Never Say Never

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Never Say Never Page 9

by Myburgh, Sonja

She looked over her shoulder and saw a large man walking towards the boy.

  “Oh my god! I am so sorry, my son…” Hayley started apologizing, but the man shook his head at her.

  “You should teach your kid some manners!” The guy exclaimed at her with an angry scowl.

  “I don’t know what got into him, he’s…” Hayley frowned.

  “Can it, lady. Come on Jimmy.” The guy said and he and his son stomped off in the opposite direction.

  Hayley frowned and exchanged a puzzled glance with Lucas. She looked over at Owain and walked up to him. "Owain!”

  “What?” Owain said, slightly agitated.

  “What has gotten into you?" Hayley looked at him.

  "Leave me alone." Owain frowned at her.

  “Hey buddy, don’t talk to your mom like that.” Lucas frowned.

  “Go away.” Owain scowled.

  "Owain Pearce, don’t make me take you home right now!" Hayley frowned at him.

  "He made me angry." Owain exclaimed.

  "Since when do you get angry?" Hayley frowned.

  "What did he do, buddy?" Lucas asked next to her.

  "He took the swing that I like." Owain said and looked at Hayley.

  Hayley let out a sigh and looked at Lucas. Lucas crossed his arms and headed back to the bench, to give her and Owain some space to talk.

  "Owain, listen to me." Hayley knelt down next to him on the grass and looked at him. "This has got to stop, okay? You can’t just push other kids off of swings just because you can’t get your way. Its wrong and it’s not you."

  "What do you mean?" Owain frowned.

  “It’s not something that you would normally do. You’re not like that, Owain. You’re so much better than that, baby.” Hayley frowned again. “So much better.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn't have pushed him." Owain nodded and looked at her. “I won’t do it again.”

  Hayley frowned slightly and ran her fingers through his hair. "No more pushing, okay?”

  “Okay.” He nodded and she watched as he ran over to his other two friends.

  “Oh my god.” Hayley let out another sigh and stood up, walking over to Lucas. Lucas shifted over on the park bench to make room for her to sit.

  "Is he okay?" Lucas asked.

  "Yeah, he's fine." Hayley frowned and sat down next to him. “Just a little steamed.”

  "Are you okay?" He asked.

  "I think so. Sometimes I wonder if there isn't something wrong with him." Hayley sighed.

  "He's just a kid." Lucas looked over at Owain, climbing up the jungle gym. "He'll grow out of it."

  "He's been very short-tempered and aggressive lately." Hayley frowned and ran her hands through her blonde hair. "Maybe I'm just over-reacting. Am I over-reacting?"

  "Maybe just a little." Lucas gave her a crooked smile. "He'll be fine."

  Hayley nodded with a smile and looked over at Owain, playing with his two friends on the jungle gym.

  "Hayley?" Lucas asked and looked at her. "Where is Owain's dad?"

  Hayley raised her eyebrows and looked at him. "He's dead. He died when I was pregnant with Owain."

  "I'm so sorry." Lucas frowned.

  "I'm not." Hayley looked back at Owain.

  "Did you two part on bad terms?" Lucas asked.

  "You could say that." Hayley nodded and kept looking at Owain.

  "I don't mean to pry." Lucas apologized.

  "It's okay." Hayley looked at him and he smiled at her.

  "I take it you don’t talk about him with Owain.” Lucas said.

  "No, I don’t. As far as I am concerned, he wasn’t the kind of father worth mentioning." Hayley's jaw clenched and Lucas nodded. “But Owain’s been asking a lot about him, and I don’t know what to tell him.”

  “Why, was he a bad guy?” Lucas asked.

  “He was, yes.” She nodded.

  “I’m sorry.” Lucas frowned.

  “Like I said, we’re much better off.” Hayley looked at him.

  "Were you married?" Lucas asked.

  “No, we weren’t. I barely knew him.” Hayley admitted.

  “What happened?” Lucas frowned.

  "Can we please not talk about this anymore?" Hayley frowned and looked at him.

  "Sure, of course." Lucas nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  "We should get home, actually." Hayley looked at her watch and reached for Owain's backpack. “He still has some homework to do.”

  "Sure. I’ll go get him." Lucas offered and stood up. “If that’s okay with you.”

  "Of course. Thank you, Lucas." Hayley nodded and watched as Lucas walked over to Owain on the jungle gym.

  “Come on, buddy! It’s time to go.” Lucas said to Owain.

  He held out his arms at Owain and Owain jumped into them. Lucas put him on his shoulders and they walked back to where Hayley was sitting.

  "We're ready to go, Mom!" Owain announced.

  Hayley smiled at him and gave Lucas an appreciative nod. He winked at her as she stood up and together, they walked over to her car. After Lucas buckled Owain into his seat, he closed the door and walked over to Hayley, standing by the driver's seat door.

  "Thank you for today. He really had fun." Hayley looked at him. “We really had fun.”

  "It's my pleasure. He's a great kid." Lucas smiled at her.

  "Yeah, he is, when he’s not pushing other kids off swings." Hayley nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Don’t worry about it too much, Hayley. Growing up is tough, regardless if you have two parents or not.” Lucas gave her a reassuring smile.

  “Thanks, Lucas.” She smiled at him and crossed her arms. “You’re a great guy.”

  "You’re great too.” He smiled at her.

  “Okay.” She giggled and her cheeks burned.

  “Look, I don't want to sound too forward or anything, but what are you doing tomorrow night?" Lucas asked.

  "Well, Thursday nights are usually cupcake night." Hayley laughed.

  "Cupcake night?" Lucas laughed.

  "Yeah, it's sort of a tradition." Hayley tilted her head at him with a smile. "You're welcome to join us."

  "I wouldn't want to impose on your tradition." Lucas frowned.

  "I’m willing to make an exception for you.” Hayley tilted her head at him. “We’d love to have you.”

  “Well, when you put it that way. Sure.” Lucas gave her a crooked smile. “Should I bring anything?"

  "Whatever you want." Hayley said. "A spare set of clothes should also help."

  "Why?" Lucas frowned.

  "It gets kind of messy." Hayley admits with a giggle.

  "Sounds like fun." Lucas nodded.

  "Come by at around four. That's when we usually start." Hayley smiled.

  "Perfect. I'll see you then." Lucas nodded and leaned against the car.

  Hayley felt her cheeks flush slightly and she fiddled with her keys.

  "Mom! Are we going or what?" Owain called out from inside the car.

  Hayley and Lucas let out a laugh and Hayley opened the door. "We're going."

  Hayley looked at Owain in the car, he was enthralled by his baseball mitt, unaware of anything going on around him. She smiled to herself and walked up to Lucas. She moved closer to him, lifted her chin and pressed her lips against his. She knew she had caught him by surprise, but she did not care. She felt his hands cradled her face and he kissed her back. She pulled away slowly and looked up at him.

  “See you tomorrow?” She asked, a little breathless and lightheaded.

  “Absolutely.” He whispered and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

  She smiled at him, turned around and headed back to her car. Lucas watched her walk away and dug his hands into his front pockets. He watched her drive away and smiled to himself, still tasting her on his lips.

  Thursday morning, as Hayley was wiping the counter with a wet cloth, she accidentally bumped a glass and it fell onto the floor, breaking into a million pieces.

  “Shit.” She cursed under her breath and went to the cupboard to get the broom.

  “Mom?” Owain called.

  “Be careful, Owain. There’s glass on the floor.” She sighed and irately swept up the glass.

  “At this rate we won’t have any glasses left.” Owain walked out into the hallway.

  “I haven’t broken any in a while.” Hayley shook her head and threw the glass into the garbage bin.

  “Mom?” Owain carefully walked over to her after it was safe to do so and looked at her. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, baby.” She nodded and looked at him.

  “Can I invite Luke to my birthday?” He asked.

  Hayley smiled slightly and tilted her head at him. “You want Lucas at your birthday party?”

  “Yes. I like him, and you like him too.” Owain said to her.

  “What makes you think I like him?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

  “You can’t fool me, Mom.” Owain crossed his arms. “I saw you kiss him.”

  “You did huh?” She frowned.

  “Does that mean you and Luke are going to have a baby?” Owain asked expectantly.

  “Are you ready for school?” Hayley choked and quickly changed the subject. “We’re going to be late.”

  “I just need some shoes.” Owain said and headed back to his room.

  The drive to school was less eventful, as Hayley avoided direct eye contact with Owain, why she was not sure. Even though her first three periods were uneventful, she felt like she was walking on air. She listened to twenty three fourth graders give an oral about eighteenth century England, and then she had to grade fifty seven English papers. She had a free period right before lunch and spent most of it grading papers. She was about halfway through the pile, when Grace came into her class.

  “So this is where you’ve been hiding.” Grace sighed.

  “I’m not hiding, I’m working.” Hayley looked up at Grace and smiled.

  “And here I thought being a teacher was fun and easy.” Grace chuckled.

  “It all depends on how you look at it.” Hayley smiled.

  “Why are you so cheery today?” Grace frowned. “Oh yes, you had a date with Lucas yesterday.”

  “It wasn’t a date, Grace. We took Owain to watch baseball.” Hayley smiled.

  “Sounds like a date to me.” Grace raised an eyebrow.

  “He’s joining us for cupcakes tonight.” Hayley grinned.

  “I thought that was just you and Owain’s thing?” Grace asked.

  “Owain doesn’t mind, he likes Lucas. He even asked me this morning if Lucas can come to his birthday party.” Hayley said.

  “Wow, Owain’s got a crush.” Grace chuckled.

  “He isn’t the only one.” Hayley grinned at Grace.

  “Did you kiss him?” Grace asked.

  “Maybe.” Hayley put her pen down on the desk and grinned at Grace.

  “Oh my god!” Grace exclaimed and leaned against the desk. “How was it? Was it good? He looks like he can be a good kisser.”

  “It was fantastic.” Hayley smiled simply and picked up her pen again.

  “That’s great, Hayley.” Grace smiled at her. “I’m really happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled again.

  “And it’s good to see you smile.” Grace walked back to the door. “I’ve got to get to class, but we’ll catch up later.”

  A few minutes after Grace left, the bell sounded and Hayley sighed to herself. She had more orals to listen to after recess, so she closed her folder of papers and took out her oral grading file. The class filled up with fourth graders and she had them start straight away. About ten minutes into the period, she heard a loud crash coming from down the hall and a loud scream. She jumped up from her chair and opened the door. She looked down the hall and suddenly Grace’s teaching assistant, Vanessa, came running down the hallway.

  “Hayley, it’s Owain.” She said breathlessly.

  “Oh my god!” She breathed and looked over her shoulder at her class. “Guys, I’ll be right back.”

  She followed Vanessa to Grace’s class and the screaming got louder the closer she got. She ran into Grace’s class and found Owain on the floor, surrounded by his classmates and Grace. There were tears running down his cheeks and he was holding onto his right arm.

  “Owain!” Hayley exclaimed and knelt next to him.

  “Mommy!” He whimpered and looked at her.

  “Grace, what happened?” She asked.

  “Somehow he climbed up onto the bookcase and he jumped down.” Grace said.

  “Wasn’t anyone watching him?” Hayley frowned at Grace and Vanessa. “There are two of you for god’s sake!”

  “Hayley, I’m sorry. I…” Vanessa stuttered.

  “Save it, Vanessa.” Hayley snapped and looked over at Owain. “We need to get you to the hospital, baby.”

  “Mommy, call Luke.” Owain whispered to her.

  “Owain, I don’t…” Hayley frowned.

  “Please, Mommy! He shrieked.

  “Okay, okay. I will call him.” Hayley nodded and ran her fingers through her hair.

  The ride to the hospital was short and rushed, but to Hayley it felt like years before Lucas answered his phone. Only when the call connected, she realized that she was holding her breath.

  “Donovan.” His voice was deep and resonant.

  “Hey Lucas.” Hayley let out a sigh of relief. “It’s Hayley.”

  “Hey! How are you?” He sounded happier than he did a second ago.

  “Not good actually.” She frowned and Owain let out another scream.

  “What happened? Are you two okay?” His voice changed again and became tense and serious.

  “Owain fell at school and I think his arm is broken. I am on my way to Mease now.” Hayley frowned and took a deep breath. “He asked me to call you.”

  “He did?” Lucas asked.

  “Yes.” Hayley nodded and Owain let out another scream.

  “I feel flattered.” Lucas chuckled.

  “And so you should.” She nodded and looked at Owain on the seat next to her. There were tearstains on his cheeks and he was clenching his arm against his chest. “It’s okay, baby.”

  “I’ll meet you at Pediatrics, okay?” Lucas said to her. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Okay.” She nodded. “Thank you, Lucas.”

  “No problem.”

  She dropped her phone onto her lap and continued to the hospital. After they arrived, Owain was taken to radiology for x-rays, and Hayley was by his side the entire time, holding his hand. His skin was pale from terror and he looked so tiny on the bed of the casting clinic.

  “We’ll be a few more minutes, Miss Pearce. You can wait outside in the waiting room.” One of the nurses looked at Hayley.

  “It’s fine, I’ll stay.” Hayley shook her head.

  “Mom, go find Luke.” Owain frowned and looked at her with a painful expression on his face.

  “Are you going to be okay, baby?” Hayley asked him.

  “I’m fine.” Owain nodded.

  “Okay.” She nodded and slowly left the room.

  After about twenty minutes, Hayley ran her fingers irately through her ponytail and looked over at the door. She paced the waiting room, waiting for Lucas to arrive. She could still hear Owain’s screams in her mind and she tried to think of something else. She closed her eyes for a second and felt her body shaking. The smell of the inside of the hospital made her queasy and a familiar feeling of discomfort ran through her veins.

  She felt his warm hand covering hers as she struggled to open her eyes. Her head was throbbing as she allowed her eyes to adjust to the light. She was alive! She couldn’t believe it! After all that! The memories of the last eleven days came rushing back and she gasped softly.

  “Lee…” His voice was soft and filled with concern.

  She turned her head slowly and multiple waves of nausea washed over her, causing her
to heave repeatedly.

  “Keep still, baby.” He whispered to her.

  He came into view and she felt relieved for the first time in eleven days. She looked into his green eyes and smiled slightly.

  “Daddy…” She breathed.

  “Yeah, it's me.” Steven smiled at her and she noticed his shallow tears.

  “You found me.” She whispered.

  “I found you.” Steven smiled and kissed the top of her hand.

  She let out a relieved sigh and turned her head slightly. She spotted him, standing in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall, sobbing his heart out.

  “Daniel…” She whispered.

  Daniel turned to her and rushed to her side. His eyes were bloodshot and his light hair was disheveled and messy, the way it would be after a weekend of studying.

  “I will leave you two alone for a bit.” Steven stood up and hastily left the room.

  “Lee.” Daniel choked and brought her hand up to his face. “I thought I lost you, my love.”

  “How long have I been here?” She asked.

  “For about four weeks.” Daniel answered softly, almost whispering. “You had hypothermia from the cold, and the gunshot nicked your artery, and miraculously missed your brain. Your body needed time to heal and…”

  “Okay, I get it.” She frowned.

  “I called everyone, with you disappearing, and I postponed the wedding, until you are better.” Daniel said and she looked at him.

  “You don't have to pretend that you don't want to marry me. I wouldn't want to after this.” She frowned and tugged lightly on her drip.

  Daniel lightly brushed her cheek and frowned. “I'm not pretending, Lee. I still want to marry you, you just need to get better first.”

  “You know what they did to me, right?” She looked at him.

  “Yes.” Daniel nodded sadly. “It doesn’t change my feelings for you, Lee. No-one can take that away.”

  “I love you so much, Danny.” She smiled slightly.

  “I love you, Lee.” He smiled at her.

  “I feel really nauseous...” She brought her hand up to her face and a sharp pain shot through her head. “Ouch.”

  “Do you want me to call the nurse?” Daniel's face was a whiter shade of pale and she looked at him.

  “No, it's okay.” She whispered.

  “Lee...” Daniel sighed. “They found the van that Jessica described a couple of miles outside Savannah. The two guys were robbing a gas station, but luckily there was a cop inside the store. One of them got shot, dying on the way to the hospital and the other one got away.”


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