side kicked it all the way open. Lila fell backwards onto the floor as a biker entered the room, pointing a handgun straight at her head.

  "Don't move or squeal," the biker said menacingly. He shut the door behind him and locked it, keeping the gun pointed squarely at Lila's head.

  Lila's body was buzzing with adrenaline, and her instincts screamed for her to make a dash for her own gun. But if she did that, she knew she was as good as dead. Against the surging tide of panic and rage, she complied with the intruder.

  The man who'd stormed into her motel room was powerfully built, with a moustache and goatee that made him look oddly refined and rugged at the same time. He certainly wasn't a Red Angel. She knew every member of her father's MC, as well as most of the club's outside contacts, and he wasn't any of them. Weirder still, there were no patches on his jacket to identify which club he belonged to. If he was some kind of bounty hunter sent by her father, it begged the question why he wouldn't send his own men after her.

  "Roll onto your stomach," the mystery intruder demanded.

  Slowly Lila did as she was told, placing her hands behind her head. She still considered hitting the guy or making a run for it, but face down on the ground wasn't the best position to be in for either of those things. The gunman squatted down on top of her and took her wrists in his hands, binding them with a set of flexi-cuffs.

  "So I'm guessing you're not a cop," Lila said as her captor lifted her to her feet.

  "Did you see a badge on me?" he replied gruffly.

  "Well, who do you work for then? You're obviously not a Red Angel."

  "Just shut up and get on the bed."

  Lila complied, sitting down on the bed as her captor searched through the bag full of cash and confiscated her gun.

  "So where are you gonna take me?" Lila pressed for answers.

  "I said be quiet," he replied bluntly.

  "Or what?" Lila challenged him. "I'm no use to you dead or injured."

  "That doesn't mean I won't hit you to shut you up."

  "So who do you work for?" Lila ignored the threat and kept prying.

  "I told you to be quiet!" Her captor snapped at her.

  Lila suddenly brought her foot up and kicked the gun out of her captor's hand, sending it clattering across the floor. Deprived of his weapon, he lunged at Lila, who scooted backwards across the bed until she hit the wall. She tried to kick him as he approached, but he grabbed her feet and forced them out of the way. Before she knew it, her captor was lodged between her legs, pinning her thighs in place so she couldn't move.

  Lila waited tensely as the man bore down on her, asserting his physical dominance. Her hands were still bound behind her back, and now his entire bodyweight, with his groin pressed against her own, compelled her submission. And yet there was something strangely arousing about her situation. In the past, she'd kicked the ass of anyone who tried to put their hands on her, and the Red Angels knew better than to hit on the boss's daughter; but being pinned so roughly in place in such a vulnerable position by this man, stirred something inside her.

  Lila's captor didn't move for the longest time. Slowly, however, he started to run a hand across her thigh, then up to her waistline. Lila shivered when his fingers wormed their way gently underneath her shirt and touched the skin of her belly. Whether the shiver was due to the coldness of his hand, squirming at being touched by a stranger, or pleasure at being desired by this beast, Lila couldn't tell. Being so powerless was infuriating for her, and was made worse by the fact that her body seemed to want it even though her mind didn't.

  "What's your name, stranger?" Lila asked.

  "…Lucas," her captor replied after a hesitant pause.

  "Well, Lucas, are you gonna fuck me before taking me to your boss?"

  Since Lila was physically powerless to free herself from Lucas, she had to find some way to play with her captor's mind. As much as it galled her to use her body this way, playing on Lucas's obvious desire for her wasn't a bad start.

  "No." Lucas suddenly hardened his tone. "It's time for us to go."

  He slipped his hands behind Lila's back and hoisted her off the bed and onto his shoulder.

  "No, wait! You can't take me away, please!" Lila said in a panic.

  "I have to, sweetheart," Lucas replied in a businesslike tone. "I've got orders to follow."

  "Put me down you son of a bitch!" Lila shouted. She kicked and struggled as hard as she could whilst her captor tightened his grip on her thighs.

  Once Lucas had retrieved his gun and the bag full of cash, he carried his kicking and screaming package past the front desk and out to the van. Fighting against her struggles, Lucas put another set of flexi-cuffs around her ankles and applied a chloroform-soaked cloth to her mouth to silence her increasingly annoying shrieks. In any case, she was wasting her breath. The guy at the front desk had good dealings with the Iron Sons MC, and had even given them the initial tipoff about the Red Angels' runaway golden girl. Plus, there was no one around for miles to hear Lucas's captive's cries for help. In no time, they were on the road again for the long drive back to the Irons Sons' clubhouse.


  The road was completely empty. In the dead of night the only sources of light were the stars and the van headlamps. Lucas knew the road ran perfectly straight for miles, so he switched on cruise control and took his hands and feet off the wheel and pedals.

  Lila Black was still asleep in the back, knocked out cold by the chloroform. As she lay there, Lucas's mind began to wander towards his captive. Why had she run away? Would the Iron Sons just send her back to her father once they had what they wanted from the Red Angels?

  Lucas stopped himself. His job was to do whatever the club needed him to do, not to philosophize about why. Even so, his mind kept drifting back towards the young woman, alone in the back of his van. He'd never had to kidnap anyone before, and certainly never a hot, young redhead like the one currently in his possession. Something else was different, too. When he'd pinned her down on the bed, he'd hesitated. He'd never hesitated like that before, but something about the girl had diluted his resolve, however briefly. He’d wanted her. Lila was barely twenty, and her hips and waist had well defined curves. When he'd touched her skin, the soft, vulnerable flesh had made him stir even more. He'd gotten hard just from that moment.

  Lucas slapped himself this time. The Iron Sons needed the girl unspoiled, or so the boss had said. Tapping her was off limits. But why? Was the club president keen on getting a first taste? Was that why he wanted Connor Black's daughter? So he could fuck her and send a message to her father? The questions kept nibbling away at his mind, including the treacherous thought of letting her go free, sparing her from whatever fate his fellow Iron Sons had in mind for her. He tried his best to suppress these thoughts and just concentrate on the job at hand
, but with little success. Finally, Lila spared him the effort by letting him know she was awake.


  Lila slowly came to, her vision still blurred and her head groggy from the chemical forced into her face. She was lying on the floor of some van, her wrists and ankles still bound. At least the floor of the van was carpeted, though what for she couldn't guess. The van was still moving, which meant she still had time to escape.

  Lila clenched her fists and squeezed her knuckles together as hard as she could until the flexi-cuffs slid over her hands and off. They left painful welts on her wrists, but at least her hands were now free. Under cover of the noise of the engine, she struggled for a while with the flexi-cuffs around her ankles. Eventually, it occurred to her to slip off her shoes, after which removing the plastic cuffs was much easier. But even though she was now free of her cuffs, she was still trapped in a moving van with her captor. Scanning around the van surreptitiously, Lila noticed a box cutter knife lying in the corner. Now she had a weapon. Keeping low to the floor, Lila took the knife and crawled up behind Lucas, then pressed the blade against his neck.

  "Do exactly as I say or I'll cut your throat," Lila hissed menacingly into her captor's ear.

  Lucas appeared to comply. Then he switched off cruise control and slammed on the brakes, swerving into a hard shoulder and pulling over. Lila went flying forward and dropped the knife, but now that they'd come to a stop, Lila grabbed the keys from the ignition and bolted into the back again. Lucas scrambled after her and grabbed her foot as she struggled with the rear door. She kicked and struggled as Lucas fought to subdue her, and before long he had her wrists and body pinned down again.

  Lila's heart was pounding. Once again, her captor was bearing down on her, lodged firmly between her thighs. Only this time, he looked a lot angrier.

  "You could've gotten us both killed, you stupid bitch!" Lucas snarled.

  "Can you blame me after you kidnapped me, asshole?" Lila snapped back.

  "I don't want to hurt you, Lila, I really don't," Lucas answered, "But you're testing my patience to the limit."

  "Do you even know why I ran away from the Red Angels?" Lila asked, more anguished than angry. "Do you even care?"

  "No, I don't know or care," Lucas replied bluntly. "I do what the Iron Sons need me to do, and I do it without hesitation or failure."

  Lila should have felt fear in that situation. But instead she was frustrated. She was helpless and powerless beneath the imprisoning weight and overpowering strength of this man. She couldn't dislodge him or escape without his consent, and for some bizarre reason, a growing part of her didn't want to. His sheer aggression and physical strength was intimidating, and yet he hadn't actually hurt her. The power to harm her was there, but thus far he hadn't used it. Why was he being so gentle with her? His position of dominance, coupled with the fact that his crotch was pressing against her own, was causing a fluttering in her heart and a strange tingling in her pussy. Was she actually lusting after her kidnapper? How sick.

  And yet it was true. The more she accepted the fact that her only chance of freedom was through her captor, the more her body felt drawn to him. It was an infuriating feeling, knowing that she'd have to plead from a position of submission, but it was all she could do.

  "Lucas," Lila said in a subdued voice, "please, just let me go."

  "I can't do that, Lila." Lucas replied with a tiny hint of regret, "I have orders, and I need to follow them."

  "If you'd been ordered to kill me, would you have done it?" Lila asked him. He paused for a long time before answering.

  "I've killed people before," he replied at length, "but I'm glad it's never been that often. And you're no use to anyone dead."

  "My dad ordered me to kill someone today," Lila began. "I've always done whatever he wanted, even when it meant not having a normal life outside an outlaw biker club. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't murder someone in cold blood just to prove my loyalty to him. That's why I ran away. I want to get away from this life where I'm just a chess piece for the Red Angels and the Iron Sons and all the other groups. I just want my life to be mine to control for once."

  Lucas kept up a hard exterior, but it was clear Lila's plea had had an effect on him, and not just emotionally. It was obvious her body had aroused him back at the motel, and the same thing was happening again now. She could even feel the bulge in his crotch growing just from being so close to her. With reluctant growing desire, Lila began to hump her captor, gently grinding her groin against his. Lucas's hands slowly relinquished their grip on Lila's wrists and began to wander down over her breasts to her waist and up underneath her shirt again. His touch made Lila shiver, this time in genuine pleasure, as he savored the feel of her soft, feminine skin. Far from taking advantage of her partial freedom to escape, Lila's hands remained pressed back against the floor, as if they were still pinned in place. She arched her back sensuously as her kidnapper ran his hands across her bare skin.

  At last neither of them could hold back any longer. Lila pulled her shirt off before undoing and discarding her bra as Lucas removed his jacket and took off his own shirt. Their pants were next to go as they unbuttoned and tugged off the rest of their clothing, leaving themselves totally naked. Lila's excitement spiked as she beheld Lucas's powerful body. His arms and shoulders were thick with strength. The muscles of his chest and stomach looked like they had been carved from stone. Physically, he was the epitome of a male, and Lila's female instincts compelled her to submit her body to him.

  Lucas pinned Lila in place with one hand planted between her breasts as he used the other to maneuver his manhood into position. Lila lay flat on her back, spreading her thighs wide as she welcomed the inevitable penetration. When his rod of flesh touched the entrance to her womanhood, a shiver of excitement rippled up and down her body. Then the tip of his masculine spear was thrust into her, making her squeal in spite of herself.

  Lila had never felt so vulnerable in her life. Her father would have beaten to a pulp any man who tried to lay their hands on his daughter, even if that man was one of his own Red Angels. And yet here she was, naked with a stranger from a rival gang on top of her, his flesh embedded in he's like a key in a lock. But the Rubicon had already been crossed. Her captor had succumbed to his lust for her, and she in turn had surrendered to her own. Having started, they couldn't stop until their encounter had been consummated and both their desires had been satiated.

  Lucas began to thrust, his hips grinding back and forth with practiced precision. Lila was wet enough that his member glided smoothly within her feminine depths. But each incoming stroke had enough masculine force behind it that they elicited helpless yelps out of her mouth. She hadn't gotten a proper look at his manhood before it went inside her, but it felt sufficiently thick that it made her pussy stretch. His thrusting was slightly uncomfortable, but not too painful to endure. Lucas, on the other hand, couldn't have cared less how painful it was for Lila. As she gazed up at him, she felt awed and cowed by the desire that had glazed over his vision. His cold and gruff exterior had given way to the wild animal underneath, as evidenced by the increasing vigor of his thrusting.

  Though a prisoner of the man above and inside her, the whole experience was strangely liberating for Lila. As the daughter and heir-apparent of the Red Angels club president, any kind of love life had been off limits to her. Even her fellow Red Angels knew better than to hit on her. Spreading her legs and submitting herself to a member of a rival club wasn't just an act of lust on her part—it was an act of defiance. All her life she had toed the fine line drawn by her father for her to follow. Now she was pursuing her own base desires, obeying her own passions in brazen contempt for daddy's enforced and hypocritical puritanism. She may still have been a captive of the man thrusting between her thighs, but in the heat of the moment, Lila had never felt so free.

  What little restraint Lucas still had was slipping away as his strokes accelerated to a frenzied pace. Lila's love-tunnel lubricated every milli
meter of his path inside her, eager to receive the virile offering that would soon be coming. Each thrust set off a tingling in her groin. The tingling became successive waves of ever-stronger pleasure, increasing in intensity with each following plunge. The ecstasy pooled in her belly and eventually became too potent to resist. Lila cried aloud as a full body orgasm set her nerve endings on fire. She grabbed her captor's torso and hugged him close, running her hands across his muscled shoulders and back as the ecstasy washed over her.

  Lila's surrender to the pleasure between her thighs visibly excited Lucas. In response, he quickened the speed of his strokes to a rapid fire pace, determined to drive on towards his own climax. His willing conquest spurred him on, wrapping her legs around his body and locking her ankles behind his lower back. Before long, Lucas felt a churning in his balls, heralding the coming finale as Lila clawed at his back, practically begging him to unload himself inside her.

  Lucas snarled aloud and thrust his crotch into Lila's as far as he could go. She held his body close with all four limbs as she felt his manhood writhe like an angry serpent inside her cunt. The first spurt felt like a molten fountain inside her, ejecting a sticky, warm dollop of his male seed into the back of her pussy. The second spurt was just as powerful, like an explosion of sensual warmth in her most personal entrance. They were followed by a third and a fourth and a fifth. A seemingly endless succession of ejaculations filled up Lila to the brim, with Lucas keeping her womanhood firmly plugged, hell bent on ensuring that every last drop of his seed was deposited exactly where it belonged.


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