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Winning Love's Lottery

Page 2

by Zoe Piper

  Peter smiled gently at him. "You can't avoid it forever. You have to take the reins. You don't necessarily have to tell anyone that you’re the founder of the Sherwood Foundation, but you may have to let a few people know," he paused, "Like your family, and Sarah and Mike."

  For the second time that day, Jase groaned and ran his hands through his hair. "I know. I don't like it, but I know.” He looked at the older man. "I know you’re retiring from all this, but you'll still be around won't you?”

  Peter laughed at his hopeful tone. "Jase, I will always be here for you, you know that. But it's time for me to put my feet up and have the only thing to think about be whether I'm going fishing or not. Let's not worry about it now. We've got enough to focus on with the gala ball. We'll discuss it further closer to the time."

  Peter pushed himself out of the chair and headed towards his own small office. Jase started going through his emails, printing off applications for Peter to look at later.

  The morning passed quickly, and Jase was soon logging off his computer and checking he had his notes for the meeting with the functions manager at the Hilton later that afternoon.

  Jase stuck his head around the door of Peter's office. "I'm off now. Have a good weekend and I'll see you next week."

  "Have a good weekend yourself," Peter replied, looking up from the paperwork he had on his desk. "Aren't you catching up with your friends tonight?"

  "Yes, it's Stuey's birthday. The big three-O. The gang is getting together for dinner and then maybe a few drinks later."

  "Well, don't get into too much trouble, young man," his friend smiled, putting on his best "dad" voice.

  "Not promising anything." Jase retorted turning towards the door, the sound of Peter's laughter following him.

  Chapter 2

  Kyle Foster matched his pace to that of the older man walking beside him down the short corridor leading to their shared office. His attention was drawn from what John Bernard was saying by the sound of masculine laughter mixing with the lilt of their PA, Sarah's voice

  They entered the area where Sarah was positioned in front of their office, he was confronted by the sight of a tall, dark-haired man leaning indolently against Sarah's desk with her shoeless foot in his lap.

  Sarah and her companion looked up slightly guiltily as they realised they were no longer alone. Sarah tried to pull her foot away, but the grinning man just held on tighter, and Sarah had to give in unless she wanted to embarrass herself further by being upended off her chair.

  "Oh, sorry," she said glaring at the person holding her foot.

  The man grinned at her discomfort and released her. Kyle’s breath hitched, and his stomach dropped as one of the best-looking men he had seen in a long time stood and turned to face him. About an inch shorter than his own 6 foot 1 with slightly curly, dark hair partially brushed back off his forehead, and dark green eyes set under a strong brow. A straight nose led down to a pair of soft, full lips and a jawline hidden by faint, dark scruff as if the man hadn't shaved this morning. He had a toned, lithe physique and was dressed in smart business pants and a light blue button-down shirt. As he took all this in he became aware of John making introductions.

  "Jase, my boy. How are you? This is Kyle Foster, the new man on the block."

  Kyle automatically put his hand out to reach for the proffered one. He was treated to a mega-watt smile which brought out dimples in both cheeks, hidden slightly in the darkening shadow showing along the strong jaw. The man's grip was strong and sure.

  "Hi, Kyle. Jase MacKenzie. Sarah had mentioned that you were arriving soon from the States. How are you liking it so far?”

  Tingles raced up Kyle's arm as he shook hands and heard the deep, accented voice. "Oh, um, good to meet you, Jase. I'm settling in quite well thank you.” He felt oddly flustered, like a teenager instead of the grown thirty-one-year-old he was.

  John interrupted. "Are you feeling alright, Sarah?”

  "I was just asking her that myself," Jase said looking pointedly at Sarah. "I think she's rather pale."

  "Oh, for goodness sake, I'm seven months pregnant and it's Friday afternoon of a what has been a busy week. I'm fine, just a little tired, that's all," Sarah responded with an exasperated sigh, running a hand over her swollen belly.

  Kyle noticed Jase did not seem convinced, and it appeared John was of the same mind. "I think you should head home early, my dear. Kyle and I can cope without you for a few hours and I'm sure you'll feel better after a rest."

  "I agree totally," Jase said moving in front of Sarah. "I can't have my best friend wilting like a lily. Your husband would kill me."

  Sarah snorted at that. "Yeah, he's been insufferable since I got pregnant. Since when have I been a delicate flower?"

  Jase smirked at her comment. "Oh, my lovely, darling Sarah..." he singsonged and then laughed, dodging out of the way of the hand aiming towards his shoulder. Kyle found himself totally enraptured by the interaction. He was still getting used to the laid-back, relaxed attitude that seemed prevalent in New Zealand. His family owned a large, multinational organisation based in Texas and he had been appointed to run their first foray into owning a business in New Zealand. His father ran a tight ship, quite formal, even though he was a Kiwi himself. In fact, Kyle could call himself a Kiwi too, but despite having been born here he had been brought up in Texas from a few months old.

  "No, Sarah, I insist. In fact, use the company account and book yourself a taxi home and then I won't worry about you driving." John fussed.

  "Oh, John, no, I'm fine really. Despite what my so-called best friend here thinks, I am truly fine. In fact, I didn't drive in today; I caught the train in as we’re going out tonight and Mike is meeting me here in town." A smile crossed her delicate features.

  This information seemed to confuse John and as he looked to be searching for a suitable solution, the dark-haired Kiwi spoke up. "Why don't you grab a taxi back to my place and put your feet up for a couple of hours and then we can come back in together later. Mike can meet you at the restaurant as planned and then whisk you home while the rest of us head out for a night of drinking and debauchery, 'cos, you know a ‘lady’ in your condition shouldn't be out past her bedtime." He was laughing openly at Sarah's face who was trying her best to not to laugh at him and appear mad at the same time.

  "Are you sure?" She asked, looking more at Kyle rather than John. Technically, he was now her boss, and he really should have the final say, but he had only been here a couple of weeks and was quite happy to defer to the retiring John Bernard for the time being.

  "Of course, Sarah. Like you said, it's been a busy week and I'm sure nothing major will crop up on a Friday afternoon that we can't cope with or put off until Monday.” He smiled at the lovely young woman he was coming to know as his personal assistant. In some ways, it was sad that she was heading off on maternity leave in six weeks' time, though he was sure whoever came in to replace her would do just as good a job.

  "Right, I have to go, babe." Realising Jase was talking to Sarah, Kyle found he wouldn't mind having that deep voice call him babe, or be on the receiving end of the look of affection he was giving his best friend. "I've got a meeting at two with the new functions manager at the Hilton and then I'll be home. I expect to find you relaxing on my couch when I get there. You've got your key to get in, and do you remember the alarm code or has nappy brain set in already?”

  Sarah glowered at her friend. "You know, there are times I wonder why I have you as my best friend. I'm sure there are people much more deserving of my friendship than you. In fact, if you keep this up, I will unfriend you and relegate you to old acquaintances I sometimes talk to through social media."

  Kyle and John chuckled at the couple's banter. "On that note, Jase, I think it would be best if you left and got to your appointment. I will ensure Sarah leaves here in the next few minutes and Kyle and I will get back to work.” John said, smiling.

  Kyle watched Jase gave Sarah a gentle hug and a fond kiss
to her forehead. He then turned and offered his hand again to first Kyle and then John.

  "Nice to meet you, Kyle. Hope things go well for you. John, thank you," again Jase smiled his megawatt smile, "and have a great weekend."

  Kyle shook hands and smiled briefly as once again a faint tingle travelled up his arm. John returned Jase's grin. "I expect to see you at this retirement shindig we're having next week."

  "Wouldn't miss it for the world, sir,” Jase replied heading to the door of the office. With another quick nod of his head and a final glance at Sarah, he left.

  "Right, young lady, order that taxi and get yourself out of here. You won't be much fun tonight if you’re tired. Where are you and Mike going?" John asked her.

  "Oh, it's our friend Stuart's thirtieth birthday, so we’re heading to one of the restaurants downtown, and then I believe there will be drinking and dancing afterwards.” She smiled ruefully rubbing the gentle swell of her belly. "Though I hate to admit he's right, I probably will be going home early. I am tired and really not up to dancing the night away like I once did."

  "You two have been friends a while, then?" Kyle asked, curious to know more about the seriously hot man.

  Sarah grinned cheekily at him. "You could say that. Our mums met at antenatal class when pregnant with our older brothers and became best friends. We've known each other since birth."

  "You’re very lucky. Not many people have lifelong friendships like that."

  "I suppose we are. Despite us both having siblings, we’re as close as twins, even though he’s a couple of months older than me. And he doesn't let me forget it either!"

  "Your husband obviously doesn't mind your best friend being a man?” Kyle asked. He couldn't help himself. He felt like he had to know everything about Jase MacKenzie and he couldn't fathom why. He had been attracted to lots of men in the past when first meeting them, but something about Jase had him wanting more.

  Sarah looked at him speculatively. "Mike? No, he and Jase have been best mates since we started school. In fact, we got dubbed the Three Musketeers for most of our childhood. Wherever one of us was, the other two weren't far behind."

  "Generally causing trouble if I recall,” John said, joining the conversation. Kyle turned to him. "Oh, you knew them back then?" he asked.

  "My brother Harold and Sarah's father are old golfing buddies, and I have had occasion to bear witness to the Three Musketeers in action."

  Sarah blushed. "Yes, well. That's enough of that. I have a taxi to call and a couch with my name on it, and I know you two gentlemen have things to be doing. We can't have the new owner and boss of Bernard Engineering Consultants be seen to be slacking off.”

  Kyle laughed. "Fair enough. You go and enjoy your afternoon and evening.” He turned towards the inner office and then paused. He glanced over his shoulder, "But, Mrs Lawson, I feel that in the spirit of an open and honest working relationship, I need to know more about these shenanigans you and your fellow musketeers got up to.” He winked at the shocked look on Sarah's face and headed into his office, John following him.


  Jase stood up from the table in the hotel restaurant where he and the functions manager had been meeting. He gathered his papers, stuffing them into the leather briefcase he carried.

  "Thank you, Giles, I think everything is well on track and the ball will be a success,” he said leaning across to shake hands with the short, slender, and slightly effeminate man. "Shall we schedule to meet again in about eight weeks' time, around the last week of November? I should have a good grasp on final numbers then, and we can start reviewing seating plans and any other last-minute details."

  Jase noticed the slightly disappointed look that flashed across the thin face at the brief handshake before it was replaced with a professional smile. "Of course, Jase. I’m looking forward to working with you further. I have long admired the work the Sherwood Foundation does, and it's an honour to be able to work on this event with you. Will the head of the foundation be attending?"

  "My colleague Mr Harris, myself and, of course, the board of trustees will be there," Jase replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the not-quite truth. He wasn't really lying: the founder and head of the foundation was going to be there. He was there right now organising the damn thing, but no one else was aware of that fact, and Jase was quite happy for that little truth to stay hidden for as long as possible.

  "Very good. It’s going to be quite an event. I will personally ensure that everything is in place and running like clockwork. I don't want you worrying about the behind-the-scenes details when you should be enjoying yourself,” Giles replied, as they made their way towards the lobby of the grand, harbourside hotel.

  "Well, I won't keep you any longer," Jase said, pausing once again to shake Giles's hand, "I'm sure you have plenty to do."

  Giles gave a small, simpering laugh. "Yes, no rest for the wicked, as they say. It was good to meet you. I have your contact details if anything untoward crops up, and of course, feel free to ring me at any time, for anything you may think of.” The sly, suggestive look Giles gave him had Jase sure he would be more than interested in a non-work meeting.

  He smiled coolly and nodded. "Of course. Enjoy your weekend. I'll be in touch closer to our next meeting."

  Stepping out into the late afternoon sunshine, Jase shook his head to himself. It wasn't that he was averse to men like Giles, but he preferred to keep work and pleasure separate. And although Giles was attractive in his own way, Jase preferred a man more his size and stature, a bit like the very hot American he had met at Sarah's office earlier on.

  Walking quickly back towards the Foundation office where he had left his car, he decided he needed to have some very strong words with his best friend. She had told him that Kyle Foster had arrived to take over Bernard Engineering Consultants, but she had certainly omitted that he was hot as fuck. Jase mused that Kyle was most likely straight, but still, Sarah should have shared that her new boss was tall, dark and very handsome with stunning blue eyes and a muscular frame. Jase had been instantly attracted to the strong, clean-cut features. His fingers had itched to run through the dark brown hair, swept back and perfectly in place. He wanted to see it all mussed up after kissing a mouth that looked soft and inviting. Yes, Kyle Foster certainly had that all-American thing going on and Jase definitely wanted to get to know him better.

  Thirty minutes later he walked into his open plan living space to find his pregnant friend was not on the couch as instructed. He glanced over into the kitchen, separated from the living area by a short countertop. Nope, not there either. Feeling slightly worried, he headed down the short hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom. The bathroom door stood open with no sign of Sarah. Jase pushed open the spare bedroom door. The room doubled as Jase's office and had a futon lounger that could be pulled out into a spare bed if required. Still no sign of Sarah. He turned and stepped quickly towards his own bedroom. Entering the room, he found the curtains were pulled against the low afternoon sun and there, in his bed, was his missing friend. Lying on her side, she had a pillow between her knees, one under her swollen belly and one pushed against her back. She was sound asleep and, not wanting to disturb her, Jase backed quietly out of the room and headed towards his kitchen.

  He fired off a quick text to his other best friend, Mike.

  Jase: I've just found Goldilocks in my bed.

  Waiting for a response, he grabbed a beer from his fridge and made his way to the large comfy couch. His phone pinged.

  Matt: What have I told you about telling me about your sex life? I don't need to hear about your three bears fantasies.

  Jase nearly spat out the mouthful of beer he had just taken.

  Jase: OMG, what do you know about bears and fantasies?

  Matt: My best friend is gay. I have researched to ensure I can be the best straight friend a gay guy could want.

  Matt: So, who is the Goldilocks in your bed?

  Jase: Your wife. He didn't have
to wait long. His phone rang immediately.

  "What the hell is my wife doing in your bed at four o'clock on a Friday afternoon?"

  "Relax, she's fully clothed and snoring. Quite daintily, I might add.” Jase took another swig of his beer.

  "Christ, don't let her hear you say that. You'll be maimed beyond recognition. She has really become quite the mother bear lately. I'm sure it's the hormones and stuff, but some days I just want my old Sarah back," Mike lamented.

  Jase laughed. "Don't let her hear you say that. You'll be divorced before you can even get down on your knees to apologise."

  "No, pretty sure you're the one who gets down on his knees," came Matt’s rejoinder. “Seriously though, why is my wife in your bed?”

  “Huh, I resemble that comment,” Jase replied with a grin. "Your beautiful wife is in my bed because I popped in to say hi at lunchtime and she was looking quite pale and tired. John agreed with me and decided he and the new man could cope without her for the afternoon and sent her home. Since we’re all going out tonight, I told her to come here and rest up. I got home ten minutes ago to find her fast asleep in my bed, surrounded by a mountain of pillows."

  Jase heard the sigh from Mike. "Thanks, Jase. She's been really tired this week. I've put it down to the arrival of the new guy. She says he's settling in okay and happily just watching and observing how things are done, but I think she’s been a bit stressed having two bosses. I know Old Man Bernard retires the end of next week, and then the temp coming in to take over for her maternity leave starts a couple of weeks after that, so the pressure will ease, but you know what she's like."

  "Yeah, she's a control freak and if it's not done her way it's not the right way," Jase agreed. He heard movement in the rear of the house and then the sound of water running as the bathroom was used. "Hey, sounds like Goldilocks has woken up. I'll get her to call you shortly and then we'll meet you at the restaurant at about seven, okay?"


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