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Saved by the Doctor

Page 61

by Ivy Wonders

  “I already know it, Carla.” I liked the surprised look that came over her pretty face.

  Moving in, I went straight for those magical lips of hers, but her hands on my chest stopped me. “Okay, I guess you know Ky then. So, how about telling me your name and why you have access to this house on the property?”

  “I live here.” I couldn’t keep my hands off her curvy body, and I ran them around to take her ample ass into them. “I’m the Arlens’ bodyguard, Steven.”

  “Ah,” she said with a nod as she moved her arms up to wrap them around my neck. “A bodyguard. That explains these crazy hot muscles you have.” Her hands moved over my shoulders as she looked me in the eyes. “I’ve got to tell you that I’ve been attracted to all sorts of people in my life. But so far you’re taking the cake, bodyguard.”

  “Attracted to all sorts of people?” I found myself curious as to what she’d meant by that. “So, is that like short guys, tall guys, fat guys, thin guys? Or what?”

  Her smile soft and sexy, she whispered, “And girls.”

  So I had myself a bisexual little beast with this one. “Does this mean I’ve got to watch out for other men and women taking my girl away from me?”

  “Your girl?” she asked with a smile. “I think I like that, my bodyguard.”

  Moving in closer to take those lips once more, I corrected her, “I’m not your bodyguard. But I’d like to be your master.”

  Her hands flew to my chest, stopping me from getting any closer. “You want to be my what?”

  I didn’t like to explain myself to many people. But for her, I’d do a little explaining. “In my younger years, I had no control over what happened to me. Then I joined the Navy and understood what it really meant not to have any control. When I left the SEALS, I made a vow to myself. No one would ever control me again. I would be the one in control. I don’t want anything more than to fuck you relentlessly where and when I want. On my demand, you will give yourself to me, willingly.”

  She laughed, scoffing at my words. “No.”

  Even though she’d said that, she didn’t try to get out of my grasp. “So, you want me to let you go?”

  “No,” she said once more. “What I want is for you to chill on the control issue and just let this happen. I’m into you, you’re into me, at least sexually speaking and at least for the moment. One never knows when that will stop, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. So we can fuck or have sex or even make love if you’d like to. But I won’t call you master, and I won’t be controlled by you or anyone for that matter.”

  “For a bisexual, you certainly are vanilla,” I let her know. “What’s wrong? Are you afraid to let me have you? Are you afraid I’ll be too harsh with you? Or are you afraid you’ll love me controlling you so much that it’ll undermine your own strength?”

  Her soft hands ran over my bearded cheeks as she smiled sweetly at me. “Steven, poor, poor little Navy boy who got in over your head when you were too young to know any better. I can see your pain in these dark eyes. You seek to use and torment me and my body to ease that pain.”

  She understood me without even knowing me hardly at all. I nodded. “Yes. But you’ll gain something, too.”

  Her laughter filled my home as her eyes flashed with anger; it was a complex emotion I saw going on with her. “What will I gain—besides bruises, physically and emotionally, that is?”

  Moving my hands off her ass, then up her arms, I pinned her to the door, my body on hers so she couldn’t move if she’d tried to. “You’d be surprised at all you’ll gain, little girl. Let me show you. You think you know a lot about sex. Now let me teach you about power and how two people can exchange that.”

  I wanted that power she possessed. The girl had it in spades and had no idea how much I needed some of it. Not all of it, but some. Enough to make me feel whole—a thing I’d never felt.

  Her eyes searched mine for answers that weren’t there. “You’re very broken, Steven. More so than anyone I’ve ever met before. I could let you do with me what you’d like.”

  I liked the sound of that and murmured, “You won’t be sorry.”

  But as I moved in for that kiss, she stopped me one more time. “But I won’t. See, I too have been without power. I too was controlled by others. The difference between you and me is that you joined the Navy thinking you’d gain control and you were wrong. I went to school to gain my independence and the power that you so strongly wish to take from me.”

  “Just kiss me, Carla. Kiss me and let all that fade away. You want me. I want you. Like you said before, let’s just let this happen.” I tried for that kiss one more time.

  With a quick and sudden move, she’d managed to get away from me and stood at my side. “I tell you what, bodyguard.” She took my hand, pulling me back away from the door so she could open it. “When you’re ready to lose that control issue, you give me a call. Until then, I’m not interested in what you’ve got to offer.”

  Watching her leave, I asked before she closed the door, “Are you going to give me your number?”

  She just shook her head and walked off into the darkness, heading back to the mansion. “If you’ll ask the right person, you’ll get it.”


  A month passed without a single day going by where I didn’t think of Steven, the broken bodyguard of my best friend’s family. So I called Ky to see if she could fill me in on the man who plagued my dreams.

  “Hi, Carla,” Ky answered. “What are you doing today?”

  I chewed on my lower lip as I tried to think about how to start the conversation I needed to have with her. Finally, I just went for it, “I want to know about Steven. What’s his story?”

  “Our diver?” she asked.

  “He told me he’s the bodyguard for you guys.” I wondered why he’d tell me an out and out lie when he knew how close I was to his employer.

  She clarified herself, “Oh, yeah, he’s that, too. Well, he’s that first and foremost really. But I tend to forget about the bodyguard thing. So, why do you want to know what his story is? And why do you think I would know that?”

  “He and I almost hooked up at your reception party is why I want to know,” I confessed.

  Her voice went high pitched as she asked, “Almost? You’re telling me that you didn’t go for that man, Carla? He’s…he’s…well, he’s hot! And you and hot guys don’t often almost hook up, you go all the way and then some.”

  “Who’s hot?” I heard her husband, Alex, ask in the background.

  “Oh, hell,” I whispered as I thought she’d have hell to pay now.

  “Steven,” came her quick answer. “Did you know that he and Carla almost hooked up at our reception party?”

  “So that’s why he asked me about her the other day,” Carla heard Alex say.

  “Does he know about Steven’s past?” I asked.

  “I’ll ask,” Ky said. “What do you know about Steven’s past?”

  “He had a terrible childhood that he won’t talk about. He’s an ex-SEAL, which I’ve told you about before. And as long as I’ve known the man, he hasn’t had a girlfriend. I can’t attest to his sex life other than that,” he answered. “But I can tell you that Carla is the first woman he’s ever asked me about.”

  The terrible childhood thing made bells and whistles go off in my brain. And they all screamed at me to keep my distance from the man. Then Ky got into my head as she said, “He’s so lonely, Carla. I mean, he doesn’t walk around all mopey or anything like that, but he’s lonely. I can tell.”

  I had to wonder why he’d push an issue like having control over me if he was so low on female companionship. One would think he’d want the sex moreso than to establish control right off the bat. “I don’t know what it is about the man, Ky. It’s not just his good looks that have me thinking about him all the time; it’s the tortured soul I can see in his eyes, too.”

  “So what happened that you two didn’t do the deed, Carla?” she asked.

nbsp; I didn’t know if I should put that information about her bodyguard out there. But she was my bestie, so I let it out, “He wanted more than I wanted to give. He’s into that master shit.”

  “Oh.” She went quiet after that.

  “Yeah.” I knew she knew what I was talking about, and Ky thought the same way I did about that kind of stuff.

  “Should I get Alex to have a talk with him?” Ky asked.

  Alex answered that for me, “I’m not about to talk to Steven about anything that personal, Honey. Count me out.”

  “He’s right,” I said. “It’s not something he should get involved in. Neither of you should, Ky. I’ve got my answers. He’s damaged from childhood—most likely a lost cause.”

  “I hate to think of him that way, Carla,” Ky said with sincerity. “He’s in his mid-thirties now. Maybe you could help him understand that control isn’t what life’s all about.”

  “Maybe.” I didn’t know if I could get through to the man or not. And I didn’t know if I even wanted to put myself in that position. But then that face of his and those tortured eyes flashed in my mind. “You know, sometimes when a child’s parents don’t care about him in the right way, they think they have to trap a person to get the attention they need.” I knew I had to do my research on the subject before ever dealing with Steven again.

  “You know, Carla, if anyone could help that man, it would be you. Your education alone tells me you’d be able to help him more than anyone else could,” Ky said. “I hope you give him a chance to talk to you.”

  “You know what,” I said after thinking about it. “I’d like it if you or Alex did say something to Steven. Let him know I’d like to talk to him about things. Let him know as much as you want to about me. Then give him my number and tell him to give me a call if he wants to talk. For now, there will only be talking going on between us. I’ll see if he’s still interested once he knows that.”

  “Will do, Carla,” Ky said then we ended our call. And I crossed my fingers that Steven would give me a call.


  She wanted to talk—just talk—nothing else. I sat there, staring at the floor as Alex told me about the call Ky had gotten from her friend, Carla. I hadn’t stopped thinking about the girl. But I didn’t want to talk.

  I had a therapist for that. What I wanted Carla for were other things. But it seemed she wouldn’t be doing what I wanted. And for the first time in a very long time, that mattered to me.

  “Here’s her number if you decide you’d like to talk to her,” Alex said as he handed me a small piece of paper. “I know you’ve got lots of experience with women, Steven. But this one is a handful. She’s well-educated, self-assured to the max, and not one to be played with. Carla is a straightforward person and is unapologetic about it. Your issues with PTSD might be set off by her bluntness.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” But maybe I needed someone to be blunt with me. “Thanks for telling me about her call.”

  I left the room to go out to my place, Carla’s beautiful face and body on my mind. Maybe she was beautiful all the way through. I’d never met anyone with that much beauty: heart, soul, and body.

  Her number in my hand, I texted her first.

  I’ve got your number. I’d like to talk in person.

  I didn’t have to wait long at all before my cell rang. It was her, and I stared at the number on my screen before answering it, “Hi.”

  “Glad to hear your voice, bodyguard,” came her pleasant tone.

  I thought I’d start off by being blunt myself. “Steven. My name is Steve, not bodyguard. Steven Lesterman to be exact.”

  “Okay, Steven Lesterman. How’s it been going?” she asked, still sounding pleasant.

  “I’ve been missing you is how it’s been going.” I couldn’t believe I’d admitted that so soon.

  “Me, too.” At least she’d admitted it, too. “You know, I can’t stop thinking about you. But I need you to understand that I’m a strong woman who isn’t about to let you take anything away from me. But I can share.”

  “Share?” I had no idea what the hell she meant by that.

  “Yes, Steve. Share.” She paused to give me a chance to take that in. “I get it now. You need to have a hold on a person—or you think you do. You feel if you don’t have the person you’re attracted to in some sort of a cage, be it real or theoretical, then they might leave you. And you’ve been left many times to prove that point, haven’t you?”

  “Um, did you visit a psychic to get this information?” She was spot on.

  “No,” she said with a laugh. “I’m just super fucking intelligent, Steven.”

  I had to laugh at her choice of words. “And kind of blunt, too.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I am not kind of blunt. I am totes blunt, Steven Lesterman. And let me be that with you right now. I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you. But you, sir, come with lots of baggage.”

  And there it was, my baggage that no one cared to handle for very long at all. “Yeah, I do. I’ve got PTSD.”

  “Along with a host of other issues,” she said. “But guess what, Steven Lesterman?”

  “What?” I had the idea she was thinking about taking me on anyway and knew that no sane person would do such a crazy thing.

  “If you can promise me that you will never utter a word about needing to control me, I’d like to hang out with you.” She waited for a beat before adding, “In bed, too. And like at the movies and shit like that if you want.”

  “That’s what people my age call dating.” Did she want to date me?

  “Ugh, I abhor that word. I like to call it hanging out. After that, we can maybe get married or some shit like that. But we’ll have to see about all that.” She went quiet for a whole minute, and I had to wonder what the hell she was doing.

  “Carla, you still there?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to shut up to give you a chance to talk. See, that’s how talking works. I do it and you do it, too,” her tone playful, she had me smiling, a thing I didn’t do a hell of a lot of. “It’s called a conversation. So, let’s have one and then we can decide if we like each other enough to spend some time together.”

  So we talked. And we talked. And we talked some more. I’d never talked to anyone as much as she got me to talk to her. And when the hour of eleven at night came, she ended the call. “Steven, if you think you can just chill with me and let me chill with you, then I think we might have something, given time and patience. I’ll text you my address. If you want to come over, you can. But you’ve got to mean it when you say that you’re done asking me to give you total control over me.” And then she ended the call without saying another word.

  Her address popped up in my messages, and I sat there, staring at it.

  She wanted time and for me to be patient. I didn’t know how patient I could be with her. By the middle of that phone call, I’d fallen head over heels in love with that girl.

  I got off the couch and went to my car, got in and went right over to her apartment. And at exactly midnight I rang her doorbell. Carla answered the door, wearing nothing more than a short t-shirt that barely covered her ass. Her tits stretched the top so much that the white material was see-thru. “So, you wanna come inside, Steven?”

  I wanted so much more than just that. So, I did what any real man would do. I scooped her hot ass up and took her to my car. “You’re coming home with me. We’re going to fuck until we can’t anymore. Then I might just take you down to the courthouse and marry your ass, Carla. Wanna know why?”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck as she looked at me with star-filled eyes. “Because you’re stark raving mad.”

  Nodding, I had to agree. “I am stark raving mad about you, baby. Utterly insane with the love I’ve found for you. I don’t want to control you. But I do want to call you mine. Do you agree?”

  “Is that a marriage proposal?” she asked with a laugh.

  “If you want it to be
.” I put her into the car and waited for her answer.

  She wiggled her ring finger on her left hand. “You dare to ask me to marry you with no ring, Steven Lesterman?”

  That sounds like a yes to me.

  I’d found my happily ever after, even though I hadn’t even been looking for one.

  The End

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  Savage Hearts: A Contemporary Romance by Ivy Wonders

  His hand was bunching her hair at the nape of her neck, his lips close to hers. She could feel the heat from his body, the clean scent of his cologne. “Yes.” Breathless.

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  He smiled, the dangerous, sensual smile of a man completely dominating a beautiful woman’s body, and thrust his huge, rock-hard cock into her. Riley gasped at the feel of him inside her as they fucked, completely oblivious to the people walking along the streets at the end of the alleyway. She didn’t do this; she never did this, but God, when he’d stalked her like a lion at the party, she’d somehow known the night would end like this.

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  Savage Hearts: A Contemporary Romance

  ©Copyright 2019 by Ivy Wonders & Megan Lee - All rights Reserved

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