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Once with a Cowboy: Loving Day Collection (One Night Only Book 1)

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by Illyria, Selena

  Once With a Cowboy


  Selena Illyria

  “Once with a Cowboy”

  Copyright 2015 Selena Illyria

  Edited by Amie Stuart

  Published by Selena Illyria

  Cover by Melissa Blue

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or

  dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the web-without permission in writing from the author.


  For Cat Johnson, this is your fault. ;-)

  For the Bacon Fiends: Dahlia, Jodi, Sabrina, Tilly, Lissa, Esther, Leah, and Robin.

  To My Fellow NSC Loving Day Peeps: Melissa Blue, J Hali Steele and Amie Stuart

  To My Editors: Amie, Robin and Nikita Thank You so much for your hard work.

  To Dee: Thank You for a gorgeous website.

  Chapter One

  “Shit, shit, shit. I’m late.” Vanessa checked her watch again before gazing out the window to judge their location. Across flat spaces and gentle rises and three highway lanes she could see the various shops spread out far enough they had whole lots to themselves without encroaching on their neighbor. Weak, waxy yellow light illuminated the dry patches of grass made all the more parched by lack of rainfall for the last week. No trees could be seen, just telephone poles and electric lines.

  The cab drove past the darkened Elm Springs Middle School and football field. Their cab turned a corner, cutting through the residential houses, weaving along tree lined streets until they crossed another street and headed back onto the highway. They passed more businesses with their overhead lights on, showing off empty lots before they found their destination; the Ice Rodeo Sports Bar sitting on a big lot and a short drive from the hockey rink. The parking lot was packed with cars. Some patrons milled around sitting at the end of their truck beds shooting the shit, talking about the local teams’ chances next year and prepping for the Stanley Cup finals coming up in the next week.

  Her phone vibrated against her hip, the dull buzz reached her ears causing her to still. Fuck! She prayed Ty wasn’t texting her, demanding her location. Why the fuck did I go to the diner with the girls after the bachelorette party? Ugh. She dug out her cell, surprised to see an email from her friend Briar. The subject line said, Job Offer. She scrolled through the email, her heart pounded in her ears and her body stilled as everything paused.

  Hey Nessa,

  It’s Briar. I know it’s been a minute since we last spoke. I’ve been taking our “vacation” to finally get some traveling done and just live life and relax a bit before my next major project. I’ve come to a decision and I want you to be a part of it. I’m starting my own company. What we did when we were part of the Green Leaves Technologies Firm but only more relaxed. It’s an all female company, I’ve decided on that. I don’t want to just focus on security though, I want to try it all, crazy I know. Anyway, I haven’t asked anyone else, yet. You were the first person I wanted to talk to. We can meet for lunch. I’ll be in town this week before heading up to Boston where we’ll be based. So yes, there will be a move involved. I want you to hear what I have to say and really think about it. Whether you decide to join me or not, I’ll just appreciate if you’d consider it. Okay, later gator.


  A tapping on the partition glass yanked her out of staring at the job offer.

  “What?” She glanced around her until she saw the double hockey sticks and neon sign announcing the Ice Rodeo Sports Bar was Open. Crap.

  “Ten dollars-fifty.”

  She blinked. “Ten-fifty? You’re shitting me! We’re not in a new county. You drove me from one end of the street to the other.” She shoved her phone back in her pocket and dug out her wallet in the purse. “I suggest you recalculate or you’re not getting a tip.”

  The cabbie tapped a few buttons. “Fine. Five bucks.”

  She smirked and took out the money along with a two dollar tip. “Just remember, Carl, I know your wife. You coming to line dancing night?”

  “Gee thanks,” he huffed. “And yeah, just don’t overcharge me, ‘kay?”

  “Like you? Never.” She opened the door and stalled as the early summer heat hit her full force, stealing some of her breath. It made her want to shut the door and order Carl to drive her to her air conditioned rental house. Before she could chicken out, Bruce, the Rodeo’s bouncer, was there holding out his hand.

  “Hey, Ness, boss man is looking for you.” His deep, baritone called out to her, cutting through the low murmur of people hanging out in the parking lot that could take the ninety degree heat. Maybe they were just crazy; she never asked why people insisted on spending any time outdoors in that kind of temperature.

  “On a scale of mild to spicy what’s his temper like?” She needed to know in order to figure out how to deal with him later. After spending a few hours with a couple of drunk, horny women she was looking forward to cuddling up with Ty and falling asleep.

  Bruce tapped his chin with his free hand showing off his big, deeply tanned bicep and thick forearm in the process. “Ghost peppers. We’re packed tonight.”

  “Fuck,” she muttered.

  Bruce nodded. “Yup.”

  “Go directly to jail or do I have time to stow my shit?” She sent up a silent prayer that she’d be able to at least hide the goodies.

  Bruce’s gaze dropped to the sack. A thick dark brow rose and his lips quivered but he didn’t smile. “Your stint starts as soon as you enter the bar.”

  Her shoulders drooped. “Thanks, Bruce. I’ll send Maggie out with a cold one for you.”

  “Thanks, Nessa. At least one of us has had an interesting night so far.” His dark brown eyes sparkled with mirth.

  “You know—”

  Bruce winked. “Careful with that bacon flavored lube. Real slippery. Now git. Boss will have both our hides.”

  She pressed her lips together to keep from asking the questions that popped into her mind. No time. The bag of sex toys bumped, crinkled and banged against her legs as she got out and walked toward the door. Bruce rushed forward and opened the door, ignoring the cat calls from some of the men milling around talking sports shop.

  “She didn’t even show you her boobs to get in!” Mitch, one of their regulars yelled.

  Nessa flipped the guy the bird. “Your boobs are far bigger than mine. Now shut up and enjoy your beer.” She grinned. Starting off her shift with a little tit for tat with a regular always put her in a good mood. But trepidation of what she could expect from her boss, hung in the back of her mind. This may be a pit stop before deciding what I want to do, but that doesn’t mean I want to get fired… Her happiness balloon deflated a bit at that thoug
ht. She shook it off and kept walking.

  “Fuck you, too, Nessa,” Mitch shouted at her.

  “Right back at ‘cha ya, Mitch. See you inside for another round.” She put an extra bit of sway in her hips as she entered the building, tension left her body as soon as she crossed the threshold and ran into the back of a customer blocking the door. The guy turned around, mouth open but he closed it as his gaze raked her from head to toe.

  “Out of your league,” she said as she muscled by him, taking great care not to lose her hold on the bag. It was a tight squeeze getting to the center of the pub. Once there, she could see no way to get behind the bar much less to the employees’ entrance to put her stuff away. Too many people, and she was already far too late for her shift. She could see Tyler’s beat up beige cowboy hat bobbing from side to side but saw no way to get to him. Every second that went by meant more time he thought she was slacking or not coming in and couldn’t be bothered to call in sick. She drew in a deep breath, hating that all of this could’ve been avoided if she’d just been judicious with her time at the bachelorette party.

  By the time she got to the counter area she was covered in sweat, hungry and ready to hurl her stilettos at a few people who’d stepped on her toes and hadn’t even bothered to say sorry. Her heart pounded against her ribcage and she huffed out air as she tried to catch her breath and rest for a second before wriggling the last few feet to the bar’s partition. Everyone around her shouted at the bartenders and waitresses, calling out orders, waving their hands and money in the air. Part of her was tempted to snatch the money, slap their hands and tell them to wait their fucking turn and be patient, but that would start a fight and she had no desire to be arrested.

  “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” Tyler called out as he poured some tequila into shot glasses.

  She watched the clear liquid slosh over the rim. Saliva filled her mouth and she smacked her lips as thirst hit her hard. She tried to stave off the desire by swallowing, but it didn’t help matters. The humidity, despite the air conditioning, clung to her skin and hung in the atmosphere reminding her of the heat she’d just left. Shouts from the pool table and foosball area dampened the classic rock playing from the overhead speakers. The clinking of bottles and glasses behind her and arguments from the various tables grouped around the big screen TVs showing an old hockey game added to the cacophony.

  For a moment she absorbed all the sights and sounds around her and smiled. As foreign as this place had been to her a year ago, now this was life. She glanced at Tyler, his features hidden under the beat up cowboy hat with a miniature crossed hockey sticks pin stuck to the front that was his signature look. He tilted his head up and the overhead lights illuminated his lips, which were curved into a smile. Relief swept through her at that gesture. He wasn’t mad. Her heartbeat picked up for a whole new reason and awareness surged in her blood. Pain and tiredness were forgotten as liquid heat filled her sex and tingles raced along her inner thighs. Later, she told herself.

  She shook her head and came back to the present. “Sorry, phone died. Need to get back there.” A small lie but she didn’t want to air out her personal business now. Not with the crush of so many people.

  “Come on back, honey. You’ll be punished later.” He lifted the thick slab of wood with ease and beckoned her to join him.

  Goose bumps broke out on her arms at his words and her pussy clenched but she ignored it and dove under his arm before he slammed it shut. A few people called out to her, waving money in her face.

  “Give me a second.” Ty dropped the green apron, with the pub’s logo emblazoned on the chest area, over her head. She turned around and let him tie it behind her. His heat brushed against her bringing with it his musky, clean, citrusy cologne as she turned to let him finish.

  “Hey! I got money over here!” A customer shouted.

  “And I have a sexy woman in my hands over here,” Ty shouted back. “Now shut the fuck up and wait your damn turn.” Despite the harsh words she could hear the smile in his tone and her tummy did a flip.

  He grabbed her bag and purse and stowed them in a cubby under the register. “Get to work, honey.” He gave her ass a gentle swat before turning to deal with all the demanding patrons. The soft sting turned into a burst of heat that flooded her groin. “Later. Now Section B needs you.”

  They fell into an autopilot dance turning, dodging and circling each other with familiar ease until the first wave of customers were served and the next came, waving money and calling out orders. Her arms ached, sweat dripped off her brow and her shirt clung to her body under her arms and at her chest.

  “What’s going on today? You doing a special you didn’t tell me about? And why so many women?” She noticed an increase in females among their regulars, all dressed in skin-baring Daisy Dukes with cowboy boots and cropped tops or tank tops.

  “It’s not even Wings Wednesday or Twofer Tuesday.” She grabbed a napkin and patted her face.

  “My charming smile? Or maybe it’s the early summer heat wave and a full moon. Or that special I’m running for a two ‘fer?” He lifted his hat and repositioned. Underneath, his wheat blond curls were damp and dark with sweat. She reached up without thinking and readjusted the hat so it sat in a way that didn’t shadow his whole face.

  “Not now, honey.”

  The sound of his deep, rich tone edged in huskiness raised goose bumps over her skin. Business hours, Nessa, fun later.

  Unfortunately, Ty didn’t play fair. He turned to face her, leaned a hip against the edge of the counter, giving her a full view of the tight white tank top that exposed his muscular biceps and various tattoos on both arms. The leather bracelets and braided leather cuffs and big black and silver watch showed off just how wide his wrists were. The bright material showed off his golden tan and clung to his torso like a second skin, showing off the ridges of his abs and his trim waist. Heat wave or two ‘fer with eye candy to boot.

  A flush crawled up her throat and filled her face as her gaze moved lower to his hips and the ridge of his fly, on down to his thick legs that the denim lovingly wrapped around all the way to the worn, scuffed tips of his copper and brown colored boots. She tried to study him as if she didn’t have a crush on him and failed. One glance at his chiseled face with his sharp cheekbones, square jaw and blue-green eyes and she was gone. Freckles dusted the bridge of his nose and shoulders in light brown spots. A wide smile showed off his straight, white teeth and sensual pink lips. He rolled his eyes at something behind her.

  She turned to see what had made him smile. She tried to keep from glowering. The buxom redhead the waitresses had nicknamed Jolene, waltzed up to the counter wearing a top that showed off cleavage so deep Nessa was sure the woman’s boobs would make a break for it by the end of the night. By the clearly defined outline of nipples and the dark shadow pressed against the near sheer top Nessa was also sure the woman didn’t know what a bra was.

  Jolene refused to deal with any of the female staff, preferring to interact with the men, Ty in particular. Nessa felt sure she looked wrinkled from sweating so much, her makeup was gone, her hair frizzed. Her aching feet, legs and arms wanted nothing more than to slink off and soak in a bubble bath, and in walked Jolene looking like she’d stepped off the set of some perfect cosmetics advertisement.

  A group of new customers made their way up to the bar, taking her attention away from “Jolene” and Ty. She served them and the next wave after them until she wanted to collapse, having reached her limit. A glance at the clock showed her she had an hour to go before closing.

  “Hey, gorgeous, can we get two brewskies please? In the bottle.”

  She glanced over at who called her to find her best friend’s crushes from across the hall, wearing matching tight navy blue t-shirts and jeans. One had classic dark Roman looks while the other looked like redheaded trouble with blue eyes that sparkled with mirth.

  “Gorgeous?” She snorted as she fulfilled their request. He must be blind. Had he
not seen Jolene still chatting it up with Ty over there? Ignoring her inner bitchy self, she grabbed their usual order.

  “I’ll put it on your tab, which you two owe me at the end of the week.”

  “You got it, gorgeous. And yes, I mean gorgeous. Ty only lets the hottest women work here. You know that, Nessa.” Drake winked.

  “Yup.” Roy bobbed his head. His blue eyes darkened and heated.

  She swallowed as a blush heated her cheeks and she ducked her head. It was sweet of them to attempt to make her feel better, but only a shower, a heavy petting session and cuddle with Ty would revive any of her spirits right now.

  “Drake, Roy, harassing my best girl?” Ty came over and slung an arm around her shoulders. Just the touch, the weight and the press of him against her made her knees sag as a wave of heat washed over her. She let out a soft sigh. She cuddled into his side before she realized just what she was doing. They were in public and although she suspected people knew what was going on with them, she didn’t want to give the rumor mill even more fodder.

  “Yo, you two gonna cuddle or serve me?” someone at the far end of the bar shouted out.

  She straightened up. “Gotta go kill…I mean help someone. Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone,” she warned before she slipped away.

  “You mean something you don’t want to have to punish Ty for later don’t you?” Roy called after her. “Ow! Damn it, man.”

  “Shut the hell up,” Ty hissed.

  She peeked over her shoulder and giggled when she saw Ty had taken off his hat and swatted Roy with it before, placing it back on his head. Nessa shook her head but couldn’t keep from smiling at his attempt to keep their business private. She just wished this wasn’t a temporary thing. As much as she enjoyed working at the bar and playing around with Ty, it wouldn’t do to get attached. After all, work relationships and commitment didn’t work out, the past had taught her that much.


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