The Lost Fleet: Oblivion's Light: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Oblivion's Light: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 23

by Raymond L. Weil


  The Alton turned to look at the admiral. “Unknown; we know so little about the Originators other than they were very advanced.”

  “Do we dare risk allowing it to activate more of that ship’s systems?” asked Colonel Leon. “For all we know it could be preparing to blow us all into space dust.”

  “I think it will be safe,” Mikow added as she thought over the AI’s request. She was sitting next to Katie at the main computer station. “I believe that by helping the AI it will encourage it to trust us. Right now that AI is alone and everything and everyone it knew is gone.”

  “You’re saying it’s lonely?” asked Kathryn in surprise.

  “Possibly,” Mikow answered.

  “Very well, I’ll contact Admiral Bachal and see if he has any objections. Clarissa, once we’ve agreed to do this, you need to monitor the energy transfer to ensure no harm comes to the two Alton battleships and the AI doesn’t siphon off too much energy.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Clarissa responded. “The AI on the Originator ship will be thrilled to hear we’ll furnish the energy. He’s been very upset about how few systems on the ship are still functioning.”

  A few minutes later and the details were worked out. On the large viewscreen, a dim blue glow suddenly appeared around all three ships as the energy transfer began.

  “How much energy does a ship of that size need?” asked Colonel Leon as she stared transfixed at the screen. Petra still wasn’t sure this was a good idea.

  “Once again, unknown,” answered Andram. “We have no idea of the power that ship once generated or what systems are still functional.”

  Kathryn looked around at her command crew. “I want everyone to get some rest and let our backups handle the Command Center. Clarissa, contact me immediately if there are any problems.” One thing about Clarissa, she didn’t need any rest. Kathryn had come to depend on her more and more, and it was comforting to know she was always keeping watch.


  Kathryn made her way to her quarters and after taking a long hot shower, lay down to try to get some sleep. As she closed her eyes, she wondered what her father was doing back on Ceres. Even though they hadn’t been close since she entered the Fleet, Kathryn knew it had to have been heart wrenching for him to learn she wouldn’t be coming back. But now that might change. With the secrets the Originator ship contained, perhaps there might be a way to return to the Human Federation of Worlds. Just maybe she would get to see her father again some day. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought about the outings her father had taken her on as a young girl. She really missed the closeness they once had shared and those happy, carefree times.


  Jeremy gazed apprehensively at the latest report sent back by the AI ship, which had positioned itself near the periphery of the nebula. Thirty-two hundred Simulin ships were now situated in small attack formations along the outside of the nebula, waiting.

  “That’s a hell of a lot of Simulin ships,” muttered Kevin over their private comm channel. “What chance are we going to have against them?”

  “We only need to hold them off for a few minutes,” Jeremy answered evenly. “Just long enough for Rear Admiral Barns to make the jump into one of the tunnels.”

  Ariel was listening and spoke. “There is a 92 percent probability the Simulins will attempt to follow Rear Admiral Barnes into the nebula. From the number of ships they have gathered, whatever it is the Distant Horizon has found has frightened the Simulins.”

  “I didn’t think anything could get under the Simulins’ skin,” commented Jeremy. “Ariel, any idea on how soon the Distant Horizon and her fleet will be arriving?” Every hour that passed more Simulins ships were appearing. It almost looked as if they had called in every ship within hyperspace range of the nebula.

  “Soon,” Ariel responded. “From the latest reports from the AI sphere, the Simulins have been adjusting their fleet formations. I would say they expect Rear Admiral Barnes’ fleet to arrive within the next twenty-four hours.”

  Jeremy turned toward Commander Malen. “We’re jumping. I want to put us at the extreme edge of the tunnel just behind the AI ship. We have to be ready to jump to the Distant Horizon’s location as soon as they arrive.” Jeremy knew the survival of Rear Admiral Barns’ fleet might depend on how quickly his fleet could jump to their emergence point.

  “We’ll be strung out in the tunnel,” warned Commander Malen with a narrow frown. “It may make it difficult to emerge from hyperspace in a coherent formation.”

  “I know,” Jeremy replied. “But it’s a chance we’re going to have to take.”


  The Distant Horizon and her fleet were on the last leg of the three hyperjumps they had to make to reach the safety of the nebula. As they approached, their long-range sensors began to pick up Simulins ships.

  “How many?” asked Kathryn as the tactical display began to light up with red threat icons. They had suspected the Simulins would be waiting for them. Now they just needed to find a safe way to enter the nebula.

  “Several thousand,” Clarissa answered as she studied the data. “They’re close enough to all the safe tunnels that they’ll intercept us before we have a chance to enter.”

  “It will take Admiral Bachal a while to calculate his jump due to the mass of the Originator ship,” Colonel Leon added. “We’re going to have a fight on our hands.”

  “Clarissa, how many ships of the fleet can you control at once?”

  The AI looked over at the admiral. “I can fight with the Pallas and the Deneb, but it would be better if I let the AI warspheres fight on their own.”

  Kathryn nodded her agreement. “As soon as we emerge, I want the Ardent to move over close to the Alton battleships to help protect the Originator ship.” Somehow or another she had to get that ship to Gaia.

  Commander Malen moved over closer to Kathryn. “Admiral,” she said in a soft voice. “Against those numbers I don’t know if we can survive long enough to make the hyperspace jump into the passageway.”

  “I know,” Kathryn acknowledged. “But it’s the only chance we have. If we can’t make it into the nebula, the Simulins will destroy us.”


  High Commander Zarth Lantu gazed fixedly at the long-range sensor screen. Only moments before the sensor operator had reported an unknown fleet inbound toward the Fitula Nebula.

  “It’s them,” stated Lantu. “Can we calculate their probable emergence point? It’s essential we jump as soon as they emerge and before they can escape into the nebula.” It was aggravating that the AIs and their organics had made the nebula impossible to travel through in hyperspace.

  Second Commander Darst worked at a console for a moment and then turned toward the High Commander. “The battle computer has predicted their probable emergence point. We can have fourteen hundred ships there as soon as they emerge.”

  “Send the order,” Lantu said. Since he had originally spread the word about the AIs and their organic allies finding the Old Ones’ ship, he had been given command of its capture. “Remember, the Old Ones’ ship is not to be harmed. We want it for study.” He was confident he had enough warships to ensure the Old Ones’ ship could not escape into the safety of the nebula.


  Jeremy was awakened from his sleep by Ariel suddenly appearing next to his bed. This was something he had gotten used to over the years.

  “I’ve located them,” Ariel announced excitedly. “The Distant Horizon, two Federation battleships, one Federation battlecarrier, and fifteen AI warspheres are inbound toward the nebula.”

  “What about Admiral Bachal and his two Alton battleships?” Jeremy rolled out of bed and reached for his uniform.

  “That’s the strange part,” Ariel confessed with a confused look on her face. “I’m picking up a large object that doesn’t meet any ship profile in our database.”

  “How soon before they emerge?”

  “Sixteen minutes. I’ve calculated thei
r probable hyperspace emergence point.”

  “Get the fleet ready to jump; I want to arrive at that location twenty seconds after they drop out of hyperspace. Sound the Condition One alert and prepare the fleet for immediate combat operations.”

  It took Jeremy only a few more minutes to get ready and then he set off in a sprint toward the Command Center. They were about to learn just what it was Rear Admiral Barnes had found. He had a strong suspicion it had to do with the large object Ariel had detected on the long-range sensors.


  Kathryn waited tensely as the Distant Horizon and the rest of the fleet prepared to exit hyperspace. They were traveling much slower than normal due to the two Alton battleships being attached to the Originator ship.

  Gazing at the nearby tactical display, the area they were going to exit hyperspace at was still vacant of any Simulin ships though she knew that wouldn’t last long once they emerged.

  “Once we exit the vortex how long before Admiral Bachal will be ready to jump again?”

  “Twelve minutes,” replied Clarissa. “The stress of carrying the extra mass of the Originator vessel is putting a strain on the hyperdrive cores and it will require a minimum of twelve minutes of cool down before they can risk jumping into the nebula.”

  “Twelve minutes,” said Commander Grissim with a deep frown on her face. “I don’t know if we can survive for twelve minutes if the Simulins hit us hard.”

  “We have to,” Kathryn answered. She knew the odds were not in their favor.

  “Hyperspace exit in two minutes,” called out Lieutenant Parker from his hyperdrive console.

  “We’re at Condition One and all weapons are ready,” added Major Weir.


  “I hate this,” muttered Katie over the private channel she shared with Kelsey. “I didn’t expect to arrive back home in the midst of a space battle.”

  “We’ll make it,” responded Kelsey, looking over at her long time friend. “Rear Admiral Barnes and Clarissa will see us through.”

  “I hope so,” Katie replied. “I so want to see Kevin again. I’m beginning to believe he was right and we should have stayed at Gaia instead of insisting on going on this mission.”

  “We did the right thing,” Kelsey said. “If we hadn’t gone we would have regretted it.”

  “Hyperspace exit in one minute,” called out Lieutenant Parker.

  Katie let out a deep sigh. “I know you’re right; I just hope we both get to see our husbands again.”


  Kathryn felt the gut wrenching feeling as the Distant Horizon dropped out of hyperspace just short of the gaseous nebula that hid Gaia. On the nearby tactical display, other green icons began to appear as the rest of the fleet emerged.

  “All ships are present,” reported Captain Reynolds as the data from the ship’s sensors came in.

  “Lieutenant Strong, calculate a jump into the nearest tunnel,” Ordered Kathryn. “We’re jumping as soon as Admiral Bachal reports their drives are ready.”

  Alarms suddenly began sounding and red threat icons began appearing all around them on the tactical displays.

  Kathryn leaned forward and activated her ship-to-ship comm. “All vessels, our main priority is to protect the two Alton battleships and the Originator ship. Commence combat at your own initiative.” She then turned toward Clarissa. “The Distant Horizon and the battleships are yours to command.”

  Almost instantly the Distant Horizon, Pallas, and Deneb moved closer together and then fired in unison at the nearest Simulin battlecruiser, which was uncomfortably close. Its screen lit up in a brilliant flash of light and then it was overwhelmed as the Distant Horizon’s ion beam fired, blasting a hole six meters across in the shield. Two very carefully placed Devastator Three missiles flashed through the gap and the battlecruiser died a flaming death.

  “Simulin battlecruiser is down,” reported Captain Reynolds. “All other ships are engaged.”


  In space, more Simulin ships were jumping into the battle. Energy beams blasted away at the energy screens of the AI warspheres, trying to knock them down. The AIs were firing their ion beams and particle beam weapons as rapidly as possible with the AI ships working in pairs firing upon single Simulin targets.

  On warsphere 0-019, the AI in command felt its vessel shudder violently and red warning lights began to flare up on the damage control console. The ship suddenly shook again like a giant hammer had struck it and the AI was thrown violently against the wall. Righting itself, the AI looked toward the AI at the damage control console. “Report.”

  Before the AI could respond, a Simulin energy beam cut through the Control Center, annihilating everything in its path.


  “Warsphere 0-019 is down,” reported Captain Reynolds, startled at how rapidly the Simulins had destroyed the vessel.

  Kathryn looked at the main viewscreen showing the battle. The screen was full of light and even as she watched, another AI warsphere exploded as numerous Simulin vessels pounded it with their energy beams and sublight antimatter missiles.

  “Warsphere 0-003 is down,” reported Captain Reynolds as the Distant Horizon shook violently.

  “Severe damage to the outer hull at section K-17 near Engineering,” called out Colonel Leon, her voice taking on an alarmed note. “We have several fires out of control.”

  Commander Grissim stepped over to the damage control console and studied it for a moment. “Vent those areas to space,” she ordered.

  “There are still people in there,” protested Petra, her face turning pale. “They’ll die if we do that!”

  “We’ll all die if those fires reach Engineering or the starboard ammunition and missile storage bunkers.”

  Colonel Leon nodded and, reaching forward, did as ordered. A few moments later, she turned back toward the commander with a bleak look on her face. “Areas have been vented; the fires are out.”

  “Get rescue teams in there as soon as possible,” Commander Grissim ordered. “There was survival gear inside and some of the crew may still be alive.”

  “I hope so,” Colonel Leon replied as she began contacting damage control teams to respond to the effected area.

  More alarms suddenly began sounding on the sensor console. Commander Grissim looked grimly at the nearby tactical console, expecting to see more red threat icons appearing. Instead, friendly green icons began flashing into existence; a lot of them!

  “It’s Fleet Admiral Strong,” announced Clarissa in a pleased voice. “Ariel says they’re here to rescue us!”

  “How did they know we were coming?” asked Kathryn in shock as even more green icons continued to appear.

  “Ariel says they detected the Simulin fleet gathering outside the nebula and guessed it was in response to something we had discovered.”

  Kathryn let out a deep sigh of relief and looked over at Kelsey. “You’re husband’s here and I’m damn glad he is!”


  “We’re going to live,” spoke Katie happily over their private comm. “I was so afraid I wasn’t going to see Kevin again.”

  “We’re not out of this yet,” Kelsey mentioned. “We still have to survive long enough for Admiral Bachal to be able to jump out of here.”

  Katie nodded, but she wasn’t so frightened anymore, not with the Avenger so near. Jeremy would get them out of this situation


  “What the hell is that?” uttered Kevin, staring in awe at the main viewscreen, which showed an unbelievably large vessel with two Alton battleships anchored to it.

  “It’s an Originator ship,” explained Ariel as she came to stand next to Kevin. “That’s what they discovered. It has an AI on board they’ve managed to establish contact with. They haven’t been able to gain access to the vessel so they brought it back here to keep it out of the Simulins’ hands.

  “I knew it!” Kevin said, shaking his head and looking over at Jeremy. “Every time they go out they discover something incredible. First the Dy
son Sphere and now this!”

  “Rear Admiral Barnes is reporting they need another eight minutes before they can jump,” Angela said. “The Originator ship is causing the hyperdrives on the Alton battleships to overheat. They’ve linked to it so they can use their hyperdrives to move the ship through hyperspace.”

  “More Simulin ships are jumping in,” warned Commander Malen as more red threat icons began appearing on the tactical displays. “We’re badly outnumbered, Jeremy.”

  Jeremy could see from looking at the tactical displays she was right; they were in danger of being overrun. “I want all ships to move into a defensive formation around the two Alton battleships and the Originator vessel. We have to buy them the time they need to jump. Ariel, you have control of the Avenger’s weapons as well as the four strikecruisers. Don’t get us killed.”

  “I won’t,” promised Ariel as the Avenger suddenly shifted direction and the four strikecruisers formed up on her flanks. “It’s time to go kill some Simulins.”

  The excitement in Ariel’s voice anytime she was given command of the ship made Jeremy nervous. However, she had been designed to be the AI of a warship and her desire for combat was deeply rooted in her basic programming.


  High Commander Lantu gazed in aggravation at the tactical screen. More AI ships and their organic partners had jumped in.

  “The battle computer is predicting a 96 percent chance of victory,” Second Commander Darst said. “We have them badly outnumbered.”

  “Then this is our chance to take the Old Ones’ vessel as well as deal a heavy blow to the AIs and their organics. Order all ships to attack!”


  The battle grew more intense as thousands of energy weapons, power beams, particle beams and antimatter missiles were pummeling both fleets. In the Simulin formation, four escort cruisers exploded in bright flashes of light as their shields were overwhelmed by the ferocious attack. Two seventeen-hundred-meter battlecruisers were torn apart as Alton battleships used their powerful particle beam weapons against them. Other ships were incurring major damage as their shields were relentlessly battered down.

  In the Federation fleet, two fifteen-hundred-meter AI spheres exploded as Simulin antimatter missiles penetrated the weakened screens, destroying the vessels. An Alton battleship died in a fiery blast as twenty Simulin vessels focused all of their energy beams on the powerful warship. A human battleship had its stern ravaged by Simulin energy beams before an antimatter missile turned the vessel into a blazing star.


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