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Secrets In The Dark: A M/M Age Play Romance

Page 19

by M. A. Innes

  Crawling up on the couch, Mason didn’t need any prompting to lie down and cuddle on Edward’s lap. He didn’t even think about hiding his desire for the bottle or for Edward.

  Sitting sideways on Edward’s lap, Mason rested his head against his daddy’s chest and curled his legs up on the couch. Opening his mouth, Mason felt the smooth nipple rest against his tongue.

  With Edward’s hard cock pressed against his diaper and his free hand caressing and teasing Mason’s body, his bottle definitely wasn’t soothing. But it was perfect. He sucked on the bottle and drank the sweet milk while Edward’s touch made it harder and harder to sit still.

  When he was halfway done with the bottle, Mason gave up trying to be good. He moaned as his daddy’s hand slid under his shirt and a shiver raced through him when Edward’s fingers traced around his nipples.

  Mason gasped as Edward tweaked his nipples, the pain shooting deliciously through his body. Still sucking on the bottle, mostly just playing with the nipple, Mason moaned and arched into the pleasure.

  Rubbing himself against Edward’s erection, Mason loved the feeling of Edward’s touch as he alternated between soothing caresses and little tugs that sent pleasure right to Mason’s cock.

  Rock hard, Mason tightened his thighs around the diaper and did his best to rub his cock against the soft cotton. Trapped and hard, Mason didn’t try to touch himself. He just squirmed and arched into Edward, trying to make his desperate need obvious.

  Mason’s head dropped back and he let the bottle fall from his lips as one hard pinch had his body arching up. Right on the verge of orgasm, Mason couldn’t control the thrust of his hips or his desperate pleas.

  “Daddy. Please. Daddy, oh please, Daddy.”

  “No, sweet boy. Drink your bottle. Show Daddy what a good boy you are.” Edward’s voice was thick with desire and his cock surged against Mason’s ass as he leaned up at sucked on the bottle again.

  “That’s Daddy’s good boy.”

  Mason whined as Edward moved his hand away from Mason’s nipples. Looking up at his daddy, still sucking on the bottle, Mason was afraid he’d been naughty.

  But Edward didn’t look disappointed. No, his daddy was aroused and looking at Mason with a hunger that bordered on desperate. Sliding his hand down Mason’s chest, Edward just had a new destination in mind.

  “Keep sucking, Boy. Show me how good you are.”

  Feeling Edward’s hand trace down his stomach, Mason flicked the nipple in his mouth and nearly forgot to breathe when Edward’s hand slid over his hard cock. Worried that Edward would stop the delicious torture, Mason went back to sucking on the bottle, trying to be a good boy for his daddy.

  The feel of Edward’s hand as he traced Mason’s hard cock sent lightning bolts of pleasure through his body. Mason couldn’t even breathe, much less swallow, but he didn’t lose the bottle. Sucking on the nipple to keep it in his mouth, Mason moaned and little pleading noises escaped uncontrollably.

  Edward didn’t seem to mind; his cock just got harder the more turned on Mason got. And knowing he was pleasing his daddy just made Mason even more turned on. By the time Edward slid his hand down the front of Mason’s diaper, Mason was a mess.

  The stream of naughty words and fantasies that fell from Edward’s mouth brought Mason right to the edge. His daddy told him how sexy he was, how hot he looked with the bottle in his mouth, how Edward was picturing Mason’s mouth wrapped around his cock just like he was sucking on the bottle, how Edward loved to watch his diaper as it pressed against his hard cock. Mason was shaking as Edward touched his cock and slowly jerked him off.

  Senseless with need and desire, all Mason could do was plead and beg. He begged for more. He begged for permission to come. He begged for anything that his daddy would give him.

  Gliding his hand up and down Mason’s cock, Edward kept him on the edge for what felt like hours. Mason lost track of everything but the feeling of his daddy’s touch and his sexy voice.

  When Edward’s voice broke through the haze of need, Mason was so hard and had fought so long not to come without permission that he just couldn't process what his daddy was saying.

  “Is my boy going to come? Is my sweet boy ready to come for Daddy? Show Daddy how pretty you look when you come.” Edward’s voice was hoarse and gravelly.

  Mason could hardly breathe, much less anything else. Everything in him was ready to explode but he was trapped right there on the verge. It took everything he had to simply beg, his voice coming out muffled around the bottle, “Please, Daddy.”

  Edward finally took pity on his boy, because he tightened his grip on Mason’s cock and in a stern daddy voice commanded him. “COME, Boy.”

  The pleasure tore through his body so hard it was almost painful. His cock jerked and his balls pulled in tight to his body. With one last tug on his cock, Mason’s orgasm ripped through him. The pleasure so intense, the world grayed and everything dipped out of focus as he dropped the bottle to the floor.

  When the pleasure finally faded, he was wrapped in Edward’s arms as his daddy softly spoke to him. His body was heavy and it almost felt like he was floating, but Mason managed to turn in Edward’s arms and wrap himself around his daddy.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  Edward’s voice was soft and tender. “I love you too, sweet boy.”

  Curled around his daddy, feeling floaty and relaxed Mason knew he was where he belonged. In his daddy’s arms.


  M.A. Innes is the pseudonym for best-selling author Shaw Montgomery. While Shaw writes femdom and m/m erotic romance. Michael is the side of Shaw that wants to write about topics that are more taboo. If you liked the book, please leave a short review. It is greatly appreciated.

  Please feel free to contact Shaw on Facebook and Goodreads.

  Do you want to join the newsletter? Help with character names and get free sneak peaks at what’s coming up? Just click on the link.

  Special thanks to my new editors at Flat Earth Editing for all their support and dedication. Without them, there would be a thousand oddities and crazy errors.

  Also by M.A. Innes

  His Little Man, Book 1

  His Little Man, Book 2

  His Little Man, Book 3

  His Little Man, Book 4

  Curious Beginnings

  Secrets In The Dark

  Too Close To Love

  Too Close To Hide

  Flawed Perfection

  His Missing Pieces: Coming June 2017 M/m Age Play Romance

  My Perfect Fit: Coming July 2017 M/m Age Play Romance

  Our Perfect Puzzle: Coming August 2017 M/m Age Play Romance

  Also by Shaw Montgomery

  Surrendering to His Lady

  Discovering Domination

  Submissive Confession (Lord Jordan’s Submissives)

  Submissive Defiance (Lord Jordan’s Submissives)

  Submissive Exposure (Lord Jordan’s Submissives)

  Submissive Acceptance (Lord Jordan’s Submissives)

  Embracing His Submission

  No Titles Yet: New M/m BDSM Series Starting In June (Book 1: Garrett & Wyatt)

  Do you want to see what’s coming next?

  Check out the first chapter of Flawed Perfection: A M/m Puppy Play Romance



  I found him on Craigslist. It probably wasn’t some place you were supposed to go to meet people. I mean, the personals were fun to look at, especially when you were drunk or something, and the section for trying to get in touch with that random stranger you saw on the street was hilarious. But no one actually met people from Craigslist. Well, no one except me.

  He was interesting.

  Sometimes I couldn’t decide if I liked him or not. Other times it felt like I might be obsessed with the guy. It seemed like a r
elationship where someone who was outside looking in would label it as unhealthy or odd. It didn’t feel that way.

  It felt natural. Like I’d known him forever.

  I read somewhere that good roommates were supposed to be like that. The article, or maybe it was a book…maybe an online magazine—that wasn’t the point—had said that a good roommate was like a lover.

  You might know by just looking at them that the chemistry would be amazing. It might take you a while to get there but in the end, it would feel perfect. Or they’d turn out to be totally crazy, and while you suspected that to begin with, you didn’t listen to the little voice in your head.

  I wasn’t so sure about the lover analogy but the article had gotten one thing right. I’d known that he was the perfect roommate from the moment we met. The lover analogy still confused me, even after we’d been living together for almost six months. I thought that once he’d moved in it would help me make sense of it, that I would finally just get it one day. But maybe I needed to have a lover first for the author’s meaning to sink in.

  Not that I was going to have sex for the first time just to understand an article.

  It had to be an article…maybe it was a blog. Oh, that would make more sense. Which blog, though? It was going to bug me until I could remember. Either way, I wasn’t going to do it just to figure it out. At twenty-three, I thought it was probably past time that I worked on the whole virgin thing.

  I was kind of curious for first-hand knowledge of sex.

  My friends said that I should have been curious about sex a long time ago. I disagreed. High school had been difficult enough without adding sex into the mix. College hadn't been that much better. Everyone wanted labels and explanations about who you were. Gay—straight—bi—and endless other options that I really didn’t understand. If you fell into the confused category more than anything else people weren’t so forgiving.

  Aside from the hookup type people…of either gender…no one wanted to date you if you weren’t one hundred percent sure what you wanted. And I didn’t think I was the hookup type. But maybe I was? I wasn’t willing to explore it enough to find out. It just didn’t sound like fun. Sex with a stranger, who you have no idea is good in bed or not and you have no idea if they’ll take you asking questions well or not, was not my thing.

  “I should just say I’m bi.”

  “What?” Gabriel looked up from the kitchen table, a confused expression on his face. “Did you say something, Nate?”

  Please don’t let him have heard me. “Nothing. Just talking to the TV.”

  He looked a little bit confused, but hopefully he was distracted enough by all the papers he had stacked in front of him. Gabriel was a history teacher at an alternative high school and there always seemed to be endless mountains of grading that had to be done.

  The TV was on, thankfully, so it didn’t look like I was nuts. I wasn’t sure when the nature show on the lions started, but Gabriel couldn’t see it from where he was sitting. Besides, he was too polite to say anything if I had said something weird. Talking to lions seemed a bit much, even for me.

  Gabriel was the perfect roommate. He picked up after himself and did his share of the chores. He cooked on a regular basis and always made enough to share. He didn’t bring people over that often and never had overnight guests. He was patient when I got distracted and never lost his temper. The perfect roommate.

  My friend Matt thought that I was probably asexual.

  I didn’t have many friends but every one of them had an opinion. Matt thought I was asexual. He and Allie had both hit on me when I first met them, and aside from finding both of them likable and very attractive, I hadn’t wanted to do anything with either of them. Allie thought I was just selective and I’d find the right person when I was ready. She was just nice and didn’t want to hurt my feelings. So I had no idea what she really thought.

  Other friends weren’t so worried about hurting my feelings.

  We’d all met in college and had just clicked. We’d managed to stay close after everyone had graduated. The group would meet up for drinks or something about once a week. Everyone would eventually ask about dates and stuff like that. I never had anything to contribute to that part of the conversation.

  Every once in a while I would go out with someone. Sometimes a girl or sometimes a guy would ask me out, but it always ended up feeling like a business meeting or like two friends hanging out. It never went anywhere from there. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for but I just got the feeling that I hadn't found it yet, not that there was no need to look at all.

  To be honest, I’d had so much going on in school that dating and things like sexuality were on the back burner, as my mother would say. She’d been one of the reasons everything else had been pushed aside. When I was a freshman in high school she’d been diagnosed with breast cancer.

  Long story short, two years later she was fine. But by then, family and school were my focus. Once she was okay, I started focusing on school and time went by fast. I’d figured out early that I wanted to be a forensic accountant. Some people thought it was boring, but I loved it. It was a challenge that I knew would always make sense in the end.

  However, to do what I wanted without being in school for years meant I had to work even harder than most kids. I’d finished up my bachelors and masters in accounting in four years. It hadn't been too hard. I’d taken several college level courses in high school and started more the summer after graduation. I was more than a year ahead by the time I’d technically started college that fall.

  There was always something to study so social things took a back seat. The couple of times I tried to become more outgoing (it was my New Year’s resolution when I was a junior in college) things hadn't gone well. I had a tendency to mix up social cues. I didn’t always get it when someone wanted to date me verses just be my friend.

  That led to some awkward study sessions, let me tell you, and the LGBT Club members got frustrated when I couldn’t define what I was. They hadn’t added that Q part until I’d almost graduated. The whole Questioning thing would have been helpful earlier. So I just focused on school and kept to myself. I picked up a few friends, like Allie and Matt, but for the most part, people got too frustrated with me to stick around.

  But not Gabriel.

  No, Gabriel never got frustrated with me when I became distracted and overlooked something. He’d just set an alarm on my phone for next time so I wouldn’t forget. Like the first time I forgot he was making dinner and had a hamburger on the way home. He just shook his head and the next time he was going to make a special dinner an alarm went off on my phone about fifteen minutes before I left the office to remind me.

  And when he could tell I didn’t understand some kind of social signal I probably should have, he just took a step back and explained it to me. He also didn’t ask questions that I couldn’t answer. Never any questions about sexuality, and he didn’t bug me if I didn’t have a date. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t so nice he was a pushover.

  He could get stern and would just give me a look if he thought I was trying to get out of something. Like, say, the dishes. His voice would get deep and he’d just stare with this intent look and it said more than if he’d of yelled or something. It kept me on track more.

  I wasn’t much for stuff like cleaning. There was always something more interesting to do. Like work or a book or even something on TV. But when Gabriel had moved in, one of his only rules was that you had to pick up after yourself, and we agreed that if he cooked then I’d do the dishes. It was fair but I had a tendency to forget.

  Gabriel called it selective memory and just shook his head at me. He was right, but I wasn’t going to confess to that. After a few times of playing dumb when he found the dishes from the night before in the sink, I started getting that look from him and he got sterner with me.

  That was when I discovered that I didn’t like making him upset.

  Pleasing him gave me this little thrill. Li
ke when I’d finally finished a project at work and I knew I’d gotten it right. Making him…mad wasn’t the right word…disappointed in me, made my stomach hurt and gave me insomnia. So I tried to do it as little as possible.


  Gabriel was in the kitchen now, leaning around the door frame to peak out to the living room. When had he gotten up? A noise from the TV distracted me for a minute. Where had the lions gone? Wasn’t it lions just a few minutes ago? When had the program changed to fish?

  “Nathan,” Gabriel called out in a smooth low voice.

  Gabriel, right. I tried to ignore the show that was on and looked over at him. “Yes?”

  “You’ve been staring at the wall for almost ten minutes now. I think you should head to bed. You were up late last night working on that estate project. You’re more tired than you think.” Gabriel said the words in the same level tone he always used, but he gave me this stern look like he wasn’t going to take any fuss about it.

  “You’re probably right.” He usually was. I had been up late last night finalizing an estate that the heirs thought was missing money. A significant amount of money. They were right, but it hadn't been embezzlement or anything. Dad had just had a gambling problem and a mistress. No one realized how much money he was spending on either of them.

  It took me a minute to get off the couch. Turned out I was a lot more tired than I realized. The thought of getting up seemed like too much effort. I was at the point of just reaching for the blanket on the back of the couch when Gabriel walked out of the kitchen shaking his head.

  “You are not sleeping on the couch again.”

  I couldn’t tell what he was feeling. The look on his face was weird. He wasn’t disappointed or upset. I knew those expressions. Was something wrong with him? Did he think something was wrong with me? I was just tired. Now that he’d pointed it out, I could see why my brain had started wandering so much.

  I’d been putting in crazy hours for the past couple of days because with a probate case there were strict timelines that had to be met. Especially if there were accusations of impropriety. Gabriel usually had exceptionally strong feelings about my choices when I worked late without a good reason, but even he’d understood why I had to work so much this time.


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