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Saved by the Doctor

Page 50

by Ivy Wonders

  Her body melted in my arms and when the kiss ended, she looked at me with shining eyes. “So, does this mean we keep doing what we’ve started?”

  “I don’t want to end this!” I kissed her again then managed to pull myself back. “This Friday, Tabby’s grandparents are picking her up to take her to visit some of their relatives in New York. It’ll be a four-day weekend for us.”

  “Us?” she asked with a sexy smile on her luscious lips.

  “Yes, us.” I couldn’t help it and kissed her again before going on, “I’ve booked us three nights in a private resort in the Florida Keys. It’ll be our first real date.”

  Burying her head in my chest, she hugged me tightly. “That sounds unbelievably good, Alex.” Then she raised her head to look at me. “You’ve made me very happy. I’ve been worried all day that you’d want to stop this. And I didn’t want to stop.”

  Neither did I.

  Chapter 14


  While still feeling as if I was living in a dream world, one thing wasn’t dreamlike at all: the fact we still had to keep our relationship secret from everyone. The staff couldn’t get a whiff of our doings after Tabby went to sleep. That meant I had to wash my sheets each night.

  As I stood there in the laundry room the morning Tabby would leave with her grandparents, I got a chill when I thought about going away with Alex the next day and getting to be a couple in front of everyone for a change.

  Walking hand in hand down the beach wouldn’t be a thing we could do while in Seattle. We always kept our distance from each other in front of others. It had to be that way. Not knowing where things were heading with us, it made more sense to keep everyone else out of our private affairs.

  Pulling the clean sheets out of the dryer, I folded them and put them in the place of the ones I’d already taken to make the bed back up. Getting up in time to beat the maids from finding the linens in the dryer wasn’t easy, but I managed to get it done each morning.

  Going back to my room, I found Alex coming out of his. “It’s only five a.m., what are you doing up?”

  Alex looked at me like a deer in the headlights. “What are you doing up so early, Ky?”

  “The sheets,” I crossed my arms over my chest, noticing he was dressed and ready to leave. “Did you get a call from the hospital?”

  “No.” His lips formed one thin line and he looked flustered. “I have to meet someone before work. And Tabby’s grandparents will be here around noon today. I want to finish my rounds before they get here.”

  All I heard was he had to meet someone. “And who is this person you’re meeting at the crack of dawn, Alex?”

  “Someone who has something I want.” He looked even more flustered as he kicked the carpet with the toe of his shoe. “Look, it’s a surprise alright? For this weekend. And I need to get it this morning since we’re leaving later today.”

  “Whoa, I thought we’re not leaving until tomorrow.” He’d upped the trip on me unexpectedly. “I’m not even packed.”

  “Yeah, about that. You don’t have to pack.” He frowned. “Damn, baby. You’re making the surprise difficult! Don’t worry about packing a thing; it’s all taken care of.”

  “Are you buying me some clothes, Alex?” I smiled, thinking how thoughtful. He must’ve known I didn’t own any beach clothes. “I planned to buy some things once we got to Florida.”

  “Well, you won’t have to worry about that.” Moving closer to me, he ran his arms around me, then kissed the tip of my nose.

  “You hate my taste in clothes, don’t you?” He didn’t need to answer. He probably hated the way I dressed. The fact was I hadn’t bought many new clothes.

  “I do not.” He bit his lower lip. “But you need nicer outfits, and I don’t want to waste time shopping. That’s all. You’re as cute as a button, Ky. You know that. I’m saving us time so we can do better things than shop while we’ve got this free time.”

  “When you put it that way, it makes sense. So who is selling these clothes?”

  “Reagan.” He looked pleased with himself. “You mentioned she was pretty that day you met her. And she has a great sense of style. So I asked her if she’d mind shopping for you.”

  “That means you’ve told her about us.”

  “She guessed it.” He smiled, then kissed me again. “She said I looked like a new man, and there had to be a reason for that. Then she put two and two together along with the jealous way you acted, and she deduced that you were the special lady in my life.”

  “I hope you swore her to secrecy, Alex.” It wouldn’t be good for this to get out.

  Shrugging, he said, “I don’t care what anyone thinks, Ky.”

  What is he talking about? “Why do you think I’ve been washing the sheets every night? It’s so the staff won’t find out about us.”

  “No one asked you to do that,” he reminded me.

  “Well, you can’t be slamming the baby sitter, Alex.” My eyes rolled as for once I wasn’t the most naïve person in the world.

  Kissing my cheek, he led me to my bedroom door. “I’ve got things to do, Ky. Get back in bed. And stop worrying about the stupid sheets.”

  Doing as he said, I got back into the bed, then snuggled down, wondering what he meant.

  Is he ready to come out with our relationship? Surely not.

  After waking back up, I got Tabby ready for her grandparents, packing up her things for the four-night and five-day trip. She was all smiles as she helped. “And my unicorn nightgown.”

  “It’s in your middle drawer in the closet. Can you go get it for me?” I asked.

  “Yes!” She ran to get it, then came back with it in her little hand. “Here. My nightlight, too?”

  I held up the princess nightlight. “It’s right here.”

  “Good.” She took my hand after I zipped the suitcase. “I will miss you.”

  Picking her up, I hugged her. “I’ll miss you, too. But don’t worry; when you get back we’ll do all kinds of things again. And you can tell me all about how much fun you had on your trip. I want you to have a very good time with them. And give them lots of hugs and kisses, too, okay?”

  “Yes! Hugs and kisses!” she exclaimed.

  Carrying her downstairs, I held her bag in my free hand and felt sad knowing it would be five days before I could see her sweet little face again. But her father will keep me entertained, I thought wickedly.

  As I got to the foyer to leave her suitcase there, Mr. Randolph came out of nowhere to open the door. “The Vanderhavens are here.”

  Nerves shot through me. It was the first time I’d ever be meeting them, and there I was having a secret affair with their late daughter’s husband. “Oh, Alex wanted to be here when they arrived.”

  I needed him as a buffer. What might come out of my mouth if he wasn’t around to do that talking? But he wasn’t there.

  When the butler opened the door, I saw an older woman who resembled Tabby and a man with dove-white hair. Both were clad impeccably, she wearing a dress that probably cost a fortune, and he in a suit that looked expensive as well.

  I put Tabby down so she could greet her grandparents and she ran to them. Her grandfather scooped her up as her grandmother ran her hand through her silky curls. I curled her hair, so she looked extra adorable.

  “My, my, look at all these pretty curls. You look so sweet, Tabitha.”

  “Thank you, Grandmommy.” Tabby kissed her grandmother’s cheek, then took her grandfather’s face between her little hands and kissed him, too. “I missed you, Grandfather.”

  She talked to them a bit formally, but everything about them seemed proper—all the way to the immaculate Bentley parked at the end of the walkway.

  Standing there quietly, I didn’t know what to say. But Mrs. Vanderhaven did. “You’re the governess, aren’t you?”

  “I am.” I extended my hand. “My name is Ky.”

  She shook it briefly. “And that is short for what, dear?”

la. My name’s Kyla Rush, Mrs. Vanderhaven. It’s nice to meet you.” I looked at her husband. “And you, too, Mr. Vanderhaven.”

  Mr. Randolph urged us to move to another room, “This way please.”

  Everyone followed him to the small living area just off the foyer. I felt inadequate around them. They were so polished! “I packed a suitcase for Tabby.”

  “Good,” her grandmother said. “We’d like to get on our way.” Pulling a cell phone out of her Gucci purse, she made a call. “Alexander, where are you?”

  She looked at her husband with disdain and whispered, “He’s probably stuck at work.”

  He whispered, “He’s a doctor, dear. These things happen. No reason to get upset.”

  “We can’t wait, Alexander. Tell your daughter goodbye so we can get back to the airport.” She handed the phone to Tabby.

  “Daddy, we are going. I will miss you.” She kissed the phone screen. “Bye, bye.” Then she handed it back to her grandmother. “Here, Grandmommy.”

  I felt like crying and went to pick her up. “I’ll carry her out for you.”

  “She can walk,” her grandmother said. “She’s not a baby.” She eyed me and I put Tabby down. “You’re much younger than I anticipated. Alexander didn’t tell me your age. What are you, twenty or so?”

  “I’m twenty-two.” I put my hands behind my back, unsure of what to do with them. “I have a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development.”

  “And what kind of experience do you have?” she asked.

  Her husband took her by the elbow. “Come now, Rebecca. Alexander has already hired the girl. You can’t interview her now.”

  “Things aren’t set in stone, Claus,” she replied, making me flinch. “While we have our granddaughter, we will be watching for anything out of the ordinary with her. If we think she needs another babysitter, we will not hesitate to tell our son-in-law.”

  “I understand,” I said quietly. “If it means anything to you, I adore and love Tabby. And I’m doing the best I can with her.”

  “I love Ky, too,” Tabby said.

  Even though I won Tabby over, I hadn’t earned her grandmother’s approval.

  God, I hope they don’t see anything detrimental in her.

  Chapter 15


  By the end of the day, Ky and I found ourselves lying on a deserted Florida beach, our private bungalow behind us and barely a thing on either of us.

  “I knew Reagan would pick out an awesome bikini for you, Ky.” I turned to my side, then lifted my head to look down at her gorgeous curvy body, running my fingers over her stomach and loving the way goose bumps covered her creamy flesh.

  “It’s a lot skimpier than anything I would’ve dared to buy myself,” she said as she put her hand over mine to stop me from moving it. “That tickles.”

  Moving in to nibble her ear, I whispered, “It’s supposed to.” I bit her neck playfully, making her squeal.

  I couldn’t remember a time when I felt so full of life. The sex was off the chain. I’d never had better or more sex in my entire life. Ky fit me like a glove. I didn’t know if that was because I was her first, but I loved the way it felt being inside of her.

  The past week we spent every night going at it like wild rabbits. It cemented things for me. I knew it now—without a doubt—I’ve fallen in love with her. I couldn’t see me ever wanting anyone else now that I’d had the very best.

  And it was time Ky knew that. The insecurity was written all over her face at times. And the fact she thought to hide our relationship from everyone told me one of two things. Either she thought I wouldn’t ever want to be with her out in the open or she didn’t feel she was good enough for me. Either way, she was wrong.

  Now she would know how I really felt about her. Looking into her eyes that the glowing sunlight had turned to a shade of green that nearly matched the ocean waves that tickled our feet, I wanted to let her know what she meant to me, “Kyla Rush.” I thought about it for a moment then asked, “What’s your middle name?”

  “What’s yours?” she asked with a sexy grin.

  “Montgomery.” I kissed her soft lips. “Now tell me yours.”

  Wrinkling her nose, she said, “I don’t like it. I’ve never used it. Not really. It’s so, so old sounding.”

  “Tell me, baby.” I kissed her again. “It won’t make me like you any less.”

  “It might,” she said as she traced the tat on my chest. “And I’d hate it if you stopped liking me. I got used to you.”

  “I got used to you, too.” I couldn’t seem to keep my lips off hers. But I wanted to know her middle name. It was important for future reasons. “Okay, if you want any more kisses, you’ll have to tell me what it is.”

  Her chest rose as she sighed so deeply it defied imagination. “Gertrude.”

  Kyla Gertrude Rush?

  “It’s not so bad.” I almost laughed. “Gertie.” It was cute when I thought about it. “Kyla Gertie.”

  Her brows furrowed. “Don’t.”

  I got off track with her aversion to telling me her middle name. “Okay, I won’t.” My lips grazed hers. “I’ve got something to say, Ky. Something I’ve never told anyone, but the one woman I married and my daughter. And now I want to say it to you, and have you know I mean it. I’m not one to throw this phrase around lightly as some people do.”

  She put her hand on my chest, gazing at me as the sun began to set over the water, covering her skin with a bronze glow. The highlights in her hair shone even more, and I couldn’t remember a time when she’d been more beautiful. “Tell me, Alex.”

  Her chest stopped moving. She was holding her breath, so I wasted no time, “I love you, Kyla Gertrude Rush.”

  She closed her eyes, then smiled. “Wow. Even using that atrocious name, that still sounds good.” When she opened them back up, I saw tears shimmering in them. “I love you, too, Alexander Montgomery Arlen.”

  With that out there, I hoped she’d never think I wanted to hide us again. “From now on, I never want you to feel you’ve got to hide anything about us. I’m going to move you into my bedroom when we get back.”

  Her expression turned worried. “What about Tabby? What’s she going to think about that? I’m her nanny, Alex.”

  “She’s three; she doesn’t think in terms of you being hired to care for her. All she knows is that you love her and take care of her. She’ll be happy about us. I’m sure she will.” I kissed her again, and this time I took it further, wanting to show her how much I loved her, too.

  Pulling her on top of me, I liked the weight of her. It had felt like a dream the last week. Some of that probably came from hiding we were crazy for each other. Those days were over now.

  Pulling her lips off mine, Ky sat up, pulling my hands up to cup her 38 Ds. “Alex, as much as I want this, I don’t want you ridiculed at work or home.”

  Why would she think anyone would taunt me if I had a hot young woman at my side? “baby, what the hell are you talking about? Who in their right mind would mock me for being with you?”

  She moved my hands off her tits as a frown curved her lips. “The people you work with. That one lady won’t, but others might. I’m thirteen years younger—and your baby sitter, too. It’s kind of poor quality, don’t you think?”

  “No. People don’t care about stuff like that. And who cares if they do? The only thing that matters to me is if you care. Which I hope you don’t.” It occurred to me all of a sudden that Ky might be embarrassed by my age. “Hey, you can be honest with me. I want you to know that. Are you not cool with being seen with me?”

  “God, no!” She laughed and looked up at the darkening sky. “You’re hot—like smoking hot. And you’re a doctor, too. You’re way out of my league. I’m fortunate you give me the time of day.”

  She had no idea the power she had. “Ky, you’re gorgeous, baby. Any man would be lucky to have you. I mean that. You have no idea about the men that look your way, do you?”

She laughed as if she thought I was kidding. “Come on; no one looks at me, Alex. You’re trying to boost my self-esteem.”

  “Am not.” I couldn’t believe her. “You know what? I’m taking you out to a Miami nightclub tonight to show you how attractive to the opposite sex you truly are. But you’re mine, right? No one gets to touch what’s mine.”

  “Vice versa,” she said as she narrowed her eyes. “I don’t want to share you. With the I love yous out of the way, it seems that time has arrived.”

  The idea that Ky wanted me to herself got me all tingly. “You do things to me no one ever has, Ky Rush.”

  “That’s saying something, isn’t it?” She moved her body back down, then our lips met, and she took me away with her kiss. A kiss, no longer sweet and innocent, but now sensual and sure.

  Ky had matured so much in a week’s time; it amazed me. The shy girl all but gone, she was ravenous in bed and expressed what she desired and what she wanted to do to me. It was unbelievable that a bashful girl like that could become so damn great in the sack.

  And only I would ever get to have her. I wasn’t about to let that girl go. I knew someday in the future I would change her last name.

  When I had a diamond in my hands, I didn’t drop it the way some men did. My head didn’t turn to look at other women when I fell in love. Ky had a secure future with me, even if she didn’t realize that yet.

  Straddling me, Ky moved her body in a way that the thin material of our bathing suits didn’t obstruct. Her tits brushed against my bare chest until the top rubbed off them. Her hard nipples rubbing against my skin, I moved her to put my mouth around one.

  Her moans made my heart pound and my cock throb. But when I went to push my swimming trunks down, she stopped me. “We need to get ready to go out, remember? No sex until after. It’ll be ten times hotter if we wait.” She pulled herself up, then I saw pure joy on her face. “Oh! We could try doing it in the bathroom at the club. How funky would that be?”

  I loved that about her. “I think it wouldn’t be the funkiest thing I’ve ever heard of, but def for us.”


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