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Sold To The Babymaker (Kyrzon Breeding Auction Book 1)

Page 5

by Luna Voss

  I stare at him, my eyes glued to his waist. I’ve never seen a human male naked before, much less a Kyrzon. I’ve seen enough dirty Earth movies that I have a basic idea of what to expect, but the reality of it is something else entirely. I need to know more about this tremendous thing that created such a bulge in his pants, that was so pleasurable for me to feel when I was sitting on his lap.

  Drokal’s belt comes undone, and his great shaft springs free. My jaw almost drops.

  Drokal is huge.

  I may not have seen a human male naked in person before, but the ones I’ve seen in movies didn’t have equipment anywhere near this size. Not even close. I stare at it, amazed. My brain is spinning. I can see his cock throbbing, powerful veins running up the shaft. It’s appealing and intimidating in equal measure.

  “I, uh…” I hesitate. “I don’t think human males are usually that big. Do humans and Kyrzons ever have… difficulty mating?”

  Drokal smiles, his expression almost mischievous. “I have never heard of it,” he tells me. “You’re worried about my size?”

  I nod, gulping.

  His eyes flash. “This is one area where I have been made to understand that human Brides tend to… how shall I say this… be rather pleased with the Kyrzon anatomy.”

  I feel my cheeks get hot. This makes some sense to me.

  I grip his shaft in my hand, marveling at the way I can barely close my fingers around it. He’s almost as thick as my wrist.

  Drokal reaches down and slips his fingers under the waistband of my panties. I inhale, suddenly nervous at the idea of my own private areas being revealed. He pulls them down slowly, and I resist the urge to cover myself with my hands as he exposes me.

  He pulls my underwear down past my feet and tosses them over his shoulder with a grunt. Then he spreads my legs apart with his hands, examining me, a look of utmost approval on his face.

  “I like the way you look down there,” he says, causing me to blush. “Everything is so pink and delicate.”

  I’m too embarrassed to look at him, although I’m pleased that he likes what he sees. I reach for him with my hands, hoping to encourage him to kiss me again.

  Drokal has other ideas. He puts his hands on my hips and forcefully flips me over so that I’m on my hands and knees, facing away from him. I gasp, startled by the sudden display of dominance.

  He positions himself behind me, and I feel his enormous cock bumping up against my rear. My breathing is ragged, all of my attention focused on what Drokal is doing behind me. In that moment, I feel something unfamiliar: a powerful longing. A desire to be filled.

  Suddenly, the space between my legs feels painfully empty.

  Drokal strokes his fingers through the hair at the back of my head, collecting a handful close to my scalp. He squeezes, pulling my head back, hard enough to tingle, but not to hurt. He puts his face up next to my ear, and I shiver as I feel his breath on my neck.

  “Do you wish me to breed you now, Cleo?” his voice rumbles through me.

  Desire flashes through my body, leaving me with only one possible answer for him:

  “Yes,” I whisper, my voice shaking.

  I do want it. I want it so bad. Right now, nothing else matters.

  I feel Drokal touching me, one of his hands gripping my waist, the other on my rear end, spreading me apart. I close my eyes, every part of me trembling in anticipation. I can’t believe how much I need him to be inside me.

  The head of his shaft finds my entrance, sliding around my wet lips. I shiver. Every moment he continues to draw this out is torture for me.

  I inhale rapidly as I feel him start to push himself inside. He goes slow at first, making short, shallow movements, spreading my wetness along his shaft. There’s just a tiny bit of pain that goes along with the pleasure, a certain discomfort that comes with being stretched open. I’ve never had anything as big as Drokal’s cock inside me before. I’ve never had anything bigger than my own fingers. For a moment, I stay still, breathing deeply, trying to adjust to this new reality. I can feel the head of his cock throbbing inside me.

  And then Drokal groans, and pushes himself all the way into me.

  I moan out loud. There’s no more pain. This is all pleasure. The sensation of being filled is amazing, incredible, delicious. It’s perfect. It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt.

  Drokal freezes, gripping my ass. “Am I causing you pain?”

  “No,” I gasp. “Please, don’t stop.”

  I feel his fingers digging into my soft flesh as he pulls back for another thrust. Pleasure rushes through me. This feels so good.

  He thrusts again, and I feel his enormous shaft sinking into me, stretching me open. I start to moan as Drokal begins to go harder, building up to a rhythm. It feels so good that I can barely control my vocalizations, barely help the fact that I’m moaning out loud in a tent in the middle of the Kyrzon camp.

  I don’t care. I don’t care at all. I’m in here with the chief, for fuck’s sake. This is his tent, in his camp, guarded by his soldiers.

  I feel a rush of power as I consider that reality. This whole situation might be insane, but right now, the most powerful war chief on Planet Kyrzon is literally inside me, grunting in pleasure as he enjoys my body.

  I have to say, that’s pretty badass.

  I start to really lose myself as Drokal continues to fuck me. My moans are almost turning into screams, and the feeling of him thrusting himself inside me becomes more pleasurable with every stroke. I find myself gripping the soft furs on the ground with my fingers, desperate to have something to do with my hands.

  This is just so intense.

  I hear Drokal moaning behind me, feel his cock stretching out my sensitive membranes, and suddenly, I become aware of the orgasm building inside me. Every thrust, every shuddering breath, brings it closer.

  The fire flickers next to me as I clutch the tusk-bear fur, my whole body trembling. I’m so close. I’m so close.

  I can’t take it anymore. I hear my own voice moaning as my climax overtakes me, and the whole world around me fades into a blur. Pleasure courses through me, each thrust of Drokal’s huge cock bringing another wave.

  And then the war chief moans behind me, his voice low and rumbling, and I feel his cock start to twitch. He grips my ass tightly, fingers digging into me, pushing himself in as deep as he can go. Through my climax, I can feel his cock pumping hot liquid deep inside of me, filling me with his seed.

  Drokal leans forward, bringing the weight of his body down onto me, clutching me tightly. I slide down to my stomach, his cock still inside me, my body now flat on the soft fur. I hear him moaning in my ear, his cock still twitching. I lie on the ground underneath him, completely spent, feeling him pump the last of his cum into my pussy.

  We stay there for a while, me on the floor, him lying on top of me. He breathes against my neck, stroking my skin gently with his fingers. Every once in a while, my body twitches with an aftershock of my orgasm. I breathe in deeply, savoring the moment.

  Say what you want about being a Kyrzon Bride, but right now, I’m in bliss.

  Chapter Twelve

  I wake up the next morning curled up against Drokal under a thick fur blanket. I’m using his chest as a pillow, my head bobbing slightly with every deep breath he takes. His arm is around me, and he’s still asleep. For a little while, I just lie there, groggy, enjoying the comfort of his warm body. I run my fingers through his chest hair as memories of the night before wash over me.

  I feel like I became a woman last night, that’s for sure. The memory of that first moment Drokal pushed himself inside me is still fresh in my mind. I can almost still feel him, stretching my little pussy open to make room for his enormous cock.

  I reach down under the covers, and feel that I’m still completely naked. Drokal is, too. We must have fallen asleep together shortly after mating. I think back to the way he treated me last night, to the confidence and sensitivity with which he took my maidenhood. I had
n’t expected that from a Kyrzon.

  It’s still a little bit hard for me to believe that I mated with Chief Drokal. For most of my life, I just thought of sex as a thing that other people did. None of the boys in New Sutter were interested in getting involved with a girl who would be sold to savages by the time she turned 20. Outside of some lonely nights with my fingers in my apartment, I mostly grew up ignoring the entire idea of sex.

  I feel something sticky dripping down my thighs, and I realize that it must be Drokal’s cum. My mind flashes to what he said to me as he bent me over last night: “Do you wish me to breed you now, Cleo?”

  I’m not sure how to feel about that. In the moment, I had wanted it. Badly. The desire for Drokal to fuck me and cum inside me and breed me and make me his had been overpowering.

  But now, the next morning, thinking a little more clearly, I have misgivings.

  Real misgivings.

  So far, my experiences with the dreaded Chief Drokal have been much better than I would have expected. Enjoyable, even, especially what we did last night.

  But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to just resign myself to being a Kyrzon war chief’s breeding stock.

  The sex was Drokal was good. It was deeply pleasurable. I might even consider doing it again.

  But getting pregnant is another story.

  If I let him get me pregnant, it’s going to be a lot harder to ever leave his tribe, or to build a new life for myself somewhere else.

  Next to me, Drokal stirs. His eyes open, and he looks at me.

  “Good morning, Cleo,” he says with a smile.

  I force a smile back at him. I’m still conflicted, but there’s no point in showing it. Besides, Drokal has been good to me.

  I can play along with being his mate.

  For now, at least.

  * * *

  An hour later, we’re traveling again. Just like yesterday, I ride with Drokal at the front of the caravan. There’s a level of comfort between us now that wasn’t there yesterday, and despite my internal conflict, I can’t deny that I’m enjoying our easy rapport.

  If I didn’t know better, I might even think that Drokal was trying to flirt with me.

  He plays with my hair from behind as we ride, occasionally whispering into my ear references to what we did last night. I have to admit, it feels nice. Both the way he’s touching my hair, which tingles deliciously, and the little jolt of excitement I get when he reminds me that I’m his, and that he’s already marked his territory.

  It’s obvious that Drokal is happy and proud to consider me his mate. And frankly, being treated with that kind of affection is addicting. I’ve never had anyone talk to me the way he does when he whispers sexy little nothings in my ear, or touch me with his level of tender possessiveness. However I might feel about being a Kyrzon Bride, I very much like the way Chief Drokal is treating me.

  “How long until we reach Drokal territory?” I ask him as we continue to ride.

  “Just one more day,” he tells me. “We should get there tomorrow.”

  One of his warriors rides past us to scout out ahead, and I glance over at him. He flashes me a smile as he passes.

  “Hey,” I say to Drokal, “I just noticed something.”


  “Your men aren’t avoiding looking at me anymore,” I tell him. “How do they know they’re allowed to do that?”

  Drokal raises his eyebrows at me, a mischievous look on his face. “My guess would be that they heard you,” he says with a laugh. He leans in closer, and whispers in my ear: “You were not exactly quiet last night while you were being bred.”

  This makes me blush. “Neither were you,” I shoot back.

  He grins. “I’m the chief. I don’t need to be quiet. Neither do you. We can mate as loudly as we want. In Kyrzon culture, that is the chief’s right. It is the job of my men to give us privacy, not the other way around. They are expected turn their attention elsewhere if we so much as kiss.”

  His hands move to my breasts, and he begins to fondle them over my dress. I feel my nipples harden at his touch. My instinct is to move his hands, considering we’re surrounded by warriors, but, I notice, every single one of them nearby is now pointedly looking away.

  “I could stop this entire procession, spread my furs on the ground, and breed with you right here on top of them,” he whispers into my ear, cupping my breasts. He moves his hand down to my ass and gives it a squeeze, sending tingles through me. “I could mate with you in one of the wagons right now if I wanted to, and my men would keep guard from a respectful distance. That is the Kyrzon way.”

  He goes back to playing with my hair, and I’m surprised to notice that I feel a tiny pang of disappointment. All that talk of him stopping the caravan and taking me right here was getting me a little excited.

  I lean back against him as we ride, thinking of the pleasures that await me when I can be alone with the chief in his tent tonight.

  * * *

  I’m ripped out of my comfort by the sudden sound of wailing. Drokal stops his tusk-ox abruptly and signals for the rest of the caravan to do the same. Everyone, myself included, knows what this means:


  Immediately, the warriors behind us spring into action. All down the line, they leap out into a defensive position, readying long spears with big, triangular tips that look very sharp.

  Drokal puts his arms around me tightly. He doesn’t seem concerned, just protective.

  “What do Kyrzons do when they’re attacked by raptors?” I whisper to him.

  “You’ll see,” he whispers back as Kyrzon spearmen take defensive positions around our tusk-ox.

  I scan the area around us, my heartbeat getting faster. For a human, a raptor attack is a harrowing experience that usually means death. The creatures are horrifyingly strong, bloodthirsty, and they hunt in packs.

  Another wail. The trees around us rustle. I squeeze Drokal’s wrist, panic flooding over me.

  Out of the trees bursts a screeching, snarling beast. It runs on two legs like a dinosaur or a giant bird, its arms outstretched, its wide-open mouth filled with jagged teeth. It charges at one of the soldiers near us, taking a spear to the chest in the process. The spear penetrates only a couple of inches, and the creature struggles, reaching with its claws and thrashing so violently that I worry it will pull the spear out of the warrior’s hands. The raptor keeps attacking as though it isn’t remotely bothered by the spear sticking into its hide.

  The warrior pulls out his sword and starts hacking and slashing at the beast, cutting it deeply but drawing no blood. He holds the spear with one hand, and I’m amazed that he’s strong enough to control the raptor. Finally, the warrior lands a hard blow to the animal’s throat, cutting it open, and causing its attack to wither. The Kyrzon throws the raptor to the ground and stabs it repeatedly with his sword until the horrifying creature ceases thrashing.

  I watch in horror and awe, and realize suddenly that this same scene is repeating itself all the way down the Kyrzon line. Raptor after raptor is screaming out of the trees, only to land on a Kyrzon spear and be hacked to death. I don’t see a single warrior fall.

  “How often do you lose soldiers to the raptors?” I ask Drokal, barely able to believe what I’m seeing. The strength required to repel a raptor attack must be tremendous.

  “Not often,” he replies, squeezing me. “We should be able to continue traveling soon.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  We keep riding, and I’m amazed at the way the Kyrzons treat the raptor attack as a total non-event now that it’s over. They’re almost casual about it, as though it’s just a normal occurrence while traveling.

  For a group of humans, the attack would almost certainly have been fatal.

  Still, it’s hard to dwell on it when nobody else in the caravan seems to think it was a big deal. Drokal appears to be in a good mood, cuddling me and playing with my hair just like he was before. Before long, my anxiety from the attack has left me,
and I’m back to flirting with Drokal as we ride.

  “So, what other Kyrzon customs are there that I should know about?” I ask him, leaning back to cuddle against him.

  Drokal thinks about this for a moment. “Well,” he says, “if you were a Kyrzon female, you would be trained in the ways of battle just the same as the men. Our women are few, but they are fierce, and they command great respect.”

  I raise my eyebrows, surprised. In Human Territory, we have no exposure to Kyrzon women. Some even swear that they’re a myth. This is the first time I’ve had it confirmed that they really do exist.

  “Even the Kyrzon women who are mothers?” I ask. “Do they learn to fight?”

  Drokal gazes off into the scenery, looking a little bit sad. “It has been many years since my clan’s females have been able to bear children. Of the other clans, I cannot speak. But in Clan Drokal, the idea of a fertile warrior woman is nothing but a legend.” His eyes flash. “Such a woman would be a worthy queen.”

  He turns back to me, and his gaze is affectionate: “But Cleo, no one person can be all things. You are not a Kyrzon, you are a human. Your purpose is not to make battle, but to make babies. You are soft and beautiful and fertile, and I am proud to have you as my mate.”

  He starts to rub my shoulders, and I fall silent, enjoying it. Part of me is bothered that Drokal doesn’t seem to think I have any skills outside of mating, but maybe it’s better that way. Maybe it’s safer for me to keep parts of myself hidden.

  Besides, mating with Drokal isn’t exactly a hardship.

  * * *

  The light begins to fade, and the chief orders that we make camp for the night. He and I sit on the grass together, talking as we watch his soldiers assemble tents on a nearby hill.


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