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Runaway Ride: Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

Page 40

by A. L. Summers

  She gasped, both because she realized that she had not put on her robe and because his touch had caused a wave of intense sensation to pass through her body. He moaned slightly and pulled his hand back onto his abdomen. He was not awake, so the touch was an involuntary movement. So, too, was Hannah’s response to that touch.

  She stood back looking at the sleeping figure on the couch, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She hadn’t worn her robe because normally she didn’t need a robe to come out into her own living room at night. But then again, normally, she wore long, loose-fitting pajamas when she went to bed.

  Why did I put on my good, blue nightie with matching, close-fitting boy shorts tonight? Was I subconsciously dressing sexy for him? Did I intentionally leave my robe in the bedroom so that he might see more of my body than he had at the shop? No! He’s just a stranger in need of help. It means nothing. I was just checking that he was OK, she told herself. As she stepped back into her bedroom, she said quietly, yet aloud, “And he’s much more than OK.”

  She slept after that. Her dreams were no longer filled with the faces of the men who pounded on the door to the coffee shop seeking out their escaped victim. Instead, she dreamed of William’s face...and William’s body... and William’s hands softly stroking her.

  She awoke suddenly to the realization that it was her own hand moving across her breast and between her legs.

  Hannah jumped out of bed and raced into her bathroom. She stood in front of her mirror with her hands on her hips and spoke sternly to herself, “Pull yourself together, Hannah. Just because you are in a dead end job and your plans for your life are falling apart doesn’t mean that you need to go falling in love with some handsome biker who just happened to collapse into your arms and is now sleeping in your living room.”

  When she finished speaking, she stood staring at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were wide. She realized that she had just spoken the truth out loud. Her life was going nowhere. Her plans for after college were in shambles. And William Grims, who had fallen into her life and was now sleeping in the other room, was a very, very handsome man.

  “But he’s just a biker,” she told her image in the mirror.

  Her image grinned back at her as she thought, But, he is different from any biker I have ever met.

  With that, she turned and left the bathroom to check on William. This time, she remembered to put on her long, fluffy robe.

  “Are you awake?” she asked as she came into the living room.

  “Yes,” William answered. He was still lying on his back on the couch. His muscular arms were on top of the covers with his bare shoulders and the top of his chest showing. He pulled back the covers and slowly sat up. Hannah could see the two medical staples just to the left of his naval. The stab wound looked small now that it had stopped bleeding. The pressure of the staples caused the skin to pucker, but it was apparent that the scar, if there was one, would be hard to see in the rippled muscles of his abs.

  “If you’re hungry, I’ll fix you some breakfast,” she added, as she passed on through the living room and into the kitchen. She wanted to talk, but she wanted something to do with her hands while she talked. Frying up some eggs and bacon would give her that chance. It would also keep her from staring at his naked chest.

  “Do you have some coffee?” he asked as he sat at the table. “I could make some for us if you tell me where it is.”

  She pointed to a small coffee machine that used the little plastic pre-measured cups. “Inserts are in the carousel under the brewer,” she explained. “The choice is strong and stronger. No flavors. I serve the fancy stuff all day, but I just want good ol’ black coffee for myself in the morning.”

  William laughed. “Thank you for taking me in for a day or two,” he said. “You’re truly a life saver.”

  “What happens next?” she asked. “Or for that matter, what happened last night?”

  He laughed again, but this time there was bitterness in his voice. “Things change,” he said. “Neighborhoods change. Cities change. Lives change.”

  He took a sip of his coffee. “My dad and some of his buddies started the Wheels when they came back from the war. It was their way of staying together, Brotherhood of the Open Road and all of that. They were a transportation unit, but they took high casualties. They painted Wheels from Hell on the sides of their trucks. That’s where the name for the club came from.”

  He looked up at the ceiling as if he were sorting memories in his mind. “Like a lot of the men who came back,” he continued, “they brought back a lot of problems with them. The club gave them a family that understood and it protected them, but it magnified those problems and they– including my father–drifted into a lot of nasty stuff.

  “They made a deal with the Devil– literally. They formed an alliance with the Devil’s Angels for some of the more lucrative and dangerous stuff. After some of the old timers died off or moved away, the Angels wanted to absorb the Wheels. Some of us said no, but the Devil’s Angels don’t take no for an answer from anybody.

  “Toni’s husband just wanted out. He had been too vocal and the Angels decided to make an example of him. They took turns raping her in front of him and then they killed him. They left her tied to a utility pole and him dead in the alley.”

  The anger and bitterness in his voice was almost overwhelming. “Police wouldn’t do anything because they want to keep peace with the clubs. Their response was a gang intervention program. After that, we had a truce until Mickey O’Brien screwed that up.”

  William again sipped at his coffee. His voice became more sad than bitter, as he said, “He wasn’t a good president, but there were so few of us left, it really didn’t matter all that much. Regardless of what anyone did, sooner or later the Angels were going to get tired of waiting and wipe us out.

  “They found out I was planning to go public with what was happening and decided they would make an example of me. I guess they figured if I was out of the way, the remaining Wheels would switch jackets. If you hadn’t saved me, I would be dead in an alley somewhere.”

  Hannah set two plates of eggs on the table and sat down with William. As they continued to talk, she found herself telling him more and more about her shattered dreams of becoming an accountant or perhaps even a CPA someday. He spoke of what it was like growing up in a club like the Wheels. Suddenly, it was 12:30 and time for her to get to work.


  The other baristas at Morning Star seemed especially tense when Hannah arrived. It was the tail end of the noon rush, so there wasn’t time for conversation, but in a lull, she asked, “What’s wrong?” and Mary nodded toward the far corner of the shop.

  Seated at the corner table were two of the five Devil’s Angels who had been pounding on the locked door of the shop the night before. They were sipping coffee and talking quietly like any of the shop’s other customers, but one or the other of them seemed to be continually watching Hannah as she worked behind the counter.

  Later that afternoon, one of the men left, but shortly thereafter another entered the shop. He ordered two large lattes, extra dark, and joined his fellow club member at the table. They remained in the corner until the evening news came on the TV. The lead story was that a body had been found stabbed to death in a downtown alley. It had been identified as Mickey O’Brien, President of the Wheels from Hell Motorcycle Club. The news announcer quoted the Chief of Police who expressed his hope that this did not mean renewed violence between the various clubs in the city.

  After they left, Ramone, the only male barista at Morning Star, motioned for Hannah to join him at the end of the counter. “They were asking everybody about you,” he said quietly. “They wanted to know where you live and things like that. We all said that you used to live over on Ninth Avenue, but moved a few months ago and we weren’t sure where you lived now.”

  Actually, that was the truth. Hannah had moved because she couldn’t make the rent in her previous apartment. She still was falling
short in her new, cheaper place. Ramone continued, “Mr. Roberston said I should work close tonight and let you go home at seven while it is still light. You can slip out the back door and go through the alley to where you park your car.”

  He looked at her with concern and asked, “Something happened in here last night, didn’t it? There was some smeared blood on the floor behind the bar when we opened this morning. Does it have something to do with this Mickey person who got killed?”

  Hannah smiled, or at least tried to. “No,” she replied. “It has nothing to do with Mickey O’Brien, at least not directly. I can’t talk about it right now, but I will explain everything in a few days.”

  The rest of the day passed without incident, but Hannah and the rest of the baristas nervously watched the front door whenever it opened fearing that the Devil’s Angels would return. At seven, she slipped out the back door and walked rapidly down the alley to the lot where she parked her car.

  During the short ride to her apartment, her phone chirped indicating that she had a text. It chirped again as she parked at her apartment building. She read both texts, as she walked to her apartment from the car. The first was two words, “They’re baaack!” The second was a little longer and read, “They said they were sorry that they missed you, but would be here to see you in the morning.”

  As soon as she put her key in her door, William opened it from the inside. He looked quickly up and down the hallway and asked, “Are you sure you weren’t followed? I thought you weren’t off until nine?”

  Hannah explained what had happened and showed him the texts. “They know,” he said softly. “I’m sorry I got you into this. They probably think you’re my girlfriend. That means they might hurt you to get to me. I’m so sorry.

  “I wouldn’t mind you being my girlfriend. That part I wouldn’t be sorry about; but, I don’t want you to get hurt,” he said, as he grinned softly. He brushed her hair away from her forehead and said, “Star crossed-lovers from the very start, I guess.” Then, he lowered his head to kiss her lightly on the forehead.

  At least that was his intention, but Hannah turned her head upward toward him and sought out his lips with her own. The tingle that was there when his hand touched her flesh the night before was now a thousand times stronger. At first he tried to pull back from the kiss, but Hannah was insistent and he finally pulled her tightly into his arms and fully returned her kiss.

  After what seemed like forever, they pulled apart and stood looking at each other breathlessly. “Come with me,” she said, as she lightly grabbed his hands and pulled him toward her bedroom.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied. “I’m not sure, but we could both be dead by morning and I would rather go out thinking I shouldn’t have than die wishing I had.”

  “It may be more like wishing that I could have,” he answered. “I’ve got a hole in my gut held together with two staples, remember.”

  “There’s more than one way to make love,” she answered with a smile, as she pulled him through the door. “And the man doesn’t always have to do all the work.”

  They stood alongside her bed. She moaned softly, as he slipped her blouse off her shoulders. When he pulled her close to him, she could feel small pieces of metal against her skin. The staples felt especially cold against her hot skin. “You lay down on your back,” she said as she pushed him lightly toward the bed.

  She pulled his jeans off his legs and he slipped his briefs down and off, while she removed the rest of her clothing. As she crawled onto the bed, she said in a voice that was somewhere between throaty and a giggle, “I’ve always fantasized about going full cowgirl with somebody. Guess I can check that off my bucket list after tonight.”

  She kissed his chest and then dragged her hair across his face. She gasped in pleasure, as he reached up and tweaked her nipple. In return she kissed his nipples and began to position herself over his waist. Despite his wounds, he had definitely risen to the occasion.

  Hannah was surprised at how wet she was when she lowered herself onto his manhood. She knew she was turned on and expected to be ready, but she was more than ready. She was sloppy wet and her juices dribbled down his engorged cock as he entered her. He attempted to thrust slightly upward into her, but gasped and winced and fell back.

  “I said I’d do all the work,” she said sternly. “You’re the patient and I’m your naughty nurse.”

  He laughed and said, “That another one to check off your bucket list?”

  She replied, “This may be our last night to work on that list, so I guess I’d better make the best of it.”

  She closed her eyes and began rocking slowly back and forth on his penis. She had never ridden a man before. The sensations were totally different than with a man on top. In and out movement was minimal, but the pressure against her labia and clit was much more pronounced. There was also a front to back movement of his penis within her that put pressure on places where she had never felt pressure before.

  She could feel herself building. Then, William’s hands were on her breasts and stroking her back and buttocks. Her passion began to race upward toward that elusive peak. She could feel herself pushing harder with each rock of her hips. She could also feel herself losing control. She attempted to say something, but all that came out were guttural gasps and groans. Then, she felt him erupting within her.

  As he climaxed, he involuntarily squeezed her breasts and that final rush was all it took for her to also reach her peak. A loud, keening wail escaped her lips and she collapsed on his chest, hungrily seeking out his mouth with her own.

  She could feel William’s arms pulling her tight against his chest. As her mind cleared, she asked, “Are you OK?”

  He smiled back at her. “I am more than OK,” he replied. “And for some reason, I now think I know what we have to do so that we have more time to work on our bucket lists.” His hands moved to Hannah’s thighs and he held her in place as he spoke. “But you will have to trust me,” he said as he stroked her legs.

  In response, she wiggled slightly on his lap, bringing a gasp of pleasure– or was it pain, from him as he tried to speak. She remained still, but did not lift herself off of him as he explained his plan. When he was finished, she asked, “Do you think it’ll work?”

  “We’ll know tomorrow,” he answered, “but either way, it gets you out of the line of fire.” Then, he grunted slightly and said, “Right now, cowgirl, I think your horse needs to go take a piss, so if you would please dismount, I’ll go take care of that.”

  Hannah laughed and carefully pulled herself clear of his manhood. She remained in bed while he went to the bathroom, and when he returned, cuddled in close against him. There really wasn’t anything else left to say, so he held her in his arms and they eventually drifted into sleep.


  First thing in the morning, Hannah called work and left a message on the answering machine. “If anyone asks about me,” she said, “tell them that I will be coming in at 9:30.” She added softly, “That will be after the morning rush and before the noon rush, so things can get resolved with minimal fuss and bother.” She then took a shower and fixed William her standard breakfast of bacon and eggs.

  At 9:25, Hannah slipped into the Morning Star Coffee Shop by the back door. She was carrying a large bundle in a paper bag. After she put on her smock and name tag, she walked out of the back room and directly over to the table in the corner where three of the Devil’s Angels sat. She laid something on the table in front of them and said quietly, “The Wheels are dead. William is gone. The neighborhood is yours.”

  One of the three reached out and lifted the leather jacket out of the bag, so he could see the flaming wheel on its back and the name, Wheels from Hell Motorcycle Club, emblazoned on it. He stuck his finger through the knife hole on the left front and asked, “Is Billy Boy gone, gone or dead, gone?”

  “Either way, he’s gone,” she answered. “Long live the Devil’s
Angels.” Her voice was mocking and filled with bitterness, but the words were what needed to be said– or at least they were the words that the three Devil’s Angels needed to hear. The leader of the three stood and draped the jacket over his arm. As he headed for the door, the other two fell in behind him. When they were gone, Hannah walked over to the shift manager and said simply, “I need to take the rest of the day off. I’ll be back in tomorrow at my regular time.” When she got back to her apartment, it was empty.

  There was a note in the center of the table. It read simply:

  If I’m still alive, I’ll see you in a month.

  Take care of yourself, cowgirl.



  A month had passed...and then another week. Things returned to normal. It was past 8:30 and Hannah was practicing her foam artwork. Tonight she was working on the rose, but for some reason for her last attempt she decided to make a giraffe. That’s the one that never got made that night, she thought to herself. Then, she heard the door open and close.


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