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Page 13

by Chacelyn Pierce

  "How did we get to Venice?"

  "There are really no ways to explain the mysteries of our worlds. I assume it goes back to the night I tried to place my mark on Ciana's cheek. Right here." He stroked Andrea's face, stirring up more desire within her. "Our final moments were in this very spot. I thought my mark failed all those years ago. The spirit was gone from her body, I'm sure of it. Somehow it still managed to tether our souls together by a small thread. You reinforced it when you branded my broken soul in Sheol. You connected us fully with a simple touch of you hand. This new beginning for us starts at the end of the last."

  Luc slipped his hand away, but closed the distance between them. Andrea didn't recall much about Ciana's life, but the glimpses of him that night in old Venice were devastating to her good sense. Andrea remembered all the bombarding feelings swarming her in Sheol. Boosted by years of longing deep in her core for the one thing it had to live without. Michael's cryptic words must've had more of a meaning than she understood, but they worked and that's all that counted. She had touched Satan and he had become her Luc again. The whys and the hows didn't matter now. They were together, albeit in a foreign country, but it beat the alternative. She managed to hit some kind of reset button on their lives, and she broke through Satan's—no, Luc's—defenses. He gazed at her as if she was his holy sacrament in a damned existence. Maybe she was, but he was her beacon of light when the darkness seemed to hold her down.

  "So now that we're connected, does it mean I'm immortal? Do you own my soul?" His smile faltered. She sensed his indecision as a confirmation of her new predicament. She would be truly damned now, probably cursed to be Lucifer's bride—not that she could find a reason to complain yet. She would have to adjust to her new way life much as the same way a new progeny vampire followed its master around. "Looks like you got what you wanted."

  Luc clutched her face with both hands, his gaze intense and stormy. "You restored me, Andrea. That's more than I could ever ask for. You gave your soul to me willingly. There is no greater gift then everything you've given me. However, you are mistaken; I don't own your soul, I am bound to it. You own my soul, forevermore." He leaned in and softly kissed her mouth, a gentle peck full of promises and passion.

  There was a faint sound of music in the air and the crackle of fireworks above their heads. The sweet smell she identified as wine intoxicated the air as well as the perfumed indulgers that partook in heavy chalices. The full moon hung low and bright as the gray clouds glided sluggishly over it. Andrea wanted to explore this place; an itchy feeling of déjà vu rose to the surface, but she brushed it aside. She'd be her own person from this point on. No Eve or Ciana would rule her thoughts. She was Andrea, a paranormal investigator who trekked the streets all over the world in search of the strange and inhuman, and she was the mistress to the Devil.

  "So what is this? A partnership, an affair, or a marriage type deal?"

  "We are whatever you want to be. There is nothing good I can offer you, only myself, the scarred and the damned, and a realm of fire. This is my cursed fate, and it was not meant to seem appeasing to you. I'm sure my alter-ego will be more…accommodating. After all, you're the peace to his chaos."

  "Well, I don't really care to go vacationing in Sheol anytime soon, but maybe one day. Hades cannot live without Persephone, right?"

  "Nor does he want to." Oh, she was done for. She watched him assess the area they were in and nod toward a small alleyway to their right. "There is a small bed and breakfast not too far from here where we can shower and change clothes."

  A shower sounded great. The drying canal water started to feel gritty against her skin, and she was sure her hair looked a mess. She glanced down at her ruined outfit again. She wasn't about to take it to any dry cleaner and get judgmental looks from them. Apart from the stains, the rips were too severe.

  Andrea let Luc guide her through the dank alley, farther away from the night's festivities. She kicked off her shoe and brushed off his offer to carry her to spare her bare feet. She could hack it. Until a shard of something impaled her foot, and then she'd take him up on his offer.

  As they walked, she trailed a hand along the antique buildings. The backstreet was so narrow, she experienced a moment of claustrophobia. To help ease the fear of how close to the water they were, she focused on his soft breaths her. He had a steady hand on her hips; it felt possessive and secure. Andrea relaxed at his touch. Luc wouldn't let her plummet into the water again.

  She peeked over her shoulder, delighting that his gaze had been focused solely on her butt. She ran everything over in her mind, and it seemed to stop on the face of Lilith.

  "We're going to have a long talk about Lilith." Luc groaned loudly. Andrea turned back to see him looking up at the sky in annoyance. "Yeah, buddy, this is open for discussion since she resides in the other realm." Andrea turned back to watch where she was going and allowed Luc to steer her out into an open street where she caught sight of a few masked and vibrantly costumed individuals.

  "I can lock her in a dark place where you won't see her and no one can find her. Just say the words and it will be done." Andrea shook her head at the playful tone in his voice. "Don't worry, Andrea. There hasn't been anything between us personally. She reports what her succubi have experienced with Satan, which I can promise will cease from now on." She was glad he couldn't see her face because she beamed at how attentive he was of her presence. "Lilith is Sammael's consort, and they are faithful to one another. So she isn't something you should worry about."

  "Oh yeah, what should I be worried about?" Andrea replied lightheartedly over her shoulder.

  Luc's hand on her hip moved to grab her ass, he leaned forward, his warm breath against the skin of her neck. "You should worry about what I'm going to do to you when I get you out of these clothes."


  Michael removed his Venetian masked and observed Lucifer and the human disappear together around a building. He stood far enough away that Lucifer couldn't sense him. The Devil probably wouldn't have noticed him at a close distance anyway. Lucifer seemed enamored by the human woman and the feeling was truly mutual. Their joy shined radiantly like the stars above, and their reunion became a blessing in its own right. Whatever they had together was eternal, and who was he to forbid them their right, or any angel for that matter. They'd always been interfering in Lucifer's union with the soul, but he'd grown weary of trying. Nothing either he or the angels could do to separate them now. Lucifer and the woman had a bond forged in fire and sex. Each one marked by the other, tethered in immortality.

  Michael had to admit watching their new romance unfold had been a bit entertaining. He had been keeping them apart due to some sacred doctrine. Though now the world was new. The old ways were lost to many of their kind as well as the demons. However, one thing prevailed. Love. It changed everything when two beings displayed it deeply within their existence.

  For so long, Michael had been torn between duty and the wills of his heart. He'd carried out the orders to banish both of them from Eden, but he would not derail their love again. In fact, he'd aided them as much as he could. His prophetic words where not a warning, but they were verity. Michael knew it was the only way they would break the metaphysical chains the angels put into place. He hadn't expected for Andrea to bind their souls. He had been impressed. The human woman braved Sheol, endangering her soul to retrieve her true love. With a touch of her hand, beauty pacified the beast of Hell. "First Sinner, one touch of love weakens…," and she did just that. Caught in a moment of weakness, Satan succumbed to her and lost himself in her loving caress.

  Michael had pitied Lucifer many years ago when he witnessed the fallen angel jump in the canal to save a mere human. The sadness and hurt flowing out of him had been too overbearing, he nearly wept as he watched his former brethren lose hope. Michael had known then it had to be the soul of Eve he'd found. Lucifer acted irrationally when it concerned her. Michael remembered so vividly how desperate Lucifer tried to
save the drowned woman. The shadows were dense, and the fallen angel had been too occupied to see him poised with sword in hand to strike evil down with righteousness. Michael's duty had always been to protect humans and he presumed the fallen angel had murdered the woman. He halted when it seemed the demon cared for the wellbeing of someone other than himself. A rarity the Devil never showed. So Michael watched in silence, marveling at how Lucifer seemed closer to the angel he remembered. The mark Lucifer placed upon the woman's face would've failed if Michael hadn't helped tether it to the woman's ascending soul. During that sorrowful moment for Lucifer, his touch connected them together in eternity."…a touch of weakness and you will be trapped by flames." Lucifer had been a breath short from attaching himself to the departing soul.

  That's where Michael stepped in.

  He could very well fall from grace if the truth were ever discovered. What he did was wholly unjustifiable and sacrilegious to the Angelic Order. Helping the Devil bind himself to Eve's soul was blasphemy, and he wasn't sure how long his secret would stay hidden. Seeing them together proved worth the risk.

  With a smirk and a breath of contentment, Michael donned his gold and cream volto mask and stepped into the lively crowd. A few streets over, a carnival was taking place. And there was much to celebrate.


  "We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell."

  ― Oscar Wilde

  Andrea had to admit it was pretty reckless to be in the company of the Devil. Sheol or not, he was something else. She leaned on the balcony rail of their rented room in nothing but the bed and breakfast's complimentary robe. Wine in hand, she overlooked the onyx waters of the Canal Grande below. The soft currents sparkled with the multicolored lights of the metropolis. The whole city had been lit up in reverence of the annual carnival. Andrea watched the boats coast silently on the waters like ghosts. Venice was gorgeous, and she was mesmerized by how full of life the air seemed. Simply breathing caused a flutter in her heart and put a smile on her face. No wonder her soul met Luc here years ago. She wouldn't have picked any other place.

  Andrea absentmindedly listened to the trickle of water from the shower and knew Luc would be out soon. She'd already washed and put her hair in a damp ponytail-twist hoping it might tame the curly monstrosity that would arise. What she really needed some miracle oil and a flat iron to set it right, but she wouldn't be getting those things at this late hour.

  The water cut off and she glanced over her shoulder; she observed their accommodations again. The quaint room had a single queen bed with honey sheets. Just like in one of those home décor magazines, there seemed to be about fifty pillows of various shapes placed on the burgundy duvet. She wanted nothing more than to sink down in the plushy bed naked with Luc beside her. A corner kitchenette had the materials to make some very promising coffee. Right now though, wine was in order due to all the mess she had to go through. Demons, Sheol, reincarnation. She took a big gulp, feeling the richness swirl around her tongue. Her gaze drifted back toward the picturesque bed. Yeah, it would see plenty of action tonight. Everything about their room exuded romance, softness, and tranquility. She couldn't pronounce the place's name in English, but Andrea instantly fell in love the minute they stepped through the lobby door. Everything had been adorned with warm tones and refurbished in antique wood. The polished oak gave a homey feel she associated with small family owned businesses.

  Andrea turned to the bathroom door at the sound of it opening. With a backdrop of swirling steam, Luc leaned against the frame with a tan towel wrapped around his waist. He met her gaze as he dried his hair with another towel. Muscles flexed and his tantalizing veins bulged in his arms and he rubbed vigorously to dry the long locks. He must've known she liked the view because he smirked before turning away to toss the towel back into the bathroom. With that prideful strut all males do, he walked over to the nightstand and pulled out the top drawer. Andrea turned to fully face him, her back against the cold iron rail, without shame she watched the long wet strands of his burgundy hair stick to his back and she instantly flushed throughout her body.

  Luc reached into the desk and pulled out a menu. "Hungry?"

  Boy was she ever, but food took a backseat when he swallowed up all her attention. "No."

  He sat on the side of the bed with his knees apart and the menu card in hand. "I'll order you food anyway." He flipped the card over to read the choices on the backside.

  "Do you expect me to do obey every order you throw my way? Like one of your demons?"

  He glanced up at her and then back down at the menu. "Don't be ridiculous, Andrea. Bossing you around would bring more misery than living in Sheol. I know my limits with you. I want you to have food in case you're hungry…after." She scoffed and didn't need to ask what he meant by after. "In truth, I hate being one of the Princes of Hell, but if I don't rule North Sheol with a firm hand, Leviathan, Beelzebub, or Asmodeus might try and command my region. The fear of challenging Satan keeps them at bay." He sat the menu down by the telephone. "Food later, you now." He held a hand out for her and rolled his tongue over his lips to wet them.

  "Still bossy," she muttered but moved toward him anyway. She took his offered hand and allowed him to pull her in front of him. He let go and caressed along the back of her thighs and butt. Every move he made caused her robe to open and expose her body.

  "Of course I am." Luc grabbed her ass and pulled her closer to his body. She widened her legs to encompass his knees between her thighs. With his groan, her body responded to his feverish touch. She brought her knees on the bed, causing him to lean back and gaze up at her. She wanted to dominate him and show him she was the sole purpose for him being able to be in this position. Without her, he'd be crammed down in Sheol bossing minions around and wallowing in misery. She felt a bit shady for thinking that way, but glad to be the main reason for his salvation.

  By the way his hot glare devoured her and his hands pushed the robe off her shoulders, he seemed thankful as well. He positioned them better on the bed where she had room to straddle him. Feeling the familiar heat rising in her body, she embraced the desire twisting their essences and surrendered to it. His arousal poked her butt, and the feel of him rubbing it against her ass rendered her incapable of denying him anything. All she could do was feel their overwhelming desire. It was ageless, timeless, and conquered worlds.

  Feeling bold, she reached behind her and took hold of his firm cock. He moaned, closed his eyes, and pumped once in her grip. His eyes opened and she knew he'd mold like putty in her hands. She was in control, and he gave her that moment so she'd know they were equals.

  Andrea rose up and slid down slowly on him. His cock felt as good as she remembered, better even. Her arousal coated his shaft and his rough hands immediately grabbed her breasts. She rolled her hips, relishing in the deep grunt and pinch he gave her nipples at the same moment. He fit inside her so perfectly. If she moved a certain way, his cock brushed against the delicious spot that caused her to lose her breath.

  Andrea couldn't stop the murmurings of how good he moved inside of her. Words spilled from her mouth so fast it seemed as if she were speaking in tongues. Whatever mumblings she uttered were understood because Luc started moving his pelvis and meeting her stroke for stroke.

  His big hands left her sensitive and puckered nipples to grab hold of her waist. Up, down, up, down, he moved her the way he wanted on his cock. The change in his body temperature; the way his cock hardened on the cusp of his oncoming orgasm pushed her closer to her own.

  In a flash, Luc stood up and carried her toward the balcony. Still buried deep within her aching pussy, every gentle step he took stroked her in a way that caused her to shudder against him. She wrapped her arms tight around his shoulders and buried her face against his neck. She breathed in his spicy scent as the cold rail hit her ass.

  She pulled back to stare into his eyes. He held her high above the Canal Grande, under a sky of fireworks. Balanced precariously on the
rail, Andrea trusted Luc not to drop her into the murky waters below. "I want to take you under the night sky and remember what Heaven feels like. Do you trust me?"

  "Yes." It came out as a hiss, and at her admission of trust. Luc began to thrust hard inside her. The popping of the fireworks mingled with her cries of passion. Luc cradled her lower back as he pumped inside her, pulled out part way only to ram back in with ferociousness she thought devilish. The pressure built to a tempest of emotional flame, and she couldn't fight it off any longer. With a shudder and crescendo of her unintelligible mumbling, she climaxed and shattered in the arms of Lucifer. He held her tight as he spilled himself inside her. The jettisoned spurts of heat inside her core caused her to tremble as aftershocks of her own release haunted every slowing stroke.

  They had yet to unfold themselves from each other. Their erratic breathing fell in sync. Andrea leaned her head back and watched as a purple and silver burst lit up the sky. She didn't care if anyone looked up and saw her hanging over the edge of her railing. It felt good to be alive and share everything about herself with him. Her soul had been dead for so long, and it finally was awakened by the male devil clutching her as he collected his breath.

  He spoke something to her in a language she didn't know.

  "What?" she asked.

  He smiled at her, a bead of sweat rolled down the bridge of his nose and dropped on her chest. She didn't mind. In fact, it caused her lower region to tighten again. Andrea liked the sweat. Seeing him all worked up and glistening under the moonlight had been thrilling and sexy.

  "I said, you were worth the wait." He pumped inside her once more. He had yet to soften, and she knew they weren't done. He was ready for the next round.

  Andrea smiled and wrapped her legs around his waist. "And you are worth discovering all over again."


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