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Rough Stock, the Novel

Page 12

by Alexandria Hunt

  “I’ve been building fires since I can remember,” he smiled. “My dad and grandpa thought electric heat was for pussies.”

  “Wise men,” I giggled. “Fire is so much nicer anyhow, it makes everything seem safer somehow.”

  As if defying me, the skies opened and thunder roared above us just then. I squeaked and rolled my eyes upwards, half expecting to see a giant hole torn in the roof.

  Charlie rushed to my side and cradled me in his arms. “Shhh, it’s just thunder, darlin’,” he said and brushed my wet hair off my face and forehead.

  He kissed me, soothing my fears and once again heating me up with his touch.

  I heard the front door open and the wind howl behind Clive as he came in. He stomped his feet and said, “Dammit, Charlie, I’m out there bustin’ my ass for the horses and you’re in here taking advantage of our beautiful little sweetheart.”

  “Can’t blame me though, can you?” Charlie smirked and dipped to kiss me one more time before saying, “I’ll put the kettle on and get us some hot coffee to warm us up.”

  He stood and I watched his ass as he walked across the room to the kitchen, his wet jeans clinging to each and every curve of his muscles as he walked.

  “Shove over,” Clive laughed as he stripped to his skivvies and slid onto the couch with me. “I’m freezing,” he added and lifted the blanket up, pulling it around the both of us.”

  “You’re ice cold!” I squealed and tried to wiggle away from him.

  “Then warm me up,” he laughed and held me closer to him and nuzzled my neck. I struggled limply and finally stopped as his skin heated up and he trailed kisses across my collarbone, along my neck, jawline and finally to my lips.

  We were both on fire by the time his tongue plunged into my mouth and fully claimed me as his yet again.

  That was the strangest thing about all of this, being with four men at once…each one left his mark in a different way, and when each one of them kissed me, I felt as though I belonged to him and him alone.

  Weeks ago I never would have thought it possible, to love like this, and yes, I was convinced it was becoming love. I never thought the human heart could devote love to four different people; I would have assumed each extra person would decrease the love I felt.

  In fact it was the opposite: by being with four of them, my feelings were that much greater. I felt so empowered by their attention that it allowed me to express myself in ways I’d never thought possible.

  Charlie moved back across the room and joined us on the couch. “The coffee can wait,” he growled and pulled the blanket open.

  By then I was warm enough and the fire was strong enough that the air felt cool, but not cold. Clive continued to kiss me and I reached down to help Charlie out of his pants, let him drag them off his long, muscular legs, and grabbed his thick cock the moment it sprang free.

  “I don’t need coffee,” I moaned as Clive pulled back, kissing me down the front of me, taking a breast in his mouth, sucking and twisting my nipple, then moving to the next one.

  Charlie sat on the couch and lifted me up. Clive pulled back and watched as Charlie positioned me over his thick cock, teasing the head at my entrance, holding me in place.

  I moaned and begged, “Please.”

  Clive stepped forward and kissed me as Charlie slowly lowered me onto him. I felt his width stretching me open and I gasped against Clive’s lips.

  “Oh darlin’,” Charlie groaned and thrust upwards. “I’ll never get tired of this.”

  “Me neither,” Clive said in a hoarse voice against my mouth. “I could fuck your pussy every day for the rest of my life and die a happy man.”

  “I love it too,” I replied, barely able to get the words out. Charlie was lifting me the length of him and pulling me back down again, distracting me from everything but the feel of him and Clive on me and inside of me.

  Clive reached down and grabbed my hand, placed it on his throbbing cock and had me stroke him slowly. His hand moved lower and sought my clit, his finger grazing it gently but purposefully.

  I arched my back and Charlie’s hands gripped my hips, pulled me back down and holding me still as he thrust upwards again and again.

  Clive’s finger probed my soaking wet cleft, slipping across my clit as he moved up and down.

  I lost focus and grasped his throbbing shaft, holding it against my slit as he played with me.

  I fell back onto Charlie’s chest, his strong arms enveloped me and his long cock pushed deeper inside.

  I felt exposed, my pussy was on display for Clive and he stared at me with naked hunger.

  He knelt, lined himself up with my pussy and watched Charlie fuck me for a few strokes.

  “Come on,” Charlie growled, “open yourself for him. Let him in.”

  I relaxed my body and let Charlie hold my limp form as I felt liquid and hot, free and captured at the same time.

  “That’s it, sweetheart,” Clive said in a husky voice. “Open wide for me. Let me in.”

  Charlie stopped moving and it felt as if the air were too thick to breathe. I gasped when the head of Clive’s cock pressed against me, my pussy that was already so stretched with Charlie’s thickness.

  “Oh god,” I exhaled slowly as Clive teased me and coated his cock with my slick juices and pushed.

  “You’re amazing, Morgan,” Charlie said in my ear. His voice was rough with need and lust and admiration.

  “Just relax,” Clive said, pushing me wider and easing his cock inside of me next to Charlie’s. “Deep breaths, Morgan, and this will feel fucking incredible.”

  “It will, darlin’,” Charlie rasped. “Just open yourself to us.”

  “Oh fuck,” I exclaimed as the intensity ramped up. “Fuck me, both of you.”

  Clive pushed harder and at once both men were inside of me, both thick cocks stretching me wide and both of them throbbing against my pussy walls.

  I twitched and clenched and Clive pushed all the way in, then slowly pulled back. As he pulled back, Charlie pushed deeper, and they continued like that as they fucked me slowly, fully.

  I didn’t last long, the aching pleasure of the moment was beyond what my mind could handle. I cried out and thrashed my head, my hair spilling down all around me, brushing against my skin.

  I stiffened up and called their names, one by one, and felt something break free, all the tension and fear from the afternoon and the storm left me as I came.

  At that moment, lighting lit up the outside and I called out, but not in fear, but with power and bliss. As thunder rocked the cabin, rattling windows and making the wind howl just out of our safe walls, I came harder than I ever had.

  Both men went completely still and groaned as their cocks pulsed and they followed my lead, spurting their hot release deep inside of me.

  I gasped and finally came to awareness, my body weakened and spent as I panted, resting on Charlie’s body.

  Clive’s eye burned bright and he softened, pulling out of me and kneeling between my thighs. He pulled me up into his arms and I laid my head on his shoulder. He stood, lifting me off Charlie’s cock and settled me back onto the couch with the blanket wrapped around me.

  “After that, we owe you dinner,” Charlie said, pulling his jeans back up with that sexy crooked grin.

  “I think after that we owe her a hell of a lot more than just dinner.” Clive winked and dragged his own jeans back on.

  I settled in on the couch, completely spent and freshly fucked, and let my eyes half close in front of the fire.

  The men prepared coffee and dinner and treated me like royalty until the storm had passed and Ty drove out to take me home. Charlie and Clive rode the horses back, Doug had made it home ahead of us, and in the end everything worked out just fine.

  Except for one new addition.

  It seemed that the sound of thunder and the flash of lightning now made me throb with desire.

  After coming that hard with the storm raging outside, I had developed a bit
of a new fetish.

  Luckily I had four eager men looking to explore it with me.

  Chapter 33

  I spent the next couple days working on my article for the newspaper and had to go back to the city to follow up on a few things.

  Mr. Monty had approved the story so far, but he wanted me to go back to the apartment building and search around a few others. He agreed with me that Bayside Properties probably went way farther in their scams, and he wanted our paper to blow the lid off the whole mess.

  It would be a big boon for the struggling daily, it could mean big investors and keeping us going for a little while longer.

  I hated to leave the ranch, I’d only settled in for a few days but it already felt like home to me in a strange way.

  Ty won the coin toss drive me back to the city and stay with me a little while. It wasn’t much of a toss, Charlie and Clive had work on the ranch to attend to, and Ty basically wrestled the coin out of Harley’s fingers and declared himself the winner.

  I laughed at their antics, but the fact that they were literally fighting over who got to spend time with me flattered me beyond belief. I’d gone from being a little awkward and uncomfortable around men and their attention to being uplifted by being the center of attention.

  The drive back into the city seemed to take much longer than I thought. The conversation was good, Ty was a funny guy and a great talker. His bright blue eyes sparkled as he teased me and his laughter was infectious.

  Once back in my apartment it struck me how small it was; how much I missed the wide open spaces around the ranch house.

  And of course I realized I missed having all four men around me. I loved having Ty around and time to get to know him one-on-one, but there was something addictive about being desired so highly by four incredible cowboys.

  “So what’s for dinner tonight?” Ty asked after we’d settled in. “Would you like me to cook? My grandmother taught me more than pancakes, you know.” He winked and walked into my kitchen corner.

  “How about we go out? What kind of food do you like?” I asked. “Do you like sushi? Pho?”

  “Fuh what?” he asked, with his brow raised.

  “Pho, it’s Vietnamese soup. It’s delicious,” I said with a smile. “There’s a great little place just around the corner.”

  “Do they have good beer?” Ty asked.

  “They sure do,” I replied.

  “Then I’m in, let’s go get pho before we fuck,” he laughed.

  I normally would be scandalized by such language, but the moment he said it I felt a tremor of lust shake through me like a mini earthquake.

  I’d forgotten all about the fact that I could be with Ty, we could make love while in the city, away from the other guys.

  Or fuck, like he said; I’d take it any way I could get it from these guys.

  We walked arm in arm to the restaurant, laughing and talking like we’d been dating for months instead of in this five-way for just a week.

  We sat at a little table near the front of the place and scanned the menu. “I’d suggest the beef flank,” I said, “it’s my favorite.”

  “Well I’m sure your favorite will soon be mine,” he said with a smile.

  The waiter came back and took our orders, we got beer and a couple simple appetizers as well.

  We were deep in conversation and well through our second beers when the soup arrived. Ty followed suit, tossing fresh bean sprouts on top and adding hot sauce.

  “This might be too heated for you.” I grinned. “You might want to go easy on it.”

  “I like it hot.” He smiled back. “And you know I like fiery red things.”

  We began to eat and he was true to his word, he did like hot sauce and the soup.

  Midway through the meal, I heard my name being called from the door to the restaurant and I turned around to find Miles, my ex, with a grin on his face, waving at me.

  “Oh god,” I groaned, suddenly embarrassed to see how dreadful Miles looked after being with the four handsome cowboys.

  “How have you been?” he asked enthusiastically. “You look great!”

  Miles, however, did not. I’d forgotten how unattractive he was, his hair perpetually greasy and his smile almost pained. He’d put on even more weight since I last saw him, but it made him look soft and feminine, not bigger or stronger.

  “I’m fine,” I said tersely. “I’m busy though. We’re in the middle of something.”

  “A date? Good for you,” Miles said, “I always worried about you after I left.”

  I snorted. “You left? I broke up with you.”

  “Who is this?” Ty growled. “Do you want him to leave?”

  “He’s an ex,” I said, ashamed to admit it even now. “I kicked him out long ago, though.”

  “She did not kick me out.” Miles frowned, all pretense and niceties falling away. “I left her, and rightly so. She’s a real bitch, I’ll warn you of that, pal.”

  “I’m not your pal and you don’t need to warn me of anything,” Ty said, looking up at Miles. “You should do yourself a favor and get the hell away from us.”

  “Who are you to tell me what to do?” Miles retorted. “She is my ex girlfriend, what is she to you?”

  “She is my girl,” Ty snarled and stood up, sliding his chair back with a screech. “You’d best be on your way, asshole.”

  I didn’t want them to fight, but I was thrilled that Ty had claimed me like that in public.

  Ty advanced on Miles and stood inches over him, his solid, muscled body looking masculine next to my ex’s softness.

  “There’s no need to fight,” I said and stood as well. I saw the waiter staring at us, a concerned look on his face.

  “I’m not here to fight,” Miles said with his oily smile. “I just wanted to say hi to an old flame and maybe see if she wanted to get together again.”

  “You’re harassing her, she obviously isn’t interested,” Ty said and took a step to stand in front of me. “I suggest you leave her alone or you’re going to be thrown out.”

  “Let her speak for herself,” Miles sneered. “Unless you’re her pimp. Is that what it is, Morgan? Does he own your ass now?”

  “No, don’t be an asshole, of course not,” I spat. “You’re just being gross now, Miles.”

  “I don’t know, you used to scream so nice when I fucked you, you might as well get paid for it,” Miles replied with an evil smile.

  I didn’t even see it coming, but Ty’s fist came flashing out of nowhere and smashed Miles in the jaw.

  I screamed, Miles fell backwards and crashed to the floor in a heap of panic and pain.

  Ty stood over him with his feet wide apart, hands balled into fists at his side, and said, “Now leave or I will physically throw you out.”

  I’d never seen Miles back down from anything that fast, he was an arrogant sort and always assumed he was superior to others. I was shocked to see him crawl away from Ty like a crab, backwards on his hands and feet.

  “Miles, just go,” I snarled. “And no matter what you told yourself, I dumped your ass.”

  He jumped up near the door, whimpered as Ty took a step towards him, and scuttled away down the street.

  We apologized to the waiter, finished our meal and left a big tip.

  I was still feeling the adrenaline on the way home, everything felt brighter and sharper somehow as we moved through the streets.

  Even though I’d never thought much about it, I felt elated by having a man who stood up for me.

  And seeing Miles get punched in his smirking face was pretty awesome too.

  Chapter 34

  Ty called me a sex demon the third time I climbed on top of him that night.

  He called me possessed after the fourth time.

  It turned out being protected by my man in public was a bit of an aphrodisiac for me, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

  At one time he’d seemed less experienced than the other guys, but after just one night with my horny
self, he knew exactly what to do and where to do it.

  In the morning I stretched and rolled over right into his arms. He was still half asleep, but embraced me eagerly.

  “Good morning, kitten,” he said in a sleepy voice. “Did you sleep well?”

  “What little sleep I got was good enough,” I laughed and put my head on his chest.

  I heard his heart thudding through his ribcage, it was waking up, starting to beat faster as his cock grew hard again. “We don’t have time for that,” I said and dragged myself out of his arms and away from his incredible body.

  “There’s always time for that,” he chuckled and his eyes opened, locking onto mine. He pulled me back and on top of him again. “I love you like this,” he said, looking up at me. “You’re gorgeous, so fucking sexy.”

  He thrust up into me and I was immediately caught on an updraft, soaring into the heights of pleasure and tumbling into the depths of bliss.

  “I love this,” I moaned and rocked back and forth on him, squeezing him tight with my pussy.

  “I love you,” he exhaled and thrust harder.

  I paused for a moment at his words, nervous that he was lying or saying it too quickly, but it felt real to me.

  “I love you too,” I sighed, and I meant it. I shocked myself at how intense it felt already, how much every cell in my body felt love for him and the other three men.

  I loved them all, every one of them. I loved what they did to me and how they made me feel and how insanely amazing they treated me.

  In response he gripped my hips in his hands and rammed into me harder and harder.

  We came together, our love and sex making it all that much better, and I fell forward onto him, into his arms.

  “Now we can get you to work,” he smiled and stroked my hair.

  “I’ll lie and tell Mr. Monty my head still hurts,” I laughed. “But I should get into the office, I do want to finish up this article.”

  He sighed and reluctantly got out of bed with me, we showered, had a quick breakfast and he drove me to work. We squeaked in just before my day was supposed to start.


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