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The Legacy Collection Box Set

Page 55

by Ruth Cardello

  A bit of sadness entered the king’s eyes as he studied his new daughter-in-law. He said, “Rachid, your mother was outspoken also. I spent our time together trying to change her. In the end, she changed me.”

  Zhang’s eyes filled with tears.

  The king stood and smiled down at the next generation. “I still miss her.” He touched Zhang’s cheek softly and said, “You chose well, Son.”

  Rachid stood and pulled his wife up beside him. “I’d like to take the credit, but rumor has it that she chose me.”

  The king looked interested in the story, but Rachid didn’t offer more details. Thank God, Zhang thought. Some stories needed to be cleaned up a bit before they joined a family’s history.

  Mommy, tell us again how you picked Daddy from a digital lineup of the world’s most eligible bachelors.

  Did you really sleep with him the first night you met?

  What does it mean that his proposal was orgasmic?

  There wasn’t a single moment Zhang would change about their journey since it had taken all of it to bring them together, but certain aspects could be paraphrased for the retelling.

  Love at first sight.

  Discovering themselves and each other in the face of adversity.

  Maybe even that Grandma Hadia taught Grandma Xiaoli how to belly dance.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A month later, Zhang stood wrapped in Rachid’s embrace on the balcony of his palace suite as they watched the sun set behind the city’s skyline. Rachid nuzzled his wife’s neck.

  “I heard from Abby,” Zhang said. “They’re finally back from their honeymoon.”

  Rachid said, “I spoke to Dominic. After everything that happened here, I was relieved to hear that his server went online without a hitch.”

  “Do you think they’ll come back for your coronation, or did our wedding weekend scare them off?” Zhang asked into the night sky.

  “Dominic is a bit of a nervous wreck regarding his wife’s health lately, but I’m sure we can convince them to give us a second chance.”

  “Lil would probably move here if it weren’t for Jake,” Zhang joked.

  With a rumble of laughter, Rachid said, “Your parents are enough.”

  Zhang said, “I think it’s hilarious that my mother is studying Arabic when she never learned English.”

  Rachid hugged his wife back into his chest and said, “She and my grandmother have been pretty inseparable since your parents moved in. I wonder if they will get along as well once they speak the same language.”

  With an amused glance back at her husband, Zhang asked, “What are you saying about my mother?”

  Rachid laughed. “Nothing. I have to love her—she gave me you.”

  Zhang lightly tapped her husband’s forearm. “Oh, sweet words, but you can tell me the truth.”

  After a moment of thought, Rachid said, “Your mother is a strong, opinionated, stubborn woman. And so are you. I hope our daughters are as brave and loyal.” He rubbed his chin on the top of his wife’s head. “Although they will not be allowed to date . . . possibly ever.”

  “And our sons?” Zhang asked with a joking edge to her question.

  “They will only be banned from attending American weddings.”

  “Because they might end up with someone like me?” Zhang challenged, some of the humor leaving her voice.

  “There is no one else like you, Zhang.” Rachid kissed her neck between each word.

  “Our children will not be raised with a double standard.”

  “No, but they will be raised to respect the old ways as well as the new. As we do. It is a line we must all walk to belong. When you are out in the countryside, you curb your tongue and you dress as we dress. I know you do it out of respect for me, but it has also won you acceptance from my people.”

  Zhang sighed. “It’s not always easy.”

  Pushing her hair back to expose her ear to his attention, Rachid said, “We could have left and made our home anywhere in the world. We still can if this is too much for you.”

  Hugging her husband’s arms to her waist, Zhang said, “No, I see you show the same respect to my culture when we visit. You hold yourself differently and tone down the whole arrogant-prince act, and I know how hard that is for you. I’ll survive.”

  Rachid growled, spun his wife in his arms and said, “Just survive?”

  Zhang leaned against her husband and wiggled a bit until she felt him begin to stiffen. “Queen Zhang. It’ll be difficult, but I’ll manage somehow.” A sudden thought flew into her passion-dazed brain. “Speaking of difficult, I’d like Jeremy to be part of the ground team when Proximus relocates here next month.”

  Rachid drew back and asked, “Why do we need a hacker?”

  Zhang said, “He’s a genius when it comes to firewalls and encryption.” Rachid didn’t look convinced. “And I owe him.”

  Frowning, Rachid responded, “We both do. What does he want?”

  “He already has Corisi Enterprises and Andrade Global as clients. If he adds Proximus to his résumé there won’t be a company in the world who won’t bid for his services. He says becoming rich is part of his plan.”


  “To win the heart of some woman.”

  Rachid kissed his wife’s lips softy. “Then we’ll hire him, because I cannot think of a more noble cause.”

  With a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, Zhang asked, “Do you think all this sweet talk will get you a new fantasy tonight?”

  Rachid’s eyebrows rose and fell suggestively. “You have more?”

  Rising up onto her tiptoes, Zhang whispered into her husband’s ear, “An infinite supply of them.”

  In one bold move, Rachid swung Zhang up into his arms, carried her through the suite and headed for the bedroom. “Then it is fortunate that we have a lifetime to explore them.”

  As Zhang sunk into the softness of the bed and pulled her eager new husband down on top of her, she thought, I’m sorry I ever doubted you, universe.

  The cosmos answered in a whisper that tickled her thoughts even as she started to lose herself to passion: Boy or girl?

  It doesn’t matter, Zhang answered and rolled on top of her husband, playfully trapping him beneath her. I already have everything I need.

  So, four then.

  Zhang paused and sat straight up on Rachid.

  Four? I never said four.

  “Are you okay?” Rachid asked, suddenly concerned.

  Looking down at her husband, Zhang decided she was. She kissed him and he forgot his question. Sometimes when you lose to the universe, you win.

  Okay, four.

  Better get started then.


  Don’t want the story to end? Read on with Book 5 of the Legacy Collection

  Rise of the Billionaire

  Book 5

  The Legacy Collection

  Dreaming of Alethea gave Jeremy Kater the strength to survive a difficult childhood. Now that he has influential friends who owe him some big favors, he’s determined to become the kind of man Alethea would be interested in: rich and dangerous. Jeisa Borreto was hired to help Jeremy morph into that man. It’s a job she would enjoy, if it weren’t tearing her heart to pieces.

  How can she help him change once she’s realized she’s fallen in love with the man he’s always been?

  Hint: Sleeping with him doesn’t help

  Chapter One

  Second thoughts don’t belong in a boxing ring.

  Jeremy Kater held his ground even as his head snapped back beneath the gloved fist of the man he’d hired to teach him the basics of boxing. What had seemed like an essential component of his transformation was proving to be more painful than he’d anticipated.

  He had just raised his gloves to try and block the next hit to his face when his opponent took advantage of the movement and punished his unprotected abdomen with enthusiasm. Ray Denton was a legend in the world of boxing. Not only had he reigned as the world cham
pion heavyweight boxer for several years during his youth, but after his retirement he had gone on to train more than one fighter who had won the same title.

  You’d think that a man like that would be happy to give beginner lessons for a generous fee. However, convincing Ray to work with an amateur had been no easy feat. But Jeremy wasn’t a quitter. He’d countered every refusal with an offer of more compensation until he’d reached a number that Ray hadn’t been able to dismiss.

  Years of playing Mighty Punch-Out on his vintage game console hadn’t prepared him for the reality of a trained professional. Nor had his one actual fistfight during his senior year of high school given him any skill when it came to breaching the defenses of the man who was currently dancing around him, easily blocking his punches, and landing almost every one of his physical rebuttals.

  Another swing, another miss, another failed attempt to block what felt like a sledgehammer to his skull. Jeremy shook his head to clear it. The room spun and tilted. He took a step back to steady himself.

  I probably should have waited until after the first lesson to pay him, Jeremy thought. At least he would have had incentive to make sure I survived it.

  He’d expected his first lesson to include agility work, maybe some shadowboxing. He’d read how boxers used uppercut bags and speed bags to work on resistance. He’d even looked forward to an introductory light sparring match.

  This was something entirely different.

  The next well-placed hit sent Jeremy to his knees. He sat back on his heels, braced himself, and gasped for air. Ray’s face twisted with satisfaction, and Jeremy saw the ugly truth in his eyes.

  He wants me to fail.

  He thinks I don’t belong here.

  He’s wrong.

  Regaining his footing, Jeremy adjusted his headgear, clamped his teeth down on his mouth bit, raised his hands, and swung, a bit wildly, at his opponent. But Ray was too fast for him. Two quick jabs and a cross sent Jeremy stumbling backward against the rope of the ring. Whatever herculean strength he’d hoped would surface in response to this beating was sadly absent. Even the sting of the blows lessened as they became more severe and his body weakened. His new challenge was no longer his opponent but a growing numbness.

  Before he could pull himself off the ropes, a blur of feminine fury flew past him and took a protective stance in front of him.

  Jeisa. Barely as tall as the boxer’s shoulders and chicly dressed in a sleeveless black jumper, oversized sunglasses, and high heels, his image consultant looked ridiculously out of place in the ring. She flipped her thick, dark mane of hair over one shoulder and waved a hand aggressively at Ray, who seemed momentarily surprised into inaction. Her normally light Brazilian accent thickened as she said, “Stop! He’s had enough.”

  Jeremy pushed himself off the ropes. Although he appreciated her concern, he didn’t want her in the ring. This was between Ray and him. Jeisa may have been able to advise him in many other areas of his ongoing transformation, but not in this one.

  He didn’t expect her to understand why he needed to be here.

  He didn’t expect anyone to.

  Ray looked Jeisa over, whistled in appreciation, and said, “You’re one lucky bastard.”

  Jeisa stepped closer to the boxer and snarled, “And you are a poor example of a trainer.”

  As Ray’s jaw tightened at her evaluation, Jeremy quickly intervened. He put a gloved hand on one of Jeisa’s shoulders and turned her around gently. “I told you not to come, Jeisa. This doesn’t involve you.”

  Jeisa spun fully on Jeremy. She gripped his arm and said urgently, “If you want self-defense classes, I can sign you up for karate or something less violent.”

  In a mocking tone, Ray said, “You should listen to your girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” This is for Alethea.

  The trainer’s eyebrows lifted as he assessed Jeisa for a second time. He winked at her and drawled, “Then maybe she’ll be mine.”

  Something in the man’s tone made Jeremy straighten to his full height. A rush of adrenaline seared through him. He met and held Ray’s eyes. Without glancing down at Jeisa, Jeremy ordered, “Jeisa, get out of the ring.”

  “But . . .” she said.

  “Get out.”

  With obvious reluctance, Jeisa slid between the ropes back to the area around the ring. “Fine,” she said, “kill yourself if you want to. You’re right—I shouldn’t have come. I’m leaving.” But she didn’t. He knew she wouldn’t.

  A dark emotion he didn’t take the time to identify surged within him, and he went at Ray with renewed force. Ray saw him coming, but he underestimated the momentum his nearly beaten opponent had mustered. Jeremy landed one punishing hit to the boxer’s face.

  The two men circled each other. Jeremy met the boxer’s aggression with his own. Ray might knock him out, but he would not force him to back down. Ray threw a punch at Jeremy’s abdomen. Jeremy surprised him by blocking him and then retaliating. His punch connected and set the boxer back a step.

  Then everything changed.

  Ray’s face went red with fury. Trainer turned fighter, and Jeremy prepared himself for what he knew was going to be a very painful rebuttal. Heaving for air, Jeremy planted his feet with determination. There’d been times in the past when he’d allowed the opinions of others to hold him back.

  This was not one of those times.

  Jeisa Borreto gripped the back of a wooden chair in the dingy South Boston gym to stop herself from hopping back into the ring. The man who called himself a trainer was clearly on a sadistic ego trip, and Jeremy seemed not only to recognize that fact but also to accept it.

  Still, the smell of sweat and the sound of fierce exhalations were both incredibly intimidating and disturbingly exciting at the same time. Her own adrenaline was coursing through her, making it impossible for her to look away even when she knew the fight was only going to become more painful to watch.

  She jumped when Jeremy’s punch connected and Ray’s head snapped back. Normally she didn’t condone violence, and she was definitely not a fan of this sport in particular, and yet her heart was racing and she felt as if Jeremy’s triumph was her own. Was this the high the Romans had sought when they pitted man against beast? Although Jeremy’s chance for survival seemed as slim as that of a gladiator, he blocked Ray’s next hit and landed another of his own.

  Jeisa surprised herself by cheered him on out loud. What would my father say if he could see me now? A ghost of a smile flitted across her lips at the thought. He’d think I’ve finally lost my mind. He was already reeling from what he considered her mid-twenties rebellion. She really couldn’t blame him. She’d gone to the private schools he’d sent her to without issue. She’d even graduated with a degree in International Relations from the University of São Paulo. She’d been raised to follow the rules, maintain a blemish-free public persona, and blend into the background like a beautiful painting—cherished, but silent.

  Was it wrong to want more than the comfortable life he’d given her? If her father had had his way, she’d be married to some wealthy Brazilian businessman, spending the rest of her life being pampered and protected.



  I don’t want my only decisions to revolve around who will sit together at the dinner parties I host for some highly successful and equally boring husband.

  Life has to be about more than that.

  She’d decided to get a job and show her father that she was perfectly capable of supporting herself, but finding employment after the influential Romario Borreto made it known that he didn’t want his daughter working wasn’t easy. Out of desperation, she’d looked beyond the borders of Brazil and outside of her educational background. No one was willing to take a chance on a foreign unknown—until she found an au pair position through an international classified ad. Not her ideal job, but a way to pay the bills until she found something better.

  With her bags packed and with a
n equal share of enthusiasm and naïveté, she’d flown to Boston, imagining the hardest part of her new life would be acclimating to the cold New England weather. She’d made many American friends at school but had lost touch with most of them when they’d moved back to the States. Still, she’d dreamed of living in America since she was little—Boston in particular. It was as romantic and exotic to her as Paris.

  No one would know her. For the first time in her life she could be simply Jeisa. She didn’t worry about being alone since she’d be living with an American family.

  An ideal way to get to know the culture while hunting for a better job.

  Except for one minor detail.

  Reese David, the man who’d hired her as a nanny for his family, hadn’t mentioned that he wasn’t married. And, oh yes, he didn’t have any children.

  Stranded in Boston and unwilling to call home for help, Jeisa had done what many young people do when they apply for their first job. She’d lied.

  Lied well, apparently, because she’d landed an entry-level secretarial job at Corisi Enterprises. But even with miles between them, her father left her little room to breathe. He called once a day. So, unwilling to tell him about the nonexistence of her first job, she’d lied once a day—the stories growing like weeds between her and her father until she could no longer see a way around them.

  Too late to confess.

  I should have spilled the truth before I named the imaginary children.

  Definitely before I gave them hobbies and personalities.

  If lies were pennies, she’d surely earned her way to hell a few times over already.

  I’m no better than Reese. Well, I’m not a sexual predator trying to take advantage of women I lure away from their families with false promises—so perhaps I’m a bit better.

  Still, I’m a liar, and there is always a price to pay for being dishonest.

  Jeisa winced as Jeremy’s brief success enraged the old fighter. Guilt weighed heavily upon her. It’s my fault he’s here. A professional wouldn’t have allowed him to come. But I’m not a professional—I lied about that, too. If only life were like an Etch A Sketch that could be shaken and erased when you drew yourself into a real mess.


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