The Lost Fleet: Oblivion's Light: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Oblivion's Light: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 22

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Nevertheless, I greatly fear this is a mistake,” Samarth stated with a deep sigh.

  High Lord Aktill was silent for several long moments. He knew many in the fleet shared the same fears and concerns Samarth did. “We have a fleet of three hundred warships,” he pointed out. “There is nothing in the Rylus Cluster we need to fear.”

  Lower Lord Samarth nodded his acceptance of Aktill’s words. He just hoped the High Lord was correct and the rumors of the fate of those who had dared to venture into the Rylus Cluster were wrong.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Fleet Admiral Jeremy Strong stood on top of a large hill overlooking the new Fleet Academy. Across a small flat plain, numerous white buildings made a stark contrast in the desolate, windswept countryside. On the far side of the complex of buildings was the large spaceport, which served the facility. Jeremy had chosen this desolate location as it was away from the civilian areas and the lush green belt that circled the planet at the equator. They were nearly eighteen hundred kilometers to the north of the green zone, and the land was more arid, much warmer, and water was scarce.

  “Feels like I’m back on the Moon again,” said Kevin, who was standing next to him.

  “Classes have already started in some subjects,” Angela added from where she stood on Jeremy’s other side with her arms folded across her chest.

  “I understand Ariel plans on teaching several classes,” commented Kevin with a chuckle. “I don’t know if I would want to be in those classrooms.”

  Angela looked over at Kevin with a knowing smile. “You would have to do your own homework,” she said teasingly. “Ariel would know instantly if it wasn’t your work or if someone had helped.”

  “I’m sure Ariel will do just fine,” Jeremy replied as he looked across to where a power beam installation was being installed.

  When the defenses for the complex were finished in a few more weeks, it would be protected by a functioning energy shield and twenty power beam turrets. The Fleet Academy was equipped with four Fusion Five reactors for power generation so power was not an issue. There was some discussion of installing power beams around New Eden and Clements as well.

  “I wish Kelsey and Katie were here for the dedication ceremony tonight,” said Angela with a sigh. “I miss them.”

  “We all do,” Jeremy said. It had been a difficult few months with Kelsey gone on the Distant Horizon. Kevin had been less of his usually humorous self since his wife had left to go on the mission.

  “Jeremy, we may have a problem,” Ariel’s youthful voice spoke over his mini-comm in his right ear. “The battlecruiser Gaia just returned from checking on Simulin activity outside the nebula and her commander is reporting a massive Simulin fleet is assembling.”

  Jeremy looked at his two friends in alarm, seeing they too had heard the message.

  A look of concern crossed Kevin’s face as he looked over at Jeremy. “Do you think they’ve found a way into the nebula?”

  “I doubt it,” Jeremy replied. “Andram and the other Alton scientists think it will be years yet before that becomes a threat. No, this is something else.”

  “I have run some simulations based on the reports from the Gaia,” Ariel added. “The Simulins are not forming up to attack the nebula or to keep us in; they’re forming up to keep something out.”

  “The Distant Horizon,” gasped Angela, her eyes growing wide with worry. “They’re on their way back!”

  Kevin looked confused. “But it’s too early for them to be returning.”

  “Not if they’ve found something important,” Jeremy responded as he thought over what Ariel had said.

  “Damn! I bet Angela’s right.” Kevin gazed out across the Fleet Academy to the spaceport where their shuttle was. “I wonder what they’ve found this time.”

  “Whatever it is they’ve stirred up a hornet’s nest,” Ariel said over the comm. “From the scans the Gaia took, I would estimate at least two thousand Simulin ships are outside the nebula with more arriving every hour.”

  Kevin looked stunned at the number of ships. “Where did they get the ships? That’s more than they had protecting the energy collecting stations around the blue giants.”

  “I believe they’re bringing in ships from further out,” Ariel answered. “The Gaia observed small fleets of anywhere from twenty to forty vessels arriving on a steady basis. They may be calling in everything they have in an attempt to stop the Distant Horizon from getting back to us.”

  Jeremy took a deep breath. The dedication ceremony was going to have to wait. “Ariel, contact the Command Staff and have them assemble on the Clan Protector. We’ll be leaving the Fleet Academy shortly. Go over with them the data you have so far, and inform them we believe this is an attempt to stop Rear Admiral Barnes from returning with her fleet.”

  “What are you planning, Jeremy?” asked Kevin. He was greatly concerned for the safety of his wife as well as the others in Rear Admiral Barnes’ fleet.

  “We’re going to go get them,” Jeremy answered in a steadfast voice. “We’ll assemble a fleet and when the Distant Horizon arrives, we’ll go out and engage the Simulins.” He was concerned about Rear Admiral Barnes fleet and if it was still intact. The fact that so many Simulin ships were assembling indicated the Distant Horizon had encountered the Simulins somewhere, and the odds were there had been a battle. He was also interested in finding out just what the exploration ship had discovered that had caused this massive reaction by the Simulins. It had to be something extremely significant.

  “The odds won’t be good,” Ariel pointed out over the comm. “We’ll be heavily outnumbered.”

  “I know,” Jeremy replied evenly. “But whatever Rear Admiral Barnes has found, the Simulins want it back. I intend to see they don’t get it.”


  An hour later, the shuttle carrying Jeremy, Kevin, and Angela docked with the Clan Protector. The large Carethian shipyard was nearly unrecognizable as a ship from all the changes made. Jeremy made his way to the conference room while his two friends caught a shuttle over to the Avenger.

  Entering the conference room Jeremy saw that the other admirals were already there. They stood in unison as Jeremy came into the room.

  “As you were,” Jeremy said, as he walked to the head of the table and took his seat. As soon as Jeremy sat down Ariel appeared standing just behind him and to his left side.

  “I’ve told them about the gathering Simulin fleet,” Ariel said.

  “Do you really think it’s the Distant Horizon returning?” asked Admiral Jackson.

  Jeremy looked over at Jackson and nodded. “It has to be, it’s the only explanation for such a show of force.”

  “Is there any possibility of this being an attempt to pierce the nebula?” asked Admiral Sithe. “We could be facing an attack here at Gaia.”

  “I don’t believe so,” Jeremy responded. “The simulations Ariel has run almost all point to it being Rear Admiral Barnes’ fleet. The Altons have also confirmed this isn’t an attempt to penetrate the nebula; it’s too soon.”

  He had taken this possibility very seriously and contacted several Alton scientists on his way up to the meeting from the shuttle. The Altons had been insistent it was too early for the Simulins to have come up with a method to travel through hyperspace that had been disrupted by the hyperspace disruption buoys.

  “Rear Admiral Barnes is returning!” boomed Grayseth, his large brown eyes shining with intensity. “The Simulins are gathering to do battle. We must prepare to go on the hunt to help our brethren.”

  “To take on a force of this size will be dangerous,” Admiral Cleeteus said, his brow wrinkled in a frown. “We will take some losses.”

  “We only need to hold them off long enough for the Distant Horizon and her fleet to enter one of the tunnels,” Jeremy said. “I know it’s a risk, but it’s one I believe we have to take. Whatever they’ve discovered has really stirred up the Simulins.”

  Admiral Sithe shook his head in worry. “T
hey will attempt to follow us down the tunnel. With the number of ships we’ll need to take, they may be able to follow us back here. Our hyperjumps may take longer.”

  The other admirals looked at one another. This was something they hadn’t thought about.

  “I may have a solution for that,” Jeremy said.

  “So, how large a fleet are we taking?” asked Rear Admiral Susan Marks.

  “I’m still working out the details,” Jeremy admitted. “I need to have Ariel run some simulations and then we’ll ready the fleet.”

  “What about the AIs?” asked Admiral Jackson. “The Command AI couldn’t get here in time for the meeting. It’s down on Borton inspecting the newest group of AIs that have been created. Kurene is also at the master Codex installation overseeing the imprinting of the AI programming.”

  “I’ll be contacting the Command AI shortly,” Jeremy responded. “I just want to stress the importance of the fact that if this is indeed Rear Admiral Barnes returning early, then they have made an important discovery, which they feel was important enough to cut short their mission. It’s imperative we find out what that discovery is.”

  “We go on the hunt,” growled Grayseth, standing up, towering over the conference table. “The evil ones of this galaxy must be destroyed!”

  “We go on the hunt,” agreed Jeremy solemnly, gazing at his large Carethian friend. “Everyone get your commands ready. Recall all crewmembers who are on leave. I want all fleets ready to resume full combat operations in twelve hours.”

  Jeremy looked around his group of admirals. They all had determined looks upon their faces. This was a good group, and he knew they would follow him to the ends of the galaxy if he so ordered.


  Twelve hours later the sixteen-hundred-meter battleship Avenger made its third short hyperspace jump and exited back into normal space inside a clear area of the nebula. The location was two hundred thousand kilometers across and created by specially built Alton satellites, which used their tractor beam technology to keep this area clear. One more jump would put them out into open space where the Simulins would be able to detect them.

  “The rest of the fleet is exiting hyperspace,” Ariel reported as she used the ship’s sensors to scan surrounding space. “The Command AI is requesting it be allowed to send one of its ships to the edge of the nebula to observe the Simulins and to report back when and if the Distant Horizon shows up. It will be one of the fifteen-hundred-meter ships that’s equipped with a stealth energy shield.”

  “Permission granted,” answered Jeremy. “Remind the Command AI to make sure the ship stays just inside the nebula to help reduce the chance of accidental detection.”

  “Message sent,” responded Ariel. She looked back at Jeremy, her hands on her hips with and a serious look upon her face. “The Command AI has responded they will take every precaution to avoid detection.”

  Jeremy turned his attention to one of the four large tactical displays in the Command Center. He had brought two hundred of the large fifteen-hundred-meter AI ships, ten human battleships, ten battlecruisers, twenty strikecruisers, twenty Alton battleships, and twenty Alton battlecruisers. In addition, Grayseth was present with his flagship, the Warrior’s Pride, and ten Carethian battlecruisers. That gave him a fleet of two hundred and ninety-one warships.

  “What now?” asked Kevin from his sensor console. Due to the gas in the nebula, his sensors could detect nothing outside the cleared area.

  “We wait,” answered Jeremy. He knew it could be hours or possibly days before the Distant Horizon and her fleet showed up. However long it took, he was determined he would be ready to move out and engage the Simulins when the time came.

  Commander Malen turned toward Jeremy. “All vessels have made transit.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Have all ships go to Condition Three until further notice.” At Condition Three, the alert level was still high enough to respond quickly if the exploration dreadnaught was detected.

  “This reminds me of when we were hiding in the gas giant the first time we were waiting on the Distant Horizon,” commented Angela over their private comm channel.

  “Only this time they have a powerful fleet to protect them,” Kevin said. “I’m glad they had the AI warspheres with them.”

  “Feeling different about the AIs?” asked Jeremy. Kevin had always mistrusted the AIs ever since they arrived in the Triangulum Galaxy though over the last few years he had been gradually coming around to accepting them.

  “They’ve upheld their end of the bargain,” Kevin said grudgingly.

  Jeremy leaned back in his command chair. Since becoming fleet admiral this was going to be the first really major fleet action he would fight. He had already instructed Ariel to run battle simulations for possible action against the Simulins. He’d also given Ariel control of the Avenger and four strikecruisers, which would be serving as the flagship’s escorts. With Ariel in command, this would be a deadly combination against the Simulins. In addition, all the ships in the fleet were updated with better shields and more powerful power beams and particle beams.

  “The Command AI is requesting permission to keep its ships at Condition Two,” Angela reported.

  Jeremy looked over at her and nodded. “Permission granted.” The AIs didn’t need rest and could stay at a high alert level indefinitely if needed.

  Looking at the viewscreens in the front of the Command Center, Jeremy could see a number of ships being displayed. A large fifteen-hundred-meter AI sphere was on one screen, an Alton battleship was on another, and even Grayseth’s flagship, the Warrior’s Pride, was showing.

  “They’ll make it back safely,” Ariel said over the private channel. Her lips on her hologram didn’t even move, as it wasn’t necessary when communicating this way. “Clarissa will keep them safe and the Simulins wouldn’t be assembling such a large force outside the nebula if they had managed to intercept the ship and whatever it is they’ve discovered.”

  “I know,” replied Jeremy softly. “This is a reminder for all of us just how dangerous this galaxy is and how powerful the Simulins still are.” What concerned Jeremy the most, besides the Distant Horizon, was the fact he was going to have to fight a major fleet battle and some of the ships with him wouldn’t be going back to Gaia.


  The Distant Horizon and the ships with her dropped out of hyperspace three hundred light-years from the nebula which hid Gaia. The ships quickly formed up and began scanning the system. This was the system they were supposed to meet Admiral Bachal in.

  “Nothing,” reported Captain Reynolds after a few minutes as the ship’s sensors reached the far side of the system.

  “They may have their stealth energy shields activated,” suggested Commander Grissim.

  Kathryn relaxed slightly. That had to be the explanation. “Captain Travers, send a message to Admiral Bachal on the Starlight requesting they report their current position.”

  Captain Travers adjusted the comm frequency and sent the message. For several long seconds, he sat at his console waiting for a response and then it came. “They’re forty-four million kilometers starward from us.”

  “I have them,” Clarissa announced a few moments later. “I’ve spotted them with the ship’s optics.”

  “Send the coordinates to Lieutenant Strong,” ordered Kathryn. “We’ll jump to them immediately and decide upon our next move.” Kathryn felt relieved the fleet was here. On their trip through hyperspace to this star system, they had detected numerous Simulin ships moving in this direction. There was no doubt in Kathryn’s mind the Simulins were gathering a blocking force to attempt to intercept her fleet short of the nebula.


  A few moments later the ships jumped, emerging from hyperspace a few thousand kilometers from the Starlight. On the main viewscreen, the two Alton battleships appeared still linked to the massive Originator vessel. In addition, the ten escorting warspheres were also present.

  “All ships accounted for,” reported
Commander Grissim.

  “No obvious damage,” added Colonel Leon. She turned away from her command console. “Permission to stand down from Condition One.” Petra wanted to give the crew some rest before they continued on toward Gaia.

  “Go to Condition Three,” Kathryn replied. “Have the AI warspheres stay at Condition One.”

  “I have one group of Simulin ships on the long-range sensors,” warned Captain Reynolds. “Seven light-years distant and heading toward the nebula.”

  Commander Grissim gazed at one of the tactical displays showing the seven Simulin vessels. “They must be calling in every ship they can to try to stop us.”

  “We may have to fight our way into the nebula,” commented Colonel Leon.

  Kathryn pursed her lips as she thought. She didn’t see any way they could avoid a battle. “We’ll stay here for eight hours with our stealth energy shields up. Once everyone has had time to eat and get some rest, we’ll make our move.”

  “Admiral, I’ve checked and the two Alton battleships have managed to extend their stealth shields to cover the Originator vessel as well,” Captain Reynolds informed her. “That’s why we couldn’t detect them.”

  Kathryn nodded. The material the ship was made of was undetectable anyway, but the added shield was further insurance against detection. Looking up at the main viewscreen, she saw the three ships. She was still in awe at the sheer immensity of the Originator vessel.

  “I have contact with the AI on the Originator ship,” Clarissa said. “He’s asking if it’s okay to siphon some energy from the two Alton ships so it can activate more of its systems.”

  “He?” asked Katie in surprise. It had never occurred to her the AI on the Originator ship would consider itself to be male. This could be an interesting development.

  “Can he do so without causing problems to the Starlight or the Nova?”

  “Yes,” Clarissa replied. “He has stated very clearly he’s not a danger and nothing harmful will happen.”


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