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Page 9

by Ahren Sanders

  “Ember, come here.” Robbie holds one arm out, and like the day in the shop with his dad, my feet take me straight to him. He tugs me close and brushes a kiss across my lips, not caring that we have an audience.

  I inhale the scent of him mixed with leather and spice. He looks at me tenderly and hugs me tight. “It’s been a long week. I’ve missed you.”

  The safe feeling only he can give warms me. “I missed you, too,” I whisper.

  “Right, we’re going to be in my room. You have about thirty minutes,” Cruz tells Robbie, who gives him a small nod.

  “What happens in thirty minutes?”

  No one answers me, but Robbie steps away and starts organizing the mounds of food on the counter.

  “Who all did you buy for? There’s enough food for six people.”

  “At least five.”

  “Are you feeding five?”

  “Seems so, but we’ll get to that in a minute. I want to talk to you about something.”

  Uneasiness sends a pit to my stomach. I instinctively start to fidget and look around the room.

  “Jesus, you’re adorable. Calm down, Ember.”

  His face is filled with humor when I meet his eyes.

  He walks back to me and surprises me by lifting me onto the counter top and situating himself between my knees. His hands move to either side of me, caging me in. “Remember how I told you Raven’s getting married in Florida in a few weeks?”


  “I want you to come with me.”

  “You want me to be your date to your sister’s wedding? In Florida?” I repeat, not sure I heard him right.

  “That’s exactly what I want.”

  “What does Raven think? Have you talked to her?”

  “Of course, called her today. They are there this weekend to plan the details. She’s getting a few condos, and I asked her to put us with them.”


  “Yeah, I know you feel comfortable with Raven.”

  “You asked to stay with your sister and her fiancé, on their wedding weekend, instead of being with your friends, for me?”

  He cringes. “I’d rather not think about the specifics of what’ll be happening under the roof, but essentially, yes. I want you with me, and this is the best arrangement. We’re sure as shit not staying with the band. Cooper, Nate, and Blake are crazy fuckers, and Charlie will be with them, too. I’m pretty sure we’ll have another couple in our condo, maybe even Finn and Tripp. But I claimed us a room.”

  It all sounds so perfect, but then realization sets in. I can’t leave right now. His eyes dance, his lips twitching slightly.

  “Before I tell you the rest, I need to know if you’ll go. Will you accept my invitation to my baby sister’s wedding?”

  “I can’t.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I know this is the busiest time of the year for you, so I called back up. One thing led to another, and you’re covered for work.”


  “I hope you don’t mind, but I called Cruz first to tell him my plans to ask you, knowing your work schedule is hectic. He told me it was taken care of, but that your Aunt Chloe would never let you leave the state without meeting me first. So I asked to cook you all dinner here tonight.”

  “What?!?” I screech. All the giddiness and fluttery excitement flies out the window.

  “Yeah, I’m going to grill some steaks, drink some beer, and meet your aunt.”

  “No, no, no… we have to stop her from coming.” I scramble to move, but he grips my hips.

  “Why would we do that?”

  “Robbie, your family and my family are very different.”

  “So? Different is good.”

  “That didn’t come out right. Shit! How do I say this without sounding like a loser? I’ve never introduced a guy to my aunt. She’s a dreamer, a wonderer, a complete free spirit. My love for her knows no bounds, but she may walk in here with a joint and a bag to spend the night.”

  “She sounds like someone I can’t wait to meet.”

  “Did you not hear me about the joint thing? Your dad works with law enforcement.”

  “My dad’s not here, Ember, and if he were, it wouldn’t matter. You don’t think we know people smoke marijuana?”

  “There’s more.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Oh, God, this is so embarrassing,” I moan.

  “Then I bet it’ll be good because your neck is starting to splotch.” He leans in and kisses along my jawline, completely distracting me. The softness of his lips sends a message from my brain to every nerve ending that the familiar mouth of Robbie Hayes is touching my skin.

  “Aunt Chloe is a bit of a hippie. She’s also absolutely wild. Her style is bohemian to the hilt. She lives her life as an open book, and that means for everything. She also has no filter. No subject is off limits. Including sex.”

  He chuckles against my skin. “I like sex, so I think I can handle that.”

  “Robbie, I’m serious. She not only talks about it, she asks about it. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to shut her down.”

  “Ember, you’re freaking out over nothing. Remember, this is new to both of us. The last time I did the ‘meet the parents’ thing, I was a senior in high school. I may be a little rusty, but it’ll be fine. And if all else fails, I’ll mention sex.”

  “Don’t say you haven’t been warned.”

  “So back to what started this all. Will you come to the wedding, as my date?”

  He lifts his face from my neck, cups my chin, and lays his mouth against mine. “Say yes.”

  “Yes,” I answer breathlessly, inhaling him in.

  “Damn! That’s hot! Without seeing his face, I can tell he’s a fucking catch.”

  The moment is broken, and I look over Robbie’s shoulder at the woman who means the world to me.

  “Hi, Aunt Chloe.”


  I seriously can’t remember having this much fun in the last year. As soon as Chloe’s southern voice filled the kitchen, something changed in Ember. It was a mood shift. She completely relaxed into my hold and smiled widely at the woman standing in the doorway. When I turned to face her, it was like looking at a beautifully aged Ember. The hair, the eyes, the body type- they were all the same.

  She didn’t dwell on formal pleasantries at all, coming straight toward me with her arms outstretched. I hugged her loosely, introducing myself. Her embrace with Ember was much longer, burying her head and whispering something in her ear. Whatever she said caused Ember’s cheeks to turn pink.

  Cruz and Alex joined us in the kitchen, and I got busy preparing dinner. Ember helped and the conversation zinged around the room in a variety of subjects. I learned that Chloe designs the jewelry and accessories that are sold in the shop. She has used some of Ember’s drawings for inspiration and brags about the talented ‘Little Star’ openly.

  It was my idea to grill, since that’s what I do best. It still being February didn’t bother me.

  One thing’s for sure; throughout the evening, Chloe’s the entertainment. She’s been engaging, warm, and welcoming. I observed Ember as she interacted with her family and realized she was truly comfortable. Gone was the apprehension from before. She had no walls, no guards, and no holding back when she was with the people who loved her. It thrilled me that she was so relaxed and happy.

  After dinner, we settled in the living room so Ember could show her aunt the latest drawings she’d been working on. I watched from the couch as they decided on fabrics for a dress that Chloe loved. My mind absorbed the carefree Ember, and a dark thought crept through. What happened to her that is so terrible, with all the love in this room? I can’t imagine Chloe or Cruz ever letting anything harm her.

  “What do you think?” Ember’s voice interrupts my thoughts.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Would this be appropriate for Raven’s wedding?”

  She shows me a penciled sketch
of a black dress that looks exactly like her style. “I think it would be perfect.”

  “Me too. I’ll get the fabric this weekend, and we can get started on Monday,” Chloe agrees, standing up. “I need to get home.”

  “Got a date tonight?” Alex questions with a grin.

  “Does it count as a date if he comes over, fucks my brains out, and leaves by sunrise?”

  Cruz hangs his head, and Ember slaps her hand over her mouth. Alex and I both burst into laughter.

  “What? It’s natural to have needs, and lucky for me, this guy can handle them.”

  “Please stop, Mom. Ember’s boyfriend is here.”

  She swings her head and smirks at me. “You think Robbie has issues with sex? He doesn’t give off the impression he’s shy.”

  “Oh, Lord, here we go,” Ember whimpers.

  “No, I don’t think he has issues with sex, but saying you’re going home to ‘fuck your brains out’ the first night you meet him is a little crass.”

  “It’s not like I told him about my threesome experience.”

  “I cannot believe you just said that.” Cruz’s face turns red.

  “He looks like a man that can appreciate a good threesome story. Probably enjoyed a few himself.”

  At this point, Ember falls to the side and covers her face with a pillow.

  “Not a virgin, Chloe, but threesomes aren’t really my thing,” I throw in, still laughing.

  “Not now, obviously, you’ve got Ember.”

  “Even before I met Ember, but one’s thing for sure, I’d never share her.”

  A smile spreads across all three of their faces, and Ember gasps into the pillow.

  “Time to go.” She gives me a brief hug and squeezes Ember’s knee before leaving. Alex and Cruz walk her out, and I chuckle to myself.

  “Could that have been any more embarrassing? My forty-seven year old aunt just talked about threesomes in a room with my date.”

  “I thought it was pretty funny.”

  “You would.” She surprises me by sitting up and crawling into my lap, setting her arms around my shoulders. We stare at each other silently as the air around us buzzes. The instant our lips touch, I press into her as close as possible. The kiss is slow and leisurely, neither one of us in a hurry. I soak in the taste that has been missing for the last week, trying to make up for lost time. My cock strains against my jeans. She grinds down, causing me to moan quietly into her mouth.

  A throat clears behind us, and I withdraw, nipping at her bottom lip. “We’re going out. Y’all want to come?”

  Come? Hell yes, I want to come, just not in the way they’re talking.

  I wait for Ember to answer, and relief washes over me when she declines. They leave a few minutes later, muttering about not being home ‘til late.

  “Once again, I feel like a horny teenager, making out and getting caught.” She grins.

  “Are you saying you’re horny?”

  “Maybe,” she answers coyly.

  Her boldness stirs my own desire.

  “I don’t want to be a dick, but I’ve heard a lot of shit out of girl’s mouths and nothing has ever turned me on like that.” I push my hip into her, knowing she feels my erection the minute her lips turn into a grin.

  “You want to stay the night?”

  “Hoping you’d ask me since the minute I came through the door.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  I don’t answer but pick her up and walk to her room. Once I get there, something is different. The furniture is the same, but all her shit is re-arranged, and a TV sits in the middle of her dresser.

  “I noticed that you like the TV on when you sleep. I put that in here last night, in case you stayed over again.”

  My heart hammers in my chest as I stare longingly at the beauty in my arms. The simple statement just changed everything. Finn is right; she makes me smile- a real smile, too, one that reaches down deep and releases the devastation and disaster I’ve faced. A feeling that goes with me everywhere and her observation that I needed the distraction one night, made her try to help me.

  “I appreciate that, babe, really, and it’s true I like the noise, but somehow, with you in this room, I slept better than ever with your shallow breathing at my throat. I could feel every breath you took. So the TV is an awesome gesture, but you don’t have to change anything for me.”

  “Is it too much?”

  “No, it’s perfect, but we’ll compromise. TV until you’re out, then I’ll turn it off.”

  She melts into me and hugs tight. “Thank you for tonight. I know my family is a bit wild, but Aunt Chloe loved you.”

  “I had a great time. Now, we wait. I’ll give it two days tops before my mom calls to schedule a dinner.”

  She tenses.

  “Don’t clam up now. Tonight we made plans to travel together, Cruz announced I was your boyfriend, and I had my first threesome conversation with a woman over forty. It’s official.”

  “What’s official?”

  “We’re a couple. Get used to it, babe, because I already am.”

  “Really?” She steps back and looks at me with a goofy grin.

  “Yeah, really, and all I want to do is kiss you again.”

  “Just kiss me?”

  “Don’t tease. I’m holding my self-control here. Only so much I can take.”

  “Why are you holding back? You know I like you. We have the house to ourselves—”

  “Because I want all of you— every morsel that makes you. I’m not a sensitive or sentimental guy, but with you, I’m different. There are things I want to know before we have sex. This has never been casual for me, and for once in my life, I want to get to know you before I claim every inch of your body. You have deep dark secrets you aren’t ready to share, and I’m willing to wait. You’re worth it.”

  Her eyes turn a deep shade of blue, burning with desire. Heat pours off her body. Passion and sexual tension flow between us. She swallows hard and then licks her lips slowly, teasing me.

  “Tomorrow, we’ll talk.”

  Chapter 12

  Initiation into the Asylum


  I watch Ember flutter around the kitchen in her skimpy tank and loose pajama pants, and tamper the urge to drag her back to bed. True to the other two times we slept together, she fell asleep on my chest for about five minutes before her body took over. I was able to keep my leg elevated, but her hands, arms, and legs flailed until she finally settled, with her body in a human ‘x’. The one time she did turn into me, her faint voice whispered “Robbie” Otherwise, she slept like a fucking log.

  “What are you thinking about?” She lays a plate in front of me.

  “You. Seems you take up most of my thoughts lately.” I look at her with her hair piled on top of her head and face fresh of make up. She looks like an angel.

  “You’d better eat, because you must be delirious,” she jokes.

  We eat in silence for a few minutes before she talks, her voice low and trembling.

  “Aunt Chloe and my dad are siblings. Loved each other dearly. From what I know now, she hated my mom at the first sight. My dad was in deep and got Mom pregnant with Natalie. Chloe had a fit, and so did my grandparents, but Dad married Mom and tried to do the right thing. He moved to Alabama for a job, leaving the whole family behind.

  “Chloe was the wild child, and when Dad started his family, my grandparents’ attention was directed solely on her. The harder they tried to control her, the more she rebelled. One day, a drifter rolled into town. As she tells it, he was the man of her dreams. They settled down in a small house south of town, and things were good for a while, but a few months after Chloe found out she was pregnant, he was killed in an industrial accident. My grandma used to say that she’d never seen devastation run so deep, but Chloe didn’t give in to depression.

  “Cruz is named after his father, but everyone called him CK. One of the things CK was able to do was patch the rift between my parents, grandpare
nts, and Aunt Chloe. Dad stepped in to help Chloe as much as possible, which gave Cruz and Natalie a chance to grow up together for a while. When Mom got pregnant with me, she freaked out. She was terrified of another baby. My dad assured her it would be okay and convinced her not to abort me. From the time I was born, I was a nuisance.”

  A nuisance? Is that how she grew up, thinking she was a bother? She looks at me with trepidation. I reach over and take both her hands in mine, waiting for her to continue. As much as I want to interrupt her to smother her in compliments and assure her she’s a gift to the world, I’m scared I may not get the rest of the story.

  “Natalie was out of the baby stage and could do things on her own. I was a pest to my mom. Aunt Chloe knew it was bad and tried to help. She came to Alabama almost every weekend. My dad knew my mom was neglecting me, so he tried his best to make sure I was being taken care of. When Cruz started school, it was harder for Chloe to come down, so we came up to Nashville. But Mom always kept Natalie with her. Even when my grandparents died, Mom and Natalie only came for the funeral. My life was like that as long as I remember. Traveling on the weekends, playing with Cruz, hanging out with my dad.

  “As the years went on, things got strange in my home. My dad tried, but we all knew Mom was having affairs. He wanted Natalie to have a normal home life, but she was too far imbedded into Mom. She was nasty, uncooperative, and rebellious. Mom waived it off and laughed, but never punished her. Dad couldn’t control her. By the time I was twelve, they both hated me.”

  I watch as one lone tear drips down her cheek, followed by another. Then there’s an avalanche. She doesn’t sob, or even make a sound, but wet streaks pour down her face and I pull her into me. Small hands slink up my torso and grab my neck tight.

  A movement in the room catches my eye, and Cruz and Alex stop in the doorway, watching us. They back out quietly as she has her moment.

  “We don’t need to talk about anything else this morning.”

  “There’s so much more.”

  “Is this a one-time conversation?”


  “We’ll talk again when tears aren’t soaking my shirt. I’ve already told you. Not going anywhere.” I wipe her tear-stained cheeks gently.


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