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Adolph's Choice (Grooms with Honor Book 7)

Page 10

by Linda K. Hubalek

  “Why would I need a match?”

  “To burn one—or two—photographs?” Adolph asked in a serious tone.

  “Well, this one,” Poppy said as she picked up the frame with Anna Marie’s photo, “could be tossed in the stove because it’s unrecognizable, so no use keeping it. I might give this frame to Linnea though, as she said they were going to have Fergus take a portrait of Sophia for her first birthday. Don’t you think this picture frame would make a nice gift?”

  “I think your decision is best on both accounts,” Adolph replied as he removed the photo from the filigree frame and handed it to Poppy.

  Poppy took the portrait but waited for Adolph’s nod before she walked to the stove, opened the fire door, and threw the photo on top of the burning wood. She watched the cardboard catch fire and turn black before closing the metal door.

  “What about the other portrait? What do you want to do with it?”

  “Set it on the parlor table beside the crystal vase of roses. That way we can admire it wherever we sit in the room.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. Poppy, please forgive me for hurting you. It was never my intention to do so.”

  Poppy made the first move. She walked to Adolph, wrapped her arms around his waist, and stood on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.

  “I’m sorry too, Adolph. I know with all my heart you’d never intentionally hurt me. I’ve never had a man I could trust before.”

  “I’m glad you can trust me to try to do the right thing. I’m sure there will be more times than we can count in our next fifty years together that I’ll do something that riles or hurts you. But please know now that I really do love you, Poppy. You’ve burrowed into my heart, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

  “I love you too, Adolph. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

  They sealed their love with a long kiss before Adolph pulled back.

  “I’d like to say our wedding vows again in church this next Sunday, with or without the congregation being present. Your choice.”

  “Why? We’ve said them once already.”

  “I asked Pastor to leave out one section of the service because we’d just met, and it didn’t apply to us at the time. Are you game to stand before the altar and do the service again?”

  Poppy broke out into a broad smile. “I don’t know what you have up your sleeve, Mr. Bjorklund, but I’m game—but not in front of the entire congregation this time. How about just us, Pastor, and Kaitlyn after the service?”

  “That’s a wonderful idea, Mrs. Bjorklund.”

  Adolph picked up their wedding portrait and handed it to Poppy, and then blew out the lantern. They made their way, hand in hand to the parlor where Poppy set the frame on the table. She touched the embedded flowers around the frame’s front. Adolph really did pick the best frame for their wedding portrait.

  “Thank you for everything, Adolph. Not just for this frame, but for this beautiful house, the furnishings, and for marrying me, even if I didn’t look like…the horned devil.”

  Adolph threw back his head and laughed. “I'm glad I chose you anyway. You’re the perfect woman for me.”

  Adolph pulled her close again and whispered, “let’s go upstairs before the cat beats us to bed.”

  Chapter 17

  After Pastor and Kaitlyn had greeted everyone after church, the four of them walked back up the aisle to the altar. Kaitlyn sat down in her usual place. The pastor picked up his service hymnal from the altar and turned toward them.

  “Please face each other and hold hands,” Pastor said as he found his place in the hymnal. Adolph was confident the man had performed the wedding service enough times to say it by heart, but he always had the hymnal turned to the right page to start with, even if he never turned another page.

  “I’m glad you’re both ready to finish the wedding vows,” Pastor Reagan smiled while looking at them. The pastor then cleared his throat and turned serious.

  “Adolph, will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together with her in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live?”

  “I will,” Adolph answered while staring intently into Poppy’s eyes.

  Adolph had asked for Poppy’s ring before they started the ceremony. Now he slid the diamond ring back on her left ring finger.

  “Poppy, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

  Pastor turned slightly to address Poppy.

  “Poppy, will you have this man to be your husband; to live together with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto him as long as you both shall live?”

  Poppy squeezed his hands and clearly said, “Yes, I will.”

  “Adolph and Poppy, in so much as the two of you, have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of this ring and the joining of your hands, I now declare you to be husband and wife.

  “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance unto you and give you peace.”

  “Want to seal your vows with another kiss, Adolph?” Pastor Reagan asked with a grin on his face.

  “With pleasure, sir.”


  Poppy threw her arms around Adolph’s neck and met Adolph’s lips with enthusiasm. What incredible luck to find such an adoring husband through a—she had to admit—deceiving marriage advertisement. Poppy had used another woman’s photograph to protect herself, but by doing so, Adolph had chosen and accepted her with all her good and bad traits.

  Adolph was a groom of honor, and Poppy knew he’d always love and adore her.

  The End

  Who falls in love next? Be sure to watch for Tully’s Faith when Tully Reagan meets his match with Violet Tucker.


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  Many thanks from the Kansas prairie!

  Linda K. Hubalek

  Historical Romance Books by Linda K. Hubalek

  Grooms with Honor Series

  Angus’ Trust (Angus and Daisy)

  Fergus’ Honor (Fergus and Iris)

  Gabe’s Pledge (Gabe and Iva Mae)

  Mack’s Care (Mack and Pansy)

  Cullen’s Love (Cullen and Rose)

  Seth’s Promise (Seth and Lily)

  Adolph’s Choice (Adolph and Poppy)

  Nolan’s Vow (Nolan and Holly)

  Elof’s Mission (Elof and Linnea)

  Jasper’s Wish (Jasper and Julip)

  Tully’s Faith (Tully and Violet)

  Brides with Grit Series in order:

  Rania Ropes a Rancher (Rania and Jacob)

illie Marries a Marshal (Millie and Adam)

  Hilda Hogties a Horseman (Hilda and Noah)

  Cora Captures a Cowboy (Cora and Dagmar)

  Sarah Snares a Soldier (Sarah and Marcus)

  Cate Corrals a Cattleman (Cate and Isaac)

  Darcie Desires a Drover (Darcie and Reuben)

  Tina Tracks a Trail Boss (Tina and Leif)

  Lorna Loves a Lawyer (Lorna and Lyle)

  Helen Heals a Hotelier (Helen and Ethan)

  Faye Favors a Foreman (Faye and Rusty)


  Contemporary Romance Books by Linda K. Hubalek

  The Clear Creek Legacy Series features descendants of the Brides with Grit and Grooms with Honor families (available and future titles)

  The Saddler’s Legacy (featuring the Shepard families)

  The Rancher’s Birthright (featuring the Reagan families)

  The Marshal’s Gift (featuring the Wilerson families)

  The Cowboy’s Heritage (featuring the Hamner families)

  The Soldier’s Bequest (featuring the Brenner families)

  Historical Fiction Books by Linda K. Hubalek

  Trail of Thread Series

  Trail of Thread

  Thimble of Soil

  Stitch of Courage

  Butter in the Well Series

  Butter in the Well

  Prairie Bloomin’

  Egg Gravy

  Looking Back

  Planting Dreams Series

  Planting Dreams

  Cultivating Hope

  Harvesting Faith

  Kansas Quilter Series

  Tying the Knot


  About the Author

  Linda Hubalek grew up on the Kansas prairie, always wanting to be a farmer like her parents and ancestors. After earning a college degree in Agriculture, marriage took Linda away from Kansas as her husband worked on engineering jobs in several states.

  Meanwhile, Linda wrote historical fiction books about pioneer women who homesteaded in Kansas between 1854 to the early 1900s, especially her own immigrant ancestors.

  Linda Hubalek and her husband eventually moved back home to Kansas, where they raised American buffalo (bison) for a dozen years.

  Linda currently writes sweet historical western romance and an occasional contemporary western romance.




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