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Lizzy Ford

Page 30

by Damian Eternal) Xander's Chance (#1

Jonny frowned.

  “A deal is a little less broken, if neither party has executed its part,” Eden murmured. “Jonny has the key to absolute power. The Original Other can slaughter every last vamp on the planet. I’m not seeing why you don’t go your separate ways and see what happens.”

  The attention of everyone present turned to her.

  “Is this how you fucking Originals do business?” Damian asked.

  “She means, we’ll take care of it,” Xander interpreted. “That usually means no survivors.”

  “Or, Jonny can give me what I want,” the Original Other said. He gripped Ashley’s throat and picked her up off the ground.

  “Ashley!” Jessi cried, starting forward.

  Jonny yanked her back hard.

  “Stop it!” the boy-god snarled. “She’s not part of the deal!”

  “Then choose which one you want to keep,” the Other answered.

  “Me!” Jessi said without hesitation. “Trade me, Jonny.”

  The Black God released Jessi, who started forward. The Other lowered Ashley to the ground. The girl sucked in fast breaths and lay still. After a moment, she pushed herself up.

  “Jessi,” the power in Damian’s voice stopped Jessi somewhere in the middle of the two. “Absolute power. Think what you’re doing.”

  Xander shifted. She was panicking; he saw it in her features, before she faced them. No part of him wanted to stand on the sidelines, watching her struggle. Her eyes slid from Damian to him, and he gazed back, unable to read what she was thinking.

  “If you want Ashley to die, stay where you are,” the Other warned.

  “Humans are afforded the ability to choose,” Eden said. “You must respect that, Other.”

  “Okay, I’m going with the Other thing, but he has to let Ash go first,” Jessi said in a voice that trembled.

  Xander heard them, but it was as if their voices were far away. For a long moment, there was nothing but Jessi. She was tugging at the necklace. He couldn’t help thinking she looked like some beautiful, otherworldly creature with her full lips, haunted eyes and curls that appeared silver in the moonlight.

  He willed her to trust him while suspecting it was too late. Her hand dropped from the necklace, a moment before she turned away from him. Moonlight reflected off the red gem.

  It wasn’t his ruby at her neck.

  Xander started forward. Damian held out an arm to stop him.

  The Other released the teen, who darted away from him, towards Jessi. She hurried into Jessi’s arms. Jessi hugged her tight for a few seconds, kissing her cousin’s forehead. Xander thought he heard her whisper something before she withdrew.

  “Jessi,” Xander wrenched away from Damian.

  “I’ll be fine,” Jessi replied without looking at him. She moved towards the Other.

  Xander started forward once more, determined to interfere, deals and choices be damned.

  “Ashley,” the Black God’s voice was tense but soft.

  Ashley took one look at him, hesitated, and flung herself into Xander’s arms. He grunted, eyes on her cousin, but instinctively wrapped his arms around her. He took his attention off Jessi for half a second to glance down at Ashley and assess if she was okay. Her body shook, and she’d be bruised, but she was otherwise fine.

  When he looked up, Jessi and the Other were gone.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. He passed the girl in his arms off to Jule, fury rising. He turned on the Black God. “What the fuck were you thinking, Jonny?”

  “I was thinking I wanted them to leave me the fuck alone!” Jonny snarled.

  Half a head shorter than him, the Black God didn’t back down for once when Xander strode to him, stopping when his toes clipped Jonny’s.

  “You put them both in danger and gave an Other absolute power. If you don’t start thinking like a God and stop thinking like a hormonal teen, I’ll replace you,” Xander warned in a low growl.

  “Xander,” Darian called. “Back off, man.”

  “Fuck you, Xander,” Jonny snapped. “I am thinking like a God. I knew the necklace wasn’t real.”

  “You knew, and you let her go.” Xander’s temper flared.

  “You’d never give it up.”

  “You’re right and wrong. I did give it up, but she swapped it out.”

  Jonny’s anger faltered.

  “You are fucking lucky she’s smarter than you.” Xander shoved him.

  Jonny caught himself and shoved back. Damian and Darian interfered quickly. The White God took Xander’s arm while the Grey God grabbed Jonny’s.

  “Stop it!” Ashley cried. “Someone go get my cousin!”

  “We’ll find her, sweetheart,” Jule replied.

  She pulled away from him and approached. Xander shifted between her and Jonny, not trusting the idiot Black God.

  “She has Jonny’s phone,” Ashley said, searching his gaze. “Can you trace it or something?”

  Jonny’s hands went to his pockets.

  “Damn bitch,” he muttered, confirming Ashley’s words.

  Ashley’s face flushed, and she pushed past Xander. She slapped the Black God.

  “That’s for breaking your promise!”

  Jonny stared at her, no less stunned than Darian.

  “It runs in the family,” Xander said, darkly amused. He took Ashley by the shoulders and turned her to face him. “I’ll find her. Stay out of trouble. Got it?”

  Her blue-gray eyes were filled with tears. She sniffed and swallowed hard before nodding. For her sake, Xander struggled to remain calm. Boiling inside, he’d never felt the urge to beat someone the way he did Jonny.

  “Got a location,” Jule called.

  Xander released Ashley and crossed to him, still fuming at the Black God. He couldn’t help wondering where the real crystal was, if not with Jessi, and what the fuck she planned on doing. Her focus was clear: getting her cousin to safety without any sort of consideration for her own welfare.

  “We need to reach her before he figures out she tricked him,” Xander said, joining Jule. “I don’t want help. Just tell me where.”

  “No way you’re going alone.”

  “Jule,” Xander snatched the immortal’s collar. “I’m not fucking with you!”

  “I’ll go,” Eden said quietly.

  “Both of us will, along with Darian,” Jule replied firmly. He pulled his shirt free. “I know you’re flipping out, X, but for once, trust someone else.”

  Xander’s jaw clenched. Every second the Other had Jessi, she was closer to being hurt.

  “Fine. Take us now,” he snapped and held out his fist. “Ashley, stay with Damian.”

  The girl didn’t respond, but he knew she wouldn’t disobey his command, as much as she might Jessi’s.

  “I have an idea. I’ll need your wife, Jule,” the Grey God said as he joined them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jessi oriented herself. They couldn’t have gone far; it was still night wherever they were. She shivered. The Other didn’t release her, as if afraid she’d disappear on him. His grip was as cold as the night.

  Her own fate was certainly sealed, and she hoped Xander had grabbed Ashley before she returned to the Black God. Jessi vowed to lecture Ash on her choices of men, assuming she survived this.

  The Other was staring at the necklace, obviously wanting to snatch it but aware of whatever spell was on it that prevented anyone from touching it. He lingered for a moment.

  Purple flashes appeared around them suddenly as his men appeared. Dozens of Others with similar glowing eyes and pale features materialized. Only when they were all but surrounded did he release her.

  Jessi tugged at the gem, wondering if they’d kill her quickly or not. She held back tears. She managed to save Xander’s sole belonging and Ashley. At least, she hoped she did. These creatures couldn’t read her mind, which meant they’d never know that she hid the real one in a shoebox. As long as Ashley didn’t play with her beads anytime soon …

  Shit, Jessi.r />
  Rubbing her eyes, she tried to rein in her scattered thoughts. Thinking of what happened tomorrow did her no good, when she wasn’t certain she’d live through the night.

  Seeing Xander had made her want to scream out of frustration. She wanted a chance with him, especially after witnessing the intense emotion on his face. The Xander who messed with her was gone. He was far more than interested in her or toying with her. His secret – that the gem controlled him – erased any doubt she had about him. He was serious about being with her.

  She still wasn’t certain what it meant to have the heart of a vampire.

  Trapped between Jonny and the Original Other, she hadn’t been able to say anything she wanted to, when he made his declaration about destroying the world. Like farewell. Or thank you. Or trust me – I won’t betray you.

  She hoped he understood this, if nothing else. Yes, she’d taken off the ruby, but it was for a damned good cause.

  Glancing around at the men with purple eyes, she began to suspect that good cause was going to kill her. The silvery moon above was bright, and she admired what she thought might be her last vision of the star-speckled night sky.

  “We’re debating whether we blast you and the gem or spare you, in case it doesn’t work,” the Original Other spoke to her.

  “Good to know,” she said under her breath.

  “Remove the necklace.”

  Jessi swallowed hard. Hands trembling, she pulled off the necklace, taking her time to untangle the cord from her curls. Admitting these were likely the last few minutes of her life, she was filled with regret. She didn’t do enough for Ashley and Brandon, hadn’t bought life insurance, so they’d be okay once she was gone. There was no college fund, either. A list of shoulda-coulda-wouldas went through her mind, growing until she was dismayed. Had she done anything right for them?

  Distraught, she added another to the list: she’d never have a chance with Xander. All she had to do was trust him Monday, and she would’ve spent the week with him, instead of two nights. It seemed so easy in hindsight. Walk in the door, reveal what Jonny wanted her to do and they’d have their happy ending.

  She paused, surprised how painful the thought was of never being in his arms again. She loved their back and forth and how he made her feel. He was so much more than those around him knew. The way he touched, teased and made love to her showed her his capacity for depth of emotion and the type of tenderness she didn’t expect from a vampire.

  The Original Other jabbed her in the arm, pulling her back to reality.

  It was too late for Xander or to make things right for the kids. Near tears, Jessi tugged the necklace free and held it out to him.

  He recoiled, as if it was alive.

  “On the ground.”

  She placed it down. “You aren’t waiting for Xander this time?”

  “He’ll arrive soon enough, no doubt with that Others-killer.”

  Her heart quickened. Jessi wasn’t certain what to think. She wanted him safe and hoped he was angry enough to stay away or at least, he brought an army of people to kill the dozens of Others around her. It was too risky hoping she’d have a second chance with him. Hugging herself, she sensed the magic in the air and moved back a few steps, not wanting to be caught up in the purple crossfire.

  Lightening arced from the Original Other towards the necklace. The sudden brightness blinded her, and she shielded her eyes. There was another flash, and the light disappeared. Adrenaline shot through her at the surprised look on the Other’s face.

  The cheap red crystal was ashes.

  “You tricked me,” he said after a moment.

  Jessi whirled and ran, only to come face-to-face with him once more.

  “The fucking human lied to me!” the Original Other’s face was a mottled mix of red and white.

  “Technically, a secret isn’t a lie,” she blurted out, backpedaling.

  He snatched her arm hard, and lightening flashed through her, making her nauseous.

  “The fuck it’s not.” Xander’s growl came from somewhere behind her.

  The Original Other looked up, the magic lessening. Jessi’s insides felt like they were on fire. She gasped in cold air.

  “She didn’t have the crystal, but I do.”

  Jessi twisted, startled by his words. Xander’s piercing gaze was on the Original Other. His muscular frame was tense, and moonlight played across his chiseled features. He appeared furious, the intensity of his power reaching her from the distance. He clutched the gem by one end and held it up to show the Others.

  The Original Other didn’t release her, instead pulling her back a few steps.

  “We’ll trade,” he started. “Your girl for the crystal.”

  “You can’t handle it,” Xander reminded him. “This time, you really pissed me off, Other.”

  “There is nothing you can do to me. We’re both Originals.”

  “I’ll do what you planned on doing with this.” Xander’s fist closed around the gem.

  “One who protects the humans as you do will not …” The Original Other stopped.

  Red dust trickled from Xander’s hand as he crushed the gem. The ground beneath them began to shake. Jessi clung to the Other to steady herself.

  “Xander!” she breathed. “No!”

  “I’ve been collecting vamp magic for tens of thousands of years. Any last words, say them now. This won’t take long.” His cold rage terrified her. He was in control – complete control – even when destroying the world.

  “Fucking fool! Destroying the realm for a woman?” the Other snapped.

  “This time, I’ll succeed.”

  The Original Other motioned to the men around him, pointing towards Xander with a silent command. With the earth moving beneath her, Jessi wasn’t able to process anything she felt during the last minutes of the world, except that Xander cared enough to finish what he started in his quest for revenge. There were now two women who reached the man inside the vamp.

  She didn’t have time to dwell on her final victory.

  Purple lightening sizzled past her towards Xander. He winked out of existence. The ground bucked, throwing her onto her stomach and toppling the Others. Someone shouted something, and she looked up, staring at the massive red cloud that was forming above them. It rippled with lightening and spread fast, soon blocking the moon before it rolled outward in every direction.

  The Original Other looked at her and raised his hand, lightening forming in his palm. She braced herself for the blow. A form leapt in between them, and she recognized the laugh as that of the crazy Grey God. He absorbed the blast and bent to haul her up.

  “Caleb or Logan?” he asked.


  Darian’s attention remained on her. Instinctively, he blocked another strike of lightening while absorbing a second.

  “We’re having a boy. You can be the tiebreaker.”

  Jessi’s mouth dropped open. “Uh, Caleb.”

  “Damn.” He whirled, slashing down someone with a sword.

  Jessi flinched at the sound of metal against bone and flesh.

  “Everyone says Caleb,” Darian said over his shoulder with a grunt.

  “I thought I was the tiebreaker.”

  “I really like Logan.”

  She watched him fight, his speed astonishing her. Before she registered lightening coming towards them, he had blocked it.

  “We can talk about this later,” she called.

  “Didn’t you know? The world’s about to end!” he laughed and darted away. “Jessi, you need to run!”

  What a wacko. Jessi didn’t need to be told twice. She looked around wildly then up.

  Xander was floating. The air bent around him as his power unfurled in a red haze. The air was filled with electricity and the battlefield a mix of red fog and purple lightening.

  “You jackass, Xander,” she whispered, eyes watering. “Just had to destroy the world.” Panic shot through her at the idea of never seeing him again or Ashley or
Brandon. Or the cramped little apartment that was home.

  “Now, Jessi!” Darian shouted.

  She bolted into the red and purple mess. There was no telling what was going on around her, and she hoped once again that her stealth magic hid her from the Others.

  Jessi slammed into someone, who grabbed her arm. She yanked away, unable to see who it was in the fog.

  “Ah, just the one I sought.”

  Without seeing the form clearly, she did see the purple lightening start to form in the hands of the Original Other.

  Jessi whirled and ran, doubting anyone was going to save her this time. Light surrounded her, and fire tore through her. Darkness swallowed her.

  Xander’s heightened senses were able to see everything from above – except Jessi. He cursed the talent that initially drew him to her, forced to wait for the fog to clear.

  He had forgotten what it felt like to just let go and let the magic absorb him. Power coursed through him, amplified by Yully, the wife of Jule, who stood at the edge of the fog. A Natural with the ability to soak up energy and redirect it, the red-haired Magician was channeling everything she pulled from the Others to him. He created the confusion while Eden, Darian and Jule fought.

  The look on Jessi’s face when he’d crushed the red beads disturbed him. He didn’t want her scared or troubled or upset; he’d never know if she was hurt or needed his help. Unable to find her when she was on stealth mode, he was acutely aware that he had no control over what was going on below. Their goal had been to get rid of as many of the Others as possible and save Jessi, because Darian wasn’t able to disable the dozens gathered at once.

  The magic trickled, and he glanced towards the female form in an outcropping of boulders nearby. Yully stood on top of one, waving at him in the signal she was stopping what she did. Xander found himself hesitating before he released his focus on molding his power. The flow within him felt so good after the control he normally exerted to rein it in. Nothing turned him on more than power.

  Except Jessi.

  He drifted to the ground, supported by Yully’s unique magic. While he was able to do a lot of things with his power, floating above the ground wasn’t one of them. It had the effect they desired of convincing the Others he had crushed the gem and was unleashing hell on earth in his quest for revenge for them taking Jessi. Aware of his reputation, none of them suspected the trick.


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