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The Gladiator

Page 2

by Marianne LaCroix

  His hands trailed down to remove the fabric covering his hard cock, which she now felt against her thigh. Then he lifted the flimsy fabric of her dress over her head, exposing her naked body. For the first time in her life, she felt incredibly sexy as she felt the hardness of his body rub intimately against her softness. He groaned and lifted her and entered her slick entrance in one quick stroke.

  She cried out at the rapturous invasion.

  "Did I hurt you?” he asked softly, stopping all movement.

  "No,” she breathed in response, wrapping her legs around his waist and clutching at his shoulders for support. She began riding his cock, slow and unhurried, enjoying each sensation as his cock moved within her body. It was hot, enormous, and the best she had ever felt. He fit her perfectly. Each stroke filled her wet entrance, bringing her closer to the edge once again.

  Marcus had never believed he would ever actually feel the flesh of the woman whose image had kept him sane all these years. He had used his private thoughts of her to block out the grizzly images of the numerous foes he had met in the arena, all in the name of entertainment. He did not share the thirst for deadly spectacles like the Roman mob, but he did value his own life. Hopefully, one day, he would be able to purchase his own freedom and live the rest of his days away from the Circus Maximus.

  Julia had come to him of her own will, and she was beyond any dream or fantasy. Now, she rode him in ecstasy with her eyes half closed and her breathing coming in rapid pants. It was more than he could ever hope for.

  Thrusting into her moist heat, it took most of his strength not to come right away. Backing into the cool stone wall to support their weight and movement, he wished to draw out the moment as long as possible.

  Her moans grew louder and he knew her climax was fast approaching, and when her inner muscles contracted in rhythmic squeezes around his cock, it was more than he could bear and his own control broke and spilled his seed into her warm core.

  She screamed out with each convulsion, milking him of every drop of his jism. He pumped into her, relishing each sensation, each joyous contraction as she fell into another orgasm, renewing her calls of passion.

  When the waves eased, he slid her body down the length of his and held her in a gentle embrace. How could he ever let her go after tonight? It would be agony to watch her walk away. But, he had no choice.

  The ecstasy of this night would live with him, urging him on to live one more day.

  Chapter Two

  A few hours later Julia was back in her chambers, lying awake in bed, reliving the night in her mind's eye. Had she really given herself to a complete stranger here in the past? He was not only a stranger, but a Gladiator. The fact echoed in her mind as his last words came to her when she had left him earlier that evening.

  "I will dedicate tomorrow to your beauty, my sweet Julia,” he had said.

  After having the most mind blowing sex she ever experienced, she had spent the next hour or so being held in his strong arms. He had wrapped her back in her green cloak and held her to him in a protective and possessive embrace. Never having had any man make her feel so sated and cherished, she soaked in the warmth of his body as he spoke in hushed tones to her.

  While she rested in his arms, Julia wondered what the future would bring her. How long was she to be in the past? A few hours? A few days? Forever? Did her presence in the past affect the future in any way? Things had to work out as history intended, and she couldn't interfere in the natural course of events.

  "Milady, are you asleep?” Aelia whispered from her servant's couch nearby. She was apparently always in attendance.

  "No.” How could she sleep when her life had changed so much? This morning she was a simple translator working in the museum, and now she was niece to Julius Caesar and lover to a Gladiator, a slave to Rome.

  "Are you thinking of him?"

  It was obvious Aelia was anxious for details. Julia was sure Aelia had heard her cries of passion from outside the cell. “Yes, I'm thinking of him."

  "I'm curious, milady, but how do you feel about seeing him tomorrow in the arena?"

  Julia sat up in her bed and looked through the darkness at Aelia. She could see the young woman's concerned face as she waited for her response.

  How did she feel about it? She would be required to go to the Games as part of the Roman aristocracy, but she hadn't given it much thought. How bad could it be? After all, wasn't she desensitized by her own century's news programs reporting death from around the world, and re-enacted tragedies by movies?

  Reality had to be worse.

  "Terrified, Aelia. I feel terrified."

  * * * *

  The next day Julia got up late due to lying awake most of the night.

  After Aelia delivered a morning meal, she led Julia to the bathing chamber, which housed an Olympic sized bathing pool filled with various floating flowers. The whole thing was extremely lavish, and Julia felt immensely spoiled as Aelia helped her bathe, scrubbing her back.

  So this is how the rich lived. Julia sighed, relaxing against the edge of the pool and soaking in the warm water's soothing caress against her skin. Still aching in spots she had never known existed, she decided the lingering pain was worth the pleasurable price of the night before.

  Now alone to bathe, Julia took advantage of the privacy. Her hands came up to her breasts, testing their weight and teasing her nipples as she remembered how Marcus had touched them. She moaned, excited at the mere thought of him touching her body, making her own liquid heat begin to flow between her legs. As her one hand continued to pull at a nipple, her other hand dipped down to her pussy to tease the swollen nub. Gasping at the tingle shooting through her as she rubbed herself, she made herself climax fast and hard. Just imagining Marcus doing those things to her, his tongue on her clit, tasting her juices as she came against his mouth, was enough to send her into a second immediate orgasm.

  Recovering, she felt slightly embarrassed. When was the last time she had given herself pleasure? She honestly couldn't remember.

  So much had changed over the last day. What else was to come?

  Later Julia sat on the edge of the pool wrapped in a towel and Aelia returned.

  "Milady, I think you should begin to hurry. Remember you're to watch the Games with your uncle and his Egyptian mistress today. It will be your official introduction, and I'm sure you're anxious to meet her."

  Good lord, she was to meet Caesar and Cleopatra today, as well as watching Marcus fight? Her anxiety level jumped up a few notches. “Will there be anyone else there?” she asked as the hurried back to her sleeping chamber to dress.

  "I think only Marcus Brutus will be there, as well, along with a few other Senators. Nothing to really worry about."

  Horrified, Julia turned and gazed at the servant as she readied the dress she was about to wear. Traitorous Brutus was to be there, as well? This just kept getting better and better.

  So, how does one from the future act around Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and Brutus, all key figures in Roman history? It was a historian's dream.

  Julia felt like she was about to live a nightmare instead.

  * * * *

  Draped in a fine light blue silk gown and her hair pinned up and adorned with gold clips, Julia felt ready to face the day. Aelia led her to an awaiting chariot which took them to the phenomenal Circus Maximus, the great arena of Gladiatorial battles and Roman entertainment. The colossal structure was twice the size of any sport stadium Julia had ever seen. Shaped like a U, it was specially designed to support chariot racing, although one on one battles were held there, as well. According to the flyer given out near the entrance, hand to hand combat was the plan for the day.

  She prayed that Marcus would make it through the day unharmed.

  The streets were deserted, except for the Roman guards patrolling against what she assumed were possible looters, as the entire city turned out for the Games. The loud roar of the crowd within Circus Maximus could be heard throughout t
he city, telling her that all of Rome was there.

  When they arrived at the amphitheater, she and Aelia climbed down from the chariot. They were met by guards to ensure their safe passage through the mob. After climbing numerous stairs, they reached the special reserved area for Caesar and his private attendees. Apparently, the Games had already begun.

  As they walked out into Caesar's box, Julia got her first glimpse of the great Julius Caesar.

  "Ah, Julia, my niece. I have been waiting for you. What kept you?"

  Julius was not a young man, but of middle age. He was of fair complexion, clean shaven, and had dark piercing, black eyes, similar to her own, she thought with a shutter. His hair was short, but neatly combed forward, and he wore a chaplet of laurel upon his head. Dressed in the fine Roman robes of the period, he looked like he had walked straight out of a painting. He appeared in excellent health and exuded an air of authority about him.

  Julia was completely in awe. “I'm sorry, Caesar, but I was enjoying my bath too much this morning, and lost track of time."

  "Well, I forgive you of your pleasure, Julia.” He swept out a hand, motioning to the woman on his right. “Come, and meet Queen Cleopatra, my special guest."

  Julia's eyes swept over the woman who had captured the hearts of the greatest men in history, and she was surprised she was not entirely beautiful. Her tanned skin and darkly lined eyes gave her an exotic sensuality, which must be part of her attraction. Of course, her curvaceous figure and allure of power were also understandable attributes.

  She stood still as the Queen examined her slowly, and Julia felt a sting of nervousness shoot through her body. Her palms began to sweat as Cleopatra made her own judgment.

  "She is a lovely girl, Caesar. I can see the family resemblance in her eyes.” Cleopatra paused as she motioned for Julia to stand before her. “My dear, light blue simply isn't your color. You should wear dark jewel tones like emerald or purple to bring out the beauty of your dark hair and eyes."

  Did the Queen of Egypt just give her fashion advice? Flabbergasted, Julia stammered out, “Thank you, Highness. I will keep it in mind."

  The Queen smiled as she motioned for Julia to sit at her side. “Our Egyptian fashions would look lovely on your figure, Julia. I would like to make you a gift of a few of our sheaths and beaded collars. Yes, a fine collar of gold and lapis would look lovely."

  "Thank you, Highness.” Julia sat on the seat to the right of Cleopatra. The great lady of Egypt liked her, and she returned that instant affection. She smiled and gazed out into the arena.

  There was no fighting going on at the moment, and the crowd was in a lull. Vendors yelled announcements of their wares as the mob prepared for the next round of matches.

  "I'm sorry, Caesar, but I came as soon as possible. I was delayed by some members of the Senate wishing to speak of some issues.” A tall man dressed in traditional Roman soldier attire of metal and leather appeared in the box. He removed his helmet, revealing a dark head of hair and tanned skin.

  "Brutus, my friend. The Senators will always talk of politics on a day of relaxation such as this. You are forgiven. Come and greet Queen Cleopatra and my niece, Julia."

  After exchanging pleasantries with the Queen, his attention turned to Julia. The cool chill ran down her spine. She knew this was one of the men that had plotted Caesar's demise.

  "Lady Julia,” he reached for her hand and kissed her knuckles. A shiver ran from where his fingers held her hand and down her arm. “Many men would risk their lives for a simple smile from your lips."

  Did he just throw her a line, or what? She pulled back her hand and forced a smile. Still, he seemed undaunted as he took his place, standing at her side.

  Just then trumpets announced the beginning of the next spectacle and the Master of Games began to speak to the crowd.

  "Citizens,” he began, “Caesar brings you the best of his Gladiators to entertain you today. Gallic prisoners of war now come and face their captors and battle to live against our fine Roman warriors. Caesar presents a recreation of his Gallic triumph!"

  A wave of cheering followed the announcement as Julia stared in awe at the bloodthirsty crowd. Just then, doors from the far side of the amphitheater swung open and the armored Gladiators marched out into the arena, met with a renewed roar of cheers.

  Julia picked out Marcus right away and gasped when she saw his tall muscular figure lead the other Gladiators onto the field. Trumpets continued to announce their appearance as they marched and made their way to face Caesar. They stopped in a group and saluted Julius, raising their swords, saying in unison, “We about to die, salute you."

  Then Marcus placed his other hand over his heart, and bowed towards Julia. That was his signal of tribute. She felt her cheeks burn as she brought her hands to cover her gaping mouth.

  "Ah, it seems one of your Gladiators, Caesar, admires the Lady Julia.” Brutus said aloud with a slight annoyance in his voice. “Who is he?"

  Julia glanced to Caesar as he looked from Brutus, to her, to Marcus below. Sitting back in his stone throne, he said coolly, “That is Marcus Magnnus, a former guard of mine."

  "Did you know him well, Great Caesar?” Cleopatra asked as they watched the men from Gaul enter the arena. Booing from the rowdy crowd drowned out any other noise in the arena.

  "I knew him,” he said in a curt voice, obviously getting annoyed at the subject. His icy eyes pierced Julia with their intensity.

  As she gazed back at him, she tried to appear calm, even though her stomach was doing a dance inside her and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.

  Just as he was to say something, the signal was given and the fighting began.

  She watched Marcus fight the men advancing towards him. Many were armed with nets and tritons, a long spear-like weapon with three sharp blades on one end, and others fought with swords and shields. All the Romans were better armored and fought with swords and shields.

  Parry and block, strike and cut. The fighting quickly grew bloody as the superior trained Gladiators cut down the ill equipped Gauls. With each drop of blood draw, a loud roar from the crowd rolled over the arena.

  It was the most gruesome spectacle Julia had ever seen. Nothing could have prepared her for the horror now playing out below.

  Each time a man struck at Marcus, she held in a yelp. Once again she prayed he would come out of this alive.

  When the man he fought fell to the ground, his weapon knocked from his grip, Marcus stood above him and looked towards Caesar. He awaited the signal of judgment. The crowd roared its overwhelming opinion for death, and Caesar gave them their wish when he motioned his thumb down. Marcus's blade plunged into the fallen man's body in one quick stroke gaining massive mob approval.

  "Marcus! Marcus! Marcus!” they chanted as he began fighting another foe.

  "He is magnificent, Caesar,” Cleopatra said, breaking into Julia's thoughts. “You should have him come to dine with us tonight. I would like to meet the Gladiator that wins the love and admiration of your people with the stroke of his sword.” The Queen glanced over at Julia, something she caught out the side of her eye. “And it will be interesting to see how he reacts to being in a more intimate surrounding with your lovely niece."

  * * * *

  Marcus knew his sign of tribute to Julia would be noticed by Caesar, but it was a risk he was willing to take. Seeing her again at a distance was not easy, especially when he was about to fight. The Gauls were Caesar's favorite pieces of entertainment, all to examine their fighting skills to improve his own armies’ defenses. It was not unusual for Germanians to pit against the Gauls, Greeks, or whomever Caesar chose.

  Julia looked horrified when he stole a glance as he awaited Caesar's judgment to life or death to his foe. In fact, she was as white as a ghost.

  He tried to put his worry for her out of his mind as he met his next opponent. It was a relatively easy lot of men for them to defeat. It wouldn't do to have the good investments of training Gladiat
ors to be matched with men of equal skill. Although, the warriors of Gaul were exceptional fighters, and they usually gave a good show.

  When the last man fell, the fighting stopped and all the survivors faced Caesar and bowed their regard. The Gauls who survived would then be trained as future fighters in the ring, and the rest of the Gladiators would live to see another day.

  Marcus began to leave the fighting field of the Arena, but not before catching one more glimpse of Julia. She looked less pale, but she still seemed preoccupied. Perhaps it was for the better. The less Caesar knew, the better.

  As he entered the inner bowels of the amphitheater, the stark contrast of darkness compared to the bright sunlight blinded him for a moment. It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the stone halls that led the warriors back to their holding cells.

  "Marcus,” Cassius called out to him. The man had not only been his trainer, but his friend. Of course, making friends was not part of the Gladiator lifestyle. You couldn't get too close to anyone, or it could affect the performance in the ring. Marcus had seen that happen too much. Friends fighting side by side were easily distracted and could lose both lives, instead of one.

  The friendship with Cassius was different though. He had won his freedom and no longer fought within the arena.

  "What is it?” Marcus asked.

  "'Tis word from Caesar's messenger. You are to entertain this evening for Caesar and his guests."

  A foreboding chill ran through over his skin. “Caesar requested me personally?"

  "Aye. The messenger said the Egyptian Queen requested it first. She wanted to see you interact with the Lady Julia.” Cassius paused then asked, “Why did you dedicate the day to her? Didn't you know that would capture Caesar's attention?"

  "Aye, that I did, but it couldn't be helped. Lady Julia has my heart."

  "You play a dangerous game, Marcus. See that it doesn't get us all killed.” Cassius slapped him on the shoulder and turned away, back out towards the next group of fighters.

  He would see Julia tonight, but under the wrong circumstances. Caesar had deadly plans. Marcus was sure of that. Hopefully, he could survive whatever Caesar cooked up for him to meet. It could be as easy as a match off with another Gladiator, or as difficult as wrestling a starved lion.


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