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For the Pleasure of Men

Page 10

by Nora Weaving

  It had only been a few weeks, but Kalliope wished there was a way she could talk to Gaia. She thought of Orestes and wondered if he would be able to get a letter or message to Gaia. Maybe there was a way that they could still communicate? Kalliope decided that she would ask Orestes the next time she saw him.

  Kalliope realized that she was near the gates of Hera Selene that led up into the city of Athens. Since Hera Selene was a secret brothel, the women were not supposed to go out into the city often. In fact, they were to rarely step outside the confines.

  Feeling reckless, Kalliope grabbed a nearby cape and draped it over her body. She pulled the thick hood over her head and climbed steadily up the ladder. The ladder opened out into a type of trap door, and Kalliope pushed it open. Instead of being in the middle of the city, she found herself in a deserted building. But she could hear the bustling sounds of the city nearby.

  She hurried through the vacant building and found a door, pushing it open into the bright sunshine. Kalliope blinked several times; it had been weeks since she had been outdoors.

  She stumbled into the crowds, trying to get her bearings. The sights and sounds were so different from her village and she was assaulted by various unfamiliar smells. She looked up to see beautiful whitewashed buildings, awestruck and nearly bumping into a woman with three small children.

  “Watch where you’re going!” the woman snapped.

  Kalliope apologized and paid better attention. She passed stalls of peploses and cloaks, as well as other garments. Everywhere she turned there were delicious looking meats and fruits for sale. Kalliope wished she had planned better and had thought to bring her change purse.

  The crowd began to ebb and Kalliope saw a small store with a picture of a dress on the outside. She slipped inside the store.

  The room was filled with beautiful peploses, not much different from the ones that Gaia had given to her.

  “May I help you?” a man asked. Kalliope instantly recognized him from one of the clients at Hera Selene. She had never bedded him, but she knew him well enough from sight and she wondered if this was where some of the women bought their gowns. Melina, for instance, had a closet brimming with beautiful dresses.

  “Yes,” Kalliope said slowly, looking around to make sure there was no one else in the store. “I was wondering if you could help me,” she pulled down her hood, “I’m from Hera Selene.”

  “What are you doing here?” the man asked quickly, motioning for her to pull her hood back up. “You are the new girl! Do you have permission to be here?”

  Kalliope blushed. “Well, no, I don’t have permission. And this wasn’t really a planned trip, but I was hoping you could help me nonetheless.”

  “Do you know that Hera Selene is a secret brothel?” the man scolded, “What if I didn’t know what you were referring to!”

  “Of course I know that! I recognized you! That’s why I said something.”

  The man seemed somewhat mollified, and he didn’t appear to want to lose business.

  “Well, let’s be quick about this then. What can I do for you?”

  “I am in need of new dresses. However I didn’t think to bring my money purse.”

  The man gave her a small wave. “I know where you live, so I know you’re good for it.” He even managed a small smile, and Kalliope noticed how kind his eyes appeared when he smiled. He was older and portly, and his hair had started to gray.

  “I’m Kalliope.”

  “Yes, yes, I remember now. You are the new girl who can sing. I’m Vasilis. Please forgive me if I don’t visit you, but I’m quite partial to my Melina.”

  Kalliope gave a small smile. She wasn’t bothered in the least when men preferred certain women, and Melina certainly was beautiful and sophisticated.

  Vasilis led her to large spools of fine material. “Let me see your shape,” he ordered, referring to Kalliope’s body. Unsure if he wanted her to strip, she looked at him with confusion and he explained further.

  “Just take your cloak off so I can see your dress.”

  Kalliope obeyed and Vasilis walked around her, slowly surveying her body.

  “Yes, yes, you have quite a nice shape,” he mused. He touched her waist and trailed his fingers along her hips. The touch was not sexual in any way.

  “Hmmm,” he murmured, “Yes, I think I know a cut that would look quite good on you.” He rummaged through some papers, and pulled one out. Kalliope looked over his shoulder and saw it was a sketch of a dress.

  “Not quite this exactly, but close enough with a low cut across your chest and the material tighter in the waist to show off your figure.” He made some sweeping motions to demonstrate. “I would design it for you.”

  “Design it for me?” Kalliope asked incredulously. It seemed so luxurious.

  “Yes, of course. In fact, it would be my pleasure to design for you. I love dressing beautiful women, and you my dear, are quite beautiful.”

  Kalliope ducked her head. “Thank you.”

  “Let me just take your measurements.” He fumbled on a desk for a strip of measuring tape and brought it back to Kalliope and began to measure and record numbers.

  “Alright,” he said, leading her over to some material, “let us look at fabrics. I have a few ideas in mind, but show me what you like also.”

  There were dozens of choices and Kalliope’s mind began to spin. “It’s just so much,” she whispered, “I don’t know where to begin.”

  Vasilis waited patiently as she looked.

  “This,” she pointed out, holding up a deep emerald hue.

  “Yes, yes, excellent choice.”

  Kalliope moved over to other fabrics, and picked out a deep red shade. Vasilis nodded in agreement.

  “I was also thinking something like this,” he pulled out a tea-stained fabric with various browns and ambers. “It will pick up the amber in your eyes,” he explained.

  Kalliope nodded. Vasilis seemed to know his materials well.

  “How many did you have in mind?”

  “Well, I really only have three dresses that I wear now.”

  “Three! Yes, you certainly need more than that. How about I make you five? That should be a good start.”

  “That would be wonderful,” she hesitated, “But can you tell me how much this will cost me?”

  “Not to worry, not to worry. We will work something out my dear. It will probably take a week or two for me to make these. I will come bring them to you and we can discuss payment then.”

  Kalliope nodded. She still felt poor, but she knew she was far from poor now, and she was only growing richer.

  Vasilis motioned for her to pull her hood back up. “You better be going. They’re going to realize you are missing, and Priska will not be happy.”

  Kalliope gulped. She did not want to deal with an angry Priska. While she regretting running off after exploding at Elektra, she was thrilled that she was able to see the city and discover Vasilis.

  “Thank you so much, Vasilis.”

  He nodded and smiled.

  “Umm, one more thing.”

  He looked up.

  “Could you tell me how to get back?” she asked sheepishly. “I’m afraid I didn’t pay close enough attention and now I’m not sure.”

  Vasilis gave her a small, exasperated sigh but she saw a tiny smile play on his lips.

  “Out the door and make two rights. Look for the abandoned building with the faded flag. That’s the one you want.”

  “Thank you!”

  She pulled her hood tighter over her head and hurried out into the street. As soon as she rounded the first corner, the street became busier, and she kept her head ducked as she hurried toward the building. She found the correct building and slipped inside when no one was looking. She found the door in the floor and carefully lowered herself down the ladder. To her relief, there was no one around, and she quickly put the cloak back where she found it.

  She hurried down the hall towards her room when she heard a voice
ring out.


  She turned around to see Melina moving gracefully towards her.

  “Hello, Melina.”

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Melina scolded somewhat. “There’s been a delivery for you. I had it sent to your room.”

  “A delivery?” Kalliope couldn’t hide her excitement.

  Melina softened. “Yes. It pays to have prominent clients,” she smiled. “Head on over to your room and take a look.”

  Kalliope hurried off towards her room. She had no idea what to expect and when she opened the door, she saw two lovely boxes sitting on her bed. One was very large, while the other was quite small.

  There was a note stuck to the large box.

  Kalliope – Thank you for an amazing evening. I eagerly await our next encounter.



  Kalliope felt a small thrill at Damianos’ letter. She pulled the lid off the first box and found three large, exquisite throw pillows. She delicately touched the velvety-soft material. She couldn’t help but gasp at their soft material, and she picked the first one up and held it to her cheek. The pillows matched the quilt on her bed and helped make her room even more luxurious. She arranged the pillows on her bed and admired the finished look.

  Damianos had been very thoughtful with his gifts.

  Remembering the small box, she picked it up and carefully lifted the lid. She instantly noticed the bright sparkle coming from the box. Sighing with pleasure, she pulled out the lovely bracelet. It was solid gold, set with brilliant emeralds throughout the entire length. She carefully pulled it out of the box and admired it. She had never seen such a beautiful piece of jewelry.

  Of course, she had seen pieces just as lovely if not nicer on the other women, but up close, Kalliope had never seen something so beautiful, and she had certainly never owned anything like it.

  Not quite believing the bracelet belonged to her, she gently slid it on her wrist. It sparkled and shined, catching the light. She wanted to run out and show it to Harmena, but she didn’t want to rub her new presents in her friend’s face. Instead, she slipped the bracelet off and carefully placed it back in the box. She stowed the box with her other valuables and decided to wait until the evening to put it back on.

  Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she had not eaten lunch. In fact, it had been hours since she had breakfast, and even then, she hadn’t eaten much due to her argument with Elektra.

  Kalliope made her way towards the dining room, her mind filled with thoughts of Damianos.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Twelve

  * * * * *

  A number of hours later, Kalliope found herself dressing in her room. She still could not believe that she had such a spacious room, and she took her time getting ready. She stared at her reflection and thought about how much her life had changed in the past month. She was quickly shedding the skin of her old peasant self, and was growing into a worldly, sophisticated woman of Athens.

  Her reflection highlighted the changes in her life. Her hair and skin were more lustrous thanks to better soaps, and her face was brightened with berry pastes and rouges. Her hair was woven up onto her head in a cosmopolitan style and her mother’s broach sparkled, as did the delicate chain around her neck from Gaia. One wrist was adorned with the braided gold bracelets, while her other wrist showcased Damianos’ extravagant emerald bracelet.

  The changes didn’t stop there as Kalliope looked at the fine peplos from Gaia. She didn’t think that Gaia would even recognize her now. She felt a pang of sadness mixed in with pride of her new successful life at Hera Selene. Turning away from her own reflection, she slipped on her sandals and left her room.

  As she made her way to the lobby, she wondered which powerful men she would bed tonight. She had begun receiving repeat customers, and every evening she always had new customers. Even though Hera Selene was an exclusive brothel, they never lacked clientele, and the women were always busy.

  Touching her hair self-consciously, Kalliope moved into the lobby. Hera Selene was selective, and many of the customers were very attractive, if not downright handsome. Kalliope felt the heat of sexual desire burn between her legs, and she couldn’t help but hope that her first client would be attractive. She was in the mood to fuck, and when she had urges like this, nothing cured her needs more than an experienced lover.

  As she entered the lobby, she scanned the room, looking for a customer who she knew could meet her desires. Her eyes came to rest on a general whom she had entertained before. He was tall and muscular, and he had the right mix of power and strength. Kalliope caught his eye and seductively licked her lips. The man smiled and gave her a nod, and Kalliope began to make her way towards him.

  As she neared the general, a strong hand caught her wrist. She turned around.

  “I’m sorry but I have a customer alr-’’

  The words died on her lips.

  The strong hand around her wrist belonged to Spyro.

  “Yes, you do have a customer,” he said silkily. “Me.”

  Kalliope tried to pull her hand free of his strong grip. “No, it’s not you,” she hissed, “It’s him.” She said nodding her head as the general made his way towards her.

  “Oh no, Princess. I already paid Priska, and I paid her a hefty price. I have first dibs on you tonight.”

  Panicking, Kalliope looked wildly around for Priska. She saw her on the outskirt of the room, and Priska gave her a small, apologetic nod.

  Spyro’s grin widened. “Don’t tell me you didn’t like how I pleased you last time,” he murmured.

  “I didn’t!”

  “Lies! I felt you come all over me. I felt your juices run down my fingers.”

  She felt helpless and ashamed, she knew that it was true. For as much pain as Spyro had inflicted, he had inflicted equal amounts of pleasure.

  “Is there a problem?” the general asked, reaching them.

  “No problem,” Spyro said coolly, “But I’m afraid I already paid for Kalliope this evening.”

  He began dragging Kalliope from the lobby and she looked back at the general with remorse.

  Spyro turned back around. “But you’re welcome to have at her when I’m finished.”

  He yanked Kalliope towards him.

  “That is if she can still stand when I’m through with her,” he sneered.

  And with a final tug, he pulled Kalliope into the hallway and dragged her towards her room.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  * * * * *

  Kalliope cried out in pain as Spyro pushed her into her room.

  “All day I have been thinking about how sweet it will be to fuck you,” Spyro hissed, grabbing her by the wrists and throwing her onto the bed.

  “Please!” Kalliope cried out, “Not so rough.”

  “But you like it rough,” Spyro whispered into her ear, as he pinned Kalliope to the bed and ran his hands over her exposed skin. “You look much more sophisticated now,” he murmured, his eyes roving over her hair and skin. “Not the same country peasant that first came to Hera Selene.”

  “Please,” Kalliope begged, “I know you paid for me, and I know you are my client, but I’m begging you to be more gentle.”

  Spyro let out a cold high laugh. “Maybe I would have been gentler if you had taken me the other night, but instead you ignored me.”

  “I had another customer!”

  “Sorry, love,” he breathed, tracing his finger along the outline of her throat.

  Spyro shoved her dress up her hips, groaning with pleasure at the sight of her sweet crevice. He ran his fingers along her inner thighs, and then across her sex. Kalliope twisted her head away, unable to watch.

  “Just as beautiful,” Spyro noted, wasting no time as he opened her and began rubbing her clit. Kalliope closed her eyes, not wanting to feel the pleasure, but she couldn’t help it; her body betrayed her.

  Moaning softly, she writhe
d on the bed as Spyro’s expert fingers moved over her, touching her in all the right places and making her body sing. Once she was primed, Spyro slid two long fingers inside her opening, making Kalliope cry out with need.

  “That’s right, Kalliope. I know deep down you love when I touch you.”

  Kalliope tried to protest but it was in vain.

  Spyro climbed on top of her, untied his thick woven belt, and then leaned across her slender body to bind her wrists tightly together.

  “It’s too tight!” Kalliope gasped, as the rope dug painfully into her skin.

  “Just right,” he whispered, moving back between her legs.

  Spyro pulled his cloak off, and moved his massive, muscular, naked body between her legs. He pushed three fingers forcefully into Kalliope. She cried out in protest at the sudden invasion. Yet, against her will her body was already beginning to adapt. Spyro pushed his fingers in and out, and brought his mouth to her clit. Taking her nub between his lips, he sucked hard, making Kalliope scream out at the intense sensation.

  Kalliope fought against her restraints, unable to control the moans of pleasure that were erupting from her body. Angry tears leaked out of her eyes and she hated that she was enjoying what Spyro was doing to her.

  She longed for Damianos in every sense, she wished that he would burst in at any moment and save her from this terrible beast of a man.

  As Spyro sucked her clit into his mouth, Kalliope felt the familiar lascivious feelings building deep within her body. She tried to resist her orgasm, but it was no use, and she came hard, crying and bucking out under Spyro’s forceful tongue and relentless hands.

  Spyro gave her a moment to let her regain her breathing. He rose from the bed and stood over Kalliope, just watching her beautiful body as she lay there basking in the aftershock of the climax he had given her. Kalliope felt like trapped prey, laying there with his hulking frame standing over her. He took his thick, semi-hard cock into his hands and began stroking himself in long, languorous motions. A twisted smile played on his lips.


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