Never Say Never

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Never Say Never Page 10

by Myburgh, Sonja

  “Which one got away?” She frowned and looked at him.

  “Are you seriously listening to yourself right now?” Daniel asked.

  “I just want to know…” She whispered.

  “I’m sorry I snapped. I’m just still in shock.” Daniel looked at her apologetically. “It has been a tough month.”

  “I can imagine.” She said and looked over at the table beside her bed.

  There was a newspaper and she asked Daniel to bring it to her. As she opened it, she saw the pictures of the two guys, Chad and Barry, staring at her. She read that Barry was the one that escaped and Chad was shot by the police officer.

  “Oh my god.” She gasped. “No…”

  “What is it, Lee?” Daniel was next to her again.

  “I can’t look at this…” She struggled to keep her tears from running down her cheeks. Of all the injustices that took place, the fact that Barry escaped and Chad paid with his life was the biggest one of them all.

  “I can’t believe he died…” She frowned.

  “The bastard deserved it.” Daniel shook his head.

  “Danny…” She frowned at him.

  “What, Lee? He did this to you and you feel sorry for him!” Daniel exclaimed. “You forgive people way too easily!”

  “I…” She stuttered and felt a sharp pain shoot through her jaw.

  She let out a painful scream and her heart-rate monitor started beeping uncontrollably.

  “Lee?” Daniel panicked.

  “Danny…” She shrieked.

  “I’ll get the doctor.”

  She felt his hand slip away from hers and everything went black.

  As she opened her eyes, she saw Lucas, in his medic uniform, running towards her. She felt the relief wash over her and walked up to him.

  “Oh my god, are you okay?” Lucas asked as he approached.

  “I’m so glad you’re here…” She looked apologetically at Lucas, but he opened his arms to her and hugged her tight.

  “I got caught up in Trauma, but I came as soon as I could.” He said to her and ran his fingers through her hair. “How is he? Is he okay?”

  “His arm is broken in three places, and he’s got a bit of a concussion, but he’s fine.” She pulled away and looked at him. “Stubborn as always.”

  “Like his mom.” Lucas nodded. “How exactly did he fall?”

  “He climbed up the bookcase in his class.” Hayley said with a frown and crossed her arms. “He was trying to fly like Spiderman.”

  Lucas let out a little laugh and Hayley glared at him.

  “What?” Lucas frowned. “I used to jump out of trees all the time.”

  “You had a brother that could catch you. Owain doesn’t.” Hayley looked at him and he put his arms around her shoulders.

  “He’s going to be fine.” He whispered in her ear. “Can I go see him?”

  Hayley tilted her head to the side and held out her hand towards him. “Of course.”

  Lucas gave her a slow smile and took her hand. They walked down the passage towards the ward and Hayley pushed through the door of his room. Owain was lying in the middle of a big white bed, his right arm in a cast and a small dressing on his forehead.

  “Luke!” Owain’s face lit up when they entered the room.

  “Hey buddy!” Lucas smiled at him and walked over to him. Owain opened his arms to him and Lucas gave him a hug.

  “You’re here!” Owain looked at him with a smile.

  “Yes, of course! Your mom called me to say you needed me.” Lucas looked over at Hayley and she smiled at him.

  “Can I have some juice, Mom?” Owain asked.

  “Sure, baby, I’ll go get you some. Lucas, do you want anything?” Hayley asked.

  “Some coffee would be great.” Lucas smiled at her and took his wallet out of his pocket.

  “No, it’s okay.” She shook her head.

  He nodded and watched her leave the room. He turned to Owain and grinned. “What can’t you tell me when your mom is here?”

  “How did you know…?” Owain frowned.

  “I used to do the same to my mom.” Lucas smiled and sat down on the bed.

  “You passed my test.” Owain said.

  “Your test? What test?” Lucas asked and he remembered when Owain first mentioned it in the convenience store. “That test.”

  “Yes, my test. As you are aware of, I don’t have a dad, and I am tired of other kids making fun of me because they have dads and I don’t.” Owain said.

  “Okay.” Lucas frowned, slightly amused and slightly intrigued by this little boy.

  “Yesterday I felt like I finally had a dad; that took me to a baseball game, someone to walk with my mom.” Owain dropped his gaze and sighed. “So I thought that I’d test if you were father material and you passed, because you’re here. You came when I needed you.”

  Lucas smiled slightly at Owain and ran his fingers through Owain’s dark hair. “Owain, I will always be here when you need me.”

  “Does that mean you’ll be my dad?” Owain looked up at him, his eyes hopeful.

  “Buddy, I think we need to discuss this with your mom first, before we decide anything, okay?” Lucas suggested.

  “Why?” Owain asked.

  “Because we have to consider her feelings as well.” Lucas answered.

  “I guess you are right, Luke.” Owain frowned. “You’re really smart.”

  “So are you, buddy.” Lucas smiled at him.

  “It’s only because my mom is so smart.” Owain said.

  They heard the door open and Hayley entered with two coffees and a juice for Owain. Owain and Lucas looked over at her and she frowned.

  “Everything okay?” She asked.

  “Yeah.” Lucas nodded.

  “Did I interrupt a guy moment?” She asked and handed Lucas his coffee.

  “Thanks.” He winked at her. “No, we were just talking about his flight to freedom.”

  “Oh okay.” Hayley frowned and walked over to Owain, opening his juice bottle. “Here you go, baby.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” He took the bottle from her and drank a bit. “I don’t understand why I fell.” He said after a few moments of silence.

  “Did you ever think that you can’t fly?” Hayley asked.

  “You said I could do anything.” Owain frowned at her.

  “Maybe your Spidey senses aren’t fully developed yet, buddy.” Lucas stepped in when he saw Owain’s bottom lip quivering.

  “How do you mean?” Owain looked at Lucas.

  “Didn’t your mom tell you?” Lucas acted shocked and Owain shook his head. “I’m shocked, Hayley.”

  Hayley rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms.

  “Tell me, Luke!” Owain demanded.

  Lucas winked at Hayley and turned to Owain. “Well, Spiderman only got his Spidey senses when he was about my age. He didn’t have them when he was younger.”

  “Really?” Owain frowned and looked at Lucas with an apprehensive expression on his face.

  “Yes, you’ve never heard of Spiderboy, have you?” Lucas grinned.

  “Luke, you make a valid point.” Owain nodded.

  They heard the door opening and Hayley and Lucas looked at the nurse entering the room.

  “Afternoon, Lucas.” She smiled at him, flicking her dark fringe off her face. “Miss Pearce.”

  “Afternoon Shelly.” Lucas smiled slightly.

  Shelly looked at Lucas for a few seconds and then turned her attention to Owain. “Let’s take a look at this arm of yours, little buddy.”

  “I’m not little. I’m almost six.” Owain frowned.

  “Are you really?” Shelly smiled at him and checked his pulse.

  “When can I go home?” Owain asked.

  Hayley leaned against the back wall and looked over at Lucas standing next to her. He leaned closer to her and crossed his arms.

  “I forgot to tell you something.” Lucas whispered.

  “What?” She looked at him.<
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  “I’m visiting my parents for the weekend.” He whispered.

  “You are?” Hayley frowned.

  “I want you and Owain to come with me.” He whispered and Hayley looked at him, slightly shocked.

  “Luke, we…” Hayley shook her head. “I can’t just…”

  “Hayley, please…” Lucas tilted his head to the side. “Just come with me.”

  Hayley crossed her arms and looked at him. “Okay. When do we leave?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon.” Lucas whispered.

  Hayley nodded with a slight smile and looked over at Owain.

  “I get to go home now, Mom!” Owain exclaimed and Hayley walked over to him.

  “That’s great news, baby.” Hayley smiled at him.

  About an hour later, Hayley and Owain were driving home from the hospital. She looked at him in the rear view mirror at Owain picking at the cast on his arm.

  “Stop picking at it, Owain.” Hayley frowned.

  “I wasn’t picking it.” Owain mumbled. “I’m tired.”

  “We’ll be home in a bit, then you can sleep for a while.” Hayley smiled at him.

  “Where’s Lucas?” Owain asked.

  “Lucas has to work today.” Hayley answered as she turned off into their street. “But he promised to come by later tonight.”

  “Okay.” Owain nodded and she could see that he was drifting off to sleep.

  As she pulled up into her garage, she could hear his deep breathing and knew he was asleep. She smiled as she climbed out and opened the back door. She unbuckled his car seat and scooped him out of his seat, draping him over her one shoulder. She entered the house through the garage and walked to his bedroom. After closing his curtains, she gently laid him down on his bed and took off his sneakers. He muttered a few sleepy words and as Hayley pulled the covers over him, he instinctively took hold of her hand. She ran her fingers through his dark hair and smiled slightly.

  “I love you baby.” She whispered and kissed his temple.

  She watched her five year old son drift off to sleep and a sadness filled her heart. It had been six and a half years since it all happened, and even though Hayley tried to push it to the back of her mind, sometimes, in the quiet of the night, she could still hear their voices, see their faces and feel the fear and terror of almost dying.

  Steven felt his shoulders slump as he looked over at the masses of people around him. They were walking through a field of tall grass, searching the whole area. He shone his flashlight out in front of him and sighed.

  “Where are you, Lee?” He whispered to himself and looked around him.

  “Over here!” A voice came from the other side of the field, close to the road.

  “We found her!”

  Steven dropped his flashlight and ran as fast as his legs could carry him towards the small group of people gathering by the side of the road. Daniel was following closely behind him. Steven reached the place and he knelt down on the ground beside the lifeless and bloody body of a young woman.

  “Steven, you don’t even know if it’s her…” One of the officers pointed out.

  Steven gazed over the body, wrapped in a wet blanket and unfolded the top part of the blanket. His eyes filled up with tears as he noticed the pendant, which was still around her neck.

  “It’s Lee.” His choked and burst into tears.

  Daniel also crouched next to him. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, it’s Lee.” Steven sobbed.

  Daniel leaned over and felt for a pulse. He looked at Steven in disbelief and let out a surprised and relieved laugh. “She’s alive.”

  “What?” Steven gasped. “Are you sure?”

  Daniel nodded and looked at Lee, covered in dirt and blood. “She’s alive.”

  Hayley’s eyes shot open and she sat up abruptly, her heart pounding in her chest. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes were wet from tears. She stood up from the couch and slowly walked to Owain’s bedroom. She went inside and sat down on his bed.

  “Mom?” His voice was barely a whisper, and an eerie feeling ran down her spine.

  “Hey baby. How are you feeling?” She smiled at him.

  “I’m fine. I’m not tired anymore.” He answered.

  “I’m glad to hear that.” She chuckled. “Is your arm hurting?”

  “No. It’s okay.” He looked at her. “I’m hungry.”

  “What do you feel like?” Hayley ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Mashed potatoes.” He looked at her.

  “Mashed potatoes? That’s it?” She frowned.

  “Yes.” He nodded.

  Hayley heard a car pull up in her driveway and she smiled. “I’ll be right back. Then I’ll make you some mashed potatoes.”

  She stood up and Owain pushed himself up on his elbows. “Who is it, Mom?”

  She looked at him over her shoulder and smiled at him. “I’ll give you one guess.”

  Lucas walked briskly up the pathway leading to the house, holding a bright red box. The door opened before he reached the steps and Hayley looked at him with a smile.

  “Hey.” He grinned at her.

  “Hey.” She smiled back and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  He looked at her, slight surprise on his face and gently touched her cheek. He went into the house and Hayley closed the door.

  “What’s in the box?” Hayley raised an eyebrow.

  “Well, seeing as it’s a minimum three hour drive to Jacksonville, and I realize that kids get bored quickly, I got Owain some toys to keep him occupied during the drive.” Lucas smiled.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” Hayley frowned.

  Lucas placed the box on the carpet and walked over to her. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “I know, but I wanted to.”

  “You are really sweet, you know that?” She smiled at him.

  “What happened to buff and bad-ass?” He gave her a crooked smile.

  “Well, that too.” She chuckled.

  “Luke!” Owain’s voice came from the hallway.

  Luke’s hands dropped from her shoulders and he walked over to Owain. “How is the patient?”

  Owain held his arms out at Lucas and hugged his hips. “I’m okay.”

  “That’s good, buddy.” Lucas laughed and messed up his hair.

  “I am glad you are here, Luke.” Owain said.

  “See, I told you he would come.” Hayley winked at Owain.

  “I knew he would too.” Owain nodded and looked at Lucas.

  Lucas knelt beside him and looked at him. “Owain…”

  “Oh no, here it comes.” Owain sighed.

  Hayley let out a laugh, but covered her mouth with her hand when Owain and Lucas looked at her in disapproval. “Sorry, I’ll be in the kitchen making coffee.”

  “Please excuse my mom. I think she is still in shock.” Owain looked apologetically at Lucas. “Maybe you can give her something for that.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, buddy.” Lucas winked at him. “I want to know something.”

  “Okay.” Owain raised an eyebrow at him.

  “How would you and your mom like to spend a weekend with me?” Lucas asked.

  “Are you sleeping over?” Owain asked.

  “No, I was thinking that we could go away for the weekend.” Lucas looked briefly at Hayley in the kitchen, leaning on the counter, watching them, and then back at Owain.

  “Like a trip?” Owain smiled.

  “Yes, like a trip.” Lucas nodded.

  “Where to?” Owain asked.

  “Jacksonville, maybe?” Lucas grinned.

  “That’s where your parents live.” Owain said.

  “You have a good memory.” Lucas smiled. “I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you.” Owain smiled.

  “So is it okay with you?” Lucas asked.

  “Sure, on one condition.” Owain nodded and looked at Hayley.

  “Anything.” Lucas said.

  “You hav
e to sleep over tonight, and you have to drive us to school.” Owain said.

  “Owain…” Hayley frowned, but Lucas looked at Hayley with a smile.

  Lucas turned back to Owain and nodded. “Deal.”

  Lucas sat down next to Owain on his bed and pulled the covers over him.

  “Thanks for coming, Luke.” Owain smiled at him.

  “Any time.” Lucas smiled down at him.

  “And thanks for the cool stuff you brought.” Owain said, leaning forward and hugged Lucas.

  “You’re welcome, buddy.” Lucas softly patted his back.

  Lucas noticed Hayley come into the room out the corner of his eye and looked at her.

  “Bed time, Owain.” Hayley said.

  “Ah, mom, can’t I stay up a little longer?” Owain yawned.

  “You’ve got school tomorrow, baby.” Hayley smiled and knelt next to the bed.

  “And the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner it will be morning.” Lucas smiled.

  “And then we can go on the trip!” Owain laughed.

  “Yes, exactly.” Hayley nodded and leaned in for a kiss. “Night baby.”

  “Night Mommy.” He looked at her.

  “Hey Luke?” Owain asked as Hayley and Lucas stood up.

  “Yeah, buddy?” Lucas looked at him.

  “You must really like us.” Owain looked at them.

  “Why would you say that, baby?” Hayley asked.

  “Well, normally you only take the most important people to meet your parents.” Owain yawned.

  Lucas and Hayley exchanged quick glances and looked at Owain. “You are absolutely right, buddy.” Lucas nodded. “You and your mom are very important.”

  “So are you, Luke.” Owain smiled at him.

  “Night buddy.” Lucas smirked.

  “Night baby.” Hayley smiled at him and ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Night Mom! Night Luke!” Owain said and rolled over onto his side.

  Hayley smiled at her son and she and Lucas exited the bedroom.

  Lucas took a cup of coffee from Hayley and looked at her as she sat down beside him on the couch. “You look exhausted.”

  “You’re full of compliments aren’t you?” She chuckled.


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