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Claimed by the Beast Bundle

Page 36

by Dawn Michelle

  The water covered her and thrilled her. She felt it on every inch of her skin, shocking her and stimulating her with the chill. Her stomach tightened and the fire in her chest sputtered for a moment as the cold seeped in. Her muscles tensed and then the tension was washed out of them. It felt divine.

  Her lungs began to ache, reawakening the heat in her chest. She moved her arms, shifting her body so that her knees and feet rotated and touched the bottom. She rose up and broke her head free of the water, gasping for breath before she stood. As cool as the water was, she felt refreshed and comfortable. She spun and stood, rising so that the surface of the water was at her hips. The air teased her wet skin and chilled her, tightening her nipples into points that made her wish Hank was there to warm her.

  She looked down at herself again. Water was beaded up on the white hairs covering her body. She gasped and looked up at her sisters. “Are you seeing this?” she breathed.

  “You’re starting to shift,” Gwen said.

  Crystal grinned and waded back to shore. “This is awesome!”

  Ember rolled her eyes. “White? That’s strange. Your hair is dark.”

  “You turn gray and red,” Crystal said.

  “At least my hair’s red naturally,” Ember replied. “You’ve got dark hair. On top and below.”

  Crystal glanced down at the tuft of dark curls between her legs and felt her face heat up.

  “Nobody knows why our fur is colored the way it is,” Gwen said. “We can guess all we want, but we should get back. A thirsty horse or cow that sees us might get upset and raise an alarm.”

  “Your tits look different too,” Ember pointed out.

  Crystal looked at herself again, surprised at the blunt observation. Her hands rose up on their own to cup her breasts. They felt different. Firmer, somehow. Was it the hair—was it acting like grass on a hillside and toughening them up to prevent erosion? She let out a giggle at the thought and realized her fingers were still acting on their own and sending tingles straight into her belly by tracing the hard bumps on her nipples.

  Crystal jerked her hands down. The heat in her face couldn’t match the renewed heat in her belly, but that was the last thing she wanted Ember to know. Or Gwen, for that matter! She turned and sniffed the air, trying to ignore Ember’s last comment. She couldn’t find any scents on it that concerned her. But they might be upwind of any threats. Besides, it had to be getting late and right now she wanted nothing more than to tell Hank what she’d done. Well, that and maybe a few other things that required Hank.

  She waded out of the pond and joined them at the shore. “Yeah, let’s get back. Want to race?”

  Crystal took off, trying to gain an advantage on the other two. In seconds, both wolves raced ahead of her and nearly slipped away in the darkness. She ran harder and thrust her head forward, trying to penetrate the shadows to find them. A flash of fur here and a moving bush there guided her on. The forest grew brighter as she ran. It was a far cry from sunlight, but she was able to see the obstacles ahead of her and even spot the wolves.

  Crystal leaned forward, running harder, and started to overbalance. She felt a flash of heat and crippling pain in her feet that was gone before she could even fully register it. She surged ahead, her toes digging into the dirt and giving her the acceleration she needed to stay upright.

  She knew it meant her feet had shifted. She didn’t risk looking down but she grinned and pushed herself harder until she was sprinting and panting for breath. While she ran, she tried to figure out what had happened to make her feet shift. She hadn’t forced them or even thought about it. She’d just been running and had been ready to fall. She’d needed them, but she needed to shift earlier and instead she’d planted her face into the dirt. Why this time?

  Crystal burst out of the edge of the forest and stumbled. She hadn’t realized she was back already. She slowed and looked down at her feet. She gasped and then cried out as the black claws shrank and her strange and misshapen looking toes melted back into what looked like her normal feet. She felt the bones shifting and muscles changing, triggering a sharp breath.

  A blink of her eyes later and her feet were back. Normal feet with perfect skin and perfect toes. Cute feet, she’d always thought. One of her only features she’d always been proud to show off in sandals or flip-flops. They were cute again. Except she couldn’t get the image of the monstrous talons out of her mind. They’d almost looked like the Beast’s feet.

  “You okay?” Ember asked from a few feet ahead of her. The redhead was breathing hard but smiling. “You gave us a good run.”

  Crystal jerked her head up. “Um, yeah. It was good. Fast.”

  “Your fur’s gone,” Gwen pointed out.

  “Hey! Done already?”

  Crystal looked over to see Hank sitting on the steps of his trailer with his laptop in his lap. He closed the lid and set it inside before standing up and approaching. She glanced down at herself, confirming that the white hairs were gone, and then turned to look for her dress. It was gone too.

  “It’s inside,” Hank said. “Your clothes.”

  Crystal turned and blushed. “Oh,” she said and started to move her hands to cover herself. She realized how pointless that was and dropped them at her sides. She lifted her head to look at his bright eyes. She saw his smile and felt her heart flutter. She was a wild thing. A creature of nature and magic. Or whatever it was that made her blood pump through her veins. She was alive and free and she knew what she wanted. What she needed. Her feet didn’t matter anymore and neither did her clothes. She walked towards him. “Good, that saves me the work of taking them off.”

  Hank’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to respond but Crystal leapt up on him and wrapped her arms and legs around him before pressing her lips to his. He staggered back a step and then caught himself. “Take me to bed, Hank,” she whispered into his mouth. “I claimed you as mine—now it’s time you made me yours.”

  Chapter 12

  Crystal rode Hank all the way into his trailer. It wasn’t until she heard the door click shut behind them that she relaxed her grip and lowered her legs to the floor. She kissed him again and slipped her hands between them, fumbling with his pants.

  “I felt this outside,” she breathed into his mouth. “I need it!”

  Hank growled deep in his chest as she managed to release the button and unzip him. Her hand slid into his pants, her fingers seeking and finding the meaty prize she was after. Crystal squeaked and then moaned as Hank grabbed her and crushed his lips into hers. She squeezed the hot flesh in her hands and then gasped anew when strong hands grabbed her and spun her around.

  Crystal found herself pulled back against him and felt his strong chest against her back. He held her tight while squirming and taking his clothes off. She made out the snapping sounds of seams surrendering to his strength, proving that he was barely in control of himself. Because of her. She did that to him. She made him want her that badly. No, not want. Need.

  Crystal moaned and thrust her butt back into his groin. She felt the searing hot flesh of his manhood against her. She slid it around until it rested between her cheeks and then continued to writhe against him. Hank’s breathing was deep and filled with a soft growl as his large hands slipped under her arms and around her sides to envelop her boobs.

  Crystal shuddered when his rough fingers scraped her nipples. She bit down on her lip, nearly drawing blood, and whimpered. Hank squeezed, gently but with no doubt in his firm grip that he was in charge. His fingers twisted her turgid points and turned her whimper into a gasping moan.

  She thrust her ass into him harder, trying to convey her need for him. The fire in her belly was so hot not even another swim in the pond could put it out. As her thighs ground against each other, she felt her own swollen flesh slipping and sliding. She was ready for him. More than ready. She opened her mouth to beg him to take her when she felt his lips against her neck. She stiffened as her body tightened in anticipation.

When Hank bit down, Crystal cried out. It wasn’t from the pain; it was from the release. His strong arms held her against him while her body shook. He licked and kissed at the bite, soothing the sharp pain that had sent her over the edge into a fog of contented bliss. His hands slid down to her hips and pulled her against him even harder. His manhood was trapped between her cheeks and his own belly, nuzzled securely as it throbbed with each rapid beat of his heart.

  Crystal fell forward onto the couch. She caught herself with her arms and then pulled ahead while looking back over her shoulder at him. She couldn’t find the words to speak and when she tried, she had to catch the drool that nearly ran out of her mouth.

  Hank pressed forward, redirecting himself with one hand and finding his target with ease. Crystal’s long legs put her at the perfect height for him, more proof in the back of her mind that they were perfect for each other. The thought was shattered as he spread her apart for the second time.

  Crystal’s breath was caught in her throat. Her lips gaped and she struggled to breathe through the feeling of being stretched and impaled. Her belly burned hotter and hotter. Contrary to the fire inside her, she felt her juices running down her thigh. She twisted her head and lifted her shoulders. She wasn’t bleeding; it was what he did to her. She found her breath and let out a whimper.

  Hank stopped. In the gruffest voice she’d ever heard, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  Crystal nodded her head and had to shut her eyes to keep her hair from stinging her. She buried her face in the couch and pushed back, driving herself onto him. “More!” she moaned through the cushion of the couch.

  Hank’s fingers tightened on her hips and he inched himself in bit by bit, rocking and sometimes pulling back before pressing in further. She couldn’t think; all she could do was feel Hank’s beast filling her and joining them together. His hips brushed against her thighs, proving they’d managed the impossible yet again.

  Crystal reached back to put a hand on his thigh. She could feel him trembling under her fingers and it thrilled her. All she could do was lie there and pant, gasping for air and growing accustomed to how wonderful she felt. No, not just her—him too. He felt incredible. Together it was beyond anything she could ever imagine.

  He pulled back then, sucking the breath from her lungs just as surely as if she been kicked in the chest. He drove back into her, forcing her deeper into the cushion and making her squeak. Not only did his hips slap against her but she felt him drive into something inside her. It jarred her and filled her with a primal need. She ground herself back against him and growled.

  Hank took the message to heart and let himself loose. His fingers dug into her hips and her butt stung from the repeated slapping of his hips against her. In seconds, Crystal lost herself to the sensations and began whimpering and howling into the cushion.

  She twisted her head at one point so she could suck in fresh air. The smell of sweat and sex filled the trailer, but she was barely aware of it. She saw a furry white hand beside her, long fingers grasping the cushion and jerking forward at the same time that Hank’s hips slammed into her. She blinked, wondering how he could hold her hips and still be leaning over her to support himself with his hands beside her.

  Crystal’s breath caught in her throat. She flexed her fingers, letting go of the couch, and realized she was looking at her own hand. Her nails were dark and curved to a point. The white fur was longer than before, as much as a quarter of an inch. She jerked her head to the other side and saw that her other arm looked the same.

  Crystal stiffened and pushed herself up off the couch. Hank slid his hands up, distracting her as he grabbed and fondled her breasts again. She gasped as his fingers pinched and pulled her nipples, and then he cupped her breasts and drove himself up and into her. She grabbed onto the back of the couch to stop them from overbalancing and falling forward onto it.

  Crystal let her head drop down and saw the furry white landscape of her chest and belly. She stared, the shock momentarily denying her the satisfaction of Hank’s affections. “Hank!” she gasped.

  He grunted.

  “Hank, stop!”

  He growled and slowed.

  Crystal reached back with one hand and pushed against his hip. He stopped but stayed buried inside her. Crystal twisted and pulled herself free of him. He growled again and she felt the loss immediately. She fell onto the couch and scooted up until she was sitting on it. She stared at herself and then looked up at him. “What’s happening to—”

  Crystal stopped and stared. Hank was trembling. His face was red and the veins on his head, neck, chest, and arms looked ready to burst. “Oh my God, is it supposed to be purple?”

  Hank closed his eyes and squeezed his hands into fists. He tilted his head back and would have stared up at the ceiling of his trailer had his eyelids been open. The object of her attention glistened and throbbed. She watched as a pearl of liquid formed at the tip and dropped to the carpet in slow motion.

  It barely missed her foot, which drew her attention to the fur coating her legs. She traced it back up and stared in shock at how completely covered she was save for her nipples, palms, the soles of her feet. She reached up to her face and felt the fine downy fur on her cheeks.

  “But—I’m not changed all the way, am I?”

  Hank let out a shuddering breath and brought his attention to her. He blinked several times, his bright eyes focusing on her. “Yeti,” he muttered.

  “Yeti? You mean, like, an abominable snow woman?”

  He grunted and nodded.

  “Oh my God! That’s like an albino version of the Beast! But I’m not like him! I beat him! I’m a wolf!” Her chin trembled as she stared at her boyfriend. Hank stared back, his body primed for action and his eyes fierce. “Please, you have to believe me!”

  He nodded. “I do.”

  “So what’s wrong with me?” Crystal pleaded. “Why can’t I shift?”

  “Uh, I don’t really want you to,” he said. “I was making love to my, um, girlfriend. I’m an open-minded guy, but there are laws about men screwing wolves.”

  Crystal blinked as his words sunk in. She shook her head. “That’s not what I meant. I mean—shit! I don’t know what I mean. Is that what’s going to happen to me? When we have sex I lose control and shift?”

  Hank shook his head. She noticed the movement caused something else to shake too. “You need to get control of it. Gwen and Ember didn’t help?”

  Crystal pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. “I’m different,” she said before resting her chin against her knees. The soft white fur tickled her lips, forcing her to jerk back and stare at it.

  “Hank—I’m scared.”

  Hank nodded and glanced down at his erection. “Um—”

  “Can you just hold me?” she whispered.

  Hank swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, uh, let me go and, uh—just a minute, okay?”

  Crystal nodded without lifting her head. She was too busy wondering what was wrong with her. Why couldn’t she shift like the others could? When she and her wolf had joined, had she lost that ability? Was she going to be stuck as a mostly normal girl who couldn’t do anything other than star as the bearded lady at a circus?

  She looked up when she heard the door to the bathroom shut. She glanced around, realizing Hank had left her alone. Just for a minute though. Or so she hoped. He wouldn’t abandon her, would he? Climb out through a window and tell the others that she was a freak? She heard something clatter from the bathroom and gasped. Was he breaking out now?

  Chapter 13

  Crystal knocked on the door to the bathroom and then, a moment later when all she heard was some heavy breathing, she checked the doorknob. It turned and clicked open, revealing a naked Hank facing away from her. His arm was moving rapidly and, after a long moment, Crystal realized what he was doing. He stiffened and grunted, his movements becoming spastic for several seconds.

  “Oh my God!” she breathed.

  He s
pun around, bouncing off the counter and still holding himself in his hand. Crystal stared at his crotch and hands and blinked, too stunned to process what was right before her eyes.

  “I said I’d be just a minute,” Hank sputtered.

  His words jerked her eyes and focus up to his red face. “I, um, I was scared. I thought maybe you were running away.”

  “I’m in the bathroom,” he pointed out.

  “I know, but, you know, like maybe you would climb out the window or something.”

  Hank glanced at the window behind him, drawing her eyes to it, and then looked back at her. It was so small that not even a child could slip through if they figured out how to slide the glass pane off it.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I just—I’m scared! What’s happening to me?”

  Hank’s shoulders dropped and he lowered his head. “I’m sorry too. I couldn’t think and I knew that if I tried to lie down with you, I’d end up doing something or going crazy.”

  Crystal glanced at his hands again. He let go of his fading erection but the other hand remained held out in front of him, cupped to keep from making a mess on the floor. She bit her lip and realized she could smell him. Not just him, but what he had in his hand.

  “Um, let me get cleaned up and I’ll be right out,” Hank offered.

  Crystal stared, thinking back to how Stephanie had offered to help her. She shook her head slowly, unable to imagine doing what it was that Stephanie had suggested.

  “You don’t want me to?”

  Crystal jerked her head up and shook her head again. “What? Oh! Um, yes. I’m sorry, I was—oh my God. Go ahead, I’ll, um, I’ll be out here.”

  “I’ll be out,” Hank said. He caught her eyes and she felt like she was going to fall into him as he vowed, “I promise.”


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