Book Read Free


Page 27

by Ahren Sanders

  The receptionist is friendly when I explain this is a surprise visit to my sister. She asks if we’d like to sit and talk in the lobby or a private room. I opt for the private room. A member of the staff takes me to a room and goes through my purse to ensure I didn’t sneak in anything that violates the rules. Once she’s satisfied, she leads me to another room with a small sofa and table with two chairs. She’s about to leave when I find my voice.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  She turns and nods.

  “I’ve never been in a place like this before, so it may sound stupid, but how are those families meeting in the lobby? Aren’t there rules or something?”

  Her smile is warm. “Yes, there are rules, but in here, we recognize that addictions are illnesses. We also work hard to treat these illnesses so that the patients can feel comfortable in an open environment. Those families you saw are spending their time talking, laughing, and enjoying each other outside of a treatment or therapy room. This is an exercise that will help transition them to their homes when they leave. Most of them are trying to participate in normal activities to help beat down the need to use. It’s a different kind of therapy that not everyone chooses. I don’t know your sister or your situation, but maybe one day that will be you out there.”

  Not in this lifetime, I say to myself.

  She leaves the room with another warm smile. My hands shake nervously, not because I’m scared of facing Natalie, but because I lied to Robbie. He asked me several times to share with him what was on my mind and I came up with excuses. His questioning this morning almost crumbled my resolve, but because he’s in danger, this is my last resort.

  The doors open, and Natalie walks in. When her eyes meet mine, they grow wide. I take in her appearance and notice she looks much healthier than the afternoon in the parking lot. Her face is no longer pale and ashen. She has color to her cheeks, and the minimal make-up looks nice. The clothes she wears fit her body instead of hanging.

  I’m so busy doing a body scan, I don’t notice the air in the room change. When my eyes meet her gaze, a chill runs up my spine.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were Mom.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “About what exactly?”

  “About what? How about the fact you laid your debt at my feet and now people I love are being threatened? I don’t have the money to cover your ass.”

  She rolls her eyes and leans against the wall. “Don’t shit me, Ember. You have the money. I had no choice but to tell him about you”

  “What do you mean, you had no choice? There’s always a choice!”

  “You’re so naïve. See, some things don’t change. Just pay the money.”

  “You don’t seem to understand. I. Don’t. Have. The. Money! I got the first half together, but that’s it.”

  “The way Dad talks about you, you should have plenty of resources. Fancy college degree, working full time, designing dresses for weddings… I hear it all. The perfect Ember.”

  The thought that my dad discusses me with Natalie makes me nauseated.

  “There’s no way for me to get my hands on any more without rousing suspicion. And I can’t rouse suspicion because your maniac dealer will hurt people.”

  She throws her head back, laughing. “Oh my God! Trey wouldn’t hurt anyone. He’s all talk.”

  “That may be so, but Trey’s gone. The man I’m dealing with says he’s Trey’s boss. He’s already proven what he’s capable of.”

  Her laughter dies as fear washes over her face. “You’re working with Dade?”

  “I don’t know what his name is. He’s yet to give it to me through all my engaging conversations. But he’s got a man watching Cruz, Robbie, and me. Who knows who else? Probably Alex, Chloe, and Dad, too. And let’s not forget he orchestrated a fire at the house I was buying! So, I repeat, you need to tell your manic friend to wait for you to get out of here to get the rest of the money.”

  “No, no, no,” she chants, and sits on the small sofa. “This is not good.”

  “Obviously, it’s not good, and you brought me into it.”

  She looks at me for the first time in my life with concern. “Ember, Trey came to see me a few weeks ago. He said he’s done the best he could to cover my debt, but I needed to get him some money or there would be problems. He told me that certain people in here could make my life hell.

  “I explained that I didn’t have a way to get it, but to talk to you. Told him about your boyfriend and that he could use that as incentive to get you to pay.”

  “Jesus! Do they let every Tom, Dick, and Harry visit? Your dealer visited you in rehab, and no one thought that was odd?” I throw my hands up in the air and fight the urge to scream.

  “It’s not prison, Ember. We can have visitors. You’re proof of that.”

  “I’m your sister!”

  She shrugs and leans her elbows on her knees. “You need to figure out how to get the rest of the money. Dade’s an ass.”

  “Ass or not, I’m telling you now, get him off my back. I’m done. Tell him to wait for you.”

  “Doesn’t work like that.”

  “Make it work like that! If he doesn’t leave me alone, I’m going to tell Robbie. Me even being here today is a huge risk. This was a courtesy to you.”

  “Risk? You want to talk about risk? Are you really willing to risk the people around you being hurt? He’ll do it. And what about those precious friends of yours? The rocker and his wife? I hear you’re practically family. It’s only a matter of time before Dade learns the connection, if he hasn’t already. Hard to tell the man you don’t have a few thousand dollars when you’re hobnobbing with millionaires.”

  “You wouldn’t…” My pulse starts racing. The thought of Raven being in danger while pregnant flashes through my mind

  “I’ll do what I have to do.”

  My knees wobble, so I use the table to steady myself. “Tell me why. Why did you do this to me?”

  “I couldn’t expect Dad to pay them. He works in security, for God’s sake. And Mom doesn’t have the money. You were the only choice.”

  Silence stretches between us, and an evil grin spreads across her face. “You could always offer to sleep with him. He may be into that type of payment. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

  The words sting straight to my soul, and I glare at her with absolute disgust. She stops smiling when she realizes my complete repulsion. I walk to the door and leave without another word. The receptionist waves at me cheerfully, but I don’t return the gesture. I can’t even force a smile.

  My breath hitches when I see the two men leaning against my car. Their arms are crossed, their eyes aimed directly at me. Even from the short distance, I notice the look of betrayal. We stare at each other for a few seconds then I run straight to Robbie. He braces when I fly into his arms, holding us both up.

  “I’m sorry. Please, don’t be mad at me. I can’t handle it right now,” I mutter.

  “Holy Shit, what happened in there? You’re shaking.”

  My throat closes as I try not to wail in the public parking lot.

  “Ember, talk to me.”

  I lay my head against his chest and grasp his arms. “I-I-I… S-s-h-h-e-e… hates me. I-I-I had to see for myself,” I stammer.

  “Why? Why would you put yourself through that?”

  “C-c-can we talk about this later?”

  His chest relaxes under my cheek, and his hand massages my head gently. “Yeah, babe, we’ve got plenty of time. Give me your keys. I’m driving home.”

  I fish them out of my purse and turn to face Finn. “Sorry.”

  “A lot of people care about you. Talk to us if you need to. Don’t chase the demons on your own. And that’s what your sister is, a demon.”

  “You don’t have to worry about it happening again. This is the last time I’ll voluntarily ever be around her.”

  He squeezes my shoulder, and the look of sympathy in his eyes causes a few more tear
s to drip down my cheeks. “Follow y’all back.”

  Robbie helps me into the passenger seat and kisses my temple before going around. I run my fingers over the scar and watch him fold into the driver’s seat.

  “Ember, I love you… so much it physically hurts when you’re upset. What happened out there just now? The look of devastation on your face, the tears, your body trembling —it kills me. The rage inside wants to destroy your sister.

  “But this is where we talked about trust. I would have driven you here today and waited as long as it took for you to do what you needed. Instead, you kept it from me. I hate Natalie, and I can’t understand why you’d want to put yourself through this.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “It was a really dumb idea.”

  He drives toward the interstate and stays quiet, letting me process my emotions. This is the perfect time to tell him everything. His phone rings, and when he answers, I glance at my own.

  The phone I now refer to as ‘Dade’s phone’ has a text message.

  Dade: $ tomorrow.

  Me: Okay Dade

  I turn it to silent, burying it in the bottom of my purse. Robbie finishes talking to Tripp and tosses his phone on the dashboard. Reaching for my hand, he runs his thumb lightly over my wrist.

  “You ready to talk about it?”

  “I had to see for myself if she was serious about getting better. When Dad told us all that stuff, I agreed with Cruz. It was too easy for her to blame me and put the fault on everyone but herself. I lie in bed at night, wondering exactly how she became so screwed up. Did my dad really love me more? Finally, I had to confront her myself.” The explanation is semi-true. But guilt curls in my stomach for keeping out the most important reason for my visit.

  “Did you get the answers you wanted?”

  “She hates me, and in my opinion, she’s using dad and his generosity to take a vacation. The place is nice. I didn’t see much, but what I did see was incredible. There are beautiful furnishings, an expansive landscape in the back, great spaces to hang out with your visitors. I figured she was sitting in a small room with only access to her therapy sessions. That isn’t correct.”

  “The rehab I was in for my leg was nice like that. I think it’s important to help the patients heal.”

  “Yes, but you were hurt in the war! You’re a man who served our country and saved lives. She’s a bitch with an axe to grind. She should spend her days reliving her miserable life!” My nails dig into the flesh of Robbie’s thigh as I rant.

  “Calm down.” He rubs my fingers until they loosen. “Are you going to tell your dad your theory?”

  “I should, but his loyalty seems to be all about making things right. He may or may not believe me, which would drive a wedge in our relationship. The only thing I’m going to tell him for sure is to stop talking about me at all. She practically spewed venom when she mentioned my degree, full time job, and my fancy dresses. There’s only one way she’d know any of that.”

  “Regardless of what you decide to tell him, I’ll support it, but we need to talk about something else, too. You said earlier you lie in bed at night with things running through your mind. It hasn’t been lost on me there’s something going on. When I asked, you flat out lied. Don’t do it again.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek and nod. Tomorrow, this will all be over. I’ll give Dade the first half of the payment then buy some time to figure out what to do next.

  Chapter 40

  Make you a Deal


  Cruz and Alex both give me a quick kiss before leaving on their weekend getaway to visit Alex’s parents. As soon as they drive out of the store parking lot, I grab the Dade phone. There are no messages, but it’s already four-thirty and it’s been a little over a week since Dade gave me my first deadline.

  The envelope of money in my purse taunts me, so I thumb through counting it again. Six thousand dollars even. The bell rings, and I suck in a breath when the creepy, stalker man walks through, grinning at me.

  “Hey, sweet cheeks.”

  “Ugh, don’t call me that. Are you here for the money?”

  He grins wider. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m here for more information on renting tuxedoes.”

  “Cut the shit. I know all about you. Was it you that set the fire?”

  “You’re full of questions today.”

  “I’m fucking pissed. Do you know what your boss and my sister have done? They’ve put me in a position to lie to those I love. And you are super fucking creepy! Have you been following me everywhere?”

  “Did what I was told.”

  “That sucks. I’ll give you the money as soon as you get Dade on the phone. We need to talk.”

  He crosses his arms over his bulging stomach and leans back, roaring with laughter. The more he laughs, the madder I get.

  “You’re an asshole!”

  He pulls out his phone and sends a text, and in seconds, my phone starts ringing.

  “Dade,” I seethe.

  “My name sounds good coming out of your mouth. Maybe one day I can hear it in person. You have the money ready?”

  “Yes, and I’m not letting this guy walk out of here with it without discussing some options. You did a great job of scaring me senseless, but I’ve gotten smarter. I went to see Natalie yesterday. She’s responsible for this money. I have absolutely no loyalty to her. After today, you need to find a way for her to pay you.”

  “I know all about your meeting, and she’s being dealt with. Hand over the money, and I’ll call in an hour to discuss the rest. Stay smart and no one will get hurt. Just so you know, you’re not in a position to negotiate, but some things have been brought to my attention.”

  “What kind of things?” Dread fills me, thinking he knows about Raven.

  “One hour.” The line goes dead, so I drop the phone on the counter.

  The man in front of me sticks out his hand, and I reluctantly slap the envelope in it.

  “You know, not that you care, because you’re a criminal, but this really sucks. Twenty-four years I’ve wanted this life, and somehow, my worthless, piece- of- shit sister finds a way to screw with me. This money should be going to decorating a house with my boyfriend, a man that treats me like I never knew possible. Instead, here we are on a Friday afternoon, doing a highly illegal deal, so my protected sister can relish in the luxuries of a lush rehab and blame her troubles on other people.”

  My mouth won’t stop even though my head is screaming to shut up. It’s been too many years that I’ve stayed silent, and now I’m spilling my guts to the dickhead standing in front of me.

  “I’ve worked most my life, watched my dad go to prison, and lived in hell. For what? To have her accept me? Well, no more. You can have her. Whatever she told you about me is bullshit. There’s no gravy train here. Each dollar you have in your hand came from me working my ass off. So I’ll talk to Dade in an hour, but I’m pretty sure this is the last time I’ll see you! Stop following me, stop following my family, and stop threatening me!” I’m screaming at this point, and the man’s expression changes. He looks at me with pride.

  “Weakest fucking link, my ass.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means you’re mouthy, and I like it. Gotta admit, the first time I walked in here, you were a prime target- nervous, sweet, easily riled. I knew you’d pay. Natalie didn’t only tell us about you, she offered you up.”

  “Obviously,” I mutter, completely deflated.

  “I’m no shrink, but your man treats you like that because you deserve it. We know all about Natalie’s tactics and her blaming you. She’s a bitch.”


  “I hate to do this, sweet cheeks, but I have a parting gift.” He hands me another envelope and turns to leave. “Stay smart, Ember Walker, and I hope this is the last time you see me, too.”

  He leaves and I sink to the stool with the envelope in my hands. The temptation to rip it open is
overwhelming, but I lay it to the side and wait until the next call.

  Forty-five minutes later, the call finally comes.

  “Today’s your lucky day,” he says in greeting.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m going to make you a deal. Two thousand and we’ll call it even.”


  “Two thousand more and you’re clear.”

  My pulse quickens. Is he serious?

  “I’ll give you another week.”

  “Why?” Stupid Ember! What the hell is wrong with you? Why question this maniac?

  “Several reasons. First off, we were misled. I’m disappointed in Trey’s lack of research, and for that, he’s going to pay a portion of Natalie’s debt. He should have gotten his facts straight. That boy was always distracted by your sister’s pussy. She knew it, too.”

  “Gross,” I say under my breath, but apparently not quietly enough.

  “I agree. I’ve never seen the attraction. She’s always been a loose cannon, but I gave leverage because of his infatuation.”

  “So what’s changed exactly?”

  “Believe it or not, I’m not a total monster. We came to you because I couldn’t allow my reputation to go soft. Can you imagine if everyone that owes me money decided to hide in rehab? I’d be a broke man. The message was clear- don’t fucking mess with me or I go after your family.

  “What’s changed is that I realize Natalie led us to you under false pretenses. It’s obvious now that she set us up.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “Seems like Bart and I both have a special spot for you. I’ll deal with her. So two grand is all.”

  “Who the hell is Bart? Wait… is he creepy, stalker guy?”

  “That’s a first, but yes.” He chuckles.

  “Dade, it’s not that I don’t appreciate your leniency, but I can’t get the money. Like I told Natalie, there’s no way to get more.”


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