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Treasured (Lonestar Love Book 2)

Page 3

by Victoria Phelps

  He mounted the steps and lifted his hand to knock. Before his knuckles could strike wood, the door swung open.

  “Hello, sheriff. Megan is asleep, and I don’t want the knocking to wake her.” She stepped from the house and pulled the door closed behind her.

  “Now, Charlotte. I thought we agreed you would call me Ethan.”

  She blushed a pretty pink and nodded. “Ethan, I don’t have a skirt fit for riding. Megan and I are going to sew one, but it’s not ready. I can’t ride today.” She looked with big eyes at his horse.

  “You’re not ready to sit a horse yet anyway. You need to get comfortable around them first. Horses are smart, and they can smell fear a mile away.” He walked down the stairs and stood next to his horse, patting him on the flank and then rubbing his nose. “They can also be a good friend and reliable transportation if you treat them right. Come on down here and give Charlie a pat.” He held his hand toward her hoping she’d take it. Lord have mercy, she did. A tingle ran straight up his arm leaving searing heat in its wake.

  Charlotte stood next to him. He leaned in to get a good whiff of her hair. She smelled like vanilla and roses. He inhaled a second time. Lordy. She smelled so damn good. Lifting her hand, he set it on Charlie’s neck. She patted and petted. Damn. He was jealous of his horse. His manhood jumped and got his protective urges thrumming. He wanted to kiss her and cuddle her all at once.

  “He really likes it if you scratch between his ears. You’ll be his friend for life if you do that,” he said, smiling at her.

  “I can’t reach his ears,” Charlotte complained.

  “Not from down here, but if you’re sitting with me on his back, you can give him a good old rub,” Ethan continued. “Today I want to have you sit the horse again with me. You’ll be as safe as a baby in his mother’s arms, and you’ll be getting familiar with being high off the ground on a horse’s back.” He let his thoughts roam. He’d have her sitting close, closer than proper most likely, but he didn’t give a damn. He couldn’t wait for that bonny bottom to be nestled between his thighs.

  Charlotte glanced down at her Boston attire. “I don’t have suitable clothes.”

  Ethan took the opportunity to get a good look at the girl. She was an eyeful of delicious curves and soft skin. “You don’t need to ride astride. We’ll do like we did yesterday, and you can sit sideways.”

  “How will I get up there?” Charlotte let her eyes roam from the hoofs to the head of the large animal.

  “I mount first. You stand on the stair and put your foot on my boot. I’ll lift you from there.” Ethan put his foot in the stirrup.

  “Wait. Ethan, I’m too big for you to lift that way.”

  Again, the blush. He loved it. Ethan turned to face her. His hands planted firmly on his strong hips. “Now, you just take a gander at me. I’m six feet three inches tall and weigh two hundred and thirty pounds. You think I’m too weak to lift you?” He huffed his displeasure and mounted his horse. “Do what I said. Put your left foot on my boot and give me your hand.” He gave a pull, got his hands firmly around her waist, and she landed in a cloud of skirt on his lap. “Give Charlie a good rub between his ears, and we’ll take a little ride. There’s a mighty pretty little river about a mile that way.” He pointed at a trail leading away from the house.

  “That sounds lovely, but I need to be back in time to prepare supper. The new housekeeper never arrived. Megan said her name was Sally Ann. Anyway, I’m cooking until she does.” Charlotte leaned over and scratched Charlie’s head.

  Ethan snorted. “Sally Ann. I hope she don’t cause any trouble. She’s as ornery as they come.” He gave a light kick and clicked his tongue, and Charlie moved forward at a steady pace. “But I’ve always liked her. The girl’s got spirit with some to spare.”

  They rode in silence, swaying in rhythm to the shifting horse. They heard the river before it came into view.

  Charlotte broke the quiet with a blurted declaration. “I don’t have any spirit.”

  “What?” Ethan’s voice rose with his eyebrows. “Here you are sitting on a horse that stands at sixteen hands. That takes spirit.”

  “Well, I might be getting some spirit. It seems like a fine thing to have.” She paused as the bubbling blue water came into sight. “I sat quiet aa a mouse, as good as gold, in my father’s house for twenty years until I had to leave. I wasn’t allowed spirit.”

  “Had to leave?” Ethan nuzzled her hair. “Care to tell me about it?”

  “Not now, but maybe some time.” She wiggled her bottom to a more comfortable spot.

  Ethan groaned. “Want to sit a spell by the water?” When he felt her head bob up and down on his chest, he continued. “We’ll do the dismount about the same. You put your left foot on my boot and turn so you’re facing the horse. I’ll lower you to the ground. Can you do that?”

  Again, her thick, dark hair gave a shake.

  “All right. Here we go.”

  Once on the ground, she gave him a smile so bright he had to blink. He pulled a tin cup from his saddlebag, and they shared a cup of cool water. “What are your plans, Charlotte?” Ethan asked the question that had been nagging at the edges of his mind since he saw her emerge from the stage.

  “They aren’t firm yet. I need to mail a letter.” She smoothed the heavy fabric over her hip. “I must buy some clothes suited to this climate. I’m set to boil in this bombazine, and I am keeping Megan company, of course.”

  “I can help with the letter. If you give it to me, I’ll see it gets into the mail pouch myself. Other than that, suitable clothes and Megan. That’s all?” She wasn’t telling him the whole story. He knew when he was getting only half of the truth. A good sheriff developed that extra sense.

  “For now,” she said.

  Her vague answer had him clenching his teeth in displeasure.

  “I’ll get the letter for you when we get back. Thank you. Speaking of Megan, I’ve been gone long enough. I need to check on her, and there’s supper to consider.”

  “All right.” He helped her climb onto a nearby rock. “I’ll get Charlie.” When he had the palomino next to the rock, she put her foot on his boot and sailed easily onto his lap. Ethan chuckled. “Well, look at that. Easy as pie.” He gave her thigh a pat of triumph, and they made the return trip to the ranch.

  Ethan sat on the front porch swing and sipped a small glass of Mike’s best whiskey. Inside the house, the swish of heavy skirts heralded preparation of supper. In the yard, cowboys returned after a long, hot day on the range.

  Mike separated from the churning group and approached the house. “Howdy, Ethan,” he called. “I’m going to wash up and change at the pump. Then I’ll join you for some of what’s in that glass.” He swatted his hands over his dirty pants leaving clouds of dust rising in the air. Ethan saluted him with his glass as Mike passed to the back of the house.

  Water ran from Mike’s hair onto his clean shirt when he sank into a chair on the porch. He poured himself a glass of amber heaven and took a large sip. “Ah. Nothing washes grit and grime from your throat like good whiskey.” The men sat in silence, sipping, enjoying, sharing the afternoon’s end. “Say, I have a favor to ask.”

  “Go ahead.” Ethan turned attentive eyes to his friend. If he could do it, whatever it was, he surely would.

  “Megan hates being stuck upstairs.” Mike glanced at his friend. “Of course, she wants to do whatever is best for the baby, and she doesn’t complain, but I know it’s hard. I was taking our dinners upstairs and eating with her in the bedroom. Now that Charlotte’s here, and if I can judge by the look in your eye whenever that woman walks in a room, you will be here more often too, the bedroom is just a mite small for that size of a party,” Mike said. “I was thinking if the two of us make a little seat with our joined hands, we could carry Megan downstairs. Even as pregnant as she is, she doesn’t weigh much, but I’d never forgive myself if I dropped her. If the two of us had her, though, I think it would be safe. What do you think?”<
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  “Yes, I believe that would be just the thing.” Ethan gave his friend a small punch on the shoulder.

  “I’m going to help her into her robe. Come up in five minutes.” With that Mike strode into the house whistling as he climbed the stairs.

  Megan was as excited as a five-year-old with a new kitten when Ethan joined them in the bedroom. “Thank you, Ethan.” Her lovely Irish brogue became thicker when emotions ran high. The two men scooped her up, carried her easily down the stairs, and lowered her to the swing’s seat. Mike sat beside her and enveloped her small hand in his big one.

  Ethan’s body quivered when Charlotte joined the group. He shifted in his chair.

  “Supper’s almost ready,” she announced.

  “Did Sally Ann ever show up?” Mike asked.

  “No,” Megan said. “But we did just fine. Charlotte cooked.”

  “I know she did, darlin’. That’s not the point. I didn’t hire Charlotte to work on the ranch. She’s here as your friend. I made a deal with Bill, so he and Sally Ann would have a house of their own until they moved to the Bar T.”

  A wagon came around the corner and into the yard with Bill’s horse tied to the back. Bill helped Sally Ann to the ground and motioned toward the smaller house set between the trail to the river and the barn. Without a glance in their direction, she pranced, nose held high, across the yard. Every eye followed her until she disappeared through the door and pulled it closed behind her with a near slam.

  “Can I talk to you, boss?” Bill approached the porch. It was hard to tell if he was angry, embarrassed, or a combination of the two. He scowled at the dirt between his boots.

  “Of course.” Mike left the porch and joined the young man by the wagon.

  “I’m sorry, boss. I know Sally Ann was supposed to arrive this morning. Seems she took it in her head that she would live with her pa until our ranch is ready. Well, he knew that wasn’t any way to start a marriage, and he was waiting for me to come fetch her. Any man worth his salt would raise hell at the very idea. She’s used to having her way and didn’t like being told to get her behind into the wagon. I can tell you that.” Their voices carried across the yard to the little group on the porch. Ethan tried not to listen, but, hell, they were all riveted to the drama unfolding before their eyes.

  Mike extended an olive branch. “Don’t worry, Bill. She’s here now, and Charlotte cooked and kept Megan company today.”

  “Thank you.” He stood in pensive silence. “I know what my pa would do if my ma had been so disrespectful and ornery and acted in a way to bring disharmony to our home. I don’t relish the job, but I plan to do it. Best start out as I aim to go.” He strode toward his little house and the defiant bride waiting inside. Without breaking his step, he called to the barn, “Brother, see to my horses.”

  Megan tried to break the silence on the porch. “How was your day on the range, Michael? Did you get those fences mended?”

  “Almost. Left some for tomorrow.” Mike’s answer faded away as angry voices flew through an open window.

  “We’re married now, Sally Ann Taylor. You pledged to obey me, to cleave only unto me, but the first time we face a challenge, you run home to your pa. What kind of marriage can we have if you run off like that? I won’t have it. I will not.” Bill’s words were firm, confident.

  “I don’t want to cook for Megan, Bill. I’m not used to it. Pa always hired a girl to do for me.” The voice was a whine, a three-year-old denied a treat would be less shrill.

  “You knew when we married that pampered life was behind you. You’re a rancher’s wife. Until we get a good start, we’ll both need to work mighty hard. You know that.” Confusion now permeated Bill’s words like thick dust.

  “Oh, I thought Pa would send a girl out to help us once we moved to your ranch, and Mike could hire someone else,” Sally Ann told him.

  “Stop right there. You’re my wife. You live with me and live on what I provide. Your pa doesn’t have any place in our home except as a welcome guest.” He paused. “Am I clear?”

  “Yes, you’re clear.” Sally Ann’s sassy voice rubbed like three long days in the saddle.

  “I don’t think you understand, but I do believe you will before the day’s over.” Bill’s voice rang with purpose. “Come here, honey, and sit on my lap.” A rustle of feet and fabric was heard through the open window. “I aim to spank you, but we need to have a discussion first.”

  “Spank me? You certainly will not.” Sally Ann’s voice was infused with panic.

  Bill’s laugh was dark and sure. “I certainly will, but I want you to understand why. I love you. I want our life together to be happy. I want our children to feel loved and protected. Now, I know things have not gone according to our plan. You remember, the one where we marry after the Bar T is up and running? I take responsibility. I should have waited before taking you, but I didn’t. That’s water under the bridge.”

  “I wanted you too, Bill. It’s not only your fault. Anyway, I want this baby. I want it very much,” Sally Ann said, sounding sweeter than an all-day sucker.

  “Thank you for that, sweetheart. I want the baby, too. A family of our own. Lord almighty.” A deep quiet followed.

  Ethan guessed they were sharing a long kiss.

  Then Bill said, “When we were kids, my pa kept our family safe and happy. We were to be respectful, watch out for each other, and put family first. Ma had the same rules, but while watching out for us kids, she watched out for herself, too. Her health. Her safety. Keeping the home happy meant letting Pa lead. It meant following his orders. It meant guarding their wedding vows. If she risked her safety or her health or caused disharmony in their marriage, she knew what to expect.”

  “What?” Sally Ann asked.

  “He spanked her,” Bill replied.

  “He spanked her?” Shock shook her voice.

  “He spanked her. I know your ma died when you was just a little bit of a girl, but I would bet my last dollar that your pa spanked your ma. It’s private between a man and his wife, but I believe most of the women in San Miguel learn a lesson or two over their husband’s knee.”

  “But I’m pregnant. You can’t spank a pregnant woman.” Shock gave way to indignation.

  “I asked Doc. A red bottom won’t hurt you or the baby. When you’re bigger, he said to switch to a wooden spoon. Less impact that way. I wouldn’t cause harm to you or our child. You are both precious to me,” Bill explained.

  “I simply won’t allow it.” Sally Ann moved on to defiance.

  “We’ll see about that.” Another dark chuckle drifted to the porch. “Here’s how I see it. You promised to honor and obey, and you didn’t. You promised to cherish me above all others, and you didn’t. You are my wife. Where I go, you go. What I have, you have. Our marriage is big enough for you, me and any children we are blessed with. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do. You don’t need to spank me. I was wrong, and I see that now. I’m used to Pa making things easy for me, but I won’t go to him again. I swear.” Sally Ann thought that begging forgiveness was good strategy.

  Megan nodded her approval of the attempt.

  “I’m happy you understand, but a spanking helps the memory. Believe me, I know,” Bill told his wife. Then a chair scraped on the floor.

  The little group on the porch sat riveted. If they stood to leave now, Bill and Sally Ann would hear the commotion and know they were overheard. That would embarrass Sally Ann. Ethan raised an eyebrow at Mike who shrugged and put an arm around Megan’s shoulders.

  “Lay across my lap now, Sally Ann.” Bill’s command was sharp and hard.

  “No, I can’t, Bill. Please.”

  “I’d like to see that you accept this punishment as it’s intended—with my love for you and concern for our marriage. You can show me you know this if you do as you’re told.” Seconds ticked by like minutes. “Thank you, honey. I’m going to lift your dress and lower your bloomers.”

  “No, Bill. No.”
Sally Ann was already crying. “Pa only gave me a swat or two over my dress.”

  “Well, that’s right for a pa with a nearly grown daughter, but you’re my wife. Spanking a wife is done on a bare bottom.” Bill sounded quite sure of this fact.

  The first spank split the air like a rifle shot and was followed by a barrage of spanks on uncovered flesh. Every so often, Bill slowed and asked a question or two before resuming.

  Ethan didn’t think more than ten minutes had passed, but Lordy, Lordy, it seemed like an hour. When Sally Ann’s sobs and apologies and promises rang with sincerity, the spanking stopped and was replaced with quiet voices. Ethan exhaled. Bill was comforting the poor girl. Ethan felt sorry for her even though she deserved every single spank her husband had delivered.

  Ethan took Charlotte’s trembling hand in his own, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “Don’t worry, Charlotte, she’s all right. Sometimes a girl needs to learn. That’s all.”

  They sat quiet for a while, and then, as if some unseen force suggested they move, Mike helped Megan to her feet, and they went inside for their supper.

  Charlotte brought the ham, potatoes and tomatoes to the table. “I know it’s simple, but there’s plenty.”

  “Join hands.” Mike waited until the circle was complete. “Dear Lord, we thank you for this food to nourish our bodies. We thank Charlotte for her efforts in preparing it. We ask that you watch out for Megan and our child in the coming weeks.” His voice cracked, and it was several seconds before he continued. “We ask that Bill and Sally Ann find their way to a happy life together, and that Sally Ann can accept the love and leadership of her husband. Thank you for bringing Charlotte and Ethan to our table. Amen.”

  Wide-eyed and pale, Charlotte looked from face to face. Her voice high and breathless as she announced, “I don’t want to be spanked.”

  “No one will spank you as long as you follow the rules. Stay in sight of the house for now, and you’ll be fine. A man has to lead his home and see to the health and safety of his women folk.” Mike stated this as fact. “A spanked bottom never killed anyone.” He speared some ham and laid it on his plate before directing a slow wink at his wife.


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